
Chapter 239 2 decisive battles

Before the results came out, no one could have imagined that this would eventually be the case.

Charming Blue Team.

Ranked second in the Magic City Division's combat power list.

It is almost unanimously recognized by the outside world as one of the most qualified seed teams to compete for a spot in this LSPL selection.

Unexpectedly, they were defeated in the final round of selection and elimination in the Magic City Division.

And he was actually defeated by his opponent three to zero.

The opponent's side——

But it seems to be just a little-known rookie team. The only feature that attracted people's attention before was that there was an extremely beautiful ADC girl in the team.

It is completely incomprehensible to the point where one almost doubts the ending of life.

And not only ordinary outsiders, but also insiders in the Chinese e-sports circle, this ending caused an invisible and violent shock.

Insiders know more about the identity and details of the Meilan Team.

This is the top wealthy family in the national server of the previous generation.

The background is unfathomable.

And after careful evaluation, the newly formed Meilan team in LOL has not yet truly entered the professional arena, but its strength is close to or even reaching LPL level standards.

It is equivalent to saying that a team with LPL strength was shaved off by its opponent in the LSPL trials.

As the winning side...

How strong does it have to be?

Who is it? ?

The violent shock and impact, especially at this moment of the game, are the most real and intense for all those who have witnessed this scene.

It even makes people's brains feel dazed and dizzy for a moment.

It was even buzzing with blankness.


The fact is settled,

The ending cannot be changed.

Everyone can only work hard to calm down and resolve their mood, but it is difficult to say how much time this will take.

At least, when No. 1 in the front row of the audience looked at the two old friends in front of him with a lazy smile, and asked the "how" with a light smile, whether it was Jiutian Mohe or TO's Feiniao, the faces on his face were full of smiles. The ever-changing expression has yet to calm down.

Equally difficult to calm down were the spectators and players from various teams in the competition venues in the Xiacheng Division.

In front of the auditorium, on the live OB large screen on the stage, the score of the BO5 matchup that just ended was also faithfully displayed at this time.

3 to 0.

A perfect victory for one side overpowering the other.

But there was no cheering, cheering, or applause or whistles.

There was only a dead silence.

Everyone looked at the ending of the battle on the big screen with almost dull eyes and shock, almost exactly the same as the audience in the competition hall of the Magic City sub-division area, who were in a daze and had a blank mind.

Because here, the shock and impact of this set of battles that just happened is by no means inferior to the decisive victory over Mei Lan in the Magic City.


It is a decisive victory and a complete victory over God.

Xiacheng Division ranks first in the combat power list.

It is recognized that Xiacheng's top seed has almost locked in the qualification for the national competition in advance.

Unexpectedly, they were almost defeated miserably at the hands of the opposing team of newcomers called the Finals.

Even the ace core bot lane, which is recognized as the strongest in the Tian'a team and is led by the ADC captain Wushuang Swordsman, was completely defeated by the opponent in three consecutive games.


The matchup mentioned here is completely destroyed, and it does not mean that the bottom lane is destroyed in a broad sense.

It was ADC vs. ADC, a single-position confrontation, and they suffered a one-sided bloodbath and crushing.

For those other teams who have played against this decisive team before, or at least know a thing or two about it, they were almost shocked to the extreme in this set of BO5 games:

The ADC of this decisive team...

Originally, wasn't he playing the auxiliary position?

They were so impressed by the offensive support of this young man whose surname was "Mu" that it was almost frightening. They were so impressed that they could not forget it.

But who would have thought that such a support, which is almost as good as the top professional level, would suddenly change from the support to the ADC position in today's BO5 match against the Tian'a team.


An even more astonishing and terrifying ADC strength broke out.


How on earth is this done! ?

In the entire competition venue, probably no one could figure it out.

As the person involved, Wushuang Sword Immortal also couldn't figure it out, or maybe he didn't have the heart to think about it, because at this moment, his face was almost extremely depressed, and the pupils in his eyes were shaken by the shock of the previous few games. Absence.


He only saw Shi Shiran, the young man sitting in the opponent's ADC seat, standing up and looking towards him.

Looking at the Wushuang Sword Immortal who was almost slumped on the seat opposite him, the corners of Mu Qiu's mouth curled up.

He greeted lightly and politely:


On this day, the knockout rounds of all major divisions across the country completed the final round of competition.

Each region has its own stories and surprises happening.

But no matter what, the two shocking battles that took place in the two sub-divisions of Magic City and Xiacheng were enough to become the focus of all the news in the sub-divisions on this day.

The staff of major e-sports media worked overtime to compile and write articles.

Then rush to update the push report during the prime time of the night.

Naturally, it attracted the attention of countless Chinese server players and netizens on the Internet.

And among them——

In the titles and contents of these two reports, the "decisive team" with the same name constantly appears, which makes people unable to help but pay attention, discuss and make associations.

The voice of astonishment quickly spread on the Internet.

Naturally and not surprisingly, it fell into the ears of the parties involved.

"Well, the fight is over."

"It's okay. We were the first group. We won 3-0, so we sat in the audience to rest."

"It's not too strenuous... I thought it would be a bit troublesome at first, but then I found out that I was a bit worried when we actually started fighting."

"Eleven and Lao Chen cooperated very well in the upper and jungle, and the opponent did not take advantage in the early stage in the first two games."

"On the bottom lane, Tangtang and Azeng are pressing down on the opponent and beating him."

"The mid laner didn't say anything. Don't you think about who our mid laner is! Just play casually - Mei Lan's mid laner is indeed of average skill, and his mentality is a bit bad... The operation started to change a bit in the second game."

"Later when I came down, I found out that Senior No. 1 and Sister Xiaowu were also there. Senior No. 1 also taught me a lesson in front of my face, saying that I had to save some face for others, and that shaving my head looked unsightly— —”

When I went home at night and made a voice call to the girl on the other side of the ocean in my bedroom, someone reported the recent battle situation and gains in detail like this.

An Xin on the other end of the phone couldn't help laughing until her stomach hurt:

"Hahaha, it seems that the relationship between senior and Meilan is very good."

Someone scratched his head and wondered:

"Very good?"

"But I see that Senior No. 1 was clearly laughing and gloating about his misfortune..."

The update is here. The next chapter will be around 10 o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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