
Chapter 354 Swap again!

Three and a half minutes into the game.

In the bottom lane, the first blood and the second blood were born almost at the same time.

The ADC heads of both sides are swapped.

The entire competition venue was once again shaken like a tide, and a scream of surprise and uproar broke out in the audience.

The water-loving fans of the Magic City finals support group became excited, waving their light sticks again and cheering:

"Come on Fengfeng!"

"Victory in the devil's capital! Victory in the devil's capital!——"

The members of the top 16 teams in the front row seats were shocked, with expressions of disbelief and shock on their faces:

"What the hell!?"

"Is this...so cruel!?"

Yu Ping of the Junlin team took a breath of cold air:

"So fierce!"

The Overlord was almost beaming with joy and wished he could play:

"Damn! This is what it should mean!"

In the back row of the auditorium, players from the three LPL teams sat up subconsciously, with expressions of wonder and emotion on their faces:


"This has really... begun!"

Konjac, KG's ADC player, felt his teeth aching: "Damn... you are so tough when you change heroes."

Shi Hang slapped his thigh fiercely:

"That's right! That's what we have to do! This is so damn worthy that we come here to watch the game!"

Dawn Morning Star's gaze fell on the lower lane of the OB screen on the big screen, his eyes flickered, and he spoke softly:

"This is Fengzi's state."

"came back."

Huangxue Yege breathed a long sigh of relief, and his eyes suddenly brightened:

"Good show..."

"just started!"


The river map on the explanation desk was almost full of praise.


"It was such a fierce battle as soon as the bottom lane came up!"

"I didn't expect player Lin Feng's condition to adjust so quickly in the Magic City Finals!"

"This is a tough level 2 battle between the ADC players on both sides. It's not a reckless showdown. Even if it's only level 2, the positioning and distance control have been handled to the extreme!"

Lao Hei quickly answered, also agreeing:

"That's right!"

"There was almost no operational error on either side."

"It's completely a show of manipulation!"

"Very determined! Extremely murderous! They all go straight for the opponent's ADC's head!"

Su Xue’s eyes sparkled:

"Strictly speaking, Draven may have a slight advantage in this exchange, but Vayne's operation and momentum have been brought out. Next... there is still time and opportunity, and the competition will continue slowly!"


Just now, Draven got the first blood, and Vayne got the second blood.

There was just a few tenths of a second difference in the last shot of the ADC heroes on both sides. Draven's flying ax was the first to hit, and Vayne's crossbow came after him.

The economy of first blood is higher than that of second blood.

Adding Draven's passive stacks can bring slightly more bounties to the Honored Executioner.

But that's not important.

What's important is that in this almost ultimate level 2 fight to the death, the purple side's Vayne-Fan-Mom combination should have been at a disadvantage, but they were evenly matched with their opponents.

Forcibly containing the fierce offensive of Draven on the opposite side.

Achieve an even outcome.

During the battle between the two ADCs, the help Fan Mom provided to her teammate Vayne and the threat she gave to her opponent Draven were actually inferior to the role of the opponent's auxiliary Japanese girl.

Vayne, on the other hand, made up for this gap by relying on her own personal operations.

In terms of operation alone——

Vayne's performance just now was even better than Draven who was just swinging two flying axes!

"This...has actually been changed?"

On the stage of the Xiacheng decisive team, jungler Wu Tian couldn't help but his eyes widened. In his opinion, once Mu Qiu's ADC Draven made a move, there was no way any opponent would be qualified to compete with him head-on.

But the result just now broke his illusion.

Xia Ziyou bit her lip subconsciously, looking at the two corpses of Draven and Vayne lying on the route, she vaguely felt an invisible pressure——

That Vayne opposite...

Compared to the previous two, it is indeed different.


So strong!

The expression on Mu Qiu's face remained calm, but the fire in her eyes became more intense:

very good.


At the same moment, the purple team's Magic City decisively defeated the team.

"Down the road?"

Li Shiyi's voice came from the team's voice channel, with a tone of inquiry and concern.

Zeng Rui's expression was already excited at this moment:


"You take care of your own pace, this side of the road... we will do it ourselves!"

As a support, he is the one who can best feel the changes in his ADC partner. Even though this game has only started for three or four minutes, he has already clearly noticed the changes in his partner.

And this change naturally affected and even inspired his mood.

This rhythm...

They can fight!

Lin Feng moved his neck, and his eyes fell back on Vayne's first-person game screen on the computer screen in front of him, controlling the newly resurrected Night Hunter to go out again and rush to the next route:

"Azen, come."


The on-site director showed the replay of the wave of kills that had just left the lane on the big screen.

So the audience once again saw the fierce battle between the two ADC players, with almost wonderful walking, slashing and pulling.

There is also the [Flash] golden light that explodes one after another.

And finally Vayne and Draven were both killed and fell.

"A wave of double summons for both ADCs."

"There are also respective auxiliary ignitions."

"Next, the bottom lane should be a little more stable."

The river map on the commentary table is analyzed and summarized to make a judgment.

However, such a judgment was overturned again in less than two minutes.

Game time is 5 minutes and 25 seconds.

Bottom lane.

Two more system kill prompts from a female voice came in succession, resounding throughout the canyon.

"An-enemy-has-been-(an enemy hero has been killed)."

"An-ally-has-been-(A friendly hero was killed)."

On the field, the first-person game screen of the ADC players on both sides of the blue and purple sides turned into black and white at the same time.

Mu Qiu's eyes were as cold and sharp as a knife.

Someone looked focused and solemn.

ADCs on both sides…

Swap again!

"Absolutely awesome!"

There was a huge uproar in the audience, and someone couldn't help shouting.

Commentary desk.

The three commentators were all moved:

"Changed again!?"

Lao Hei swallowed subconsciously and murmured: "Isn't this... a bit too fierce?"

In the back row of the auditorium, the players from the three LPL teams all gasped. Shi Hang couldn't help but touch the back of his head and felt his scalp was numb:

"These two guys..."

"You're really into it, aren't you?"

However, Huang Xue Ye Ge's eyes became brighter the more he looked:

"No one can relax now. The only competition is operation and courage."

"Whoever shows cowardice first will die."

"You can only advance, not retreat!"

The update is here, and the website activity will start tomorrow. I hope that friends who are capable can also give a small red envelope~ Update every day to guarantee two and three.

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