"Great, he finally woke up." A cry of joy came from the side. Guo Zhenyu followed the voice and saw several people around him.

"Quick! Quick! Call a doctor! Quick!" Shen Meier shouted anxiously.

Guo Zhenyu found that he was lying on the hospital bed at this time, with some electrode pads on his body, and some strange instruments around him.

"The host wakes up and the vital signs are confirmed. After the vital signs are confirmed, the host's vital signs are normal, and the physical fitness is restored to 80%. It is recommended that the host does not be a fool next time, otherwise there will be no such good luck."

Not long after Guo Zhenyu woke up, a systemic voice appeared in his mind. However, Guo Zhenyu, who was in a trance, ignored the sound of the system.

He looked at the sky outside the window. Although it was late autumn, there were times when the sky was clear. Guo Zhenyu looked at the blue sky outside the window blankly, and suddenly he wanted to touch it.

"Pada" Guo Zhenyu casually tore off the electrode pads attached to him, and at the same time pulled out the infusion needle of the bottle of nutrient solution. By the hospital bed, Gongsun Shanshan, Qian Xianrou and others felt a little strange. But it was hard to ask him what happened. Shen Qiqi wanted to step forward to stop Guo Zhenyu, but was stopped by the careful Shen Meier.

"Don't bother him, let him sort out everything in his mind first." Shen Meier gently put her hand on Shen Qiqi's shoulder, and said softly.

"Old Pao, close the door, and don't let in irrelevant people." On the side, Dr. Wu saw Guo Zhenyu look like this, thinking in his heart, and ordered Old Pao.

"The rest, you go out first, I want to talk to Xiao Guo some questions." Then, Dr. Wu said to others.

Although a little unwilling, everyone knew that Dr. Wu's identity was extraordinary, so he had to retreat outside the ward under Shen Meier's organization.

"Xiao Guo, can you tell me what did you do during the half year of parting with Gongsun Shanshan?" Dr. Wu asked softly.

"Doctor, do you believe that people have a soul?" Guo Zhenyu walked to the window barefoot, staring at the sky blankly, and answered without asking.

"Xiao Guo, did you see something?" When Dr. Wu heard it, he thought to himself that there must be some story behind it.

"It's nothing, I just saw my parents. It turns out that they are like this when they are old." Guo Zhenyu turned to look at Dr. Wu, smiled and replied, but tears had already flowed out.

"Oh, Xiao Guo, you can't come back to life after death..." After Dr. Wu heard this, he probably knew what Guo Zhenyu was talking about. He was only doing what he did during the period when he was unconscious. Dreams are confused with reality. It is said that many people have divorced from reality and even committed suicide in order to fully integrate themselves into the world they want.

But there are also many people who have been in a coma for a long time, because the brain hasn't been moving normally for a long time, so they will experience slow response or hallucinations.

"It's really blue. That sky is so much stronger than the sky that emits some exhaust gas from time to time?"

Guo Zhenyu sighed.

"Xiao Guo, can you tell me, have you encountered anything before?" Dr. Wu said still unfailingly.

"Sorry, Doctor, I can't answer this question right now. It's too complicated. Even if I tell you, it's just a fantasy based on current technology." Guo Zhenyu turned around, looking forward to it. Dr. Wu said.

"I see, then you can take a good rest, let's talk about it when you are done." Dr. Wu knew that he couldn't ask anything now, so he could only choose to skip this topic and keep silent.

After Guo Zhenyu watched Dr. Wu leave the ward, the people outside the ward walked in. Except for the old cannon who sent Dr. Wu back to the contact station, Guo Zhenyu hugged three or four beauties.

It's just that Guo Zhenyu's heart can't turn the tide at all at this time. For some reason, Guo Zhenyu's heart is still immersed in that strange dream just now.

When Guo Zhenyu looked at these people around him, he suddenly felt a little strange. Thinking back to what he had done over the years, he suddenly realized that he hadn't done anything.

Seeing the unpredictable expressions on Guo Zhenyu's face, the beauties around him felt strange. However, only the keen-minded Shen Meier and Qian Xianrou could understand Guo Zhenyu's thoughts.

"Zhenyu, you just woke up, and your body is quite fragile. Take a good rest, we'll go back first." Shen Meier said, winking at the other people and asking them to follow her back.

After speaking, regardless of what Gongsun Shanshan and Shen Qiqi thought, they drove them out together.

"Sister Meier, why are you driving us away, Zhenyu brother..." Shen Qiqi pouted her mouth and waved her hands to express her dissatisfaction to Shen Meier.

"Let him be quiet. Although I don't know what happened, I can see that Zhenyu has a lot of thoughts in his heart at this time." Qian Xian softly touched Shen Qiqi's head and smiled.

After a while, Guo Zhenyu, who was in deep thought, was left empty in the ward. As soon as Guo Zhenyu closes his eyes at this time, he will see his dream. The world in the dream is so beautiful, that is almost my biggest regret.

"Oh" Guo Zhenyu thought of this and couldn't help sighing.

"Why are you sighing?" At this moment, a long-lost voice came from his ear, which made Guo Zhenyu a little surprised.

Guo Zhenyu turned his eyes to see that it was indeed Xia Xiyue who hadn't seen him for a long time. After Guo Zhenyu saw Xia Xiyue, he was very surprised.

"Xia... President Xia?"

Guo Zhenyu was so shocked that his jaw dropped. Although he was a veteran employee who founded Tengyun with Xia Xiyue at the beginning, the saying goes well, businessmen are ruthless. Guo Zhenyu thought that after he left Tengyun, he would be gradually forgotten, as if he had never been here.

"Why? Are you not welcome?" Xia Xiyue smiled slightly, and sat down naturally.

This made Guo Zhenyu couldn't help thinking that when he was in Tengyun, he was injured and hospitalized once when he was doing a new instrument test. At that time, Xia Xiyue was sitting next to him like this and talking to himself.

"No, no, President Xia, I'm just a little...er...flattered..." Guo Zhenyu was speechless for a while, not knowing what to say, so he had to say a random word, but the word was somewhat inappropriate. After speaking out, Guo Zhenyu also realized that something was wrong.

When Xia Xiyue heard this, she didn't get angry, just smiled slightly, she deserves to be a woman who has been in the mall for so many years.

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