Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Prologue [Beginning of the Second Year]

The night just a month (twenty-ninth) after Aura, Queen of the Kingdom of Karpua, gave birth to her first child safely. The king's capital, Karpua, was filled with flames that quenched the darkness at night and a lively hustle and bustle.

Big bonfires burn at boulevard junctions and parks, and all over the city at night, roundabout soldiers with squires with pine lights patrol.

If you look downtown, you can see that the vast majority of restaurants also light multiple oil plates in the store and work for extraordinary evening sales.

Late night operations, where oil values are tight and fire hazards are high, are usually something that most stores don't do, except today.

The good news that most of King Karpua's people have been waiting for. It's a memorable night to celebrate the birth of the Royal First Boy.

"Celebrate Your Majesty's health!

"For the birth of His Highness Carlos!

"To the future of the kingdom of Karpua!

"" "Cheers!

Cheers echo in the evening tavern and the sound of bumping into each other a wooden jock with booze.

The only light in the tavern is the oil dish fire in the four corners, but the air in this place is enough to illuminate its thin lights as' bright '.

Tonight is the night of the festival to celebrate the birth of the prince. It was actually born a month ago, but in this world where medicine is underdeveloped, there is no guarantee that children, even royalty, will grow up safely. For this reason, it is customary for birthdays to take place one month after the actual birthday.

And tonight is a month after that. Wangdu turns into a Night Castle.

Most importantly, in the case of the drunkards on this occasion, there is no mistake that they are celebrating the birth of the prince, but the majority are more simply entities that float in 'just liquor' and 'just rice'.

Yes, utilities and food and beverage to colour this evening are, in principle, all royal.

Arrange firewood and oil for the bonfire, give silver coins to the restaurant in advance, and arrange for soldiers on patrol so that there will be no fires or fights.

Taking it to the royal family during the war disaster reconstruction is a burden that is never light, but you can't take these popularity lightly. Besides, we can expect the Wang Du's economy to be temporarily revitalized as a secondary effect of these large-scale behaviors.

No matter how the royal family behaves' just liquor 'or' just rice ', it is limited to cheap fruit liquor and cheap soup made in a large pot.

Even those liquors and rice can make you drunk, and your belly swells, but if the liquor turns and makes you feel bigger, even if you cut yourself a little bit, there are also people out there who will reach for more delicious liquor and delicious rice.

As a result, each restaurant will record a significant deficit, even if it excludes behavioral money from the royal family.

"Nevertheless, don't keep up the congratulations here these days. The war was won, and His Majesty Aura was married. And a year from now, the birth of a prince is too much."

The disappointing, muscular man around thirty, who was sitting down with his legs spread over a chair in the store, said so out loud, momentously lowering the jock that turned kara to the table. A wooden jock hits a wooden table, making a pleasant noise with a cutlet.

"What, until then, it's been years of fighting, and it's been tough. The accumulated 'good things' must have come together."

It is the man sitting across the street who answered so. Compared to a man sitting in the front, he's somewhat skinny, but if you look closely, you can see that his body is a labored, tight thing. Perhaps they are both manual workers working in the Wang capital.

The skinny man shrugs hot soup with a large wooden spoon and carries it to his mouth.

Soup utensils are to the extent that cooking banana bumps and cheap leafy vegetables are filled with meat from scrap dragons (meat from runaway dragons and blunt dragons that are old and no longer a workforce), but they are strongly flavored with salt and spices, so if you eat them while they are hot, they taste good enough.

salt, spices, and brown sugar. None of this is a substitute for extra high prices in the Kingdom of Karpua.

In the heat, sip the spiced soup, sweat, and drink the sweat-scratched moisture. It is a common way of overcoming severe heat in the Kingdom of Karpua.

"Well, sure. After that shitty war. A little bit, even if good things continue to happen, you won't be punished."

but a good man expressed such consent to the words of a skinny man. We were both about mid thirties when we were old. If you look closely, there are knife wounds and arrow wounds on the arms and chest that can be removed from the clothes trap. In the war ahead, you must have had experience licking battlefield mud as a soldier.

If you think about it, it's natural that you have a real sense of what these men are saying.

"That's what I'm talking about. But if it's behaving like booze and behaving like rice, that's what I wanted you to have from day to day. I feel like I've lost half a day. Well, the rice in the dark at night has a lot of flair."

That's what I said. I laugh back at the skinny guy who put the spoon back in the wooden soup dish, like a nasty drunk blowing out.

"Ha! From the point of view of pulling out 'the flair' or something, you do. Well, I know what you're trying to say, but kids are a gift. You can't just pick a time to be born."

Typically, a prince's birthday celebration takes place all day, but hatred is the hottest time of the year. Hot temperatures above forty-five degrees are life-threatening.

In temperatures more than ten degrees above such body temperatures, the faint and the dead will continue if the city is mentioned and drunk and noised. During the day during this period of severe heat, you must stay as still indoors as you can and drain your strength, and when you really need to walk outside, avoid exposing your body to any direct sunlight with a white hooded jacket.

Coats are mainly made of thick cotton textiles. Breathable fabrics like hemp feel cool until temperatures are lower than body temperature. No matter how much wind blows through your clothes, if the wind that blows through is higher than your body temperature, it will just get as hot as it blows.

In that sense, I guess the fact that all the men cheering in this tavern can stay in sleeveless shirts and thin trousers still means' cool 'at night.

Nevertheless, that is a relative assessment when compared to the murderous heat of the day, and there is no doubt that the night is also hot.

The skinny man who finished his hot soup was doing his clothes collar rusty, but tropical nights are not such a cute thing that it cools down to that extent.

"I can't stop thinking about this. Hey, I'm gonna get some water. Ready?"

The skinny man, twisting his body on a chair, takes the twitch of a tree that was standing on the back wall and says so aloud that sounds all over the liquor store.

"Whoa, let it go!

"Yes, it's hot on boulders!

"Nobody disagrees. Hey!

The drunkards, who received a man's voice and were making noise in the liquor store, have simultaneously conveyed their appreciation.

"All right, here we come"

The man, with the consent of the guests in the store, walks over to an elongated wooden tank, standing up from the chair and holding a large, long hiccup in his hand, set in the corner of the tavern.

Installing and placing a water-filled tank in the store is the first service we do anywhere if you are doing business around here.

The room temperature drops somewhat just because the water is in the store, and if you hit the floor of the store with that water, as the man is trying to do now, it will cool off a lot with its vaporizing heat.

Regardless, there will temporarily be a puddle in the cobblestone snag in the store and a splash will hang on the customer's shoes and trouser hem, but there are no delicate people here who care about that.

Even at midnight, before high temperatures exceeding thirty-five degrees, the water and so on dries up quickly.

On the contrary, one of the guests tells the man.

"Oh, that's so dull. Come on, let him down!

Drop it.

At last, they say, "Sprinkle the water over our heads more luxuriously, without falling at our feet."

Anyway, as long as you put water on the floor to cool it down, it's a slightly unproductive act in the Karpua kingdom to sprinkle water directly from the forehead in the store. But this is a pub at the end of the day. The abusive proposal is accepted with applause.

"Right, punch it!

"It's not as hot as this!

"Seriously, wait till you put a lid on the dish!

Around the soup dishes and thin-baked bread containers on the table handily, apparently 'letting down' the water in this way is becoming routine.

In that evidence, I don't show the shopkeeper keeping an eye on the big pot behind the counter, or just wrinkling and grinning bitterly at its brown face, trying to stop it.

On the contrary,

"Be careful not to put it on the oil plate."

In the words, give permission.

Taking the word, the man laughed loudly, "Okay," plugging the tip of his hiccups into a square rinse. And

"Okay, let's go, let's go!

With one right hand, swing a hiccup with water around like an arc, and rain it on the tavern at night.

Water droplets splashing through the air illuminate and sparkle in the flames of oil dishes standing in all corners.

"Whoa, it's cold!

"Oh, I'll come back to life."

"Damn it, more, more!

The drunkards speak voluntarily.

"Oh, come on, wait a minute."

When the man takes the shaky, dull water and cools himself over his head, he then swings it around again and again, early in the arrow, sending water down into the store.

"Huh, it feels good! Hail, Your Majesty!

"Whoa, long live His Highness Carlos!

"Long live the Kingdom of Karpua!

The drunkards, who feel better in the water bath, raise their voices financially again.

"And then, uh, that? What 'd you say?... Oh, anyway, long live His Majesty's son-in-law!

Apparently, the visibility of the son-in-law of Queen Aura, "Yoshijiro," was only extremely low enough for those ordinary people at the end of a drunken, thought-provoking place to remember the name in vain.


If the night breaks, the morning comes.

The evening of the festival, coloured with flames and liquor, also ends with the morning sun.

If the scorching sun takes its face off the horizon, it's the usual routine from there.

Especially now, the hottest time of the year. This time period, when the morning sun is climbing and the area is brighter, but the temperature has not yet risen in earnest, is precious.

People are moving quickly and vibrantly in the townships of Wang Capital, where the days have dawned white.

In order to avoid heat shooting, it is customary to take a nap indoors during the most elevated temperatures during the day to avoid physical exhaustion. So if we don't do all we can in the morning and in the evening, we're running out of time.

In haste, the morning of Wang Du begins to move vigorously. Situated in the middle of such a king's capital, in the only room of its noisy and unbridled rear palace, Yoshijiro was still experiencing a relaxing morning like never before.

In a seemingly clutterless room with a mixture of exotic classic furniture and high-volume Japanese appliances, Yoshijiro makes a big stretch.

Only the morning sun plugs in through the gap in the wooden door that closes the window. The room of the light source is dark through the dim, even though it is already morning.

"Ugh... kuh...!

Yoshijiro, dressed in a room called a grey T-shirt and two-tack white hemp trousers, opens the window in the living room with his arms stretched up, glued and his head turned.

If you open a precisely sculpted window, it's sunlight that's so strong that you can't imagine the morning sun coming in, and a hot and humid outside air.


With the strong light to plug in and the aggressive enthusiasm to pour in, Yoshijiro, who opened the window, turns away unexpectedly. The dazzling morning sun shines in the eyes used to the darkness, but more intense than that is its enthusiasm.

"Wow, this. Before I say hot or disgusting, I feel a danger to my life"

That air, which is too hot, still feels "breathless" even after a thoughtful deep breath, as if it has a low oxygen concentration.

With Yoshijiro living on a daily basis, this living room and the bedroom next door continue to cool off with ice and fans every night. No matter how large the living room is and not as sensitive as a Japanese home, if ice is installed every day, the whole room will be kept at a comfortable room temperature isolated from the outside air.

Setting his face against the fervour of relentlessly entering through the open window, Yoshijiro brings tools to try to get things done quickly, in order to close the window as quickly as possible.

There are three things Yoshijiro brought from the corner of the living room: a digital clock, a sharp pencil, and a digital camera.

"All right, just in time."

When Yoshijiro puts the square clock over the window frame, he looks at its dial display and nods small.

Yoshijiro then turns his eyes to the shadow that the vertical frame of the window drops over the horizontal frame and waits closely for that time with a sharp pencil in his right hand.

7: 00.

As soon as the dial of the clock displayed its time, Yoshijiro drew a line with a sharp pencil in the shadow line of the window frame.

Then, simply copy it onto the digital camera. When the shutter came down after pressing a button specific to the digital camera, the internal clock of the digital camera indicated 7: 00: 09.

This is the morning routine that Yoshijiro came up with recently.

"Um, I knew it was a little off. The problem is that I can't tell if the reason for this discrepancy is because the day isn't perfect for 24 hours or because the sunrise sunset time changes from day to day."

Look at the digital camera image. That's how Kojiro spills it. It's only been a few days since I started this routine, but I'm supposed to be printing the same shadow line at the same time every day, and that line is shifting slightly to the side every day.

Second year since I've transferred to another world. Yoshijiro, who played his biggest role in letting Aura have a child, is making room for just a few eyes of interest to this world. This is also part of it.

"Well, either way, the clock I brought in from Earth is unadjusted, and I can still use it a year later, so I'm pretty sure the day is almost twenty-four hours"

Yoshijiro mutters to himself, yes.

Otherwise, the clock you've been holding on to here should be useless. For example, even if the length of a day was only one minute different, if three hundred and sixty-five days passed, the discrepancy would be three hundred and sixty-five minutes. Three hundred and sixty-five minutes, in plain words, about six hours.

If the clock is off for six hours, I'll definitely realize no matter how indicative there is only vague stuff like sunrise sunset. In other words, the presumption is made that the difference in the length of the day between the original world and this world is only a very short thing to such an extent that Yoshijiro, who spent about a year even if there was one, cannot realize it. However,

"If we measure the position of the shadow just a year from now, we can measure the error of a day that eliminates the error caused by the date... but the problem is that there is no guarantee that the year is even 365 days."

Sanjiro leaked his sigh again.

The calendar of this world revolves around a total of twelve months with a month of twenty-nine in January and a month of thirty in six months. I mean, a year is three hundred and fifty-four days. However, since there are obvious deviations, they are adjusted by adding moons every few years and creating thirteen-month years.

From what Yoshijiro has roughly calculated, it feels like a year in this world has been roughly three hundred and sixty-five days.

"Somehow, if I can be sure that this world is the same twenty-four hours, three hundred and sixty-five days as Earth, I can make some useful suggestions,"

Regardless, I am not going to let the current calendar, which has already permeated the King's people, change to the best of my own.

However, if you can make a somewhat accurate calendar of the solar calendar, it will definitely help a lot.

Every few years, in the current calendar of the moon, nearly thirty days of discrepancy arise depending on the year.

If you think that April 1st last year will be May 1st this year, you will understand how pointless it is to expect the role of weighing 'seasons' in this calendar. At the very least, it is grossly inappropriate to use it as an indicator of the timing of sowing and water treatment works.

Thanks to this, the experience and understanding of the farmers are all present in the time of sowing and harvesting in the Kingdom of Karpua.

"Well, veteran farmers' rule of thumb would take decades for conjecture from accumulated data to prevail. There's no thermometer in this world."

Still, the production of the correct calendar and the accompanying accumulation of annual weather data should be of some help in the future.

I told myself yes, it was just then that Yoshijiro, who closed the window, switched on the six LED stand lights and illuminated the room brightly with the white light of the population.

The sound of knocking on the concourse and the entrance door echoes into the wide living room.

"Yes, go ahead"

The door opens to the words of Yoshijiro, who is allowed to enter the room. Beyond it stood the person that Yoshijiro had expected.

"Morning, Zenzilow"

A big beauty holding her little baby like a treasure, firmly on its rich chest, following the two maids behind her and smiling.

"Morning, Aura"

Sanjiro answered with a homogeneous smile and invited his wife, who held my child, into the room.


"Excuse me. Are you sure you want to take this position?

A samurai, completely used to this past year, takes a large amount of ice from the gold in the fridge and leaves it beside the couch where Yoshijiro and the others sit. The fan that goes around in the back delivers cold air to Yoshijiro, who sits on the couch at just the right angle.

Aura sitting on the couch across the street has only gotten that aftermath, but that's fine now. Aura's chest holds a one-month-old baby. It is not very good to blow cold air directly on the soft skin of the baby.

"Mm-hmm. Thank you for your hard work. Stay back."

"Yes, excuse me"

In response to the queen's words to say so with her gaze dropped on the baby with her breasts, the two maids, who installed ice and a fan, bowed their heads small with a peck, then left the room.

Only a pair of men and women and a single baby are left in the living room where the door is closed, making a noise with the batan.

A mother with my son and her husband watching over her. It is a common structure in the general public, but not in the case of Kojiro and the others.

"Normally, I think it's time for the morning discussion to start, but what's going on today?

In the living room where the samurai left the room, Yoshijiro asks his wife, who sits face to face.

At a time when the heat is particularly harsh in the Karpua Kingdom, the royal palace also takes a long break at noon for its own safety. This morning's meeting begins early in order to make up for the delay.

Yoshijiro is right, now is not the time for Aura to be able to slow down like this.

But Aura let go of my son, who she held with both arms,

"Oh, because the agenda for this morning's meeting is that of Uncle Ghazir's border. The arrival of the key Ghazir border uncle has been delayed, so the start of the morning meeting has been postponed."

Yes, I return the words with joy.

"Oh, yeah. That's good. Can I say that?

"It won't be very good. It's more of a troubling matter because the agenda didn't work out, it just slipped back. But it's the free time I was born. It would be a loss if we didn't make the most of it, hey, Carlos?

That's what Aura says, glancing at my child's face in her arms.

"Uh, uh!

A month-old baby - Carlos looks up at his mother's face and laughs joyfully.

Where did the shadow go that Yoshijiro thought was' like a poor minister monkey 'when he was born, a young prince who sucked on the milk of his mother and nanny and grew up dull, his cheeks and his hands peeking from the sleeves of his baby clothes are rounded with pukupuku, full of love that makes him want to poke it by accident.

Glossy burnt brown curly hair. Big crisp and moving, black eyes. Mid-brown and yellow skin. Doesn't there exist any more loving creatures on earth without the desire of their parents? Sanjiro seriously thinks so, but around purposefully saying no "without parental greed," only the person at all realizes the fact that his eyes are so full that there is no more.

"Carlos ~? Look, bellows...... baa!

"Oh? Cah-cah!

From the couch across the street, the infant sees the face of her father, who stands aside and bellows, after a moment of kyotong, a tall laugh for fun.

Did you care about your son's reaction, Yoshijiro then repeats over and over again.

"Whoa, I laughed. Funny? Look, bellows...... bah! Velo, Velo, Velo, Velo, Velo, Velo, Velo, Velo, Velo, Velo, Velo!

"Cacca, cacca!

The baby keeps laughing with pleasure, but it was the mother holding the baby to her chest who complained about the bitter mix.

"Zenzilow. I know you want to make Carlos laugh, but don't give me too many 'weird faces' in a row. Anyway, as a mother of a child, as a wife, I feel a little unbroken."

"Mm... Mmm"

For a moment, I wanted to argue, "Is it time to dress up now?" But if I think the opposite of my position, I can also understand a little what Aura is trying to say.

How much, the most adorable life form that crosses the two worlds - even to make Carlos laugh - would certainly demand that his beloved wife stop making his lips violently tremble or his tongue relieve him of the momentum of licking his nose and tip of his chin, too.

Courtesy of intimacy.

Now even in the family, the adage should not be forgotten to continue the relationship of 'couple', formerly someone else, in a long and full circle.

To my husband, who reluctantly stopped being 'weird-faced', the queen says in a slightly teasing tone when she turns to a dear grin different from that directed at my child.

"And how can you call it that? Carlos isn't the only one named after him. That's the only way I could call him 'Another Name' with the right pronunciation, so shouldn't I have called him that name?

On his wife's words, Yoshijiro gave a slightly void poked look and nodded.

"Uh, yeah, you're right."

Sure, this kid has another name. It's a Japanese-style name given by Yoshijiro. Public awareness is low compared to the name 'Carlos', but that's why Yoshijiro should be proactive in calling him that name. Because the name is definitely part of this child.

"... Seiyoshi"

Sanjiro, who breathed heavily in, calls the name in a small voice so that he could just breathe out a little air of a glass of chest.

Good luck.

That's another name that Yoshijiro sent to my child after thinking about it.

By saying that it is easy to understand and mix one letter of one's name, it is quite difficult at first to explain to the Aura da Karpua kingdom people who do not know the culture of "symbolic letters" that the good "Zen" and the good "Joshi" are the same letters, although they were the relatively easy names to propose, such as "Okokokoko" and the good man "Ok".

In the end, the name that Yoshijiro sends to my son became Yoshiyoshi "Chichichi".

"Carlos Sangi Karpua". That is the official name of this baby, the first prince of the kingdom of Karpua.

The name Carlos is a relatively good name in the Kingdom of Karpua. Some have shrunk those two names and called them His Royal Highness' Carlo Zen ', because there are nearly ten of them of the same name, even to the extent that they remain in the lineage diagram alone, including the last two who have worn the historical crown and the royal family who did not become kings.

In the future, when he reaches the throne, he may become known as King 'Carlo Zen'. Most importantly, since the ordinary people are always passing by "His Highness Carlos," there is also a good chance that they will simply be called "Carlos III".

While doing so, the little prince suddenly turns his smile until just now and sobs.

"Phew... Phew... Phew, yeah..."

"Um, what's going on? Yoshiyoshi or Carlos? Carlo? What's going on?

To Yoshijiro, who looks worried and sits down from the couch and speaks, his wife, who holds my child,

"No, it's okay, Zenzilow. It's time for you to cry."

Yes, answer without upset.

"Oh, yeah."

To his wife's words, Yoshijiro, who leaked a breath of relief, asks in the same tone as he noticed.

"Is that it? But you understand very well, Aura. Hit it, the way you cry, distinguishing between opinions and mundanes?

To her husband's inquiry, the queen snorted,

"Oh. During this time, I learned from Cassandra. Most like her, I can't tell the difference between peeing and crying."

On a daily basis, I spoke of the name of the nanny, who entrusted me with the care of my child.

Taking care of the baby is a great task that is impossible to combine with the queen's intense duties. Whatever, the baby wants milk all day, without any annoyance around him or anything, who flushes large or small, and cries when the desire is not satisfied. I have no doubt that even a tough aura will go down in five days if you raise the baby with your own hands while fulfilling the Queen's responsibilities.

Most importantly, let Cassandra, who has three children, say that caring for Carlos is incredibly easy.

That doesn't mean Carlos is a good kid with no special hands. All thanks to tools such as breast-milk frozen tuppers and milk bottles, brought in from Earth by Yoshijiro.

Breast milk squeezed from the breast during the day can also be consumed without problems for a day or so if stored frozen. By dissolving the breast milk in human skin and giving it to her in a bottle, the nanny is relieved of the position that if the baby cries even at night, she must definitely wake up and breastfeed.

When you are tired, when you are sleepy without help, one of the samurai may milk you in a milk bottle instead of a nanny.

Fortunately, Carlos seems to have no problem with his sucking power, and he does not have any problems with his nanny's breasts, Aura's breasts, or from his milk bottle, and he sucks his milk.

"That's why I'm opinionated. Zenzilow, I have my hands blocked on this street. I'm sorry, but I need you to turn around and untie my dress knot."

Copy that.

At the word of his wife, Yoshijiro quickly turns around to the back of the couch where Aura sits. It's off the cold wind of an ice fan, so the raw warm air makes my skin sick, but now is not the time to care about that.

To fill my child's belly as soon as possible, Yoshijiro did his hand on his wife's shoulder as she stood behind her wife sitting on the couch, wrapping her red long hair up.

What Aura is wearing now is a red sleeveless dress that ties and stops the cloth in front and back over her shoulders.

"Aura, knock your neck down a bit"

"Mm-hmm. Is this it?

On Aura's left shoulder, with her cotton and neck honestly bent to the right, Yoshijiro reached out from behind and untied the knot above it.

I tie it tighter every day, but now I just easily tie it into a bow. Perhaps from the beginning, you assumed that you would be milking here.

Harari and one side of the dress fall, one large breast of Aura becomes dewy.

"Thank you. Look, Carlos, it's boobs"

The queen, who revealed one breast, quickly brought my child's face closer to that big breast.

"Huh yeah...... Huh? Ah..."

The baby's reaction was dramatic.

The baby, with his face against her mother's breasts, immediately sucks onto its top and breakfast with all his might.

"Mm... nnnnnnnnnnnn..."

"Huff, I'm sucking. I'm sucking. Really, you're fine."

With her pregnancy, Aura looks down on her sincere love thanks to Aura, who sucks on her breast, which is even bigger than before.

"Good. You were hungry."

When Carlos confirms that he has settled down, Yoshijiro also sits back on the couch across the street.

"Mmm, mmm..."



A baby who drinks hard and a mother with a baby. And a father who watches his mother and son from a short distance away.

My father and mother, at some point silent, just pour a tender gaze on my child.

"Look, drink up a lot. I only have time to milk you today."

Unexpectedly, such words leak out of Aura's mouth. Before being a mother, there is little chance that Aura, the queen, will be given her own milk to my child.

"... Kefu"

The calm and warm time lasted until the baby let its mouth off Aura's breast.

"Mm-hmm. What's up? Is that enough?

Just in case Aura brings her breasts closer to Carlos' mouth again, the baby turns her face to the side in a cool manner. Apparently, he's already hungry.

I can't stop laughing calmly when I see my son dripping milk with someone in his mouth. But such a gentle expression of Good Jiro also changes in Aura's next words.

"Have you had a full stomach? Right, hungry? Then the rest is for my dad."

"Dad, I'm not drinking!? In front of Good Luck, stop joking about bad people, Mom!

In front of his mother, the desperate figure Yoshijiro raised a resolute protest.

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