
Chapter 277 You will meet

There are eight divisions from A to H. The top teams in the national competition, Jiutian, Hydralisk, Junlin, Ghost Night, Finals, and TO, all occupy one area respectively. They should not encounter each other until at least the top 16.

This is also a secret arrangement made with the tacit approval of the Electric Power Association and the highest levels of the officialdom.

But in addition to these top "seed teams", there are still many outstanding teams in each division.

The second seed Golden Sword in the Henan Division can be considered close to the upper reaches.

Although the combat power ranking this time is only the 27th on the list, the combat power list itself is only made by some players and netizens on the Internet, and it does not have enough professionalism and fairness.

Except for the top ten or five teams, there is basically no controversy. In the ranking range from ten to thirty, it is actually difficult to say which team is definitely stronger or weaker than the other.

The current so-called ranking of the Golden Sword Team is 27th.

But if you refer to the records this team has achieved in many semi-professional leagues, you will find that this team has also defeated the top twenty teams on the current list.

"Definitely not weak."

Zeng Rui shared the information he had collected online with several teammates around him and came to this conclusion:

"At least, it's much stronger than the thick soil we encounter in the next round."

Several other members of the Magic City Victory Team also nodded slightly.


The Thick Tu team, ranked forty-third, was in the mid-to-upper level of this national competition.

As for the Golden Sword with lottery number A16, if Zeng Rui's information is correct, it will definitely be qualified to be included in the upper echelon of this national competition.

"What a pity-"

Chen Ting had a look of regret on his face:

"We should change our two rivals."

For the members of the Magic City Final Team, what they now hope is that the stronger the opponents they encounter, the better. If they are weak, it will be boring to fight. However, the situation is different for the Xiacheng Final Team. For the latter ,

In fact, what I hope more is to encounter a weaker team. It is destined to be more difficult to deal with an opponent that is too strong.

"Of course, as long as Mu Qiu is here, there should be no problem."

Chen Ting added this again.

Before this, he didn't know much about the strength of the Xiacheng decisive team, but after watching the BO3 set the day before yesterday and seeing with his own eyes the strength and performance of Mu Qiu's two ADCs, he was completely impressed.

Even though the overall strength of the current Xiacheng decisive team is not strong and even has various shortcomings——

But as long as Mu Qiu is in the ADC position.

Presumably, it can always create miracles.

Lin Feng nodded and said "hmm" without making any further comments. He just glanced in the direction of the seats where the Xiacheng decisive team was sitting not far away, and then withdrew his gaze:


"Go and eat."

The group results of the 64th round came out, and it was almost evening.

Tonight, Lin Feng and others did not just find a small restaurant to make do with dinner like they did two days ago, because in the afternoon, Senior No. 1 sent a message saying that they would have dinner together in the evening.

Several people found an old hot pot restaurant in the imperial capital according to the address sent by Senior No. 1. They pushed open the glass door and walked in. There was a lot of noise in the lobby, and the charcoal-fired copper pots on the tables were bubbling and steaming. White steam filled the hall, and the aroma of boiled mutton filled the entire lobby, making people salivate.

No. 1 and No. 5 arrived early and sat at the round table in the corner. Lin Feng and others walked over, greeted the two seniors, and then pulled out their chairs and sat down.

Then just call the waiter to serve the pot and order.

There was no need to talk more. Everyone was already hungry. When the waiter brought out the plates of vegetables and beef and mutton, the water in the hot pot happened to be boiling. Everyone immediately added vegetables and meat to the pot unambiguously, dipping and mixing. The sesame sauce was eaten with relish.

Until more than half of the vegetable, beef and mutton plates on the table were wiped out, No. 1 nodded with satisfaction, wiped his mouth with a paper towel, then looked up at Lin Feng and others, and asked slowly:

"A new round of groupings is out?"

Lin Feng nodded and honestly reported on the new round of grouping.

Although he asked the question himself, he didn't seem to care much about someone's answer. Number 1 just nodded noncommittally:


"Then you guys fight well in the next round. Your sister Xiao Wu and I will go back to the Magic City tomorrow."

Lin Feng and others were stunned for a moment when they heard this sentence. Lin Feng opened his eyes wide:

"Senior, are you going back tomorrow?"

It had only been two or three days since we came here. Although they had come together from the Magic City, Lin Feng and the others and the two seniors had only met twice and had two meals in the past few days. The thought of being separated again so soon.

No. 5 put a slice of boiled mutton into Tang Bingyao's bowl nearby and answered with a smile:


"The things here are almost settled, we still have to go back to the Magic City to do other follow-up work."

Several people could hear it clearly.

It is true that the two seniors did not come to the imperial capital specifically to cheer them up. They had other more important things to do. Now that they are done, there is no need to stay any longer——

For these two legends from the previous generation of the national server, time has always been extremely precious and will not be easily wasted on meaningless things.

Lin Feng nodded in understanding and couldn't help but curiously asked:

"Did everything go smoothly here?"

Although I don’t know the specific situation, I can vaguely guess that the two people, Senior No. 1 and Xiaowu Sister, made a special trip to the imperial capital, and on the first day of arrival, they made a special trip to meet with the president of the China Electricity Association Headquarters. Lin Songshi met and had a secret conversation——

Presumably, it will be some extremely important matters, and may even be directly related to the pattern of the upcoming new season.

This question caused No. 1 and No. 5 to pause and look at each other. No. 1 waved his hand:

"That's it."

"Don't worry about this, mind your own business, and leave the rest to us."

An understatement.

But I can hear that it's not easy.

But just such words coming out of No. 1's mouth can make people feel inexplicably calm, as if no matter how difficult and difficult it is, as long as this former national server and even the world's top legend stands in front, no matter how difficult it is, It can handle severe storms with ease.

Lin Feng and others at the table did not ask any more questions and nodded obediently. They just looked at No. 1 and No. 5 with more sincere admiration and respect in their eyes.

Suddenly, No. 1 seemed to remember something and glanced at Lin Feng:


"Have you met Aqiu?"

These words suddenly silenced the atmosphere on the table.

Lin Feng nodded:


"They also advanced."

It's just the simplest words without any more detailed description.

Number 1 laughed:

"I don't have to worry about your affairs, just handle them yourself."

"I actually watched Aqiu's first round that day. That kid's condition has just warmed up. You have to be careful when you meet him later."

Lin Feng paused and nodded vigorously.

On the other hand, Chen Ting couldn't help but be curious: "Senior, do you also think that their decisive team will definitely encounter us?"

Number 1 raised his eyebrows:


Here's an update. It's the first day of a business trip. I'm exhausted both physically and mentally. Good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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