
Chapter 394 It’s all his style

The game is about to enter the rhythm of the blue square magic city to decide the team bit by bit.

Especially after the second fire dragon is captured, the next blue army is bound to further expand its advantage and launch a more violent attack in the next round.

The purple Fangxia City decisive team, which was at a passive disadvantage, had no choice but to give up the Fire Dragon because its lineup system had not yet been formed at this time, and the subsequent situation was destined to become increasingly difficult.


It just happened to be at such a juncture.

But suddenly something unexpected happened that everyone in the room didn't expect.

Wheel mom.

Kill the knife girl!

At this point in time, the Blue Cube Magic City Finals team had just finished collecting the Fire Dragon. The jungler prince returned to his jungle area to prepare for clearing a round of wild monsters. The mid laner Rambo went to the bottom lane to collect the lane, and the two-man lane combination was I am also preparing to go home to resupply and update a wave of equipment——

As the top laner, the sword girl Irelia walked from the river towards the middle, thinking that she could just collect the troops in the middle and collect enough money to go home.


When the sword girl was about to pass through the grass on the right side of the river crossing in the middle road, she happened to come face to face with the ADC wheel mother on the opposite side of the purple square.

Because they took the initiative to let go of the second fire dragon, when the blue side army focused on taking out the dragon, several people on the purple side were seizing the time to clear their own jungle areas and deal with the lines of troops.

Wheel Mom just pushed out a wave of minions in the middle.

When the top laners and ADC of both sides met, no one actually paid much attention to it.

I didn't think anything would happen.

After all, you have a wheel mother on the purple side, with an auxiliary Karma behind you to protect you. In this passive and disadvantageous situation, you should tuck your tail between your legs and be careful. How can you possibly cause more trouble?

On the other hand, the top lane sword girl on the blue side is already pretty good if she doesn't take the initiative to kill the squishy AD on the opposite side.

But unfortunately——

The moment the knife girl and the wheel mother met each other.

The goddess of war, who should have chosen wisely to withdraw, suddenly took action.

Just turn it up.

Cooperate with the auxiliary Karma's E skill behind you to set the shield to accelerate.

Almost as fast as lightning, he chased and pressed forward. He started to draw A, then connected to Q, then used W to reset his normal attack, and then drew A again.

A set of small combos in an instant, the damage was almost done in the blink of an eye, and it directly destroyed half of the health bar on the head of the knife girl Irelia.

Dao Mei was also stunned at that moment.

He subconsciously judged that he couldn't attack hard at this time, and immediately turned around and dodged to escape.

But there was no way to escape.

The dual acceleration effect of her ultimate move and auxiliary shield made the goddess of war Sivir's pursuit ability even more exaggerated than Vayne at this moment. In the blink of an eye, she continued to pursue and keep up, and used the effect of the red buff to continuously slow down. Target sticks.

Draw A and draw A again.

A again.

Coupled with the extra critical hit damage triggered by the last basic attack, the last small square of the health bar on the top of Dao Mei's head is directly cleared to zero.

that's all.

Complete the kill.

"What the hell!?"

The audience in the audience exploded almost instantly like boiling water.

Countless spectators were stunned and exclaimed.

Didn't expect that at all.

In such a situation, the purple side's ADC Wheel Mom was actually able to complete such a wave of forced kills.

In the front row of the audience, the players from the top 16 teams were also stunned:

"This...this is also okay!?"

There was almost no operation at all in this wave of kills. It was just a matter of chasing, tying A, and tying A again. But it happened that this wave had no visual effect, but it got a precious head.

It is indeed a rhythm that can make people confused.

"Mom, aren't you afraid of someone ambushing you on the other side?"

Several members of the King's Landing team also stared straight-eyed, their minds filled with questions and exclamations.

If it were them, they wouldn't dare to be so reckless at this time - you must know that your wheel mother is the only core of the entire team, so you can't make any mistakes easily, just in case you just fell into the opponent's trap and were killed. what to do?

“There aren’t that many ‘what ifs’.”

Yu Ping took a deep breath and stared at the figure of the purple square ADC wheel mother on the big screen on the stage:

"Anyway, it turned out that he was right."

"Big money."

The Overlord laughed loudly:

"You guys should learn a lesson!"

"I usually play first and foremost and don't have the guts to take risks. How can I seize opportunities and gain an advantage?"

On the stage, the three commentators couldn't help but be moved:

"This wave... Wheel Mom has taken a great opportunity!"

"Although the fire dragon is lost, if Sivir gets the head of this sword girl, it will definitely be enough to stop the loss!"

"I feel that there should be an element of prejudgment in this. After all, I can guess that the blue army on the opposite side will not continue to ambush - but there is definitely an element of gambling. As expected of player Mu Qiu, switching from Draven to Wheel Mom, the style of play...hasn’t changed at all!”

"Old Chen is so careless."

In the back corner of the auditorium, the players from the three LPL companies were also talking about it. Konjac smacked his lips and commented like this.

The other team members nearby also subconsciously nodded in agreement.

This wave, strictly speaking, is a matter of Dao Mei's positioning. She was too imprudent and the blame cannot escape. After all, it gave the opponent's C-position core such a crucial head economy.

But then Shi Hang next to him looked over sideways:

"Stop talking about others."

"If you go up one by one, can you avoid making mistakes just now?"

Suddenly, most of the current LPL professional players were mute.


Ask yourself, if they were in the Sword Girl's shoes just now, they might not be very vigilant.

after all……

Really, few people could have imagined that the wheel mom on the opposite side would be so decisive.

"When this guy gets his hands on any ADC, he becomes Draven."

Shi Hang sighed with emotion.

The Dawn Star next to her shook her head:


"It should be said that... whatever heroes come into his hands, they will all be in his Mu Qiu style."

All the LPL players were startled when they heard this, and then they all showed sympathetic expressions and nodded vigorously in agreement.

Huangxue Yege looked at the OB screen on the big screen on the stage and suddenly said:

"The damage to the wheel mother has begun."


When the director showed the economic panel, although I could see that Wheel Mom's development was firmly in second place and Varus was clinging to the first place, after all, just looking at the economic data did not give people an intuitive feeling.

But the sudden wave of killings just now was the most direct and powerful confirmation.

A well-developed top-level knife girl.

A wheel mother who only has the help of auxiliary teammates to speed up the shield.

The latter forcefully chased the former to death.

It is enough to see that at this time, although Wheel Mama's equipment has not yet truly taken shape, it already has considerable combat effectiveness.

"However, the blue side still has the absolute initiative advantage now."

He Tu on the commentary stage made a conclusion:

"Even if Wheel Mom gets a head, it won't be able to change the situation for the time being."

Lao Hei answered:

"But after all, if the wheel mother continues to develop like this, she will get up faster than expected."

"So while the coming period is still going to be a strong period for our side, the blue side should continue to increase its efforts to win the decisive victory in the magic city."

This is indeed what Magic City Finals does.

The accidental death of his top swordsman girl did not affect the tactical rhythm of the blue army too much.

After a wave of supplies and equipment updates after returning to the city, the Magic City decisive team chose a wave of four and one points.

Dao Mei goes to the road to lead the line.

The other four people directly gathered together and pushed.

The Xiacheng decisive team on the purple side saw that the top lane was about to be taken to their second tower by Dao Mei, so they had to send out top laner Gnar to defend.

Once Gnar left, the purple side's formation in the middle lacked a front row capable of handling damage.

The four players in the middle of the blue side followed the trend and pushed in with the line.

The purple army that forces its opponent can only choose to abandon the defense tower and retreat.

Soon, a tower on Purple Square Middle Road collapsed and turned into ruins.

"This rhythm is a bit similar to the previous one."

In the audience, some viewers couldn't help scratching their heads and muttering subconsciously.

In the previous game, the same was true for the Xiacheng Decisive Team, which used a strong opening formation. They chose to group together and push the towers with a strong and resolute attitude. However, the Magic City Decisive Team was unable to take over the group, so they could only give up the defense towers one by one.

Things are changing now.

The situations of the two teams on the field were reversed.

With the demolition of the first tower in the middle of the purple side, the entire three-way defense tower of the entire purple side army was destroyed.

The field of vision and development space were immediately compressed to a large extent.

The situation inevitably developed in a direction that was unfavorable to the purple army.

At this time, the game time was just over 16 minutes.

Judging from the number of heads alone, this game seemed to be quite tepid. Neither side made any head profits, and it was not as intense as the first three games.

But under such circumstances, the team economic gap between the blue and purple legions has widened to nearly 4,000.

The update is here. The next chapter will be around eleven o'clock. Go away and continue typing.

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