
Chapter 279 How far can we go?

Naturally, no one would know that on the last night before leaving the imperial capital, Lin Feng was unexpectedly invited to have dinner with someone.

The location is at home.

In the restaurant, the two uncles and nephews sat across from each other at the dining table. In front of the table, Lin Songshi, the president of the e-sports association, cooked three dishes and one soup himself. It looked light and simple, but also had a homely warmth.

This is probably the first time in so many years that the two uncles and nephews have been alone and face to face.

Someone looked around and took a look at the decoration in the room. It was simple and plain, and it did not look like the living conditions that a top executive of the Electric Power Association should have:

"Uncle, it's time for you to find a partner."

Someone commented like this carelessly.

Lin Songshi, who was sitting opposite and eating, almost choked and couldn't help but frown:

"Children, don't worry so much."

But it is true that when you reach your mid-thirties, you can definitely be considered successful in your career. Naturally, you should have considered family issues long ago. But for Lin Songshi, it seems that he has never considered this issue in so many years.

It is as if the president of the China E-Sports Association has devoted all his time and energy to the cause of national e-sports and has no time to think about anything else.

Someone curled his lips after hearing this, but didn't say any more.

Instead, Lin Songshi raised his eyebrows slightly as if he thought of something, and his eyes fell on someone in front of him:

"Speaking of which, does the ADC girl in your team like you?"

Now it was Lin Feng's turn to choke and cough.

President Lin seemed to have such a rare desire to "gossip" and had no intention of stopping there. He continued to ask:

"And where is that girl Baozi?"

"I heard No. 1 said that she is abroad. Have you still contacted her?"

"Ah... guess, guess it is..." someone answered almost hurriedly, blushing inexplicably.

Lin Songshi stared at Lin Feng's face with a bit of interest:



Someone looked up at his uncle,

I could vaguely sense a somewhat ominous and dangerous aura.

"Both are good girls, which one do you like?"

Someone almost spit out a mouthful of food, and coughed loudly and almost lost his breath:

"Little, uncle!"

There was clearly a hint of panic and guilt in his anger.

A home-cooked dinner was spent in such an atmosphere. Although I was caught off guard and embarrassed, when I left my uncle's house and looked up at the night sky and the bright moon on the horizon, someone felt inexplicably. Become relaxed and happy.

From beginning to end, Lin Songshi never mentioned serious topics related to competition or career.

Lin Feng also didn't mention it.

The two uncles and nephews have a tacit understanding on this point, and they can both understand each other's thoughts after just one dinner.

So no need to say more.

You trust me with your responsibilities and burdens.

And I will try.

Just this is enough. Compared with these heavy and serious things, for someone, the biggest gain from this meal tonight is that he finally reached a reconciliation with his uncle, and finally was able to have such a simple and ordinary meal. Let’s have a casual home-cooked meal together.

When he returned to the hotel, he swiped the room card and pushed the door open. He walked into the room. Lin Feng found that in addition to Zeng Rui who lived with him, several other teammates from the team were also gathered together. Zeng Rui, who had a laptop on his knees, was surrounded. There seems to be something being discussed among them.

Seeing Lin Feng enter the room, Zeng Rui nodded in greeting:

"came back?"

Lin Feng said "Yeah", closed the door and walked in:

"What are you doing?"

Zeng Rui pointed to the laptop screen on his lap:

"Watch the video review of this round."

"Did a little research."

It took Lin Feng more than two hours to go to his uncle's house for dinner. During these two hours, the other four members of the Magic City Finals team watched some key parts of the game video in the hotel room. , have watched more than ten video replays.

"The conclusion is?"

Lin Feng asked curiously.

Several other people looked at each other, and Zeng Rui still spoke:

"The conclusion is that the remaining teams are obviously much stronger."

"Everyone has begun to show their true skills."

Lin Feng nodded, looking thoughtful:

"Is that so-"

In fact, if it is just for their Magic City decisive team, no matter whether the opponent's strength changes or not, the impact will not be big. No matter how strong the opponent is, the limit is only as high as Jiutian, TO or even Junlin.

And even if they are opponents of that level, they are not unable to deal with them.

So he actually understood what Zeng Rui meant.

Opponents began to show their true abilities and the competitive environment became more severe. These were actually quite unfavorable situations for the decisive team in Xiacheng.

at the same time--

Just in another hotel.

Everyone in the Xiacheng Finals Team is sitting together in the room. They are also leaving the Imperial Capital tomorrow for the next stop, the Magic Capital. Everyone has packed their luggage in advance and are gathering together now to prepare for a meeting. Discuss next steps.

Said it was a meeting.

But the atmosphere in the room seemed a bit depressing and solemn. No one spoke. Even Wu Tian, ​​Zhu Ming and Zhou Yang, who had always been active, did not seem to be in the mood to celebrate their recent promotion victory.

"Being able to reach the top thirty-two is a completely unexpected achievement."

Finally, Sun Zheng spoke to break the silence, his expression equally solemn:

"But the further you go down, the more difficult it becomes."

After hearing these words, several other members of the Xiacheng decisive team couldn't help but nod, with heavy expressions.


In the Imperial Capital these days, after two rounds of competition, their feelings were very obvious, that is, compared with other participating teams, their strength really had no advantage at all.

The two rounds of elimination seemed to be a complete victory of 2-0.

In fact, only they themselves know the hard work involved.

The few of them were not of much use, and they still relied entirely on Mu Qiu's ADC to forcefully carry through the three opposing lanes.

And this way of winning is gradually showing its fatigue——

In the first round against the Tiejia Xiaobao team, it was not too difficult for them to win, but in the second round when they faced the Golden Sword team ranked within thirty, although they still won 2-0, they still won two games. The games are all a bit difficult to win.

Each game was stalemate for more than thirty minutes.

At one point, he was almost defeated by his opponent's counterattack.

The main reason was that Mu Qiu's ADC on his own side began to be wildly targeted by his opponents. Even with the former's personal operational strength, there were countless dangers.

Said it was 2 to 0.

There is too much luck involved.

If their luck had been slightly worse, this 2-0 would probably have ended as a 0-2.

Of course, now that they have successfully advanced to the top 32, this is a happy event worthy of gratification and celebration, but the problem is that even opponents ranked around 30 have already allowed their side to win such a thrilling victory...

So what should we do next when we are destined to encounter a stronger opponent?

Only one person...

How far can we go?

The eyes of Xia Ziyou, Sun Zheng and others couldn't help but fall on Mu Qiu.

The expression on Mu Qiu's face was still calm, and she just opened her mouth and simply said something that he had repeated many times before:

"Don't worry."

Here's an update. On the third day of my business trip, I continued to miss home and was exhausted at the end of the day.

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