
Chapter 325 Must fight

A wave of bot lane roaming gank from the jungle prince of the purple side army.

On the blue side, Lin Feng's ADC Explorer's reaction was indeed extremely fast. In an instant, the E skills "Arcane Leap" and "Flash" were fully used at the same time without any hesitation, and he successfully saved the day and escaped back to the tower. .

But in comparison, Zeng Rui, who was the assistant Niutou, did not have such good luck.

To be precise, it's not a matter of luck.

Although it was a little careless to step forward and take a look in the grass, Zeng Rui also did what he should do as an assistant as soon as he got a warning from someone and discovered that his opponent's jungler had appeared.

One of the W skills of the Tauren Chief, "Savage Crash", immediately knocked away the opponent's ADC Obama and knocked him back.

This ensures that the opponent's output will not keep up, allowing his ADC teammates to escape more safely.

But because of this, Niutou saved his ADC teammates, but also sent himself to a dead end from which he could not escape.

"There is no need for cross-flash."

Lao Hei on the commentary desk was already shaking his head:

"You'll die if you surrender, so it's better to save your skills."


Caught in a double-team by the opponent's three subordinates, Nosuke, the blue side's auxiliary Tauren Chief had no chance to escape. In the end, his head was captured by the purple side's ADC Holy Spear Ranger without any suspense.


The kill announcement from the system's female voice came.

There was a round of cheers from the audience, but it was not that enthusiastic.

Mainly because the water-loving fans of the Magic City Finals fan support group, who occupied nearly half of the seats in the auditorium, were all looking downcast at the moment:

"Hey, why did you give the opponent a blood..."

"This prince is such a thief!"

"The promised 2V2 fair laning in the bottom lane! It's not impressive at all!"


Such complaints are unfounded.

If your opponent's jungler comes to gank, and you fail to guard against it, it's your own fault if you die.


After the first blood message came from the bottom lane, no more than a few seconds later, another system female voice announced the kill, echoing in the Summoner's Rift:

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)."

Middle road.

It was originally a situation where Jace was suppressing Victor.

The blue side mid laner Mechanical Pioneer, who was teleported back to the line, had just regained his energy and was ready to continue to face Jayce, but unexpectedly, the opponent's jungle spider had quietly arrived.

The blue side's middle and jungle team cooperated perfectly.

Control keeps up with damage.

Kill Victor directly and send him back to the spring again.


He Tu on the commentary stage praised:

"Seize this opportunity well!"

Indeed, just now on the purple side, more of the upper and lower lanes were taking precautions against spiders, but they did not expect that the opponent's Spider Queen chose to wander to the middle lane at such a time -

What's more important is that not only did Jace get the kills in this wave, but the opponent Victor was killed just after teleporting, and he would lose two entire waves of troops.

The early rhythm was basically broken by half.

"In this way, if the head is exchanged for one, the blue side will definitely not lose."

Lao Hei comments.

After all, the person who died on one side was the support, and the person who died on the other side was the mid laner.

Hetu has a different opinion: "It can't be said completely. Victor's words are destined not to play much role in the early stage. Now it is nothing more than prolonging his development period - but Obama got it in the bottom lane. The heads are definitely not good news for the blue side.”

There were also discussions in the back row of the auditorium.

But the main topic only revolves around the bottom lane.

In the middle, blue side Jayce gets a kill, which is certainly a big help to the overall battle situation. Even from the early stage, mid laner Jayce getting a kill is more effective than opponent ADC Obama getting first blood. ——

But at this moment, the three LPL players in the back row were not focused on the outcome of today's BO5 match.

Win or lose, win or lose...

In fact, anyone with a discerning eye can see the ending early on.

The reason why they are here today is just for the confrontation between the two sides.

As of now -

The blue side is at a disadvantage.

And it is an obvious disadvantage.

"If this head is given to Obama, then there will be trouble."

The shadow puppet looked solemn.

Originally, the Paladin Ranger was a strong hero in the early stage. After getting first blood, he would only gain momentum faster.

What's more...

"Still the Holy Spear Ranger of that guy Mu Qiu."

Shi Hang's eyelids twitched slightly. Although Mu Qiu played a support position in the winning team that year, Shi Hang was also fortunate enough to see the former's ADC operation style several times:

"This guy's AD has an advantage, which is even scarier than Amo's advantage."

Dawn Morning Star shook his head:

"In the final analysis, this wave is actually Niutou's mistake."

"If you realized something was wrong just now, you should retreat."

Tian Tian sighed with emotion: "The intensity and pressure on the lane in the bottom lane are too great, so Azeng may be a little concerned about one thing and not the other..."

Although it seemed to be a somewhat suspicious defense, the other players couldn't help but nod slightly.

They have also encountered this situation.

If you think about the strength and identity of the ADCs on both sides at this moment, it will be easier to understand.

Shi Hang turned his attention back to the OB screen on the big screen watching the game:

"Maple's guy really lost a lot of blood in this wave. Not only did the opponent Obama take first blood, but he also gave away his own flash... He will probably be pressed hard and beaten next time."

There was a hint of sadness in his tone.

No matter which line or position he was on, Lin Feng was almost never at a passive disadvantage in the opposite line, let alone being suppressed.

this time……

But it seems to be an exception.

"Speaking of -"

Old C from the KG team next to him couldn't help but frown:

"This flash just now, is it a little too casual?"

"If I don't feel like it, EZ won't die."

After all, the Japanese girl's skills were all empty just now, and Lucian was pushed away by Niutou's W skill. In this case, even if EZ is controlled by the prince's EQ flash, the opponent's damage may not be enough to kill him. .

To say the least, even if you are worried about being disabled, it is more cost-effective to just hand in [Healing] than to use [Flash].

However, as soon as these words were spoken, there was a sneer from Huangxue Yege next to him:

"Can't die?"

"Are you kidding me? Just now EZ had to dodge and it could only dodge."


"He's dead!"

Update is here. There should be another chapter in the early morning. Go away and continue typing.

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