
Chapter 373 Remember the same

"Switching from EZ to Vayne, with this AD hand, it is destined that this lineup will not be a pure poke lineup."

"Poke is just a cover, the core is still to fight around Vayne."

“It’s not Vayne’s battlefield to play offense and defense under the tower, so I chose to place the tower decisively.”

"We have to wait for an opportunity."

"A fighting opportunity suitable for Vayne."

"Waiting for that opportunity will be the key to winning or losing this game."

"I can't wait, so I have to keep waiting."

In the high-rise suite of the hotel, No. 1 sat back at the table and looked at the live game OB screen on the laptop screen, commenting in a casual and calm tone.

In a few words, Dawn Morning Star's previous analysis and speculation at the scene was explained in a clearer and clearer way.

The two top legends of the previous generation in the room naturally have better vision than anyone else in this regard, and their familiarity with someone on the field is also unmatched.

"Let a whole team accompany you to wait for an opportunity."

"Waiting for an opportunity to carry alone."

"This kid——"

Number 1 finally exclaimed:

"It finally looks a bit like it."

No. 5 nodded slightly: "However, it is indeed a gamble."

Number 1 laughed:

"If he doesn't gamble, it's not like Maple."

"It's not like this kid didn't do this before."

"Captain, did Maple God do this before?"

At the Assassin Club Base, a group of Assassin players on the sofa in the living room looked at their captain with wide eyes like curious babies.

Nian Shisan leaned on the back of the sofa with a lazy look.

He waved his hand:

"That's not the case."

"The situation back then... was even more dangerous than it is now."

"The opponents we encountered in the finals at that time were not as good as the current Xiacheng finals."

A group of assassins thought hard:

"The finals back then were already very strong——"

"Which team can force them into a desperate situation with this method?"

Read Thirteen and hum:

"You are too young and have not personally experienced that time. The decisive battle at that time is strong, but in terms of foundation, you can't compete with the strong teams in Europe and the United States, okay?"

After talking for a while, he changed the topic and showed a bit of gloating on his face:

"But it's just that one battle."

"As soon as the wave took off, they stepped on other people's heads and became famous."

"Hehehe, that birdman was at the height of his power in the European professional e-sports circle back then. At his peak, he was used as a stepping stone for others. It can't be too miserable -"


The assassin team members looked at their captain suspiciously, savoring the meaning of this word.

Although his captain has always been outspoken and abusive as a daily routine, the "birdman" mentioned here may have some special references...

"Depend on!"

Suddenly one of the team members reacted and looked shocked:

"Captain, that's not what you're talking about, right?"

Europe, Legend club base.

In front of the computer screen in the training room, he carefully focused on watching the third game from the first game. From the purple side's tactical ideas in the OB screen, he finally saw some familiar ideas. Phoenix's face showed a hint of confusion. Weird and complicated look.

First it was a sudden realization.

Then he felt a little angry and frustrated.

Eventually it turned into helplessness.

The No. 1 Dharma King in Europe, who is still among the Four Emperors, could not help but smile bitterly and shake his head:

It feels really bad to be in the right place.

Inexplicably...it seemed like he was lying on his back.

Of course, now, perhaps very few people still know or remember some of the past events.

But as someone who had experienced it, of course he couldn't forget it.

That scene——

It was indeed thrilling.

Even when he was in disbelief, he had to be convinced.

The atmosphere in the competition venue became increasingly noisy and noisy.

The commotion in the audience was almost overwhelming and echoed throughout the venue.

The purple square demon on the stage was determined to win the team, and several players in the arena were also a little confused at this time.

Even though they had just chosen to carry out someone's orders without hesitation, until now, they themselves still could not fully understand and agree with the rationality of this decision.

If this drags on...

Their situation on the purple side will get worse and worse.

One of the drawbacks of poke-style lineups is that the more passive and disadvantageous a situation is, the harder it is to have a chance to come back; heroes like Jayce are only strong in the early and mid-term, and will go downhill in the later stage.

So what are they waiting for now?

"What's next?"

Chen Ting licked his lips and couldn't help but ask this question.

He himself can't quite figure out the situation now, and not only him, but Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao next to him are also confused to a certain extent.

Some of them cannot understand the intentions of their commanders.

But also at this moment.

A voice suddenly sounded in the team's voice channel:


It was Li Shiyi who spoke.

Compared to the confusion of the other three teammates around him, Li Shiyi, the jungler, seemed to have a calmer expression at the moment:

"Wait for the other side to move the dragon next."

"This will be our chance."

big dragon?

The other three couldn't help but be a little stunned. Zeng Rui moved his lips, but didn't say what he wanted to say.

But the three of them have the same idea. All three outer towers on their side are destroyed, and their field of vision is infinitely compressed. Even if the opponent really wants to attack the baron, they may not be able to successfully block or even compete for it. Rob.

Waiting for the opportunity...

Is there really a chance?

Li Shiyi did not explain any more.

After saying just a few words, he looked deeply at someone in the ADC seat.

If he was only the jungler of the current Magic City decisive team, then he should be as confused as the other three teammates at this moment, but he is not only the jungler of the current decisive team, but also the decisive player of that year- One of the five members of Battle.

Therefore, he remembered some past events from that year.

He also guessed someone's plan at this moment.

Rather than saying "our chances."

rather say--

It is an opportunity for "someone" to be alone.

What Maple could do back then, he still believes that the former can do today.

"That group of BO5 that year."

"The fifth round."

“Legend and the finals were almost fought to the point of red-eye.”

"The Legend at that time was really strong, stronger than the current Legend, and the birdman Phoenix was definitely at his peak."

"That's really hard to beat."

"And what he took out was the ice bird that he took care of and ate."

In Taipei, in the living room of the Assassin Club base, Nian Shisan on the sofa was talking to the team members around him about the past, and everyone was fascinated by it:

"Phoenix's ice bird..."

“It’s become increasingly rare these past few seasons.”

"Back then, Ice Bird was at the T1 level, right? The kind that was super powerful."

Say Thirteen and wave your hands:

"That's right!"

"The Ice Bird in that game was definitely at the textbook level, so in the first 20 minutes of the decisive battle, the Birdman almost didn't break the rhythm."

"If you can't continue to breathe, something will really happen."

"But at that time, everyone felt that Legend would win in the final round."

"Looking at the scene, the lineup in the decisive battle has been suppressed and it is difficult to have a comeback."

"But only that guy Maple's mid-range fox has the best development."


Speaking of this, Nian Shisan paused for a moment, and his eyes suddenly became a little distant, as if he was recalling the scene on the field that shocked the world:

"Decisive-Battle also took a gamble."

"Just release resources, release towers, and release the economy."

"Just waiting for an opportunity."

"Wait for the fox to find the most suitable opportunity to enter the field."


"He can rely on him to develop the best nine-tailed demon fox, and he will have the opportunity to make a comeback and determine the outcome."

All the assassin team members subconsciously opened their eyes when they heard:

"Then what?"

Read Thirteen and let out a long sigh of relief:

"And he found it."

"I didn't live up to the trust of the other four people in the team, and I didn't live up to everyone's efforts."

"A comeback!"

"That kind of thing requires the absolute unconditional trust of other teammates."

"You also need to have enough confidence and courage."

"The team must dare to gamble with him."

"He must dare to bear this bet."

In the hotel suite, the voice of No. 1 sounded slowly.

Number 5 next to him looked at the live OB screen on the laptop screen, looked at the figure of the purple square ADC Vayne, and spoke softly:


"Xiao Feng is trying to prove it to A Qiu again, right?"

The scene, the competition venue, the blue square on the stage where the winning team competes in Xiamen City.

In the ADC seat in front of the computer screen.

Mu Qiu's face was expressionless.

Of course he also remembered the battle with Legend back then.

Remember the results and victories they won after trusting someone unconditionally.

But he also remembers the decisive battle in the finals after defeating Legend.

The last battle.

As partners and teammates, they still trust someone.

But someone completely let them down.

Updates are here. These two updates are worth 3K, almost as much as the fourth update. Good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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