
Chapter 439 Top 4

In fact, it's not a very surprising ending.

Although both the Magic City Finals and Guangzhou Ghost Night are among the top ten or even the top five in this LSPL National Selection Ranking, both are recognized as seed-level teams, but judging from their performance in the previous rounds In the performance, it is actually possible to see the strength gap between the two.

Just take the last round of the top 16 as an example——

In the top 16, the Magic City decisive match faced the Xiacheng decisive match. The fierce BO5 battle between the two "decisive" teams almost shocked the entire competition venue at that time.

It was even enough to shock and move all the players from the top 16 teams sitting in the front row of the audience.

Facing the Xiacheng Finals led by Mu Qiu at that time, the strength and style displayed by the Magic City Finals led by someone almost had the shadow of a real professional team.

In contrast, although they also advanced from the top 16, the performance of the Guangzhou Ghost Night Team can only be regarded as ordinary.

Even if he is the core ace of the team, if his personal performance is compared with the two AD players of the two winning teams in the same knockout round, it can only be reduced to a green leaf and lackluster.

In fact, in this quarterfinals, the AD position in the bottom lane is also the key to the final outcome.

To be honest, it was precisely because the core of Team Oniye was the bottom lane that they lost so completely this time.

The nature is just like the Magic City decisive team with someone in the mid lane position who is not afraid of any core mid lane team——

Same reason.

Because Tang Bingyao is responsible for the ADC position in the bottom lane, it is not a big concern when facing opponents from other teams with AD as their strong core and the decisive team in the Magic City.

Girls today are much stronger than they were back then.

It’s not just the efforts that individuals put in during this year.

This also includes the personal guidance and guidance of several seniors and even masters, as well as the duels with the top LPL professional active AD players.

As a result, Tang Bingyao now has powerful enough abilities to make even the top professional ADC players headache and fearful, at least in the field of personal laning.

As the bottom lane AD player of Team Oniye, Seo cannot be said to have not improved during this year.

But the speed of progress and improvement is destined to be far inferior to that of Tang Bingyao.

BO5 three games.

Bottom lane.

He was directly crushed by the opponent.

This was an astonishing surprise that most people, even if they had estimated in advance, failed to predict accurately.

On the Magic City Finals team, they did not even wait for the other members of the team to exert their strength. They relied on themselves in the bottom lane to directly gain a decisive advantage.

In the three games, there were five confrontation kills belonging to the bottom lane.

A pretty astonishing number.

Even after the game, when the overlord from the King's Landing team came to congratulate him, he couldn't help but exclaim:

"Girl Tangtang beat her so hard today——"

"I thought you would win easily and surely early on, but I didn't expect it to be so smooth."

"That guy named Seo,

The fame is great, but the strength is greater than the fame! "

In fact, this statement is inevitably somewhat unfair.

In terms of personal operational strength, Seo, who is the core ace of the Ghost Night Team, is definitely not weak, and no matter how fast Tang Bingyao improves, he will never be able to directly open such a huge gap between his old rivals.

So even the team that was eliminated by Guiye in the last round of the top 16 was quite depressed after watching the game on the live broadcast——

This Seo...

When the top 16 teams played against them before, they were still very carryy.

As soon as he reached the quarterfinals, he obviously didn't perform at his normal level. Why did his mentality seem to be affected?

"The one named Seo can't do it."

"The level is good, but the mentality is too bad. This is not worthy of reaching the quarterfinals. It is simply embarrassing."

During a phone call with Zhou Mo, Mu Qiu gave the most poignant comments without mercy, and even responded with a dismissive and contemptuous attitude towards the easy victory in the Magic City:

"When you meet an opponent like this, winning is nothing."

Zhou Mo on the other end of the phone seemed much calmer. After hearing the comments from his former partner and friend, the former smiled gently:

"But it is undeniable that that classmate Tangtang performed really well, didn't he?"

"The offensive style of play and the boldness and decisiveness in laning operations actually have a lot of similarities with you."

Mu Qiu was choked by the words, and then became angry:

"What's the similarity?"

"I'm talking about Guiye, why are you bringing it up?"

Zhou Mo still smiled good-naturedly:


"I just think that if you two can get together, it would be a great fit."

Mu Qiu was angry again:

"What a joke!"

"I don't like that kind of girl, okay?"

Zhou Mo chuckled and agreed: "Yes, yes, you are right..."

Just fighting side by side and getting along together in the past, there was some tacit understanding that was enough for Zhou Mo to feel that Mu Qiu's words on the other end of the phone were obviously hard-spoken.

But no matter what, no matter what reasons you look for, the outcome is determined.

The loser retires and the winner advances.

The quarter-finals schedule ended quickly in just two days.

In Group A, in addition to the decisive victory in the Magic City, the Jiutian team also defeated its opponents and successfully advanced to the semi-finals of the top four.

In Group B, the remaining two advancing teams are Junlin and TO.

A situation without much suspense.

At this point, in fact, the LSPL selection can almost see a rough ending. Among the four teams that have advanced, three teams will become members of the LSPL professional league in the new season, and only one team will be eliminated due to luck. Eliminated from the field.

Once the semi-finals are played, the two teams that advance to the finals will undoubtedly directly obtain LSPL spots.

The last spot will be determined from the two teams that lost in the semi-finals through the third-place match, that is, the third place will be determined.

The two groups of semi-finals will continue after a day's rest. In contrast, the situation in Group B should be clearer——

King's Landing and TO.

Whether it is the public opinion on the Internet or the analysis of professionals in the circle, it is unanimously recognized that the strength of Junlin is much stronger than TO.

Some people have even given predictions on the score:

Nine times out of ten it's 3 to 1.

But in Group A, the situation seems to be more unpredictable.

On one side is the biggest dark horse in this LSPL National Selection Tournament, and on the other side is a strong seeded team with a huge background and extremely deep foundation.

Nine days and decisive victory.

Who can become the final team in Group A is indeed a matter of suspense before the actual battle.

"There is no suspense."

"You guys are unlucky for nine days. If you encounter a decisive battle, you will definitely be gone."

These words came from No. 1's mouth, almost without thinking.

And the person these words were directed towards was none other than Mo He, the person in charge of the Jiutian Club.

An update is coming. I heard that there is a flood in Sichuan. . . Friends in Sichuan, please be safe. I have to go to Sichuan for a business trip at the end of the month. .

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