
Chapter 2026 Old and spicy

Among everyone in the training room at this moment, there is no doubt that Lin Feng is the one who is most familiar with the senior No. 1's playing style and strength level.

It was under the shadow of Senior No. 1 that he was forcibly trained in hell mode.

Therefore, he has never been able to relax and underestimate No. 1 even if he was beaten to death, because that is almost synonymous with seeking death.


This time.

It is true that he was a little negligent.

Because even in the countless battles in the past, Lin Feng was more accustomed to competing with his senior No. 1 in the mid lane position. He rarely saw or directly saw his senior No. 1 in the auxiliary position. Put pressure on yourself.

Not to mention that this one is on the purple side, and the number one pick is a auxiliary hero like Robot, who has long been unpopular in the current version and has been relegated to the corner.

So at this moment, no matter how you look at it, it shouldn't be a threat. As long as his blind second-stage Q suddenly hits the target's purple ADC Jinx, his own ADC Ice Marksman of Huangxue Yege has also flashed to follow. Only by relying on damage can the rampant loli be killed and taken away.

However, someone did forget one thing.

That is, if the annotation of No. 5 in the World E-Sports Hall of Fame was "As long as the danger can be avoided within the theoretical scope, this beautiful and unique lady will never make mistakes", then for No. 1 at this moment For the selected hand-assisted robot, there should also be a sentence that can accurately and perfectly evaluate it——

"Any target that can be achieved within the theoretical scope cannot be achieved under the operation of this person."

Everything happened in the blink of an eye.

The blue jungler's blind monk roamed the bottom lane.

The auxiliary Niutou flashed WQ decisively in an instant and rushed forward to force Jinx away.

Jinx's extreme reaction was synchronized with cross-dodge and violent retreat to avoid.

At this moment, the blind monk Li Qing under the control of Lin Feng also made the most extreme and perfect backhand response. He caught the landing point of Jinx's flash on the opposite side and directly touched his eye to follow up with Q, which was perfect. The ballistic trajectory prediction is successful and the Q reaches the target, then the next two stages of Q burst are naturally logical...


I never thought that at the last moment of this wave of gank operations that was almost final.

Suddenly, Cheng Yaojin was killed.


It was a mechanical flying claw that was twined by electric sparks.

So everyone in the training room saw such a scene at this moment, which was enough to make their brains completely blank. The blind monk flashed and charged, followed by Q and second stage of the attack. Halfway towards the target Jinx, a cold mechanical flying claw Shoot across the sky, kill the target blind monk like lightning, and then——

Suddenly, the blind man was dragged back!

The whole training room suddenly exploded!

Everyone, whether it is the second team and substitute players of the God team or the coaches and leaders who are also watching the game, as well as Tang Bingyao, Zeng Rui and Li Shiyi.

They are all moved at this moment!

This is……

What kind of reaction speed! ?

You must know that the blind monk's second-stage Q ballistic flight trajectory is not slow at all, and under the control of someone, this combo of flashing Q-second stages is extremely fast, especially when it is under someone's control. Such a dangerous escape moment.

Even the top professional support players may not be able to react and deal with this situation easily.

Not to mention it’s an auxiliary robot——

it turns out.

At this juncture, he directly chose to throw the hook with his backhand, and he really knocked down the blind monk halfway!

At this moment, on the blue side of the field, in the jungler's seat in front of the computer screen, Lin Feng's eyelids suddenly jumped wildly, because he finally realized his mistake. When the person sitting in the auxiliary position opposite was senior No. 1... …

Even if it's just a robot's assistance.

Even in everyone's eyes, Blitzcrank is a hero with no ability to protect himself.

But as long as it's in the hands of Senior No. 1.


There is no such thing as impossible!

It was only at this moment that Lin Feng came to his senses and it was already too late.

Because almost at the same moment when the purple side auxiliary robot turned around and swung the hook, ADC Jinx, who was originally retreating and escaping, did not hesitate at all under the control of No. 5, and even took action faster than his own auxiliary partner. Use E skill in one step.

A "fire chewer*" was quickly thrown at the feet of the robot Blitzcrank in the lightning flash!

The next second.

The robot's flying claws contracted like lightning and brought back the target blind monk Li Qing. The moment the blind man landed, he stepped on the trap set by Jinx* and was further restrained, unable to move!

Perfect control connection combo!

This time it was Zeng Rui's turn to watch the game from the sidelines and couldn't help but take a deep breath——

This is a tacit understanding.

It was almost as if two people were using one. Jinx threw E directly at the opponent's feet the moment before the robot took action. This was not even a matter of timely communication, it was entirely a matter of the tacit understanding and awareness of the two seniors. A state of absolute synchronization, perhaps even planning all of this the moment someone's blind jungler comes out with Q.

Jinx quickly raised his gun.

Flat A.

Take W.

Another A!

Ignoring the opponent's ADC Ice Marksman who flashed behind him and chased after him, the firepower of the rampaging Loli instantly poured smoothly and violently onto the target blind monk Li Qing.

As if the offense and defense were reversed in an instant, the identities of hunter and prey had switched places.

But if it is just a robot that cooperates with Jinx's output firepower, it may not be able to directly kill and take away a full-blooded blind monk immediately. The ice shooter and the bull head will catch up behind him and cooperate with the blind monk after getting rid of the control. Fighting back again, still having the strength to fight——


It was at the moment when this thought flashed across the minds of Lin Feng and Huang Xue Yege.

next moment.

They suddenly saw a pale spider web shooting out from the grass diagonally in front of them.

Instantly hits the target blind monk who has no time to escape control.

Perfect connection control again!

At the same time, only the purple jungle spider was seen quickly darting out of the grass and rushing toward the blind monk Li Qing like lightning.

Lin Feng's eyes darkened——

Senior number four!

This wave... it’s a big deal!

From the robot's Q skill Flying Claw, to Jinx's E skill Fire Chewer*, to the spider's web and finally the robot's E skill "Energy Fist", the control links are connected, and there is almost no gap. .

Directly controlling a full-blooded blind monk controlled by someone until death, and his head was easily taken away by No. 5 ADC Jinx.

And followed closely.

It was Huangxue Yege's ADC Ice Marksman's turn and he was also unlucky.

He trusted Lin Feng's decision-making and made a decisive move [Flash] before moving forward and preparing to deal damage. However, before he could deal with Jinx on the other side, his own jungler lost his life first. Now it was Huangxue's turn. Ye Ge was dumbfounded.

Without the flash, the ice shooter Ashe also had no chance of escape.


The kill announcement from the system's female voice sounded again from the bottom lane.

Jinx gained two kills in succession.

Take off directly.

No. 5 had a bright smile on his face: "This wave is not a loss."

The number 1 next to him had the look of an old god on his face, relaxed and leisurely: "Smelly boy... Ginger is still hotter when he is old."

Update sent, a lot of work. . The update time is unstable again, the next chapter will be very late.

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