Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Chapter vii 1 [activities outside, for that purpose]

"Knight Natalio. I appoint you as my direct guard knight. I count on your bravery and loyalty."

A few days later at noon. In a room deep in the royal palace, Yoshijiro stood in front of a young knight kneeling in front of him and hung his words with a voice that took care of all his majesty.

Natalio Maldonado.

That is the name of the knight who kneels before Sanjiro.

In my mid-twenties when I was a year, was it almost the same generation as Yoshijiro? The man, with his typical Karpua kingdom colour: burnt brown hair and eyes, brown skin, has a mysterious face and is mysteriously kneeling and awed.

Its tight face gives the impression of honesty and seriousness, but not the rigid who relaxes his expression when performing a ritual of allegiance in front of a direct royal family. It would be dangerous to extrapolate that character with a first impression.

Sanjiro pulled Natalio's sword, which he had deposited, out of the slurry and the leather sheath.

A well-cared forged iron blade reflects the sunlight that plugs through the window and glows in a giraffe.

Would a blade crossing be about 50-60cm? Looks like a one-handed sword from the length of the pattern, but its firm weight doesn't seem easy to wield with one hand.

In the belly of his undressed sword, Yoshijiro slapped both shoulders of Natalio on his knees one at a time, slowly tightening into his sheath.

And Natalio finally receives and answers the sword in the sheath offered by Yoshijiro, with one knee on the floor, with both hands.

"Ha, I hereby swear not to disobey my Lord, not to transgress my morality, not to be afraid of difficulties, to be His Majesty's hands and feet and to risk my life"

Thus, the ritual of allegiance of the knight Natalio came to an end without delay.

In a room in the royal palace where the knight Natalio left, Yoshijiro leaks a small, soothing sigh to avoid being heard around him.

Somehow, it seems that we were able to finish things without committing such a lapse.

"Thank you, Master Zenzilow"

The detailed middle-aged man who held back behind him - to the words of Secretary Fabio - is about to say, "There will be no hard work toward his superiors" in the common sense of the Salariesman era, but Yoshijiro swallows that emotion right there.

(Danger. Danger. I tend to forget about it because words go through without discomfort thanks to "The Word Spirit," but this is a different world, isn't it?)

Labor is what superiors do downwards and vice versa. That is only common sense in Japanese society.

Yoshijiro opens his mouth, recalling in his head the correct answer as a royal learned in Octavian classes.

"No, it's not a big deal. I'm glad to hear that, huh?

Secretary Fabio nods back and replies to Sanjiro, who asks him so.

"Yes, henceforth Sir Natalio will be part of the Bow Cavalry Regiment, while at the same time assuming the position of direct minister of Master Zenzilow. The royal direct minister's salary is twenty large silver coins per year, so it will be a great help to the Maldonado family.

In fact, it is out of His Majesty's nostalgia, but remember, on the form, Master Zenzilow is supposed to be paying Sir Natalio "

"Well, there's going to be a special allowance?

To Sanjiro, who raises a slightly surprised voice, Secretary Fabio leaves his facial expressions motionless and unattended.

"Yes, because knight loyalty is what you buy with money"

"Is that what this is all about?

"Regardless, money is not the only thing to complete. It is the Lord's word that increases loyalty, and it is the Lord's action that sustains it. But it is only money that underpins the roots. Without the foundation of money, loyalty is not possible."

The words of Secretary Fabio, to be clear, were terribly immaterial, but for that matter they were also easy to understand by Yoshijiro.

It's a dream story, but knights without territory live only on the salaries paid by the kingdom. Martial courage and loyalty are literal sales and we need to have them put as high a price on them as possible.

Secretary Fabio, staring at Yoshijiro, who nodded as he was convinced, with a masked iron skin, inquires in the same tone as he recalls.

"Oh, with that said, does Master Zenzilow not plan to have a territory or a title?

"Territory or title? What's this all about?

The queen's secretary explains in a polite tone to the queen's son-in-law, who tilts her neck with a suspicious look.

"Yes. Apart from the King's capital and its surroundings, there exists a royal direct jurisdiction over the enclave in my kingdom of Karpua. The lords of those territories are currently co-chaired by His Majesty Aura, with deputies on the ground, but the royal family, Lady Zenzilow, also has those inheritance rights. Regardless, the right of inheritance belongs to a generation like Zenzilow."

It is not a rare story that kings and royalties, apart from the right to inherit the throne and throne, have their own territories and titles combined. Rather, a king who does not have his own territory together would be a minority. There are also troublesome examples, like the king of one country owning the countenance of another.

"As before, it would not be necessary if we were to be drawn to the rear palace, but if we were to increase our activities outside in the future, we would need titles and the funds that we could freely afford. Well, if you're going to increase the number of direct ministers like Sir Natalio, your own financial resources are essential."

There is no lie or falsehood in the words of Secretary Fabio, which pale explains, but it is clearly odd as the words' Queen's Belly Heart '.

If the queen's husband, Yoshijiro, gains territory and title even in form alone and has his own financial resources, that's all Yoshijiro's control will leave Aura's hands. In the first place, sharing the proceeds of the enclave, currently monolithized under Aura, to Sanjiro, albeit in part, also means that Aura is simply less free to do so.

The King's brotherhood has its own status and financial resources, and with its financial resources it prepares its own forces of war.

Whatever you think, it's not a suggestion the Queen's side says.

(Watching this way out? No, even so, don't be too obvious. I guess I'm stabbing the nail one way or the other. in a slightly far-fetched way)

If Yoshijiro is on Aura's side, I have no choice but to answer "no" to this offer.

The attitude of the secretary trying to take the word was, to be honest, a little unpleasant, but as much as this is not an occasion to give a willful and twisted answer back, the understandable Sanjiro honestly returns the word of denial.

"It's useless. Unification of finances and authority is an essential element in organisational soundness"

"But didn't Master Zenzilow decide to be prepared to leave the rear palace to help His Majesty Aura? Excuse me, but how can you be limited, even though you are His Majesty's companion and are recognized as a direct royalty, Zenzilow, to remain uncrowned?

Flat voice and faceless face. While remembering his inner frustration with the provocative words spinning from it, Yoshijiro answers with a voice that has killed his emotions.

"But that's a concern to be discussed between me and Your Majesty. Over His Majesty's head, not the kind of muscle you would suggest to me."

The response of the thorny and frustrating irresistible Good Jiro would have been satisfactory to Secretary Fabio.

"... Ha, I'm sorry for your disrespect"

With his exceptional words, the middle-aged secretary, bowing his head in disdain, had distorted his nibbles and mouth into the form of a laugh.


hours after that. Secretary Fabio visited Aura, who was doing light work in the clerk's office, when the sun slipped through the window began to shine slightly sunset.

"Your Majesty, we are now back."

To Secretary Fabio, who bows his head slightly, Aura nods back slightly as she sits against the desk, only slightly glancing at you.

"Thank you, Fabio. Alejandro, you've had a hard time too. You can back off."

Alejandro Nieto, a young, seemingly serious young man, who had refrained behind Aura - handed Secretary Fabio a bunch of dragon-skinned paper in his hand at the word of his master.

"Dear Fabio, this is today's record."

"Okay. I'll take over later."

"Yes, thank you"

The young second secretary, who handed a bunch of dragon-skinned paper to the middle-aged first secretary, left when he looked seriously gracious.

Secretary Fabio speaks to the queen running her pen to her desk as she hears Batan and the young second secretary close the door on her back.

"How was it, Your Majesty? Alejandro's first job."

In response to Secretary Fabio's query, Aura stops her hand running the ballpoint pen, turning her gaze from the paper at hand to the face of the secretary's fine face standing in front, and answers concisely.

"That's not bad. Unlike you, I have a weakness in my words and deeds. But for the first time at work, it doesn't even 'sound like it if you hit it' yet. If it's when I'm feeling better, you can lay down for a while and work out, but now the understudy is at best."

Secretary Fabio answered the Queen, shrugging her shoulders small.

"Copy that. For your satisfaction, let's continue to focus on teaching."

The guidance of the young secretaries is also the responsibility of Fabio, the First Secretary.

Aura, a long-time dater, felt sensitive to Fabio burning his passion for backward education under the iron skin and sympathized a little with the younger secretaries.

Nevertheless, it is true that there are not enough young secretaries.

"Do that. By the way, how'd it go over there?

Without panicking about a sudden change of subject, the middle-aged secretary returns the words without going between them "if you hit it, it sounds".

"Yes, Sir Natalio's liturgy of loyalty has ended without delay. Master Zenzilow has already returned to the rear palace."

Aura leaks a sigh of relief to the secretary's report that she can't handle it and has no problems.

"Right. That's above all. So, let me ask you something? In your eyes, what did your son-in-law look like?

It has already been nearly six months since Yoshijiro came to this world. Even more questionable now, it is also true that there has never been a chance for Secretary Fabio to have a full conversation with Yoshijiro, who has always been drawn to the men's forbidden rear house.

It is necessary to know what impression this iron-skinned belly had on his son-in-law, beyond the determination of Yoshijiro to increase his activities outside the rear palace to the extent that he was unable to do so.

To the Queen's question, the middle-aged secretary returned the answer without thinking whether he had already prepared it.

"Yes, you seem to be somewhat used to taking care of expressions and behaviors from the beginning. If so, I was wondering if letting you have a public place would make a fatal mistake.

I also tried to instigate him to cede his royal possession of territory and title, but he kicked me in the ass "

In the words of the secretary, who said so without evil, Aura floated with a tannic surface and covered her face with her hands.

"That's how you provoke words again... But territory and title? Given your future son-in-law's activities, there's room for consideration."

The secretary tells the queen to do her hand, which was covering her face, to her chin and to think with a serious look, distorting her mouth into a small form of grin and chilling it.

"Please discuss that thoroughly with His Majesty and Master Zenzilow. Anything like that, 'Over Your Majesty's Head', 'cause it's not a matter of me pinching my mouth when I'm just a secretary'."

From what Secretary Fabio said, Aura laughs back small when she realizes that's what Yoshijiro said.

"That sounds like a prudent son-in-law. Thanks to this one is easy to move. Perhaps you should prepare it sooner, in the sense of foiling, or just the title."

As for Sanjiro, I do not intend to be acting with particular caution. However, privately, I am aware that I and Aura are equally qualified, but publicly there is a clear upward and downward relationship.

It is a little over three years of social experience to share accurate information and how much an organization without a monolithic order system strays.

"If you are in the position of Your Majesty's husband, you will inherit the title of 'Duke of Valentia', but there is no problem"

To the provocative secretary's words, Aura returns the words in a low voice so as to intimidate her with a grin.

"Be careful what you say and do to try this one. Don't worry, but I'm not going to give my son-in-law any real power that far. At least, while I sit on the throne, the Duke of 'Valentia' and the Earl of 'Potosi', I shall serve concurrently. I'm not willing to give in to anyone else."

"It's a wise decision."

The queen's reprimanded secretary didn't even show a shrug to be afraid of, but shrugged her shoulders small enough to appreciate the queen's judgment.

"Warentia" is the most prosperous harbour town in the kingdom, and "Potosi" is the land of the kingdom's best silver mountains.

A source of income exists in the royal family, commonly known as the 'Five Pillars'. That is, five things: "land trade," "maritime trade," "salt monopoly," and "silver mountain management," plus "levies from each lord."

It goes without saying now how important the two of those five pillars, the second city of Valentia, the heart of 'maritime trade' and 'salt monopoly', means in the Kingdom.

No matter how much Aura trusts Sanjiro, she cannot give up the position of Duke of Valentia. Even in the history of the Karpua kingdom, there is a minority of kings who did not concurrently hold the Duke of Valentia.

"But in His Majesty's Weight, you can't 'jump' on the ground for a while. I'll take care of the deputy, and that's dangerous."

To the secretary's point, Aura shakes her neck vertically with a bitter face.

"Oh, I know. If my son-in-law can use" Moment Travel, "I'd like him to do as much as the Superintendent, regardless of title inheritance."

Originally, there is the existence of the magic, 'instantaneous mobility', that can be used by the human beings of the Karpua royal family to manage enclaves that are prone to become hotbeds of injustice and rebellion, for the reason that the Karpua kingdom has done so without problems.

It takes a lot of courage and talent to plot injustice and rebellion under a human being who doesn't know when he will come to inspect with a pluck.

However, Aura, the queen, is the only user of "instant travel" in the current Karpua kingdom. In this sense, it is desirable to acquire the magic of Yoshijiro and the mass production of children who draw direct blood.

"Right. That much work, I'd expect. It remains the same that the greatest work required of Master Zenjiro is to have a child with His Majesty."

"Sort of. Luckily the kid is doing well. I haven't even been here today. Dr. Michelle says the toughest time has passed."

To Aura, who looks most pleased today, Secretary Fabio,

"That was it. With that said, you and the messengers of both kingdoms met in person today. How was it, the other way out?

So change the subject and ask Aura.

"Right. I can't fit in, and the feeling is, you don't seem to be willing to limit me and my son-in-law's son. It's just that, if anything happens to my son-in-law to be a son with a person other than me, that's a sign that he's going to intervene. That one."

Aura replied so after keeping a giddy weight on the back of the chair and turning her head to relax stiffness once.

The neighborhood is the line I had expected from the beginning, even here. While convinced, Secretary Fabio asks further.

"But then there will undoubtedly be the blood of the 'Shalova royal family' in the future for His Majesty and the Son of Lord Zenzilow. Just because Master Zenzilow doesn't create a side chamber, do the two kingdoms get the spear?

Aura shrugged her shoulders small and shook her head honestly to the side.

"I guess I can't. In fact, the Apostle has made his son-in-law smell like a princess beside the Shalova royal family. In the meantime, the child was born on the assumption that the other side would take it."

That way, just as the blood of the Shalova royal family mixes with the Karpua royal family, so too will the Shalova royal family be born with the blood of the Karpua royal family mixed. Now you're coming, you want to tell them.

Regardless, that's the other saying, and here's the saying.

If you swallow the whole other saying poorly, more than the definitive information that Yoshijiro is potentially wearing the blood of the Shalova royal family, it can be the result of just getting the blood of 'space-time magic' stolen.

In the first place, as for this one, I didn't steal the other blood muscle intentionally, so I shouldn't have to give in more than I need to.

"I wonder where you're going to drop it."

"I don't know. At the moment, it's hard to say. Honestly, parallel line exchanges will continue for a while. It's called" Blood Magic. "Too many things we can't give to each other. Fortunately, you recognize war as the worst last resort."

The Kingdom of Karpua and the two kingdoms of Shalova Jilbaer. Both of them are fingerfolding powers championing the Southern continent. We both understand that bad fire play is a burn. But what hangs is not unprofitable stuff like Ments. The power that forms the backbone of the country, "Blood Magic." I don't think I can easily find a drop.

"In some cases, in His Majesty's and Master Zenzilow's generations, it may not be settled."

"... if I could, I'd like to avoid that. The problem with this hand is that the more time we stand, the more we find legitimacy in each other's assertions and become unable to give way to them. I want to avoid that my child's generation creates the trigger for the next war"

That said, Aura is also king. As a king's duty, we cannot enter into a covenant against our own country. If we do that, there will be a swing in Aura's power base, which is now a crisis of civil unrest.

"We're just going to have to be prepared for a long fight on this. I'm also a body that won't be free until birth, and it's dangerous to draw conclusions as soon as possible. In case a secret leaks, it's a pain in the ass. If Pujols and others listen to this story, can you imagine what they would say?

Secretary Fabio, who understands what Aura is trying to say, brings a small sigh of sigh and indicates consent.

"... no doubt, you'll be glad to push the side chamber against Master Zenzilow. To aggressively steal the lineage of" Grant Magic. "

There is no way that the ambitious General Pujols could miss an opportunity to take in the blood magic of another country. What is even more troublesome is that if General Pujols advises so, the congruent nobility is expected to become a majority. Only then is the blood muscle of 'Grant Magic' fascinating.

Prudentialists who take care of both kingdoms are likely to be driven aside.

"Be careful, just be careful."

As I told myself, Aura had unconsciously rubbed my child's abdomen with her right hand.

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