
Chapter 271 It’s not her you want to see

By the time the game was about to start, the audience in the C5 and C6 groups was almost full.

There was a huge crowd, close to number 80 or 90, all wearing black support T-shirts, holding support light signs and fluorescent sticks. They were all fans of the Magic City Finals Team - or in other words, Lin Feng and Tang Bingyao.

It was precisely this kind of momentum that people in the other three competitive areas next door who were competing at the same time couldn't help but pay attention to it, and then they couldn't help but subconsciously exclaimed:

This is too much of an exaggeration...

Only a large number of fans in the fan group did not care about the gazes around them, and they were all enthusiastic and happy:

"Come on Fengfeng!"

"Tangtang, come on!"

While they were shouting slogans enthusiastically, they were still chatting with each other in a familiar and warm manner:

"Brother, what group of fans do you belong to?"

"Which water buddy is in Axue's live broadcast room? Hahaha, I'm in the third episode! I was there when Axue just arrived to tease the fish!"

"Oh? The second issue? I'm an old senior! I'm sorry, I'm disrespectful..."

"I'm from the Tangtang fan club!"

"Fuck! Dude, I'm also a member of Tangtang's fan club. Stop talking and draw your sword. Tangtang is mine!"

"What the hell are you a hammer? I'm a hammer! Are you also from the Imperial Capital?"

The scene was so noisy that it was almost becoming an offline fan club meeting in the Suhang Yexue live broadcast room...

Even in the corner where Mu Qiu, Sun Zheng, Xia Ziyou and others from the Xiacheng decisive team were sitting, many water friends from the fan support group enthusiastically came over to chat:

"Hey, are you guys here to cheer for Fengfeng and the others?"

"Which issue of fans are you in? Why aren't you wearing support uniforms? Did you forget to join the offline fan group?"

Before Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng and others were speechless, they had no time to formulate a reply. Several enthusiastic water friends who came to chat with them had already "kindly" shared a few extra T-shirts for support, and also stuffed a handful of support T-shirts with them. Stick and light sign.

Then the game starts immediately,

Several friends from the water raced back to the camp of their own troops, not giving the Xiacheng decisive team a chance to "say thank you."

So Sun Zheng, Xia Ziyou, Wu Tian, ​​Zhu Ming, and Zhou Yang could only watch those enthusiastic water friends "comrades" leave, and they already had a bunch of props in their hands to support them...

The atmosphere is a little awkward.

"The popularity is really high——"

Zhu Ming said weakly.

Wu Tian next to him looked down at the support light sign and fluorescent stick in his hand, and swallowed:

"The props prepared are also very complete..."

There was a hint of envy in his tone.

Zhou Yang was dejected:


"There's no comparison."

After hearing this, Xia Ziyou couldn't help but glare at several of his teammates, and angrily lectured: "What are you talking about! What's the comparison! Everyone, please start to be energetic. We are here to observe the opponent's game, not to compete with others. For fans!”

Zhu Ming whispered again: "I couldn't compare..."

Mu Qiu was probably the only one who seemed indifferent to all this. His expression had not changed since he sat down in the auditorium, and his eyes had always been on the competition seats between the courts.

When several teammates around him were still muttering and talking, he suddenly raised his head, looked at the large LCD viewing screen above the arena, and said:


One sentence immediately attracted the attention of Xia Ziyou and others.

Several people subconsciously looked towards the field.

On the big screen watching the battle, the game interface for ban selection has already lit up.

Magic City Finals Team VS Mantis Team.

BO3 first battle.


For the next twenty minutes or so, the viewing area of ​​Groups C5 and C6 was filled with all kinds of exclamations, warm applause and cheers almost from beginning to end.

When watching the game on the big screen, the game time was fixed at 28 minutes and 19 seconds.

The blue side's "Victory" emblem slowly appeared in the middle of the OB viewing screen.

In the auditorium off the field, the supporting fan group of No. 890 also burst out with the most enthusiastic cheers and applause:

"Oh oh oh!!"

"Fengfeng is nice!"

"The decisive victory is awesome!!"

In the first BO3 match, the Blue Cube Magic City decisively defeated the team and won easily.

It was almost an all-round suppression and explosion.

Three ways of flat pushing and crushing.

The final head count comparison was locked at 19 to 3. If the winning side had not planned for a quick victory early on, then the former could still have played for a while longer, and the head count of Killing Harvest could have been doubled several times more. .

It is simply a one-sided situation.

As the opponent, the Purple Square Mantis team, the level of strength displayed in this game can only be described as horrific.

There is such a saying——

When a weak team meets a strong team, you will only become more guilty and flustered the more you fight, and you will not even be able to perform to your own level. In the end, you may stumble like a rookie who can't play games.

This is the case for the Mantis team in this game.

In the audience, there were also some other participating teams watching the game, and all of them couldn't help but shake their heads:

The strength gap is indeed too big.

The team ranked sixth on the national competition list won the final...

Against an opponent ranked eighty or ninety.

Such a crushing rhythm can be expected from the beginning.

A group of offline fans from Su Xue’s live broadcast room were also cheering and celebrating with high fives:

"Take it!"

"Oh, it's too fast. I'm not even satisfied with watching it..."

"Maybe the next one can be done in twenty minutes. Hey, it will take less than an hour in total-"

"Fengfeng is in great shape today! So is Tangtang! The bottom lane is simply invincible!"


It's not self-promotion out of a fan mentality.

Even the people from the Xiacheng decisive team who were sitting in the corner watching the game had the same feeling after watching the game.

"That girl's AD feels even more powerful than in the previous game video——"

Zhu Ming murmured like this.

Next to them, Zhou Yang and Wu Tian nodded fiercely in agreement:


"Start as soon as you get online...At level 2, you can directly force the attack. At level 6, you can't wait for the jungler to come to help and force your way over the tower...You can't even stop the opponent's bot lane."

They have all watched the game video of the Magic City Finals team before, and they have all seen the strong offensive style of the girl who is the former ADC player. However, in comparison, they are sitting in the audience watching the game today. In this game, the girl's performance was even better than before.

"It seems... I'm working particularly hard today."

Xia Ziyou couldn't help but say this, feeling a little ashamed.

She is also a girl, and she also plays ADC. Her level is not at the same level as that of the girl on the court.

Mu Qiu narrowed her eyes slightly when she heard this, but did not answer.

He could also see that Tang Bingyao's performance in this game was obviously even harder than before.


He could guess that the opponent's change in state must have a lot to do with his two games in the morning.


It doesn't matter.

The expression on Mu Qiu's face remained calm.

No matter how talented the girl on the field is and how hard she works, she is not the one he needs to care about.

When he came to the scene tonight, what he wanted to see was not her.

Here's an update, it's another week of hard work. Good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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