
Chapter 2033 Lock 1 win first

At level 1, jungler Olaf directly captures people and then clears the jungle.

After collecting the first few waves of soldiers, ADC Rat did not choose to return to the city for equipment and supplies immediately, and directly roamed and ganked to the middle lane to link up with the jungler and mid laner to surround and kill the opponent's mid laner.

They are all unconventional routines that may not be easily seen even in the passerby game. In the professional arena, there is basically no team whose players dare to take such bold risks that go against the rules.

But for Lin Feng and the others on the blue side, this is what they did.

And it also had a gratifying effect.

It's even more than that.

Afterwards, Olaf continued to cause trouble, directly invading the opponent's jungle area. At the same time, Dawnstar's mid laner Jace rushed to support without any hesitation, and suddenly killed him in front of the opponent's senior jungler Lee Sin No. 4. A group of F6 wild monsters were forced to counterattack.

Even when the mid laner Victor under the control of No. 2 arrived, and a wave of 2V2 fierce battle between the midfield heroes of both sides was about to form in the jungle, a teleportation beam suddenly rose into the sky from the grass behind the blind monk——

It seems that the teleport landed on the top laner Rambo on the blue side.

Then, almost simultaneously, top laner Gnar, No. 3 on the purple side, also teleported to support in seconds.

That seems like it should turn into a wave of 3V3.

The war situation continues to intensify.

But at the moment when the teleporting beam of light ended and the heroes on both sides landed to support each other and entered the field, No. 2, No. 3 and No. 4 on the purple side barely broke out in a cold sweat.

Because the other side has indeed activated teleportation.

But what landed...

But the opponent's blue side's top laner Rambo and ADC Mouse came out!

At that moment, the God Club players who were watching the game in the training room were almost so shocked that their eyes popped out——

Damn it! ?

The mice are here too! ?

Fortunately, Numbers 2, 3 and 4 on the purple side reacted quickly enough.

At the first opportunity, No. 3 directly chose to sell his Gnar to cover the evacuation of the other two teammates. Otherwise, this wave of jungle melee would be a 4-on-3 situation. It is estimated that none of the three purple side, middle and jungle players would be able to escape.

But I really didn't expect that the summoner skill [Teleport] of this rat belt would be used directly at this time and under such circumstances.

Also works wonders.

It looked like the same teleportation beam, but who would have thought that it was actually the blue AD top laner and the two who activated summoner skills at the same time, one after another.

Huangxue Yege's ADC Mouse got the head of Dannar on the opposite side, but it made up for some of the bottom lane economy that he had lost due to teleportation support. More importantly, this wave allowed the blue army to occupy It's a huge bargain. On the top lane, Rambo returns to the lane and can take advantage of a wave of troops' economy and experience than his opponent, Nard.

To be fair, in this round, although Lin Feng and the others on the blue side did seem to be playing a little unorganized, and even completely contradicted the regular professional tournament tactical style, taking various bold risks, they still managed to do it right, and were able to achieve an indispensable effect. Few unexpected miraculous effects.

The early stage of the jungle is about catching.

When I chose Mouse, I was clearly aware that I couldn't compete with the two seniors No. 1 and No. 5 on the opposite side in lane operations, so I simply used the characteristics of Mouse Tucci, which can almost be used as a second jungle hero. My ADC I still roam frequently in the early stage. If I get a kill, I will make a profit. If I don't get a kill, I will at least help my teammates on the side to establish an advantage. It's not a loss at all - even in the middle and late stages, my mouse output point can still produce explosive damage.

Of course it’s also an adventure.

All the money is placed in the early stage.

The purpose is to use this unexpected method to disrupt the originally steady and calm rhythm of the seniors on the opposite side, and take advantage of the chaos to take advantage.

This kind of tactical thinking also helped the blue side achieve a lot of effects in the early stage. Ten minutes before the start of the game, for the first time, the number of heads of the blue and purple sides was 5 to 1. The team's economy is also ahead by 2,500.

But such a whimsical tactic, after all, was improvised and the first attempt. Although it was effective, it would soon expose more problems. Several seniors also quickly caught the weakness after a little hesitation at the beginning. .

Then launch a counterattack.

Slowly and step by step, regain the initiative in the rhythm of the battle.

The number of heads steadily tied and then overtook.

In 20 minutes, the purple side army once again regained the lead with an economic advantage of 4,500, and the successive waves of team battles became more and more powerful and unsolvable. The ADC Mouse of Huangxue Yege on the blue side tried hard to make up for it. Develop and make complete equipment to help teammates explode and carry the entire audience——


Facts have proved that even if you are a top professional ADC player, if you control an ADC hero like Mouse who has no displacement ability, you can make a decision in an instant whenever you encounter an opponent with truly exaggerated reaction speed, or even the opposite team. The most perfect time to cooperate and respond.

Likewise, not much can be produced.

"Of course, it's already very good."

No. 1 gave such a comment. It was a light word, but it was an even rarer compliment.

No. 5 answered with a smile:


"Although it is a bit risky, but...this early response method is very novel and effective."

Lin Feng's people here all had a look of regret on their faces:

"Hey...but it's a pity that we still lost."

"The bigger the advantage in the early stage, the better. I really have a chance to win this one directly."

Hearing the muttering words of Lin Feng and others, No. 3 laughed angrily: "A bunch of brats, they are really big-hearted. Do you really want to kill us all in just a few seconds?"

Number 2 answered coldly:

"We can still see if we practice for a few more months."

Number 4 adjusted the gold frame on the bridge of his nose and smiled: "But it's a good idea. If you have time later, you can practice it."

After three 5V5 actual combat matches, No. 1 waved his hand to get training back on track.

Lin Feng and the others were not willing to give in. Naturally, they immediately readjusted the position allocation of the team's lineup and returned to the training rhythm at the beginning of the morning.

It seemed as if the three fierce battles just now were just a small episode.

But in fact……

The influence on Lin Feng, Dawn Morning Star, Huangxue Yege and several other God team members cannot be easily ignored.

Time came to noon, and Lin Feng and others were sitting together while having lunch in the cafeteria downstairs of the hotel. They continued to communicate and discuss the topics of the battles in the morning, especially the third battle with several seniors. During the fight, everyone couldn't help but get excited and beam with excitement:

"Hey, do you think this idea can be used?"

"It might not be enough to defeat a few seniors...but to reach this level is already a cold arrow."

"With a little improvement, maybe it can come in handy when we play SSK on the final day."

"The main reason is that you can really rely on tactical operations to speed up the early stage rhythm. The operation is not difficult, it just catches others by surprise."

"Take advantage and then stop, and then return to the normal laning rhythm - that will also make SSK suffer a dumb loss, hahaha, maybe it will destroy their mentality when they come up!"

Dawn Morning Star looked at Lin Feng:

"What do you think?"

Lin Feng touched his chin:


"If you play this move well... you might be able to seal a victory."

I'll send you the update. Let's see if I can code another chapter tonight. Friends, you can go to bed early.

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