
Chapter 427 Fortunately

Amelia Su has also been busy all day today.

After explaining the match between the Magic City Finals and Xiacheng Finals from the afternoon to the evening, and watching with her own eyes the Magic City Finals team led by Lin Feng won the final victory and the promotion spot, she breathed a sigh of relief.

Although he was also somewhat concerned about the affairs between Yu Lin Feng and his former teammates, but because he was directly blocked by a large number of fans and friends backstage, he was busy organizing an offline gathering of fans in the evening, so She had no time to think about anything else.

Naturally, I also missed the stormy scene in front of the corridor of the competition venue.

Of course, I know nothing about what happened next at the night snack stall.

So she was completely confused at the moment.

As soon as I entered the door, I smelled such a strong smell of alcohol.

It wasn't from Zeng Rui or Tang Bingyao in front of her. The smell of alcohol came from the sofa.

He raised his eyes and looked over.

Stunned again.

Someone was helped in from outside the door and sat on the sofa in the living room for a while. He was already lying on the sofa, snoring loudly, and his face was obviously flushed after drinking.

Before this, Amelia Su had never seen someone so drunk.

So she looked at Zeng Rui and Tang Bingyao with a question mark on her face.

Zeng Rui smiled bitterly:

"It's hard to describe in words..."

Seeing that there were two ladies, one old and one young, present at home, Zeng Rui quickly and wisely chose to say goodbye and leave.

There were only two girls left in the room, Su Xue and Tang Bingyao, and someone who continued to lie on the sofa and was oblivious to everything around him, sleeping like a dead pig.

Su Xue and Tang Bingyao looked at each other, and the former couldn't help but shake his head:

"Forget it, let's get this damn brat back to his room first."

The word "get".

Quite apt.

Zeng Rui actually left a little early. Even though Tang Bingyao and Su Xue were still left behind, it was still extremely difficult for the two girls to combine their strength to support Lin Feng who was so drunk that he fell unconscious.

It took almost a lot of efforts, but the two women finally got someone back to the bedroom and carefully helped him lie down on the bed.

Tang Bingyao also brought a hot towel from the bathroom and gave it to Su Xue. Su Xue used the hot towel to wipe someone's face. While receiving such careful care, someone kept saying something impatiently. He turned his head and shook his head randomly, quite uncooperative...

This made Su Xue angry and finally reached out and slapped Lin Feng on the head gently:

"Damn brat——"

“I feel so at ease now that I can become an uncle!”

However, such a shock still had no reaction to someone in his sleep. He was lying comfortably on the bed with pillows and slept soundly. He just seemed to mumble a few times subconsciously, and could not clearly hear what he was saying. What.

Su Xue shook her head helplessly, then turned to look at Tang Bingyao:

"So, what happened tonight?"

Tang Bingyao hesitated and told Su Xue everything that happened after the game.

When Su Xue heard this, she couldn't help but be shocked at first, then moved, and finally showed a solemn and complicated expression on her face. When she looked at Lin Feng lying on the bed again,

There was also a little more heartache in his eyes:

"This guy……"

"I must feel very uncomfortable."

I'm not a good drinker, and I've never been an alcoholic either.

But tonight I got so drunk.

Perhaps this is another form of apology.


In fact, it is still an escape from accepting reality.

Tang Bingyao and Su Xue looked at each other, and each could see what the other was thinking. They both knew someone's personality and temperament very well, and they also knew the status and importance of several teammates from the decisive battle in the former's heart.

I also know that someone who seems to be joking and nervous on the surface has deep guilt and apologies for those former teammates buried deep in his heart.


Reunited with former partners after a long absence, but learned the shocking and cruel news for the first time.

Most people can't accept it.

Of course, not to mention the person on the bed at the moment.

At this time, someone on the bed suddenly frowned, showing a somewhat uncomfortable look. He struggled and turned over in a daze, pressed the quilt covering him under his body and hugged him. His whole body slowly He curled up and muttered something vaguely in a low voice.

Trying to distinguish, it seems that you can hear the words "I'm sorry".

Tang Bingyao bit her lower lip gently, with a sad and depressed look on her face.

Sensing the girl's thoughts and feelings, Su Xue reached out and gently pressed her shoulder to comfort her:

"Okay, don't think too much."

"We can only be spectators to this kind of thing, and we can't help much."


Su Xue breathed a sigh of relief:

"No matter what, the fact that things have reached this point can be considered the best ending."

As she spoke, she paused and couldn't help but sigh:

"What a blessing..."

"Thanks to Zhou Mo for being there, otherwise, the situation would have been much worse."

The next day, when Lin Feng woke up with a hangover and a headache, it was already three hours a day.

He struggled to sit up from the bed while rubbing his throbbing forehead. Someone who was slightly more awake immediately looked around and found that he was on the bed in his own bedroom.

Frowning, he tried to piece together the fragmented memories of last night. Lin Feng's face suddenly changed when he finally remembered something.

Then he hurriedly picked up the mobile phone beside the bed.

The first pop-up message I saw was sent by Li Shiyi.

The message told him that we would have dinner together at 12 noon.

Looking at the time display on the phone, it was already past eleven-thirty.

Someone who was a little relieved and breathed a sigh of relief immediately got up from the bed in a hurry. He hurriedly put on his clothes and trousers and rushed out of the bedroom. When he entered the living room, he saw Su Xue sitting lazily on the sofa in her pajamas and playing with her mobile phone.

Su Xue raised her eyes and saw Lin Feng walking out of the bedroom, and was about to say hello:

"Hey, are you awake? Do you know that last night..."

Before he finished speaking, he saw someone rushing straight through the living room towards the door, interrupting and saying:

"Sister Xue, I'm out!"

"If you don't eat at home for lunch, you can handle it yourself——"

Then he put on his shoes, opened the door, rushed out, and slammed the door behind him.

The living room was quiet.

Su Xue, who was left alone, sat on the sofa in a daze for a long time before she came back to her senses and jumped up anxiously:


"If you want to go out, tell me early, I've prepared lunch!!"

Updates are here, finally the second update. Go away and get ready for bed. Good night, friends. See you tomorrow.

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