
Chapter 317 Random

Competition venues.

All the 800 audience seats were filled.

It was crowded and noisy.

The fans of the support group, all dressed in uniform uniforms, uniformly continued to shout slogans:

"Decisive victory!—Must win!—Decisive victory! Must win!—"

In addition to the huge momentum, it also made other ordinary spectators nearby laugh and cry. In today's last group of BO5, both teams on the field called it "the decisive victory". Who is this cheering for?

The three commentators on the commentary stage also heard the cheers coming from the audience. The three of them naturally understood the situation. At this moment, they couldn't help but burst out laughing. Lao Hei coughed and commented:

"Today...the atmosphere at this venue is very good."

He Tu was all smiles:

"I didn't expect it to be more lively at night than during the day. It seems that everyone is in good spirits."

The two partners and colleagues were talking to each other, but Su Xue was so ashamed that she wanted to find a hole in the ground and crawl into it:

A bunch of idiots...don't you know how to make a temporary change? Two teams are deciding, you shout "Come on for the final", who knows who is shouting, at least add "Magic City decisive" to give a little distinction.

Fortunately, the fans of the support group in the audience were not stupid, and they finally reacted when they heard the kind laughter coming from around them.

Immediate internal emergency adjustments.

When someone else takes the lead in shouting slogans, the content has changed:

"Decisive victory in the Demonic City! We must win, we must win!——"

The rest of the guys changed their tune and shouted:

"Decisive victory in the Demonic City! We must win, we must win!——"

Su Xue on the commentary table breathed a sigh of relief. These guys had some brains and it was not too late to make amends...

But the next second, I suddenly heard another voice from the support group:

"Axue, I love you!!"

The entire competition venue was silent for a moment.

Even the uniform slogans just now were paused, and then all the fans of the support group changed their slogans again and shouted:

"Axue, I love you!!——"

The whole audience burst into laughter.

Su Xue on the commentary stage almost died of embarrassment, wishing she could hit her head on the desk in front of her.

Lao Hei and He Tu on the side also had a hard time holding back their laughter. Finally Lao Hei helped change the topic:

"Ahem, everyone is very enthusiastic, very good, very good -"

"Let's get back to the subject. The game is about to start. The players on both sides are already in place. Let's take a look at the ban selection situation of both sides in the first game of BO5!"

Also following Lao Hei's voice, the ban selection interface finally appeared on several giant LCD viewing screens in the field.

First battle.

The decisive victory in Magic City is on the blue side, and the decisive victory in Xiamen City is on the purple side.

The two sides quickly began to alternate bans, and the three commentators on the commentary table immediately entered their roles and began to explain and analyze:

"Okay, we saw that the first person Banned here in the Blue Cube Magic City was Syndra - well, it is also a strong hero in the current version, but speaking of our player Lin Feng's own against Syndra His attainments are also very deep, don’t you plan to choose?”

"Then let's look at the purple side, oh, ban Kennen in the top lane."

"Well, this move is reasonable. We have also seen the Magic City Finals team use Kennen's top laner before. The early phase pressure is very strong. The AD route and the mid-to-late stage distribution are also very troublesome for the opponent. An object——"

Not long after, the blue and purple sides had completed six moves of banning.

The blue side all bans unit heroes.

The purple side banned two top laners, plus a jungle widow.

The ordinary players in the audience could not tell much about the ban just by looking at it, so they didn't pay much attention at the moment. They just craned their necks and looked forward to the lineup of heroes that the two sides would select next.

But in the back row of the auditorium, the three members of KG, Hayami and God who were wearing masks couldn't help but become a little commotion, exchanging glances with each other and whispering:

"It's very casual..."

"Both parties must know it well and have a tacit understanding."

"We should all let go of the fight later."

On the commentary stage, Lao Hei and He Tu were already frowning.

They don't know the real story, and their skills as professional senior commentators are enough for them to see some clues in the operation of the six-handed banner:

"It's a little strange——"

“The Magic City Finals seemed a bit too casual, with the mid laner banned in all three hands. However, player Lin Feng’s own mid laner strength is actually enough for him to suppress the matchup in the middle, and there is no need to waste these ban positions. "

"And considering the lineup system of Xiacheng's decisive victory, it should be a more reasonable choice to use the ban right on the opponent's ADC position..."

The two commentators couldn't help but look in the direction of the Xiacheng decisive team:

"There's something wrong with Xiacheng's decisive victory."

"I don't know what they think about it. Although banning the jungle is also a good choice, are they not prepared at all for the middle lane of the Magic City to win?"

"Yes, player Lin Feng's mid laner is not inferior at all to Jiutian's K and King's Overlord."

When Lao Hei mentioned this sentence, the on-site director very cleverly gave the scene's split-shot perspective to the front row of the audience——

In the two small split screens on the left and right, the members of the Jiutian Team and the Junlin Team who were also sitting at the scene to watch the game tonight appeared respectively.

On one side, the nine-day mid laner - K - Zhang Ke showed a look of disgust on his face, and then turned to indifference and disdain.

On the other side, the Overlord of King's Landing waved enthusiastically to the camera shown by the director with a sunny face and even blew a kiss...

The camera pans back.

He Tu and Lao Hei on the commentary stage continued to talk and discuss:

"In my opinion, the bottom lane should be banned in the Magic City Finals."

"Well, in the Xiacheng decisive victory, the middle lane should be banned accordingly."

"The current choices of both sides seem to ignore the opponent's strongest core point. Or maybe this is intentional?"

"Axue, what do you think?"

With the last words, Lao Hei asked Su Xue, and He Tu's eyes also turned around with an inquiring intention.

Su Xue was sweating slightly on her forehead, and she managed to say with a smile:

"Ah, both of you are very reasonable."

"But maybe the players on both sides have their own considerations. Let's take a look at the next lineup selection first!"

He almost changed the subject in a hurry.

Of course she knew the situation, but she couldn't reveal the answer casually at this moment. Fortunately, everyone's attention was quickly drawn to the picture on the big screen again.

After six bans, both sides began to alternately choose heroes to play.

Almost without thinking.

The heroes in each position were quickly confirmed and locked.

On the blue side, top laner Rambo, mid laner Jayce, jungler Spider, auxiliary Niutou and ADC Explorer.

Purple square, top laner Dao Mei, mid laner Victor, jungle prince, auxiliary Japanese girl plus ADC Obama.

The lineup is confirmed.

Finally, there is the position adjustment of both players.

Here is an update. I have to work overtime temporarily, so I can only update once today. See you tomorrow, friends.

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