Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Tabernacle 2 [Words, Letters and Spirits]

I don't understand Aura's words I recorded. Aura tilts her neck and asks her questions, wondering, to Sanjiro, who confessed to the surprise fact.

"Doesn't that mean that this tool can't take the 'Spirit of the Word' even if it can take the sound? In fact, I can't feel the magic coming from this tool."

"Is...?" The Spirit "?

To Aura, who gives the utterly unfamiliar words, plainly, Yoshijiro returns the words like a parrot with a fallen in love look that cannot keep up with understanding.

It was Aura who looked at Yoshijiro's expression in wonder for a while, but apparently this doesn't seem to make sense in the fundamental place.

"Well, Zenzilow. Let's talk in order from the start. First of all, what are you so surprised about?

To Aura's inquiry, Yoshijiro returns his words with a voice that cannot hide the confusion.

"That's because Aura's words, which are usually heard normally, became completely incomprehensible once she went through the digital camera... so if you think about it, it was odd that Japanese is normal even though this is a different world in the first place"

Even though it's been almost half a month since the first transfer, and it's been nearly half a month since he lived here, Kojiro has unconsciously not questioned that fact at all until now.

"All right, there you go. That's where you're fundamentally eating the wrong story. Zenzilow. Hey, in that world, do people who use different languages not have conversations with each other?

To Aura, who is so obvious, Yoshijiro is about to give back "of course" for a moment.

"Yeah, I thought that was very obvious, but the way you put it, is the world a little different over here?

"Uhm. Even in this world, if the country is different, the language is different. The North and the South, the East and the West, even if only on the continent, each have a completely different linguistic system, but there is no obstacle to conversation. Because the sound of multiple human beings having the same perception resides in the 'Spirit of the Word'.

This is because of common sense in this world, which most humans are not even aware of, I haven't even felt the need to explain until now, but listen to me first. "

With that being said, Aura began to explain the existence, the 'Spirit of the Word', which in this world is also equal to general common sense.

As a matter of fact, Yoshijiro, who was explained by Aura, makes words to sort out the words he has just heard in his head.

"Uh, I mean, in this world, words equally reside in the 'Spirit of the Word', and even between humans who use different words, there is no infirmity in communicating their will?

"That's right. So in this world, the phenomenon of 'speech incomprehensible' cannot be a principle"

To the nodding Aura, Yoshijiro hits the unresolved question point early in the arrow.

"Uh, if there was such a handy thing, wouldn't it be an obstacle to remembering the words? See, just saying" uh "or" uh-huh "appropriately makes sense."

"No, that's not it. The Spirit dwells only in The Right Sound where Ten Thousand People Have Common Recognition. Even if, for example, a newborn milk drinker put the meaning of saying 'opium' into the sound of saying 'uh', the spirit doesn't work if that's just what the baby thought. Unless at least thousands of human beings are aware of the sound of 'oops'."

"Heh, you're doing well besides. So, for example, if a bad adult taught a little kid about a chair, a desk, a desk, a chair, and that kid was going to say" chair "to someone who spoke a different word, it would only sound like" chair "to the other person?

"That's right. The Spirit dwells only in the 'right sound with a common perception'. It has nothing to do with his will."

"I see...... Hmm? But then, why didn't you understand the sound of the image you just recorded? The sound's playing correctly, right?

To Sanjiro's natural question, Aura nods small and answers.

"I guess that's because that tool has no magic. We are not at all aware of it when we use it on a daily basis, but we also use faint magic to communicate with each other through the 'Spirit of the Word'. Sounds without magic do not work, even if they can reproduce the 'right sound'"

"I see, I see. So few people in this world can use more than one language? If you remember any one word, it will be enough, and if it is translated on its own, it will be difficult to learn the second language."

For example, even if Americans say "Apple," it automatically sounds like an "apple" to Japanese ears. This makes it nearly impossible for the Japanese to learn English acquired.

That, in fact, seemed right, and Aura nodded deeply.

"That's right. So, a human being who remembers more than one language is limited to a very small number of magicians. A skilled magician can consciously suppress the release of magic. Thus."

And so, when Aura consciously blocks the magic,

"Amo Zenjiro"

and utter words briefly. The word only sounds like an unknown language to Yoshijiro, just like the digital camera video I just played on my computer.

"This is how you teach exotic magicians who can control their magic. Conversely, if you can control your magic, even if you just block your magic, the Word Spirit stops working. The activation of the Spirit requires that the speaker and the listener, both parties, possess magic. They also have special spaces that fundamentally block the activation of magic in some places. In a place like that, the Spirit won't work either"

If what Aura is saying is right, the Earth is either a special space in which whole magic activation is blocked, or ninety-nine percent of the Earthlings are races with no magic at all.

Either way, one hundred and fifty years ago, the ancestors of Yoshijiro, who had rushed down to Earth, must have struggled hard. Anyway, because a human being who doesn't even have the concept of 'word incomprehensible' was thrown out into a world that doesn't speak to anyone.

Surviving safely and leaving offspring even seems like a miracle.

"Heh. It seems like learning multiple languages in this world is just hard and has little benefit. But you mean some magicians go out of their way to do all that, remember? Why, do you remember that much? You don't even seem to need it."

Aura replies with a small smile to the most serious question of such a good jiro.

"That's more to learn 'letters' than to learn words. A letter is a substitute that writes down the pronunciation of a language. Even though we can't have a conversation, it's hard to remember the letters. There is no spirit in the letters, so if you don't remember that, you can't read exotic books."

"Oh well. With that said, you haven't seen the letters in this world yet. Hey, can you write it down for a second?

Yoshijiro gives Aura the copy paper and ballpoint pen that he keeps next to his computer.

"Hmm. This is a lot of white, thin skin paper. This pen over here is also in strange shape. Where's the ink kettle?

"Oh, no. It's made from plants, not animal skins. The pen is also called a ballpoint pen, because if you press it as it is, you can write it normally. The ink is inside."

Aura was initially puzzled by contemporary Japanese writing equipment she touched for the first time, but the original handling of a ballpoint pen is not particularly difficult compared to a tsuke pen. Get used to it immediately and raise your voice of admiration.

"Well, this is handy. It just helps to lose the hassle of dipping in ink, and most importantly, it's smooth enough not to get caught and torn by such thin skin paper"

"Whatever the paper is, I'm buying a ballpoint pen in dozens, so I'll take one or two if you like? It's not just black, it's red, it's blue."

"Thank you, I'll take it. Hmm, I could write it. The letters used in the southern and western shores of the continent, mainly in our country, consist of such thirty crosses"

Eventually, Aura wrote down thirty different symbols that she had never even seen on the copy paper and showed them to Sanjiro.

"Yeah, I was expecting it, but I knew it was a epitome. Does the number thirty mean it's close to the alphabet? Hey, Aura. There," Ah, "" I, "" Uh-huh, "" Oh. "Write" Ah, "" Ka, "" Sa, "" Ha, "" Na. "

"Mm, what? Excuse me, say it again."

"Yeah, I'll go one at a time. At first 'ah'......"

Fortunately it doesn't make sense, if it's a short note, 'The Spirit of the Word' can't work either, and the pronunciation of Good Jiro reaches Aura's ear as it is.

In getting it written that way, it turns out that the letters of this country make roughly the same alphabet as the original world.

Although there is not a clear distinction between vowels and consonants linguistically, the area where multiple letters are taken together to create a single pronunciation is exactly the same. However, although there are many fine differences between R and L (there are no letters equivalent to L) and there are multiple letters equivalent to M, it seems that the majority of the thirty characters can be written directly in place of the alphabet.

If I were to mention a clear difference, would there be no difference such as uppercase or lowercase letters? It seems difficult to write down fine nuances, but for a small number to remember from scratch, it seems a little easier.

"Oh, this sounds easy if you just remember thirty letters. From there, it would be bone to remember the whole sentence. But anyway, it sounds like it would be more useful to remember the numbers before the text. Aura, can you tell me the 'numbers' of this world?

As Aura pronounces it, Yoshijiro, who finished reading pseudonyms in Katakana on thirty symbols, asks Aura to do so without any concern.

Aura's reaction, however, largely overshadowed Sanjiro's expectations.

"'Numbers'? Are you talking about the letter notation of numbers at last? All of a sudden, it's hard to remember all the numbers."

With that said, Aura begins to write a word on another copy form with a rash.

"This is one, this is two, this is three. I think you should keep it to ten at first. Whatever the merchant or soldier, it's not uncommon for a typical nobleman to use words like 'billions' or 'billions'."


Unexpectedly and silently, Yoshijiro sees Aura at hand. There, I can see Aura writing down words, combining multiple letters, whenever she says' one 'or' two '.

Just like printing "one" for one, "two" for two and "three" for three in the alphabet.

"... hey, isn't there a 'number' in this country?

For a moment, he was such a fool, I think, but when I think about it, Japan also used Han numerals, arithmetic trees, Soroban, etc. until the Arabic numerals came in and did some pretty complicated calculations in the past.

From early systems of equations such as those typical of crane turtle calculations, and the variation in their length by pulling the aquatic plants with faces coming out of the water, he also used a three-square theorem to calculate the depth of the water borehole. Examination of the remaining literature, such as the replenishment supplies management of warring state-era merchants and great-names, also seems to be an example of more intense calculations than expected.

With that in mind, I guess that doesn't mean there's no equals math where numbers don't exist. In the first place, at a time when we are building such a splendid royal palace, architecture cannot possibly contain some higher mathematics. If, in case, the rule of thumb alone is building this royal palace, that's even more serious. Almost, magical realm.

However, in the absence of figures, there is a clear difference in the 'bottom population' relative to computational capacity.

The concept of decimal numbers, including zeros, is mandatory in order to improve the computational ability of ordinary people.

"Numbers. Special characters to print numbers, you mean? Interesting. What good would that do?

Asking Aura with interest, Yoshijiro unwittingly and enthusiastically talks about the effectiveness of the numbers.

"Oh, first and foremost, it's easy to remember. If it's decimal, all you have to do is remember ten characters, including zero, and then there, if you remember the four symbols: +, -, x, ÷, in a couple of years if most humans are about a simple four-rule operation..."


Soon, Yoshijiro eagerly explained the effectiveness of the numbers, forgetting his self-restraint that he had sworn to himself before transferring, "Let's not achieve as noticeable an outcome as we can".

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