
Chapter 380 Sudden appearance

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In the later stages, the team's output core will shift to the ADC hero in the team.

It is precisely because they know this truth that the purple side of the Magic City Finals team and the blue side of the Xiacheng Finals team are giving up as much money and resources to their ADC teammates as possible.

As a result, the ADC heroes of both sides were far ahead of the rest in terms of last-hit counts, development status, and even equipment status.

But the words can be divided into two parts -

On one side is the glorious executioner Draven of the blue side. With the cooperation of his strong lineup, he can maximize his damage output without any scruples. It can be said that how much economy Draven gets, No amount of damage will be wasted.

But the blue ADC Vayne on the other side does not have such good environmental conditions.

We don't have the ability to take the initiative here.

There is no partner who can cooperate with Vayne to cut into the back row.

If you want to play backhand, your own squishy lineup may not even be able to withstand the opponent's burst of damage, so it will not be able to give Vayne a chance to kill people later.

This makes Vayne's situation awkward.

It also seems that if Vayne continues to use the economy like this, it will not have any effect on changing the current war situation facing the purple army.

But there is no doubt——

Vayne's current economy is indeed very good.

With a four-piece damage output set and a pair of attack speed boots, if given a little more time, the Night Hunter may be able to fill up his six-god capacity soon.

It's just that few people pay special attention to this. After all, no matter how luxurious Vayne's equipment is, it still hasn't been effective for so long, right?

So when Vayne closed the line in the middle, the audience didn't even pay attention.

But the three LPL players in the back corner of the auditorium noticed.


All of a sudden, I noticed the clues.


Old C's eyes suddenly fell on the last slot of Vayne's equipment column.

Vayne's economy is almost full. When she returned home in the last wave, it was still three and a half pieces. After updating it in the spring equipment store, it was a four-piece set, plus a [mercury belt].

For a hero like Night Hunter, the difference between the four-piece suit and the three-piece suit is actually not that big in terms of output capabilities.

With the passive effect of the W skill, the three passive rings of the Holy Silver Crossbow are all real damage anyway.

But the last small piece of [Mercury Ribbon] has some tricks up its sleeve.

Huangxue Yege's eyes suddenly narrowed:

"This wave is about to start."

The function of mercury is to relieve control.

But to be honest, as a squishy AD, from a conventional perspective, Vayne is often a hero who comes in as a back-up player in team battles. The opponent's skill control in the first round is already taken away by her own teammates. As long as Vayne, don't stand in the front row alone to send him off, otherwise he is less likely to be controlled first——

Not to mention that with someone's operational level and positioning awareness, as long as he doesn't want to, it is impossible for his opponent to make a first move.

Mercury doesn't have much use.

But now this [Mercury Ribbon] is lying quietly in the last slot of Vayne's equipment slot.


It can only mean one thing.

This mercury ribbon will definitely come in handy next time - and the biggest possibility of it coming in handy is that someone may take the initiative to take risks.

This possibility came to mind almost at the same time. The players from the three LPL teams all looked at each other. They felt an inexplicable wave of goosebumps rising from their bodies, with a sense of excitement and anticipation that made people feel slightly heart palpitated and trembling.

"The winner is determined..."

Shi Hang murmured, subconsciously licking his lips, and his eyes couldn't help but start to shine.

Konjac scratched his hair and thought hard:

"But how to do this?"

The stalemate in the Dalong District still continues.

So far, as several commentators have praised and commented, although they are at an absolute passive disadvantage, the purple side's Magic City decisive team has never given their opponents any chance in such a battle for vision.

If your opponent pretends to open the baron, purple will not be fooled.

The opponent is crouching in the grass, and the purple side will keep the distance and never take the bait.

The excavator's ground listening passive, Jess and Fan Ma's skills to detect vision, and the heroes on the purple side alternately insert real eyes at key terrain positions.

This put the Magic City Finals team in a situation where although they seemed to be taking dangerous steps on a high-hanging wire rope, they always relied on their amazing stability to make every step steadily.

There was a burst of applause from the audience.

This is a compliment and recognition for the Purple Army.

Being able to maintain a foothold in such a difficult situation is not something that just anyone can do easily.

"She's very tenacious——"

"It hasn't collapsed yet."

The audience praised this, but then couldn't help but shake their heads.

Because just such tenacious persistence cannot really change the situation.

The situation is still getting unfavorable little by little.


On the side of the Purple Square Magic City decisive team, the real eyes of several people will soon be exhausted again.

Under normal circumstances, the eye position will not be consumed so quickly.

Because it’s not as simple as just inserting a ward and the opponent will immediately come up and take down A with three or two hits.

In this stalemate between large forces on both sides, it is dangerous to look at the eyes, but it is not much safer to remove the eyes, and it even requires people to be more cautious.

Especially the real eyes.

The real eye has four bars of blood, which means it takes A four times to drain it.

And when you need to step forward to level A to remove the ward, it means that your position has to be slightly closer, and your body will enter the opponent's field of vision, making it easier to become a target.

Therefore, sometimes, when two teams compete around the same ward position, it may take more than ten seconds to compete. Only when it is confirmed to be safe will they seize the opportunity to complete the demolition.

But this situation does not apply to the purple side of the Magic City decisive team on the field at this moment.

It’s still the same principle——

They lack a team-starter.

The current damage of long-range pokes like Jace and Fan Mom is not powerful enough.

This makes it difficult for them to threaten and pressure their opponent when the blue side's army is arrogant. On the blue side, as long as the Japanese girl and the prince stand forward, even if they are carefree in front of you. For the lower row of eyes, if you are stretched to death, you can only take one shot of Jace's QE or Fan Mom's RQ, and your health will not drop much.

That's why.

Several people on the purple side took risks and took turns to step forward. The several eye positions they placed in the Dalong Gorge of the river were almost completely demolished by their opponents at the first opportunity.

In addition, the defensive eye position required in some key grass positions in the upper half of the jungle.

At this moment, there are only two or three true eyes left in the five people on the purple side.

"It can't be delayed much longer."

In the front row of the audience, on the Junlin team's side, Yu Ping made a firm judgment:

"As soon as the wards of the Magic City are closed, the blue side can start to make more moves."

"I guess he will really start pretending to fight the dragon."

Several other Junlin players around him and even other players from the top 16 teams couldn't help but nod when they heard these words.


This is also a very common tactical routine used by the dominant side in the game when the baron forces the team.

As long as you don't have a ward, I can start trying to open the baron. If I lure you forward, I can find the opportunity to force a team fight faster by blocking the blind spot of the terrain at the baron pit - —

And if you are worried about being ambushed due to lack of vision and are hesitant to move forward, I will simply fake it and take down the big dragon directly.

During this thirty-minute period, the damage output capability of the blue army on the field at this moment is already very fast in defeating the Baron.

“It’s time for the purple side to make a decision.”

At the commentary desk, He Tu also gave his own opinion:

"If we really want to delay it until we run out of wards, it will be really difficult."

Easier said than done.

Of course, most people understand the truth, but how to solve the problem is not something that can be easily done by understanding some principles.

The game time is 31 minutes and 40 seconds.

The two sides were still in a stalemate near the river in the upper half of the field.

On the side of the purple square magic city decisive team, only Vayne and Fan Zi Ma have only one true eye left.

Fan Mom, this is easy to handle.

But the real wards on Vayne are almost negligible - if you really want a squishy ADC to run to a key position such as the Dragon Pit to insert wards for vision, it is simply the same as willingly committing suicide.

The purple army was about to fall into a situation where they were running out of ammunition and food.

The Xiacheng decisive team on the blue side was obviously aware of this, so they became more and more relaxed in their mentality. They still did not rush to the Dalong Pit to directly attack the dragon. Instead, they continued to accompany their opponents in the stalemate in front of the river and waited patiently. Focus on the moment when the opponent's eye positions are completely exhausted.

The auxiliary Japanese girl and the jungle prince were both thick-skinned and thick-skinned. At this moment, they were almost carefree and stood at the front row of their own formation, guarding near the tuft of grass in front of the river.

It seems to be an invisible declaration:

Wait for you to insert the eye, and I will remove it the next second after inserting it.

The purple side cautiously retreated slightly, keeping a safe distance. They only had one or two precious true eyes left, and they were not willing to waste them like this.

As soon as the purple side retreated, the heroes in the front row of the blue side immediately pressed forward.

Further occupy the river view.

You can even directly drive your opponent out of the river.

At this moment, Wu Tian, ​​the jungler prince of the blue side, even excitedly suggested in the team’s voice channel:

"Hey, Xiaoyou and I will push them out."

"We in the back row can just drive Baron and try it!"

While talking.

The jungle prince under Wu Tian's control took two more steps forward.


Just at this moment.

When the prince stepped forward, a section of his vision in the corner of his blue buff jungle area below and to the right of his body was suddenly lit up.


A figure suddenly came into Wu Tian's eyes.

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