
Chapter 2028 Too busy

Even the so-called hunger strike jungler in the conventional sense is not really a pure hunger strike.

Because even if you want to roam gank, you must first ensure the development of your own level economy——

If you lag too far behind, on the one hand, your equipment has not yet taken shape, and your gank cannot deal much damage and cannot match the killing effect of your teammates online; on the other hand, if your level is too low, you will not be able to rashly launch a roaming gank. It is very likely to become fat meat delivered to the opponent's mouth.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, even if it is a hunger strike jungler, compared to the ordinary jungler style, in the early stage, in addition to farming and development, relatively more energy will be put on the third line, and try to be proactive in the early stage. Look for roaming gank opportunities.

Generally speaking, it is not uncommon to have two or three active ganks in the first ten minutes of the game.

Otherwise, like the Death Song jungler that was popular for a while, it was almost pure brushing in the early stage, or the jungler Amumu in the pub game is the same way. Before level 6, it is impossible to gank even once. Even if there are opportunities in front of you, you may not seize them. Your own development is more important. When you develop and take shape in the middle and late stages, you can just slowly look for opportunities to set the pace.

Of course, the jungle hero selected by Lin Feng this time is Blind Monk Li Qing. This hero is naturally much stronger and more offensive than the likes of Death Song and Mu Mu in the early stage.


Even so.

In the first ten minutes of the early game, catching three times is enough.

Any more would be completely at the expense of one's own development rhythm, which is likely to outweigh the gains.

But at this moment——

This game has only been going on for ten minutes, but this blind jungler has already launched a total of five ganks.

It is almost a statistic that is enough to make professional junglers stunned.

This is……

I almost went on a hunger strike.

From the beginning to the end, there is almost no time for rest. Even if it is farming, it is done on the way to gank, and then immediately rushes straight to the target without stopping, and directly launches a wave of gank.

Just this style of play,

It's enough to stun people.

And even more shocking...

It was Blind Sin who not only launched five ganks within 10 minutes, but even these five roaming ganks had an 80% success rate!

The first wave of 1-for-1 on the road helped his teammate Gnar stabilize the situation, and the second wave of strong grabs in the middle helped Ice Girl get the kill.

Although the third wave of roaming ganks on the bottom lane suffered a defeat, the fourth and fifth ganks that followed helped the middle and bottom lanes each gain a kill.

This is truly exaggerated and scary data.

The operation of five ganks is not very difficult. Everyone knows how to do hunger strikes. But to be able to successfully perform such high-frequency ganks four times in such a short period of time is absolutely amazing. An astonishing feat that is nearly impossible for most pro-level junglers to accomplish.

"What the hell... what kind of computing power do you need to do this kind of thing?"

Off the court, a God Club substitute jungler's eyes widened and he muttered subconsciously.


In such a short period of time, almost no second is wasted, and four successful ganks were achieved with such high frequency. This requires more than just luck, but as a jungler, you need to be careful. Everyone has enough calm and clear judgment to calculate the most suitable gank target as quickly as possible before selecting the target and calculate a gank route that is as safe and concealed as possible——

The brain needs to be operating at high speed all the time.

A moment of slackness will cause you to miss a valuable opportunity.

"It's true that only Fengzi can do such a thing."

Zeng Rui couldn't help but sighed. Originally, what he was most accustomed to and good at was the ability to calculate and deduce. But now, compared with Lin Feng on the field at this moment, he was almost left behind by an unknown amount.

Next to him, Li Shiyi had a serious look on his face:


"Maybe, it's not enough."

For Lin Feng personally, in the first ten minutes of this game, he had almost done everything a jungle blind monk should do to the extreme.

It is infinitely close to a hunger strike jungle gank style.

It’s true that only blind monk Li Qing can take such a risky and radical move. If you don’t farm other heroes and don’t replenish their development, no matter how much you gank, something will happen, because your development will become increasingly degraded. It’s completely wrong. The foolish behavior of losing the watermelon and picking up the sesame seeds.

But the blind man is different.

The damage of this hero's own basic skills in the early stage is considerable enough. In addition, if it really lasts until the mid-to-late stage, it just depends on whether the ultimate move "Raptor Swinging Tail" can be performed beautifully enough, early development and so on... If you If you are really confident enough in your ganking ability and personal operation, it doesn't hurt to boldly let go.

Lin Feng has indeed achieved a textbook-level interpretation of the hunger-strike jungler blind monk.

But even so.

The situation on the scene was still worrying for his blue army.

There is no other reason, just because of the saying "it is difficult to take care of both the beginning and the end".

It's hard to have both ends of the spectrum.

To put it bluntly, when you are devoting yourself to setting the pace and stabilizing the situation, your opponent will never be idle.

When the blind monk Li Qing under the control of Lin Feng launched a second wave of roaming ganks in the middle, the jungle spider controlled by No. 4 on the purple side had quietly countered all the resources in the upper half of the jungle. A clean one.

When someone's blind jungler wandered to gank the bottom lane and helped teammate ADC Ashe get the opponent's Jinx finishing bounty at the cost of his own life, the Spider also launched a wave of ganks in the middle lane, cooperating with the mid laner. Teammate Jace killed Ice Lady Lissandra.

And when Lin Feng focused on the middle and lower lanes and slightly neglected the top lane——

The kill announcement from the system's female voice came from the top lane.

A wave of solo kills.

In the early stage, the blue single Nal, who had barely stabilized the situation with one kill and double buffs, finally fell into a difficult and passive disadvantageous situation again as the opponent's single sword girl's level equipment became more and more mature. She was pinned under the tower by Sword Girl, and after a wave of soldiers entered the tower, Sword Girl directly jumped over the tower and forced her way to get Gnar's head.

It was almost a lightning-fast operation.

Four breaks in one second.

Completely becoming the unique skill of Sword Lady, Gnar had no ability to fight back and fell directly in front of her own defense tower.

The God team members who were watching the game off the field had their eyelids twitching.

Even several club coaches nearby couldn't help but shake their heads:

The average strength...the difference is still quite big.

You, a jungler blind monk, are trying your best to help your teammates maintain a stable situation, but after all, you are just a blind man with no head or six arms.

You can still overcome the disadvantages along the way.


If there are problems in all three lanes, and when the three lanes and even the wild area are in danger at any time, how can you be busy alone...?

Here's an update, today is still a day of overtime work, and my eyelids are so tired that I'm so tired. . .

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