
Chapter 508 Perfect Ending

At the 18th minute of the game, the Shanghai Electricity Association team on the blue side, which had already broken the opponent's top lane high ground, gathered together and pushed to the bottom lane.

At this time, the Beijing Electronics Association team on the purple side has completely fallen into a passive disadvantage.

The blue side's super soldiers on the top lane were pressing up the high ground one after another. The Beijing Electric Association team had to allocate manpower to the top lane to collect the lines. As soon as the top laner Barrel left, the defense on the bottom lane immediately changed. Gotta get nervous.

"The second tower is released."

"Hold the high ground."

In the competition room of the Beijing Electric Association team, Yu Ping made arrangements in a low tone.

Even if you want to defend the second tower, you can't.

Now if they want to start a team fight with the blue opponent outside the high ground, they have little chance of winning even in a 5V5 situation.

"Azoga Blind Sin...the ultimate move of this midfielder combination is too unsolvable."

The male commentator in the commentary box couldn't help but comment with emotion.

This is the countless times that the combination of Yasuo and Blind has been dubbed "unsolvable".

This is originally the most classic mid-jungle routine combination, and more importantly, when Yasuo and Lee Sin develop smoothly, in the mid-to-late stage team battles, the power of this combination can be even greater than in the early stage. Come stronger.

"And it's not just the blind Gaiasuo."

In the audience, the Zhejiang University team's mid laner Zoucheng, who was in the front row of the audience, also saw the terrifying aspect of the Shanghai Electronics Association team's lineup in this game:

"Top laner Ice Girl, support Japanese Girl."

"Two more team controls."

"In addition, ADC's skateboarding skills can also be used as a team starter..."

"Damn it, how can the Beijing Electric Association team fight in a group like this?"

The fact is that there is no way to fight anymore.

For the Beijing Electronics Association team on the purple side of the field, several members of the team already knew that at this point in the game, they had almost no chance or hope of a comeback.

Yu Ping tightly grasped the mouse in his right hand.

He stared at the ADC skateboard shoes opposite him with wide eyes.


If they can take advantage of the opponent's ADC first, there may still be a glimmer of hope of winning the teamfight.

But even if you win a team battle...

For the overall situation of the entire game, the effect it can achieve is still a drop in the bucket.

In the front row of the audience, Fan Yuan, the leader of the Beijing Electric Association team, also sat slumped in his seat, his mouth full of bitterness.

He also saw it clearly.

This game...

Can't turn it over.

Even one miracle is not enough. The opponent needs to make serious mistakes one after another and let the purple side win the most perfect team battles one after another. Only then can there be a slight possibility of a comeback.

But, can such a thing happen?

At this moment, Fan Yuan couldn't help but have a very meager hope in his heart.

But the next moment...

This meager hope was shattered in an instant.

In front of the high ground on the lower road of the purple side, Zeng Rui's auxiliary Japanese girl's ultimate move took the lead.

The detonated "Sun Flare" suddenly slowed down and controlled the opponent's three heroes on the ground in front of the purple square lower road highland tower.

Zhang Hao's top laner Ice Girl used the E skill "Glacier Path" to hand forward, and her figure instantly flew to the opponent's high ground. She suddenly followed up with [Flash] to complete the second stage of displacement. In the crowd, she used the W skill Turn on!

The ice ring detonated instantly!

Keep it under control!

The top laner Jionggong of the Beijing Electric Association team desperately used [Teleport] to support the bottom lane high ground. At the same time, An Xin's jungler Lee Sin had quickly used a W skill to support Zhang Hao's top laner Bing. Next to the woman.

In a chaotic situation, the blind monk Li Qing, controlled by the girl, seemed extremely calm and insightful.

Kick off.

The Q skill "Tian Yin Wave" quickly hits the opponent Feng Nu not far away.

The next moment, Zhang Hongyi, the assistant of the Beijing Electric Association team, was roaring and controlling his Feng Nu to launch the ultimate move "Revival Monsoon". The mighty wind elemental energy suddenly swept forward the blue Fang Ri Nu, Ice Girl and Ice Girl. All the blind monks were blown away and pushed back.

The effect of assisting Feng Nu's big move is perfect, and Zhang Hongyi's reaction speed is also very fast.

But it's still slow.

In the competition room of the Shanghai Electricity Association representative team, An Xin smiled slightly in front of the computer screen.

At the same moment that the blind monk was blown away to the high ground by Feng Nu's ultimate move and landed on the ground, the Q key on the keyboard was quickly tapped and pressed again by the girl's slender white fingers!

Second paragraph Q.

"Echo Strike"!

In an instant, accompanied by a shocking exclamation that suddenly sounded in the audience, the blue jungler blind monk who was blown away from the high ground by the wind girl suddenly kicked the ground and once again moved towards the target wind on the high ground as fast as lightning. The woman rushes in and plunders!

At this moment, several heroes from the purple-side Beijing Electric Association team gathered together under the tower.

The wine barrel that was placed on the order had just been teleported and was about to land.

An Xin's jungler Lee Sin rushed in front of the target Feng Nu.

The summoner skill key on the keyboard is pressed.


The speed was so fast that it was almost difficult to catch it with the naked eye. The figure of the blind monk disappeared in front of Feng Nu in a flash of golden light. In an instant, he moved and rushed behind his opponent ADC Obama!

Big move, take action.

"The raptor wiggles its tail."

A library! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! ! !

Blind monk Li Qing's deep angry shouts filled the air.

With a solid and heavy muffled sound, the purple ADC Obama, who had no time to react, was kicked out of the tower by the blind man's ultimate move!

Knocking teammates away along the way.

1, 2, 3, 4!

In the front row of the audience, players from various college teams were so shocked that they couldn't sit still at all, and stood up from their seats suddenly again!

Blind monk’s god-level ultimate move!

One kick...

Kicked away five people! !


"Yasuo is going to take over!!"

In the commentary box, the male commentator's exclamations almost changed their tone!

The whole place was in a state of excitement again!

The blind man's magical ultimate move simply provided the blue side's mid laner Yasuo with the most perfect starting conditions for his ultimate move!

This wave...

It's going to completely explode! ! !

And at the same moment when the whole place was boiling and the sound of explosions was heard, Lin Feng, who was in front of the computer screen in the competitive room of the Shanghai Electrician Association, had already shouted:

“The buns are nice!”

The words fell.

Yasuo's ultimate move is activated instantly!

"Breaking Wind" took action again. The next moment, all five purple heroes were forcibly suspended in the air. Countless piercing sword lights roared back and forth, piercing each target hard!

The AOE damage values ​​​​of the film are floating crazily in a shocking manner!

Yasuo's ultimate move ended and he landed.

The damage explodes again!

In the competition room of the Beijing Electronics Association representative team, Zhang Hongyi felt a chill in his hands and feet.

Yuhei closed his eyes in despair.


A few seconds later, the solemn announcement of the system's female voice slowly echoed on the high ground of Purple Fangxia Road.

On the blue side, the Shanghai Electrical and Electronics Association team, a wave of 0 for 5, perfectly destroyed the opponent.

Mid laner Yasuo had three kills.

ADC's Revenge Spear double kill.

And in this way, the rest...

"It's a wave."

In the front row of the audience, Qiu Yijie, the mid laner captain of the Fudan University team, had just barely recovered from the shock of Yasuo and Blind Monk's perfect god-level coordination, and slowly spoke with a complicated expression:

"The ownership of this National College League Championship trophy has been settled."

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