
Chapter 2076 The first big move

Sixth minute of game time.

Just when Mafa's jungle excavator was about to go to the top lane to cooperate with his top laner teammate Gnar to do a wave of GA

Before k, Cube, the team's assistant, reported information on the team's voice channel:

"The prince is here."

"The card is level six."

Knowing the whereabouts of the opposite jungle prince can help Mafa's jungle excavator to attack the top lane more confidently and boldly.

K plan, however, the news that the opponent's single card master has been upgraded to level 6 is enough to make the entire three lanes of SSK start to be more vigilant.

However, after reporting the information, Cube quickly moved the camera angle to the middle and glanced at it, adding:


"He wants to return to the city first and hit the road.

If k, hurry up and give it a try. "


In the past three minutes or so, the laning rhythm in the middle has been controlled by the card master who got the first blood at the beginning. On the blue side SSK, Han Shihao's mid laner Victor has been in a passive situation. Down.

Even if he is as strong as the world's best mid laner, he will still be somewhat suppressed when facing a top-level card master in the early stage when the mechanical pioneer has not yet developed.

Fortunately, Han Shihao's personal operation ability and knowledge of Victor are deep enough.

When suppressed, the last hit under the tower remains stable, always equal to the number of hits from the opponent's card.

After returning to the city, he quickly updated and replenished his equipment, and Victor returned to the line with TP. At this time, the card master of Dawn Star on the purple side also needed to suspend the suppression and choose a wave to retreat to the city.

At the China commentary desk, the three commentators, Lao Mi, Mo Sheng and Feiyan, even from their own LPL standpoint, could not help but marvel at Han Shihao's handling:

"As expected of F."

“The handling of line details is truly the world’s top textbook level.”

“Not only is the tower repaired perfectly, it’s watertight.

Moreover, the time to return to the city is just right, so there will be no loss online. "

As she spoke, Mo Sheng showed a look of regret on her face:

"It's a pity that Victor couldn't be killed in the wave just now, otherwise the advantage could have snowballed faster in the middle."

Fei Yan next to her nodded:


"The rhythm in the middle seems to have been stabilized by Victor. Next...it will be difficult to find opportunities in the lane."

Lao Mi touched his chin, his eyes shining:

"But it's okay, F in the middle has already used the teleport."

“But our Star King’s card master learned the ultimate move when he reached level 6, and then the mid laner’s support increased.

K's ability will be far stronger than the opponent's. "

"Next, let's see how the Star King's first wave of ultimate moves is used!"

During the conversation, Mafa's jungle excavator had already launched a wave of attacks on the top lane.

k, forcing Jace's flash from the God team.

"Oh what a shame!"

On the official commentary desk, several European and American commentators looked distressed:

"Mafa players have already grasped the opportunities in this wave of top lane very well, but it's a pity that they missed one of their own flashes."

"Perhaps we could have tried a deep pursuit just now? If we jumped over the tower, we would have had a chance to kill by force."

"No, the card is about to come out after returning to the city. With the support of a full-map ultimate move, SSK should also be afraid."

On the Internet, the vast majority of Chinese server players and netizens are so angry at these European and American commentators who are not too big a deal to watch the excitement. They wish they could roll up their sleeves and crawl along the network cable to give those European and American guys a real-person PK——

Damn, is this really a human thing to say?

At the same time, Chinese server players and netizens themselves felt a sense of regret:

It is indeed a pity. If the two SSK junglers had just been greedy and continued to chase Jace into the tower, then Star King's card would really have a chance to hit the top lane and complete the counterattack.

The OB picture on the big screen clearly and faithfully displays all the movements of the ten heroes on the field in front of people's eyes from a God's perspective.

Hit the road ga

k failed, the blue side's jungle excavator retreated and returned to the wild area.

The bottom lane is still an operational battle between the two teams. The Trickster and Obama's last hits alternately increase without giving an inch. Both sides assist in protecting their AD partners while keeping their eyes on the opponent's ADC, looking for the opportunity to take action.

Middle road.

He didn't seem to have the slightest interest in the wave of battle that had just started. After leaving the spring at the base, the card master on the purple side rushed back to his own line without hesitation. At this time, he was about to step off the high ground.

On the middle line in the distance, the blue side's mid lane mechanical pioneer is clearing a wave of troops and pushing it to the purple side's defense tower.


This is the moment.

The card master who had just stepped off the high ground suddenly stopped.

Drizzt slowly closed his eyes.

At the same time, it seemed as if an invisible force swept through the entire Summoner's Rift. In the void above the heads of the five blue heroes, cold and strange single eyes slowly opened, seemingly penetrating everything.

The map view of the entire canyon seemed to be lit up at this moment.

The whereabouts of every enemy are clearly under the control of the card master.

Big move——


In the venue, there was a sudden uproar in the audience!

At the China official commentary station, Lao Mi’s eyes suddenly widened:

"The card...is open!?"

In the backcourt area, Lin Feng's eyes suddenly lit up:


In the SSK team's competitive room on the stage, several SSK members were communicating on the team's voice channel and making arrangements for the next early and mid-term plans, but all conversations were abruptly interrupted as the card opened its ultimate move.

Almost immediately, the pupils of Han Shihao's eyes suddenly shrank in the mid laner's seat.

Quickly move and tap the mouse and keyboard without thinking, and the mechanical pioneer who controls you immediately retreats!


At this same time.

An arc formed by stacked cards quickly appeared on the ground in front of the mechanical pioneer.

Not far away, in the grass at the mouth of the river on the left side of the middle road, the figure of the purple jungle prince quickly walked through the grass, approaching the target mechanical pioneer quickly!

Victor backhanded a "Gravity Field" from his W skill and threw it towards the landing point of the card's ultimate move, and at the same time he quickly distanced himself——

The card's ultimate move landed.

At the same moment that Drizzt's figure appeared on the card ring, the golden light exploded!


On the computer screen, a thin golden light lit up the eyes of Dawn Morning Star, reflecting the vigorous and hot flame of fighting spirit.

The mouse and keyboard click operations continuously with lightning speed!

The Card Master landed and flashed directly out of the gravity field, and fired a yellow card with the W skill in seconds!

A shrill whistling sound broke through the sky.

The dazzling golden light streaked across the straight trajectory.

There was a clear blast.


The figure of the mechanical pioneer was instantly frozen in place by the yellow card!

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 12:30, so go ahead and write. I’ve been a little busy these past two days, so it’s not easy to determine the update time.

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