
Chapter 399 Outside the door

Even in the first three games of BO5, there have been such fierce and exciting collisions and battles.

But compared with the current match point match in the fourth game, the exciting and intense scenes of the first three games are destined to become mere foils.

On the one hand, it is because the ADC players on both sides have only gone through the confrontation in the first three games, and each has finally adjusted its status to the hottest state little by little. Both fighting spirit and operation have finally improved to their respective peaks. peak.

On the other hand, compared with the EZ, Draven, Vayne and Lucian each selected in the first three games, it was not until the fourth game that the ADC players on both sides chose the locked Wheel Mother and Varus. Truly perfectly integrated with our own lineup system——

In their respective lineups, they can finally play their best role.

Also at the same time...

Each can carry the team's lineup and use it as the sharpest weapon in their hands to fight their opponents without reservation in this arena.

Finally, it is the most suitable battlefield for both sides to fight each other.

Finally, they were able to show their most complete victory.

And finally——

It’s time for bayonets to meet and a decisive battle of life and death.

Therefore, just as the three commentators on the commentary table exclaimed and praised, this game can be regarded as the legendary battle of ADC in the true sense.

Peak showdown.

Every moment seems gripping.

Every second, there is a thrilling collision.

It seems that the situation will take a turn for the worse at any time.

It seems that the two sides fighting will decide the final winner at any next second.

Exquisite and detailed operation.

Boiling and endless fighting spirit.

A thrilling and daring game, and a dazzling firefight.

The entire competition venue seemed to have been completely plunged into an uncontrollable carnival state from a few minutes ago.

Every audience in the audience held their breath in nervous anticipation one moment, and couldn't help but burst into enthusiastic and thunderous cheers the next second.

Applause and exclamations came and went like a boiling tide.

It was as if the waves were constantly crashing.

It caused thunderous vibrations in the venue again and again.

In this wave, the blue side of the Magic City Finals team played a wonderful rhythm under the leadership of ADC Verus, so the fans of the Magic City Finals support group in the audience burst into warm cheers in celebration.

The next wave is the Xiacheng decisive team from the purple side. Under the leadership of ADC Wheel Mom, they turn the tide and save the situation.

The audience responded with even more enthusiastic screams and cheers.

Wave after wave of sound overwhelmed the wave after wave.

The atmosphere was so intense that it made people feel as if they were in the World Finals.

In contrast, outside the venue hall separated by thick iron doors, it seems that there is another world.

There are two thick iron doors with safety locks on the bolts.

Entrance inside and outside the venue was blocked.

Through the gaps in the iron gate, you can still faintly hear the shaking exclamations and thunderous cheers and applause coming from the venue hall from time to time, making people feel the fiery and enthusiastic atmosphere in the venue at this moment.

Outside the iron gate is the safe passage to the competition venue.

A corridor ten meters long.

A few hours ago, when the players and spectators who bought tickets today checked in with their tickets, they queued up and passed by here.

The passage is now empty and quiet.

There were only two old security guards in their fifties, carrying stools and guarding the iron gate like door gods, lazily leaning against the wall to rest comfortably.

There is no air conditioning in the passage, and the air is a bit stuffy and humid. One of the two security guards is shaking a small fan, and the other is holding a mini electric fan, trying to create a cool atmosphere for themselves in such a not-so-good working environment.

Listening to the enthusiastic cheers and applause coming from the other side of the iron gate from time to time, the old security guard waving his fan couldn't help but shake his head:

"Young man...you are so energetic."

"It's just a game, but it's so exciting."

For an elderly man like him, it is indeed difficult to understand the interests and hobbies of today's young people in their teens and twenties. It is also difficult to understand the interests of these children who are almost two or three years younger than him. The immense passion that goes into “video games”.

Although he is working as a security guard at an e-sports venue, the veteran security guard has not yet been able to have a thorough understanding of the "field of work" he is engaged in.

Sitting opposite him, the other security guard holding a mini electric fan was older and answered cheerfully:

"Oh, young people, they are different from us back then."

"This is called e-sports. I heard from my grandson that it can be regarded as a kind of sport."

"Think about it, when we watched football games before, the scene was also very lively."

The first security guard was immediately unhappy after hearing this and retorted angrily:

"How can this be the same!"

He himself used to be a loyal football fan. In his eyes, the so-called "e-sports" is just a nice name given to playing games by these children. To put it bluntly, it is still not a real job.

Sports such as football are serious sports events that can go to the Olympics and bring glory to the country. How can this e-sports be compared?

The older security guard had a better temper and was still smiling:

"You, stubborn old man."

"Maybe one day, this e-sports can really be included in the Olympics——"

He just said this casually, and then the old security guard listened to the sounds and movements in the competition venue inside the iron gate, and was slightly surprised:

"Oh, there's quite a movement."

"The competition must be very fierce - I didn't hear it being so lively this morning."

The first security guard still muttered dissatisfiedly:

"It's been noisy for a while, it's getting dark, and I don't know when it will end..."

As he spoke, his eyes couldn't help but fall on a young man not far in front, and he raised his voice:

"Young man, you can't get in here anyway, you'd better go back early."

Originally, they were the only two security guards responsible for guarding the entrance to the passage.

But ten minutes ago, such an uninvited guest came.

A young man who looked upright and simple, was still wet when he hurried in. He seemed to have come from the rain. From the explanation, it seemed that he took the high-speed rail all the way here and took a taxi from the high-speed rail station. .

Just hearing this, the security guard couldn't help but want to shake his head——

Look, how obsessed are young people nowadays with games?

In order to watch some game, he actually came all the way from other cities.

Ouch... It's really careless. Since I thought of making a special trip here, I forgot to buy tickets online in advance - this time the selection competition was extremely popular, and the tickets were sold out early in the morning.

no way.

If you don’t have a ticket, you naturally can’t enter the competition venue.

The two old security guards were also kind-hearted. Seeing that the young man was soaked by the rain when he came in, they found a towel for him to wipe off, but that was all. As security guards, they still had to do their job well.

The first security guard's suggestion was not adopted by the young people.

The young man shook his head and smiled gently:


"I'll just stay here for a while."

As he spoke, the young man subconsciously looked towards the iron gate, as if trying to see through the gap in the iron gate the lively and noisy scene in the competition venue.

In addition, the older security guard also answered the call and blamed his colleagues:

"It's just that it's still raining outside. How about asking the young man to go out right now?"

"Just stay here, it's not too late to leave when the rain stops."

The first security guard heard this and thought it was true. He hummed twice and said nothing more.

The old security guard looked at the young man with a smile and said a kind reminder:

"Young man, you must learn a lesson next time."

"You don't have to buy a ticket, but you're not allowed in."

The young man felt a little guilty:

"I came in such a hurry, I didn't think too much."

Then he looked at the iron gate, hesitated for a moment, took out his mobile phone, and asked the two security guards sheepishly:

"Uncle, do you have a charger here?"

Here's an update. I've been running on the high-speed train for another day. I'm so tired. I'm going to go to bed early. See you tomorrow, friends.

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