Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Tabernacle 4 [brother and sister, husband and wife]

When Yoshijiro was being questioned in the rear palace by Aura with a flirtatious smile, General Pujol and his sister Fatima, who had returned from the royal palace, had a quiet conversation in one of the mansions.

"Um... brother, was that good?

Where did the temperamental expression she was showing at the feast go, Fatima shrinks her body on the sofa with Odood, peeking at her brother sitting face to face on the ascent.

Rather than say brother and sister, General Pujol takes Fatima's attitude, which is reminiscent of his husband and dog, as is perfectly normal, and shakes his head small and vertical.

"Oh, you'll do great. I don't know what to say about greed, but it's a good enough pass. Well done, Fatima."

"Yes! Brother"

Praised by his brother, his sister grins happily from the bottom of her heart, leaking a sigh of ho and relief.

Fatima's leaked exhalation hung on the candlestick riding on the table, and let loose the flames that lighted the room dimly with Yurayura.

In this world, the main source of night lighting is an oil dish draped with coring thread in vegetable oil.

For being solid, candles that are easier to handle than oil dishes are of high utility value, but because of their limited production and imports, the houses they use as everyday lighting are limited to a very small part of the aristocracy.

The Gigens are a very small part of its rich class.

Most importantly, the light of the small candlestick on that desk, the four tall candlesticks installed in the four corners of the room, and all its candles, is less than half the LED lantern brought in by Yoshijiro.

Still, it is enough light to make our brother and sister, who meet and sit across the street, see each other's faces.

General Pujol looks back into the eyes of his sister, who looks up at his face with pleasure, and returns the words in such a cynical tone that he is speaking to himself.

"Whatever it is, Master Zenzilow must have become aware of your existence. At least you could have remembered your face and your name, and your first impression wouldn't be so bad if it looked like that."


In particular, the fact that we were able to appeal in front of the vast majority of noblemen: a standing meal is significant.

Those aristocrats who were there must have understood Pujol's stance. Pujol Gijen wants his sister Fatima in Yoshijiro's side room. With that in mind, how many people in the future will try to send a woman whose breath has hung on him?

Well, a small number of nobles will cut the helm in the direction of avoiding clashes with the Gigens, although all the nobles of Haichi Mountain Thousand will never pull their hands at once.

Furthermore, there have been quite a few marital stories at Fatima's disposal so far, but this one case will also be a good restraint on those offenses.

Pujol Gijen, the head of the Gijen family, wants to put his sister in Yoshijiro's side room.

If you return the back, it can also be taken that Pujol expressed a willingness not to let his sister be the daughter-in-law of another family if he could not offer enough good marital conditions to be the equivalent or the equivalent of becoming the sideroom of the king's mate.



Pujol thinks, keeping his gaze fixed on his sister's face, which is illuminated by the candlelight.

(Hmm. I think I grew up to be quite a beauty. Mr. Zenzilow's reaction is hard to understand right now)

Around clearly stating that "I can't pull myself off" the gift's "Dragon Bow," he seems like a person who has no side at all as a samurai, but around cutting back on that occasion "Give it to a loyal soldier standing on his arm," he doesn't seem so retarded.

(If you're a dumb ambitious guy, it was easy to talk about, but isn't there a story that convenient)

As far as hearing that answer is concerned, a man named Yoshijiro is not an idiot. But if you're not an idiot, why is that man who says good-girl spoiled by the queen's convenient doll?

Unless you are so stupid, you should understand that the position of the queen's companion is one where you can grab great power just by reaching out a little.

(Maybe it's the quality of hating adventure)

General Pujol, aware that he is an ambitious man himself, also understands that not all men of the world are as ambitious as he is.

Some status, some wealth, some honor. So, there are certainly men in the world who get satisfied. After a while, the man named Okijiro may be one of them.

As the queen's companion, she is satisfied with her immediate desire simply to live a life of shrinkage and luxury in the backyard. That's possible.

(Then you're a pain in the ass. Separation from His Majesty Aura is a success first)

It is difficult to instigate people who are satisfied with the status quo. First of all, because we must either make that satisfied status quo worse, or we must start by planting ambitions in satisfied minds to make them remember hunger. Such manipulation is extraordinarily laborious compared to enlarging an already ambitious spark.

Pujol turns his gaze to the ceiling, which is dimly illuminated by the candlelight, and keeps thinking silently.

(As it stands, the best thing to do is to put Fatima in Master Zenzilow's side chamber so that the child born in the meantime can be the next king, but that's unlikely.)

I'm not going to give up putting Fatima in Yoshijiro's sideroom, but the problem is time. It is no stranger that there are already children in Aura's belly than Queen Aura and Yoshijiro together.

Even if we haven't gotten that far, it's only a matter of time before Aura and Yoshijiro are born if their relationship continues as it stands for a year. You should think that Fatima's first child, who aims to enter the sideroom from now on, will be younger than the Queen's first child. And if the first son of that queen was a man, it is unlikely that Fatima's son, born later than that, would hold the throne, even if he were a man.

(Then should we also consider the corresponding way of shaking ourselves in the event of the birth of a child between His Majesty Aura and Master Zenzilow)

Fortunately, Pujols is still young in his early thirties. If, in the near future, a boy was born between Aura and Sanjiro, it was fifteen years later that the child would become an adult. At that time, Pujol was not fifty yet.

As a warrior, anyway, as a general, a court nobleman, he should still be active.

(The reign of the queen in the Karpu kingdom is regarded as a 'locational connection'. If any adult boy wears more than a certain imperialism, the transfer of kingship should be a matter of time)

The crown moves from Aura to Son when a child is born between Aura and Yoshijiro and the child is fifteen years old when the child is recognized as an adult. In the future, that is likely to happen without turbulence.

It is only natural that efforts should be made to bring about the desired future, but it should also be remembered that future measures are likely to be taken. When it comes to the most noble general in the kingdom, Pujols is only one nobleman. Things can't be all right, they can't be what they want.

"Hmm, after all, do we keep some footprints with His Majesty Aura"

Pujol lowered his gaze from the ceiling when he muttered so loudly that he could not even hear Fatima sitting face to face.

The political world is complicated. All enemies and all allies are equal to nothing.

The interests of General Pujol, who is burning his ambitions at the top of the army, the 'Marshal', and Aura, who wants to keep the National Army under the royal command, are, in principle, bumping into each other, but from a slightly wider perspective, viewed from another conflicting structure: the 'National Army' and the 'Local Lords Army', the position changes again.

Both Aura, the queen, and Pujols, who aspire to the highest rank of the national army, see a convergence of views when it comes to the direction of strengthening the national army, and shrinking the local Lords' Army.

Pujol, who sums up his thoughts all the way through, says to his sister, glancing at this face with a serious look, with those pitch-black eyes.

"Fatima. I'm going to put you in Master Zenzilow's side chamber, but the situation is fluid. In some cases, there is also a good chance of having other houses dowry. Keep your heart open."

Fatima is now seventeen years old, although there is no doubt that putting him in Yoshijiro's side room is his first hope. Now is exactly the right time for marriage. You won't have trouble getting married after the right age if you have the appearance and abilities of the person and the Gijen family name, but in that case, the rank of the person you marry will surely drop.

For the sake of my sister's happiness, if you set a time limit and have no eyes even if it sticks to some extent, you'd better give up going into the side room altogether.

General Pujol also wants to make his sister happy. However, the prosperity of the Gigens or meeting their ambitions is a higher priority than the happiness of their sister, and that 'happiness of their sister' at the heart is also a bit of a problem just to push the 'happy marriage' that Pujols thinks, but that, too, in this case, is not as big a problem.

"Yes, brother. I will show you that I am not ashamed to be the daughter of the Gigens, no matter what house I am married to."

To his brother's words, his sister agrees with a lucid look.

"Um, I hope so."


For Fatima Gijen, a girl who loves her brother, Pujol Gijen, takes pride in being the daughter of the Gijen family and has been tapped into the significance of political marriage since childhood, what Pujol was told was not particularly repellent.


Around nightfall, on a large bed in the rear palace, Yoshijiro and Aura, exposed to a thread of unbridled nudity, intricately intertwined their bodies and bodies, letting them breathe lightly or exhale roughly.

Specifically, Aura is the one who is letting his breath bounce lightly, and Yoshijiro is the one who is breathing thoughtfully rough. The difference in how the breath rises between the two stems from the difference in the amount of exercise between men and women in exercise on the bed and the difference in the individual's underlying health, respectively.

Until a moment ago, on the couch, Aura, who had asked about the matter of 'being seen by Fatima', and Yoshijiro, who had been questioned, had a history of not being able to fight a battle in his bedroom bed in this way, which was not so long or complicated.

At a time when Aura began questioning Sanjiro for fun, a samurai has told me from across the door, 'Bathroom preparations have been investigated', so for now, once they broke off the conversation, Sanjiro and Aura made a friendly trip to the bathroom and gave priority to sweating and perfuming oil.

Aura then returned to the room in her hot thin clothes to resume pursuit, but she wasn't originally seriously angry. I just wanted to hear the girl's first impression of 'Fatima' while enjoying the conversation with Yoshijiro.

In a hurried tone to Sanjiro, he said, "No, it's definitely a strike, but it's a middle low at best. Wrong but not nearly in the middle. After this, it's not more of a ball to put your hands on than you know the strike in the middle is coming, absolutely" and so on, it's hard to get rid of a mean look.

Aura blowing out and Yoshijiro making you angry when you realize you were being made fun of. To Aura, who apologizes, the poking Sanjiro. To Aura, who hugs her with an apology, Yoshijiro blocks Aura's mouth with his own as she hugs her back......

While doing so repeatedly, at some point the two of them had become intensely in love with each other in their bedroom beds.


Yoshijiro holds his naked beloved wife to her chest and strokes her red hair over and over again, breaking her face.

The cold wind blows out of the ice fan. It's cool enough on the bed, and even with the skin in this way, we feel comfortable with each other's body temperature.


Sanjiro stayed asleep on his side and put his strength into his arms embracing Aura.


Aura does not even show the sleigh to resist, but leaves it to be held, pushing its sweaty nakedness against Sanjiro.

so intimate that the beating of each other's hearts can be felt through their skin. Even the exhalation that hits your cheeks and the tickling sensation of hair that tickles your skin creates is comforting.

Hugs, strokes hair, slaps on the back. While doing so, Aura starts to sleep with Susu in Sunjiro's arms.

"As always, you sleep well..."

Sanjiro smiled as he stroked many times to comb his beloved wife's red hair with his hands, which would be illuminated, under the starlight that plunged through the window.

With his left arm plugged under Aura's neck, Yoshijiro wakes up a little bit and thinks.

If it's okay to take Aura's word for it, it looks like tonight's dinner party was quite a ride away.

"I'd be tired if I did, but it could have been a meaningful time for me,"

Reminds me of the gaze of the aristocrats directed at me at the feast, and Yoshijiro groans.

The gaze directed at the queen's son-in-law, who emerged from different worlds, was not a pleasant thing to flatter. The vast majority were gaze of curiosity like treading a value, but some had openly turned their gaze of disappointment and disdain when Sanjiro made it clear to General Pujol that he was "powerless and powerless on the battlefield".

That's normal. No matter how much you pull into the rear palace, no matter how careful you are to say or do not pull Aura's legs, there are definitely people who neglect what happened to Yoshijiro.

"Problem is, it's not best to act like you don't hate me."

Sanjiro is only Aura's companion, Aura's ally, and one who shares destiny with Aura. It's not like I deserve it as a queen's companion, it's not as bad as it seems, but it's also an idea to raise my reputation too much.

If Shinjiro is mistaken for being 'competent' in this country where his wife has a strong aversion to standing before her husband originally, he will shake Aura's scaffold.

The ideal is for you to think, 'A person who is harmless to humans and animals and has no other abilities than child making, but who has knowledge and upbringing that would only expose the country to shame if he were at least in a public place'.

Whatever, it's a hard story to flinch, but the degree of hardship is insignificant compared to the hardship of a beloved wife standing on the arrow and cutting through national politics. You don't deserve to stand on the sidelines as Aura's partner, as you seem to hate that degree of hard work.

Most importantly, I don't think Yoshijiro himself can achieve the kind of results that would be mistaken for 'competent' if he had just left a second-rate university and worked as a small and medium-sized business salarier.


Once again, Yoshijiro sees the sleeping face of his beloved wife resting in her arms. Suffice it to say defenseless, the way he sleeps with a calm expression, Makiro realizes that Aura's trust in herself has grown.

We first have a marriage, and soon after that we overlap our bodies, and then we learn about each other, and we increase our love and trust. It may be an odd order in the eyes of modern Japanese who are able to be in love marriages, but if you think of it as a kind of matchmaking marriage, it is rather a good flow to say that things are going on ideally.

Most importantly, it is not a mistake to say that a romantic marriage is close to being in love with Aura at first sight.


Yoshijiro gently pulled out his increasingly paralyzed left arm from under Aura's neck.

"Mm... mmm... hey..."

On the clap, Aura rested, nagging, but did not seem to reach the point of waking her eyes.

With a sigh of ho relief, Yoshijiro carefully softens Aura's long hair with his hand, disturbed by a clap that pulls out his arm, pushing her softly above the pillow.

"... shall I go to bed too"

And as Aura and her face and face, sleeping sideways, laying her body, she continued to meditate quietly on her eyes until drowsiness came.

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