Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Chapter V.3 [Bee Balls and Gold Coins]

If the surprise when you see the ring is a "surprise you are not willing to hide," should you say that what Princess Isabella is floating about now is a whisper "surprise you failed to hide"?

Princess Isabella quickly returns to her usual soft face after a moment of "Shit" expression.

"Excuse me. Nevertheless, I was surprised. What the hell is this?

With her gaze pointed at the rolling beads on the silver tray, Princess Isabella even said so in a surprising tone. The "surprise" is not a "surprise" as a raw emotion, like when you first saw a beeball, with the surprise you fixed.

To Isabella, who had a huge response that exceeded her expectations, Aura, surprised internally, hides her emotions behind her smile and returns her words.

"Would you have been surprised? My son-in-law brought this with him. Neither crystal nor, of course, gold diamond. Glass, it seems. It's a lot brittle and fragile compared to crystals."

Brittle, Princess Isabella, who was gently reaching for the beads, stops Pickle and his hand.

Aura laughed a little,

"Yeah, by brittle, I mean cracking when you drop it from height to hard. Normally I hold it by hand and it won't scratch, and if the carpet is underneath like here, dropping it won't be a problem first"

I would add that.

"Really? So, can I take it in my hand?

"Uhm. Look closely."

With Aura's permission, Princess Isabella, who softly picked a beeball with three fingers, puts it in the light of day, just like the earlier ring, exhaling in a ho trance.

"That's wonderful..."

"Frankly, my lord Isabella. How much would you value that for one thing?

Isabella turns her gaze back to the front and asks Aura, who cuts out surprisingly frankly, once she coughs to fix it.

"So His Majesty is willing to sell you this treasure ball," he said?

To Isabella, a great and serious face, Aura laughed back small,

"No, it was originally the personal belongings of my son-in-law. I can't sell everything off on my own. But somehow it's a substitute that doesn't originally exist in this world. I've got a few permits to let go to find out what it's worth."

That's how I shook my head sideways.

Items such as jewellery, which are neither necessities nor militarily valuable objects, seem to be of defined value and are not. In particular, glass balls have never existed in this world before.

No matter how subjective Aura or Yoshijiro thinks "this is a worthy thing," they can't be worthy of it correctly if they don't put it outside and get a general appreciation.

With that in mind, Aura's idea of putting it out one or two times and establishing its value is not such a strange thing. As someone seeking that opinion, it's not a bad choice to have chosen Princess Isabella.

But Princess Isabella says something that Aura doubts her ears with a serious expression.

"Right. Assuming I can buy this treasure ball, I'll pay you thirty gold coins."

Thirty gold coins.

To an unexpected amount of money, Aura was stunned, but still somehow did not put it on her face, inquiring in short words.

"... are you serious?



After a period of silence, Princess Isabella answers with a small shrug of shoulders, as she had observed.

"... ok. Okay, fifty gold coins. We know that no one puts any more value on the boulder."

Soon, Princess Isabella said so, not talking about hypotheses, but proposing to multiply twenty gold coins at once, as we are now in business on this occasion.

This time, Aura couldn't hide her surprise completely.

I felt that even thirty gold coins per beeball were 'excessive', and I said, "Are you serious? I asked," No way, they suggested a further pile, so I can't help but be surprised.

No way, Aura's "Are you serious? Say," Are you going to want to buy it at such a low price? Did I misunderstand you, like I'm saying?

That's how Aura looks at Princess Isabella as she explores her, and Princess Isabella looks at her plump, elegant face with a grin and gentle grin.

Aura was sure when she saw the grin.

(No, you're not. It is hard to imagine that His Highness Isabella would misconstrue such an understandable and extraneous intention. Does that mean that this price increase is deliberate? What's the point of putting so much extrajudicial value on a single treasure ball?

Fifty coins is all that's out of common sense.

To give you a plain example, you can buy riding 'dragon walkers' for one gold coin, and even if you give a couple of gold coins for a battle-trained 'knight dragon walker', you get a lot of stuff.

Furthermore, when it comes to the trading price of small and medium-sized aristocratic mansions without territory, roughly between fifty gold coins and a hundred gold coins, you will see how it is broken to say fifty gold coins as the price of one treasure ball, albeit a rare stunning substitute.

Regardless, it is not uncommon for some of the jewellery to have that value, and for another digit item to exist. However, in Aura's view, this substitute called Beeball doesn't seem worth it that much.

Something's wrong.

Aura felt that way, for information, when she puts her finger in another wipe bag, she takes a few grains of beads from it and puts them on a silver tray.

"So how about this? I think it's an interesting substitute."

Red, blue, green. Beautifully clear and colorful beads were sufficiently eye-catching, but Princess Isabella's reaction remained within a very common range.

"Well, this one's nice, too. You have a small hole in the middle, on top of all the grains. It seems like it could be used in many interesting ways."

There seems to be no falsehood in the words of praise, or in that gaze of inadvertence, but I don't see the colour of amazement as I did when I saw Beeball.

"It will be beautiful. Funny about that. Keep it up, thread it, and you'll be able to decorate your neck. How much value do you think this one deserves?

"Right. You can see at a glance how good it looks, but it's the size of it... like a grain or ten pieces of silver coins."

Hands on his plump jaw, the price offered by Princess Isabella was not something so much off Aura's expectations.

By the way, one gold coin is worth roughly a hundred silver coins, save for the fine differences depending on the location and the times. The wages of daily workers working in Wangdu range from three to five silver coins.

Bee balls are fifty gold coins at a time. If you convert it to silver, it's 5,000 pieces. Meanwhile, ten silver coins for a grain of beads.

This means that Princess Isabella added 500 times the value of the beads to the beads.

That's certainly not going to be the difference if you look at it in terms of weight ratio, but for Aura, it shouldn't seem a bit over-valued by the beads.

The anomaly in the value of the bead is more pronounced as the value of the bead was as expected.

(Nevertheless, to say that we will give obvious valuing so far would be an indication of willingness not to hide it. Give it a try)

"I see. No, it was helpful. Let me present one to His Highness as a thank you. Pick one thing you like."

That's what Aura said, and when she lifted the wipe bag with the beads in it with a deliberate trick, she gently smashed its contents over a silver tray.

Dozens of beeballs roll corny over a silver tray.


With her hands on her mouth, Aura laughs and speaks with a grin as she firmly confirms the tip of Princess Isabella's gaze, which speaks a surprising voice.

"No need to hesitate. Choose whatever you like after making sure it's good for your hands."

Beads hissing over silver plates. Standard stuff sealed with color glass inside, stuff with cloudy surfaces, beautiful marble patterned stuff, and even something with a simple continental diagram mimicking a globe.

As if they are served in one tray, they do look so good that it is indissoluble to say 'treasure balls'.



From Aura's gaze, you must have guessed that you were watching how you came out. Princess Isabella, once she shrugs her shoulders, picks up one beeball from the top of the tray.

"Okay, sweeten your words, I'll take this"

What Princess Isabella took was a bead close to unlimited colorless transparency, with no pattern or anything in it.

"So here's the rest of the treasure."

"I know. It all depends on your son-in-law's intentions, but if your son-in-law ever shows willingness to let go, we will always be the first to speak to His Highness."


Aura's words seem to have been satisfactory to Princess Isabella as well, who laughs fuzzily and carefully bows her head.

Then Princess Isabella looks into the shadow of the day as she plunges through the window and even says it with the same face she just thought.

"Oh, illegally, I've totally spoken in. Your Majesty, what can I say as a thank you for the treasure ball, but would you allow me to greet His Majesty's husband? I know I can help a little."

"Of course, you're welcome. You can't be on this continent, such as those who refuse to visit the Pope Gilbert family. As soon as you're ready, I'll show you to the rear house, so you can rest in the next room until then."

"I understand. Now if you'll excuse me."

At the end of the day, Princess Isabella, who had finished the talks with a smile, stood up in a refined motion, thanked her small and stepped back to the neighbouring room.


"... so His Highness Isabella put a value of fifty gold coins on a round large treasure ball and ten silver coins on an empty treasure ball with a small grain hole. I want your frank opinion."

Aura, who revealed the contents of the earlier talks to Secretary Fabio, who showed up so that Princess Isabella could be replaced with falling back into the next room, said so and asked for the secretary's opinion.

"Is it fifty gold coins? Come on, I think the price is too high."

To the secretary, who jumps up his eyebrows and says so, Aura hits a voice that doesn't hide her displeasure.

"Fabio, use the words exactly. Are you sure the value of fifty gold coins is too high?

"... excuse me. Correct. That's a lot higher than I expected."

Without being frightened at all by the uncomfortable voice of the Lord, Secretary Fabio lines up words of apology and correction, bowing his head small. Even as Aura, I guess I'm not willing to stick to such trivial use of words at all times.

Immediately, when he regains his sober expression, he continues the conversation, looking up from the top of the couch at the iron skin of the secretary standing in front of the couch.

"It would be strange. On the contrary, Your Highness has reacted more to the treasure ball than this ring."

Aura and Yoshijiro's wedding ring. The finely crafted gold pedestal is adorned with stones whose method of polishing has not been established in this world: gilded stone, a beauty that anyone can see at a glance. Regardless of what unknowledgeable human beings see with regard to jewellery, they will normally find more value here than Beeball.

"Yes. Above all, it is inexplicable that His Highness Isabella went that far in an obvious manner"

Secretary Fabio said so and expressed agreement with the Lord's opinion.

Princess Isabella is one who has survived court society as a royal family of powers for more than forty years, although one way or another people pass by for good.

If you behave openly and lustfully, you are attached to them. That much common sense should go hand in hand.

Yet I have dared to offer a ridiculous amount of fifty gold coins.

"His Highness Isabella shouldn't be a squanderer, especially if she's not a new kind of object lover. Then it will be said to His Highness Isabella that the sum of fifty gold coins is a fair price"

"Maybe you're assuming a competitor. If you know the existence of this treasure ball, and you know the existence of an equal or greater sum than His Highness Isabella, you will be satisfied with this inexplicable high."

"Either way, there's no line that I see as just a jewelry item."

"Yes, that would be certain. I can't imagine the details at all, but I was wondering if you found some high value for the treasure."


Aura arms on the couch and recalls Princess Isabella's reaction.

Princess Isabella's gaze was directed at that colorless, transparent bead from the beginning when Aura hung her beads over the tray. If that's not a coincidence or Princess Isabella's intended mislead, it might be of some value for the color and transparency of the treasure balls. But if that's the case, it seems like something that can be substituted with crystals.

"You can't. Too little information, it's just a guess. I'll see what Grandpa has to say later."

"That would be nice. Knowledge that I or His Majesty do not possess may also be possessed by Master Espiridion"

Espiridion, the leading court sorcerer, is the best sorcerer in the kingdom of Karpua, as well as a wise man with a multifaceted knowledge. That old magician might have some tipping knowledge.

"Right. Tell Grandpa about it. I want to borrow your wisdom tonight."

"Yes, sir."

Secretary Fabio answers that and carefully bows his head.

"Still, fifty gold coins a piece? If it all comes down to the same value, my son-in-law will say that this alone has nearly 2,500 gold coins."

If that's all, one smaller fort will be built.

"Yes, it is dangerous to sell off Princess Isabella without knowing the details of what value she has found in the treasure ball, but if there is no real harm in this one, I know if it is okay for Master Zenzilow to let you go"

"Oh, as a businessman, the royal family of the two kingdoms just wants to grab it. Anyway, all payments are new gold coins."

"Yes, if you'll excuse me, I'd like you to exchange the gold coins obtained by Master Zenzilow for the large silver coins in the treasury."

"You're being too candid, that's"

To the words of the middle-aged secretary, Aura accidentally leaks a bitter laugh.

There are currently only two countries casting gold coins on the southern continent. The two Kingdoms of Sharova Jilbaer are one of those two countries, and the Kingdom of Karpua unfortunately is not.

There is no golden mountain in the realm of the Karpua kingdom, to the extent that sand can be harshly removed from several rivers. Not very much, but I can't take enough gold to cast gold coins regularly every year.

Instead, it deals with foreign countries in a pure 'large silver coin', which makes it 25 times more valuable than normal silver coins, because it holds one of the leading numbers and qualities in the southern continent as far as silver mountains are concerned, but the value of large silver coins in the Kingdom of Karpua is nevertheless about a quarter of the value of gold coins in both kingdoms.

Therefore, the problem that the highest currency in circulation in the country is not home-grown remains unresolved.

At the very least, for the sake of time, we need to store large quantities of gold coins from both kingdoms in the treasury, but the Karpua kingdom has just survived the war ahead. The contents of the treasury are quite cold.

Worst of all, the proposal to 'buy gold coins' from the two kingdoms in silver coins is also seriously on the agenda. Even about 2,000 pieces of gold appear attractive enough.

Nevertheless, even if we are discussing it here, there will be no further progress.

"Okay, then this story is on hold until I call Grandpa at night. I can't keep you waiting any longer, Isabella. Bring His Highness to the rear palace. Are you ready?

"Yes, you can always come through"

To Secretary Fabio's reply, Aura nods one "OK," and rises off the couch.

Princess Isabella is a valued guest, and the visit of Good Giro is ostensibly meant to be her "action from good intentions". If you make me wait too long, I'll be rude.

Okay, let's go.

Standing up, Aura knocked on the door in the next room to guide Princess Isabella to the rear palace herself.

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