
Chapter 2049 Good or Bad

The finals are tomorrow.

So no matter what, no matter what the progress and preparations are, tomorrow's finals will still be played, and this year's world championship trophy... for their Korean e-sports area, they are still determined to win.

Therefore, although Li Dozai and M still had no substantial breakthrough or solution to the problems faced by Han Shihao, they quickly focused their attention on another area that Park Chanyeol was responsible for.

If Han Shihao, the captain of SSK's mid laner, succeeds in breaking through, he will certainly be able to easily secure victory in tomorrow's final.

But even if Han Shihao fails, if the other four SSK players can make progress and gains in the past few days, they can also add weight to the balance of victory tomorrow.

In the past few days, Li Dozai and M had almost no interference with the training plans and progress of other SSK team members——

On the one hand, it is naturally because they need to devote all their efforts to training Han Shihao.

On the other hand, it is also because they have enough trust in the junior in front of them as the person in charge.

And when I asked such a question, as expected, I got an answer that was not disappointing.


Park Chanyeol shrugged as always, his expression seemed relaxed and casual, and even his tone seemed casual. The terrifyingly intense training in the past few days was just an ordinary and trivial matter:

"Their talents are already better than those of SSK's previous batches."

"These past few days, I've been serious."

"Although you may not be familiar with my training methods at first...but you will soon get used to it."

Just such an understatement.

But it made Lee Do-jae and M, two Korean legends from the previous generation, look at each other. They had seen with their own eyes the coaching methods and style of the junior in front of them back then.

So it is natural to know that Park Chanyeol's flamboyant statement of "adapting quickly" actually comes true. What have Mafa, Cube, Ray and Wolf, the main SSK players, actually eaten in the past few days? What a pain.


Li Dozai looked at Park Chanyeol:

"How many?"

A very direct question.

Park Chanyeol nodded slightly, as if thinking for a moment before giving his answer:

"Twenty percent."

Twenty percent!

For a moment, even with the determination of Li Dozai and M, they couldn't help but feel suddenly moved.

M looked at Park Chanyeol and couldn't help but admire him from the bottom of his heart:

"With your coaching level Chanyeol... although it is a good thing for you personally to be promoted to the position of general supervisor, it is definitely a loss for the SSK club——"


Twenty percent doesn’t sound like a particularly remarkable number.

But you must know that this is only four or five days. The preparation training is like sharpening a gun before the battle. Being able to rely on one person's guidance and training within such a tight time limit can suddenly increase the team's state level by one to two percent, which is almost already Miraculous results.

Not to mention that the targets are still these main players of the SSK team.

Regardless of Mafa, Cube, Ray or Wolf, the personal strength and status level of these SSK main players have actually reached a peak limit early on. Basically, there is nothing that can be further improved or missed in a short period of time.

But Park Chanyeol forcibly adjusted and strengthened the status level of these SSK main players in a situation that ordinary people would think could not be improved——

This is something that even the top professional coaching teams in the professional e-sports circles around the world find difficult to accomplish.

To put it more bluntly...

If what Park Chanyeol said is true, then the hard work and efforts of the coaches and analysts of the coaching team of SSK Club for such a long time are simply not as good as the results he achieved in three to five days as the general supervisor. Do a lot.

So even M couldn’t help but praise and sigh like this:

"Compared to the earliest days of the year, Chanyeol, it seems that your coaching ability has not only not been lost, but has also become more perfect."

Li Dozai also showed a somewhat satisfied look on his face:

"In the field of coaching, you should be the well-deserved number one person now."

"Very good, you didn't embarrass us."

Hearing the unstinting praise and praise from the two seniors in front of him, others might have been flattered or so excited that their faces would turn red and speechless, but Park Chanyeol just paused and smiled:

"Thank you both."

"I haven't done anything in person for such a long time, so I'm still a bit inexperienced."

Of course, when such words fall into the ears of M and Li Dozai, they will only be regarded as a kind of modesty, because each of them has their own judgment, and they know clearly whether it is "a reward" or not.

The new generation has been around for so many years, and they have seen many professional coaches and analysts, but no matter the head coach hired by the top club with a lot of money, they are all more than a little worse than the junior in front of them. Half a point.

If there is no doubt that today's Han Shihao is the strongest person in the world's professional e-sports circle in the new generation, then Park Chanyeol, the first behind-the-scenes coach in the new generation, is also well-deserved.

Moreover, after listening to Park Chanyeol's feedback and reply, the two Korean legends of the previous generation were extremely satisfied and felt much more relaxed.

It was originally a pity that Han Shihao had not yet broken through, but if the other main players of SSK have made such improvements in the past few days, then in tomorrow's finals, the balance of victory will still be on their side. .

The result of this conversation was satisfactory. Lee Do-jae and M did not stay here longer. They patted Park Chanyeol's shoulders as encouragement and asked their young general supervisor to take a rest early tonight. The two Korean seniors Legend will leave first.

Watching the two seniors leave, the smile on Park Chanyeol's face gradually faded.

Standing there, lowering his head as if thinking about something.

Then he shook his head and left as well.

Leaving did not mean going back to the room to rest early as the two seniors had worried about.

The door of the training room was pushed open by Park Chanyeol.

walk into.

The lights in the room were still bright.

But the entire training room was empty. Only one person was still sitting in front of a computer screen. On the screen was a statistics chart of a single-row game that just ended. You can see the blue square mid laner mechanical pioneer Victor. The KDA data is astonishing and eye-catching with a superb record of 12/0/7.

Park Chanyeol walked over, took a look, and smiled:

"Not bad."

Han Shihao, who was sitting in front of the computer screen, turned to look at Park Chanyeol:

"How are Mafa and the others?"

Park Chanyeol’s smile remains the same:

"With me here, of course they have suffered a lot."


"Everyone ate it willingly."

Han Shihao nodded.

He didn't ask any more questions, because although he was always on the wrong track with the general supervisor in front of him, he never had any doubts about the former's ability in teaching.

If several teammates can survive under Park Chanyeol's coaching, they will definitely have satisfying and gratifying gains.

Park Chanyeol casually pulled a chair next to him and sat down, leaning back on the chair comfortably:


"I just heard from two seniors."

"The situation here is not very good."

Here’s an update, it feels like I’ve never been so busy in the last two months in so many years. . . I have to wait for another half a month.

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