
Chapter 424 Resurrection?

"Although it seems to be an unsolvable knot, in fact, as long as Amo can be present, all problems can be easily solved."

In the magic city, in the high-rise hotel suite, the voice of No. 1 sounded leisurely, with a relaxed and casual tone.

Number 5 next to him cast a funny look at his fiancé:

"You, now it's only after the incident."

Number One shrugged:

"Of course there is no room for me to get involved in this matter."

"It sounds easy to say that, but actually getting Amo to be there in person was the most difficult part of the whole thing -"

No. 5 nodded slightly when he heard this, showing some agreement.

indeed so.

In fact, the entire incident is clear at a glance. The original conflict seemed to be between Lin Feng and Mu Qiu, but in fact, the root of the conflict was only with Zhou Mo, who was a member of the former team's ADC.

When it came to asking for forgiveness, Lin Feng found the wrong person at first, and even Mu Qiu, who was his former partner's assistant, was not qualified to forgive.

The problem between the two people is not the core issue at all, and it will naturally not be sorted out no matter how hard they try.

The only person qualified to resolve conflicts and offer forgiveness is Zhou Mo himself as the person involved.

That's why he said, as long as Zhou Mo is present, all problems will no longer be a problem.

But the same -

The most difficult part is how to make Zhou Mo willing to be present in person.

Because as long as Zhou Mo made the decision to come to the scene, it actually meant that he had finally opened up his heart and was willing to face these former partners again in a peaceful and stable manner.


Although it is as simple as "opening the knot in your heart", it is by no means easy to do.

Originally, all this could only be done by Zhou Mo himself.

No one else would be able to give any advice—not even seniors like No. 1 and No. 5.

Otherwise, if using one's status as a senior to persuade and enlighten them in a condescending manner would be effective, then No. 1 and No. 5 would have gone to see Zhou Mo in person early to resolve the issue, and there would be no need to wait until now.

But if he can't do anything, he really can only "sit back and wait for death". Perhaps he will have to wait until one day long in the future before Zhou Mo can open this knot on his own.

But before that, the conflict between Lin Feng and Mu Qiu may have deteriorated to an uncontrollable level.

After today's BO5 battle, the stalemate between the two was destined to be resolved by no one.

Good thing.

There are exceptions.

No one in the world, including seniors from the previous generation like No. 1 and No. 5, could get involved in this matter and give any advice or advice to Zhou Mo.

But only one person can.

And it happened to be just in time. It wasn't even No. 1 or No. 5 who wrote the request in person, but that person himself was so delicate and considerate that he took the initiative to contact the seniors at this critical time as if they had a tacit understanding with them. Fuck Zhou Mo.

Completed the persuasion and enlightenment.

Successfully made this former decisive player, before seeing that the conflict between Mu Qiu and Lin Feng in the competition venue was about to be irreversible,

Came to the scene in person.

"She is really a smart and sensible girl like an elf——"

Thinking of all the keys to this, No. 1 couldn't help but sigh in admiration.

No. 5 smiled slightly, with an unsparing tone of love and even pampering for the girl:

"That child... always makes people the most reassuring."

No. 1 nodded, but his eyes dropped slightly, and his expression was rare and complicated:


"However, it has never been a concern, but in fact, she should be the one who needs to be cared for the most."

An unintentional remark that came from a subconscious place made No. 5 next to him slightly startled. Then he remembered something and his expression suddenly darkened.

The original relaxed atmosphere in the room was replaced by a heaviness again.

Realizing that he had made a mistake, No. 1 showed a bit of annoyance and apology on his face, then he took a breath to adjust his mood, and soon a smile appeared on his face again, and he changed the topic:

"Okay, let's not talk about this-"

"Guess what those little guys are doing now?"

When Mu Qiu and Zhou Mo returned to the supper stall, various ordered barbecue plates were finally placed on the table.

It's just that Lin Feng, Li Shiyi and Tian Tian have not started to enjoy it, and they all looked at the two former bot lane partners who returned.

Zhou Mo couldn't help but laugh:

"What are you waiting for?"

"You're all hungry, hurry up and start eating."

With that said, he and Mu Qiu also sat back down. After hearing Zhou Mo's words, Lin Feng and the three of them started moving in unison as if they had heard an imperial edict. Although they still tried to maintain a restrained and cautious posture, But it was obvious that several people were already starving.

After all, I haven't eaten anything all afternoon, and the previous incident has caused a lot of mental and physical damage, so I really need to eat something to replenish my energy.

But the three of them didn't dare to rush into action before Zhou Mo and Mu Qiu came back. They had something to worry about in their minds. Fortunately, they were waiting for Zhou Mo's words.

The five people at the table quickly entered a state of feasting on the barbecue food.

Everyone ate in vain.

On the one hand, of course I was hungry, but on the other hand, I still didn't dare to start a new topic casually.

So the atmosphere on the table remained quiet, and only the sound of eating could be heard.

Mu Qiu didn't say anything either.

But compared to his previous aggressive, tough and cold attitude, it seemed that after having a private chat with Zhou Mo, he finally softened a little and kept his head down to take care of himself, although he did not express his understanding clearly. But at least the previous conflicts were not rekindled.

After the five of them had almost finished the round of barbecue on the table and were about half full, Zhou Mo glanced at the unopened bottles of beer placed in front of the table and suggested with a smile:

"Drink something?"

The only person here who said everything was right spoke up, so naturally there was no reason to question or object to it.

So the five of them each picked up the beer in front of them.

At the beginning, according to custom, everyone should toast together.

Just when Lin Feng and others were about to pour beer into plastic cups, Mu Qiu suddenly spoke again at this moment, still in a cold tone:

"Wait a minute."

Several people subconsciously stopped moving.

Lin Feng looked at Mu Qiu and met the latter's slightly mocking eyes:

"Some people, shouldn't they express themselves first?"

It seems that some battles are about to be restarted.

The atmosphere on the table suddenly became tense and solidified again.

Here's an update. I just arrived at the hotel. I'm tired and sleepy. I finished coding a chapter and went to bed. .

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