
Chapter 266 They are all monsters

In fact, many teams have done special analysis and research on the previous match between the Xiacheng Division's decisive team and the Tian'a team.

Although they were amazed at the upset of the former dark horse, each team also came to some objective conclusions——

The 3-0 victory had some luck involved.

Although the bottom lane ADC of this Xiacheng decisive team is impressively powerful, the other players on this team can only be considered average in their abilities.

At that time, the Tian'a team played too lightly and loosely. After the bottom lane collapsed quickly, they were unable to recover and organize an effective counterattack. They even failed to drag the game to the mid-to-late stage and directly let others win. The team's bottom lane was defeated in a single line.

Otherwise, if we could put more restrictions on the winning team's bot lane combination, or if we could calm down and operate slowly until the opponent's ADC has passed its strongest period, then the Tian'a team can rely on the team's overall coordination ability. He also has rich experience and is fully capable of fighting.

Also... to put it more bluntly——

The ADC of the decisive team was very strong, but the ace ADC captain of the Tian'a team, Wushuang Jianxian, probably didn't perform at 100% of his level.

Too confident in myself.

As a result, after the initial collapse, the mentality also collapsed, which gave the opponent more opportunities to take advantage of.

Otherwise, if this unparalleled swordsman could stabilize his mentality and fight steadily, he would never have allowed his opponent to gain such a huge advantage so smoothly.


Although this dark horse-like Xiacheng decisive team has amazing shining points, the evaluation of its strength should still be mixed with a lot of water.

In this case, when this team encounters opponents with a more down-to-earth style, the water in its own strength will easily be squeezed out, exposing more real weaknesses and flaws.

Because of this, for the match between this group of decisive teams and Tiejia Xiaobao's team, before the start of the first game of BO3, most people still tend to be optimistic that Tiejia Xiaobao can win.

Sixty-three versus forty-eight.

As long as the latter stabilizes its operation, limits the former's starting rhythm in the bottom lane, and stabilizes the rhythm into the mid-to-late stage,

The balance of victory will naturally tilt towards their side.


In today's game version, it is almost impossible to really carry the whole game with one ADC in the early stage.


No one would have thought of it.

In the first game of this BO3, that "almost impossible" really appeared the most rare and rare "possible".

In the bottom lane, the matchup was broken again.

Even when the opponent's Tiejia Xiaobao team deliberately put more energy into the bottom lane, the opponent's jungler and even the mid laner and top laner were frequently looking for opportunities to roam for ganks or support in the first ten minutes before the game started. Rushing to the bottom lane, trying to suppress the opponent's ADC's development rhythm——

On the side of the purple Fangxia City decisive team, the ADC skateboard shoes in the bottom lane, combined with teammates to assist Thresh, still showed an advantageous style that shocked the entire audience.

Before the first wave of opponent junglers came to gank and catch people, Skateboards and Thresh grabbed level 2 and took the lead in using the three summoner skills of the blue opponent's ADC and auxiliary.

Immediately following the second wave, Thresh flashed out and helped Skateboards quickly get first blood from the opposite ADC Ezreal.

Wait until the opposite jungler comes——

Still useless.

It wasn't even a strategic retreat, but a direct counterattack at the moment when he escaped the control of the opponent's jungle prince EQ's second company!

He forcefully forced out the prince's appearance again.

The unreasonable and unforgiving skateboarder flashed to pursue and follow up. He turned around to avoid the Q skill blisters of the opponent's assistant Nami. He stabbed the prince Jiawen's body with several straight A strikes. He hit the right amount of blood to damage and instantly opened E to draw the spear. Bo killed the opponent's jungle prince with a beheading.

In the first four minutes, the skateboard shoes' record data was 2/0/0.

Directly announce takeoff.

However, although the purple side's bottom lane combination once again played such a huge advantage at the beginning, the Xiacheng decisive team did not win this game as quickly and overwhelmingly as in previous games.

The overall strength of the opponent's blue team, the Iron Armored Xiaobao Team, may not be much better than that of the Tian'a Team, and may even be slightly inferior, but it is better than being prepared and having a solid and steady attitude. Playing style.

Even though the bottom lane was still caught off guard with a small collapse in the early stage, the blue side army still stabilized the rhythm and dragged the game into the mid-term.

Even, relying on solid operating skills and tacit cooperation, he found an opportunity from the purple side's top and middle lane, and scored several heads one after another, which accordingly restrained the rhythm of the opponent's bottom lane skateboard shoes.

It seems that even ADC skateboards, which had a big advantage in the early game, were unable to use their personal abilities to further open up the situation in the following ten minutes.

When everyone thought that this game was going to be a stalemate, and the balance of victory tilted towards the blue side again——

The winner or loser appears to decide the direction of this game.

23rd minute of game time.

Bottom lane.

The purple side's ADC skate shoes and its own auxiliary Thresh pushed the army across the river, and when they were about to move forward from the ruins of the blue side's bottom tower...

Encountered a four-man attack from the opponent's Blue Army.

It's almost a certain death situation.

At that moment, many team members in the audience couldn't help but scream, realizing that as long as they killed the skateboards and interrupted Kalista's rhythm, the victory of this game was almost guaranteed. It will be destined to be the treasure of the blue square armor Xiaobao team.


Surrounded by four opponents.

The skateboard shoes are in operation.

With extremely perfect movement, he turned around and avoided the first wave of control from the opponent's jungler and support.

Picking up a teammate's lantern to assist Thresh to distance himself and retreat temporarily.

Thresh threw his Q and hooked the jungle prince on the opposite side.

The second stage of Q then rushes forward and presses up.

While he assists his teammates to attract firepower, the skateboard shoes step forward and continue to throw spears for output.

Turn it up.

Instantly drag the auxiliary teammate Thresh back when encountering a concentrated fire, avoiding a wave of fatal control and damage.

Then smash Thresh back into the opponent's four-man formation, knocking away the group control.

The coordination and operation are almost dazzling.

An alien-like pull.

Perfect walking and slashing output.

Finally, there was the almost frightening and sudden sound of pulling out the spear and killing them one after another.

The system's female voice's kill announcements sounded one after another from the bottom lane, until the last exciting and high-pitched prompt sounded throughout the bottom lane of the canyon:


So far.

Skateboarding shoes were really taking off and it was unstoppable.

The Blue Square Iron Armor Xiaobao team, which had stabilized the situation for most of the game, suddenly collapsed completely.

On the second floor of the eSports Arena, in the private room.

Feiniao almost stared straight in his eyes and kept mumbling:


"What the hell, in that decisive battle back then, were all the people who came out monsters?"

An update was sent, but the time code word could not be found during the day. . Here’s another update. Good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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