
Chapter 2092 Just 1 line missing

The finals are now in the fourth game, and both teams on the field have shown their qualifications and strength to stand on this field.

This is truly a duel at the world's top level.

From the players' individual operations, to the tactical confrontation, to the team's execution and tacit cooperation, and even the details of vision, line control, operation rhythm, etc., all aspects are almost the same as those of today's world's professional video games. The highest level benchmark in the competition circle.

People were amazed by the performance and state of God-God's Hand, and finally realized that today's LPL division has grown to such an astonishing height through years of training.

But at the same time, it seems that with an opponent like God as a foil, League of Legends players around the world were even more shocked to discover that the team that represents the strongest combat power in the LCK division and even the strongest team in the world. The terrifying level of the SSK team is still far beyond their imagination.


Today's God-God's hand is so strong that no one can fault it.

But even so, SSK still let SSK chase and win two games in a row, forcing them to a desperate match point.

In the fourth game that is currently going on, even if the God team has come up with a trump card that may be the bottom of the box, this lineup system of global streaming and Poke streaming is amazing to the world, and it has quickly established such a gratifying advantage in the early stage——


Even with such God-God's hand, he still failed to obtain further benefits from SSK.

I have gone all out, even to the point of super-level explosive strength.

But I'm still just on a par with you.

Even when the God team in the mid-term began to use perfect line operations to pull SSK into a passive situation, SSK, who fell into the passive situation, actually turned around and created active opportunities in the passive situation, knocking out the opponent God team's ADC. Take it by force.

This kind of strength is almost beyond description in words.

No matter how witty the explanation is, it will leave you speechless.

Players and fans of LPL's own national server who no longer trust Team God can't help but have their minds go blank at this moment, not knowing what to think.


Looking at the figure of the mechanical pioneer of the blue square mid laner who steadily pocketed the life of the fate master, the Chinese LPL players felt a sense of hopeless powerlessness in their hearts, as if they were suffocated by a heavy stone weighing on their hearts. Come.

Facing such an opponent...

how to spell?

How to win?

There is no hope at all.

No matter how optimistic or expectant they were before, at least at this moment, watching the fall of their own ADC, Destiny Master, millions of Chinese server players and netizens have a feeling of despair.

Perhaps this year's journey to the World Finals will finally come to an end for their LPL division.


Just the next second.

Such a cold and mechanical announcement from a system female voice came from the top lane of Summoner's Rift, but it was like the most beautiful fairy music in the world, ringing in the ears of every Chinese server player.





ed (an enemy hero is killed). "

Even when they heard this kill prompt, all the players in the national server had not reacted.

He just subconsciously raised his depressed head in confusion.

Open your eyes and look at the live OB picture on the screen.


They saw the fallen blue side ADC Obama.

And what rang in my ears was the almost ecstatic shouts of Lao Mi, Fei Yan and Mo Sheng on the China commentary stage:


"The Star King Card God is awesome!"

"Go on the road...kill alone!!"

You can always trust the morning star.

As long as the No. 1 mid laner in the LPL division is in charge, it will be as if no matter how big of a trap a few other players make when they make mistakes, the core mid laner and captain of the God team can help secure the victory.

Just like this wave.

SSK's midfielder seized the opportunity to kill the Destiny Master, almost instantly forcing the purple team's God team into a desperate situation without any suspense.

However, at this most critical juncture, Dawnstar's card master went on the road and launched a large order to capture, directly killing Ray's Holy Lancer Lucian from the SSK team and taking him away.

Complete a sharp and beautiful counterattack.

Likewise, he instantly pulled his team back from the edge of the cliff!

You kill me AD.

I will also send you AD home.

The situation has been leveled again, do you still dare to force Baron?

In the OB screen from God's perspective, the figure of the single card master in the purple square retreats with an indescribable coolness and calmness. It seems that with this gesture, he announces to the world that this is the return of the world's number one card.

So the whole world was shocked and boiling at this moment!

"Oh my God! The best card in the world! Is this the style of the strongest mid laner in the LPL!"

The European and American commentators on the official commentary desk were exclaiming.

Online, in the major official live broadcast rooms of the national server, the barrage of "Star King Bull B" exploded the screen in an instant!

In the stadium, in the backcourt area, Zeng Rui could hardly restrain his excitement and punched hard:


Lin Feng's eyes lit up and he stared at the card master on the screen watching the battle on the stage. His lips opened and closed slightly as if he was mumbling something.

An Xin, who was next to him, tilted his head and looked over:


Lin Feng withdrew his gaze and smiled brightly at his childhood sweetheart:

"It's okay."

"I mean... soon."

On the other side of the backcourt, several legends from the previous generation of the national server also witnessed the stunning single-kill activation of this wave of cards.

No. 3 nodded in admiration:

"Axing, that boy can do it!"

Number 4 was writing and drawing quickly on the notepad, and looked up at Number 1, as if asking silently.

No. 1 raised the corner of his mouth slightly:


"It's just a hair away."

Having said this, he paused for a moment as if to think about it, and then corrected his statement:

"Only a hair's breadth away."

At this point, in the fourth game of BO5, the battle between the blue and purple teams on the field to determine the outcome is only a thin line of suspense.

First line student.

One line of death.

"If it weren't for the last wave of solo kills by Dawnstar players, SSK would have been destined to win this game by now."

Several European and American commentators on the official commentator's desk now calmed down and were still analyzing and sighing:

"It's really thrilling. It's just a hairline away, isn't it?"

"But having said that, although this kind of turning the tide requires sufficient strength, there is also a certain amount of luck."

"Once, but rarely twice or three times."

"The hero Drizzt was able to be the savior once under the control of Dawnstar players, but if there is another accident, even the world's number one card may not be able to create miracles again, right?"

The update has been sent. I have to go to the airport later. I will go home in the afternoon and try to continue coding.

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