Risou no Himo Seikatsu
Chapter II 2 [Carnivorous Dragon Claw Marks]
That night.
As usual, Sanjiro and Aura, having finished dinner and bathing, had a couple of waterless hours on the couch in the living room.
However, the positional relationship between the two is not between 'neighbors', but between 'opposites'.
When sitting next to each other, when talking about relaxation. When we sit across the street, when we talk a little serious. In the course of the past year, at some point, there has been such indiscipline.
For this reason, as Aura lowered her hips to her front, Yoshijiro, who sensed the direction of the conversation, did not yet put his mouth on the iced whiskey glass and placed it on the coaster of the table.
Apparently, that decision wasn't wrong, and Aura, in her thin nightly outfit, begins to talk with a serious face, unsuitable for that hot, generous outfit.
"Zenzilow, do you have a minute? I'm sorry for being such a futile subject at a time like this, but it's the information I want to keep in my ear. I'm talking about today at the" Luncheon "..."
From the couch where the six LED standlights lit up a little bit, Yoshijiro in blue striped pyjamas listened to his wife.
"Uh, I don't know, is that so unusual? The royal family of" The Shalova Royal "is coming out of the country?
As a matter of fact, after hearing Aura's explanation, Sanjiro first raises such a question.
The Prince and Princess of "The Shalova Royal Family" may come to this country.
I know that's important, but Aura's surprise nevertheless looks a little exaggerated.
It was only last year that Princess Isabella of the Zilbel family, another royalty of the same two kingdoms of Sharova Zilbel, made her official visit.
Besides, I remember being taught by Octavia, a tutor, that the wedding of Sanjiro and Aura was only attended by domestic nobles and foreign nobles in the diplomat class because they were forced to do so quickly, but that it was common for direct royalty in other countries to show a large number of faces when it was usually a king's wedding.
To Sanjiro's question, Aura nods and answers one when she smiles small.
"Oh, 'royal' visits aren't as rare as they are. What is unusual is simply the visit of the 'Shalova Royal Family'. The two kingdoms of Shalova Zilbert have two royalties. In principle, visits abroad are the responsibility of the" House of Popes of Zilbert ".
That country hasn't gone on for hundreds of years, either, keeping the two royalties side by side with Dada. The division of roles around here is pretty solid.
Regardless, there are a number of power mechanisms on the boundary between the two houses, and I hear that the outline of both royal interests is being shadowed there. "
To Aura's explanation, Sanjiro nodded, "I see."
"Such an inward royal comes all the way to this country for some clear purpose, after all, right?
Aura agrees with Sanjiro, who asks so without even having to ask.
"Oh. Perhaps that's what they were after, 'Beeball'. In fact, even after that, letters have come from both kingdoms through Princess Isabella to make her smell about the purchase of the rest of the 'Beeballs'.
Again, you should see that the presumption that 'Beeballs' would be a great force was quite certain to have been hit when using 'Grant Magic' "
"Um, well. I don't have that beeball..."
Even if it is said that the glass balls of toys I bought for hundreds of yen a bag were a play that could shake the political balance between nations in this world, I honestly don't know what it is.
"Well, I'll leave it to Aura about the deal around there. It's good for me in the form of an ex post report, so do whatever you want. Oh, speaking of which, is it possible that their purpose is' my blood muscle '? You were pretty obsessed at first, weren't you?
As I thought of it, Aura shook her neck to the side and replied after a long thought with her right hand against her chin, so raising her voice of doubt.
"... no, I can't say enough, but that would be unlikely. Princess Bona, who does smell a visit, is an unmarried young royal family, so if you can seduce her, you've never crossed it, you might think about it, but whatever it takes, it's this royal palace, and yes, you can't be so outspoken.
It's more like, "The Royal Palace Beyond." Sooner or later, you're going to meet the magic of "Moment Travel" and go to the Twin Kingdoms? Even if you can afford magic, you can't have a 'day trip without permission' on a boulder. First of all, you should definitely get a grand 'welcome' at the Royal Palace over there.
If the Shalova royal family hadn't given up on their blood or their physique yet, the battlefield would be there. "
With that said, Yoshijiro accidentally shook his spine at the look of his wife with a slightly awesome grin.
"Oh well. Sure, that's what I'm gonna do when I go to the other country."
If you think about it, it's natural.
Technically, the magic of "instant travel" will allow you to jump directly to the diplomat's mansion in the Kingdom of Karpua, which houses you in the capital of both kingdoms, but you can't possibly be allowed to travel back and forth to the other royal palace without permission.
Aura is right, you won't be able to refuse 'hospitality' in line with the other's intentions.
(Not good, hey, maybe I was thinking too easily)
Still, though in the distant future, Seijiro, aware of the sweetness of his outlook, drips a little on the couch as he reflects.
But that's why we can't shake the original purpose of remembering the magic of 'instant travel' and being able to travel to the capital of the Twin Kingdoms.
In the future, Aura's decision to give birth to a second or third child is half-decision.
The first child - like when Carlos Seiyoshi, with nothing he can do but just leave it to Aura's strength and good fortune, to celebrate his next birth is absolutely unfortunate.
At times of need, if Sanjiro is able to travel back and forth to the capital of the two kingdoms with "instant travel", he can immediately invite the human being of the "Zilbert family", the user of "healing magic".
For this reason, some risks are acceptable.
Again, Kojiro, ready about how to shake himself in the future, sits back on the couch and looks at Aura's eyes from the front.
"Okay. When the time comes, pay the utmost attention and be careful never to get tangled up"
To her husband's answer, the queen replied briefly with tender eyes.
The response is based on the idea that there is no fine dust with the intention of changing the plan of "going to the Twin Kingdoms as soon as you have mastered the magic of" instant travel ".
Understanding that what underlies that thought is love and compassion for herself, Aura's mouth hangs while worrying about her husband's future.
"Okay. Not yet, it will be a while ahead, but please say hello when the time comes"
Aura told her husband that in a quiet voice, without hiding her smile.
"By the way, let's get back to it, when are those Shalova royal princes and princesses coming this way?
While the field air loosened slightly, Yoshijiro stirred whiskey, whose ice melted and faded, with a silver spoon, mouths its blue glass of satsuma cutlery.
Aura, dampened in her throat with brandy in a red satsuma cutter glass of the same type, leaves her back behind the back of the couch and, after a slight strangulation, answers.
"Well, I don't know. Now we're still in the 'Unofficial Rumor Talk' phase. I don't think it's possible right now, but there's no precedent. Honestly, I can't read the movement over there."
"Mm-hmm. Well, I don't know if I can help myself now. Oh, by the way, what are those two like? Do you know Aura?
In response to Sanjiro's inquiry, Aura shook her neck to the side.
"No, as I said earlier, the Shalova Royal Family doesn't come out very externally. Very little information compared to other royalties.
All I know is birth and age. All you have to do is rumor like you can't even guess. "
That's what Aura said, putting the red sliced glass still in it back on the coaster on the table.
"What rumors?" As she answers her husband's question, which she asks briefly, Aura keeps her back on the back of the couch, in a lightly handed position over her belly, continuing her words.
"Right. First, each age should have been twenty-four for Prince Francesco and sixteen for Princess Bona. Prince Francesco is the direct heir of the royal family, the grandson of the current king, who is also said to be almost certain of the next king, the first prince."
For a better pedigree than expected, Yoshijiro opens his eyes to surprise.
"Does that mean successive generations of kings?
That's what happens if you read Aura's description honestly. The succession to the throne of this world does not mean that the first-born inheritance is absolute, but it is certain that the trend is strong.
However, Aura shook her neck to the side in response to such an inquiry from Yoshijiro.
"No, it's not. At least at the moment, Prince Francesco has not yet obtained the formal right to inherit the throne"
To that answer, Yoshijiro expressed more surprises than earlier.
"What!? But because the guy's twenty-four, right? Is that normal, possible?
"Impossible. Normally, first of all, it's impossible. While born into a legitimate bloodstream, there exists an example of not being recognized as royal because of its inability to activate 'pedigree magic', Prince Francesco is known, among the present Shalova royal family, as a user of the 'conferring magic' that enters the five fingers"
To Aura's exact words, Yoshijiro can't help but feel frigid.
He is the grandson of the current king's upright muscle, he has already reached the age of twenty-four, and for some reason he does not have the 'right to inherit the throne', even though 'blood magic' can be used without any problems.
When you have no problems with your blood muscles, age, or abilities, but you are not given the right to inherit the throne, I simply think you have problems with 'personality'.
"... I don't know, just listening to that story, you're getting heavy, meeting that person"
"I agree."
Aura nodded small and gave her consent to the sentiment of Sanjiro, who frowned and spit out.
"Nevertheless, I expect there will be a degree of common sense and good sense not to cause international problems because it is enough to break years of silence and deliberately send them to my country..."
Having said that, Aura shrugged her shoulder small, she regains her mind and begins explaining the other royalty.
"Princess Bona, another visitor. This is Prince Francesco, almost the opposite of his birth. Princess Bona's parents are not royal. Born in the house of the royal blood-drawing Ancient Ginseng nobility, he is the heir of 'Blood Magic'. But was the right to inherit the throne twenty-fifth or sixth? Almost to the last seat, royalty."
"Heh, even if you weren't born royal, if only you could use 'lineage magic', you'd be recognized as royal."
Aura nods small and answers to Sanjiro, who raises a slightly more impressive voice.
"Oh. The neighborhood varies from country to country, but that's what the laws of the two kingdoms do. Well, in fact, in a royal family that is not direct, blood magic can be harshly used, and so on, so there is no first example of getting involved in the issue of throne inheritance. Virtually no value has been found other than that of the users of 'Blood Magic'.
The domestic position should be quite weak. "
"I see. I'm sorry to say this, but you mean 'princess of all names' with no threshold"
"Well, that's the place. That's why it's troublesome. The intentions over there look clear."
Sunjiro, with a deep gaze at Aura saying so, understands what his wife wants to say and utters a badly toothed word.
"Oh... right, I see. I mean, hey, does that mean you haven't given up on me yet, after all?
"Well, as I said earlier, I don't think we're going to be in such a ridiculous offensive here in the Royal Palace. Keep your face closed that early, you want to deepen your friendship and put it down, you seem to be thinking about that. Perhaps it feels as light as' no, not originally '?
Aura shrugged her shoulders small, saying so.
"Wow...... Fine, it's going to be a pain in the ass..."
Sanjiro swallowed the contents of the glass all at once, trying to swallow the sigh together that was about to leak.
A few days later at noon. The Lords' Army of the Border Borders of Ghazir, led by Chabiel Ghazir, a total of 100 people, were camped at a point that took the 'streets of salt' a long way north.
On the left and right of the "Salt Street", which runs through dense forests, in principle, there are no spaces where trees can thrive and hundreds of troops can put up camps, naturally, but the "Salt Street" is, albeit bent, the national road of the kingdom of Karpua, the great power.
For each certain section, a large space is provided where trees are cut down so that a large number of people can set up camps.
Soldiers' voices sound messy in such an artificially built, tiny meadow in the woods, Kusa Ha Ra.
"Hey, there's no sunset wall! Somebody, the magical guy from" Making Earthwalls "!
"We're gonna start cooking! Anyone who can use 'Fire', just give me a hand, please!
"Watermelon, it's over! 'Water quality purification', please!
Attracting attention as preparation for the camp would still be the presence of 'magic'.
So much so that we can call ourselves' wizards', that a number of those who have come across magic exist, at least, in a significant proportion of the civilian population, who have mastered only one magic that is convenient on a daily basis.
Human beings mastering such magic are treasured during such a camp.
Conversely, once the battle begins, the magic turns are almost gone. Anyway, what you need to activate magic is the right pronunciation, the right amount of magic, and the right perception.
Regardless of 'correct pronunciation' and 'correct magic power', it is very difficult to keep 'correct perception' during combat.
It is to the extent that you can fly attack magic, starting with a handful of polar elites, like court wizards, from the rear of the battlefield, and mane to use magic while waving spears is, in principle, impossible.
For this reason, the magic appearance in the military tends to have specific gravity during these non-combats.
Chabiel Ghazir, who for the first time had descended from the back of a walking dragon in a few hours, was sitting on a small wooden folding chair, glued around his neck amid a tentative main business built with a white cloth tent on top of a quadrilateral wall built by the magic of "Earthwall Making".
"Huh, Khu......!
Relaxing the tightness of his body, which had been completely consolidated in a long riding position, Chabiel raised his voice with his face up to the painful comfort.
Even if, as a direct boy of Borderline Uncle, Chavier, who has been trained in riding since childhood, his body can't possibly come on about a few more hours of riding now, the reality betrays the fruits of that training.
After all, I guess I cared too much about my men's eyes and more about my body than I needed to.
At present, in the tent, there is only Chavier himself and a young and attentive squire. Just saying you don't have to worry about your men's eyes is an irreplaceable precious time for Chavier right now.
A piece of tent cloth can't prevent the sunshine from happening in the summer, and magically erected dirt walls will completely block it.
Chabiel covered his head with water from a small wooden barrel, prepared for him by a young squire, under the shadow made by the earthwall.
"... ugh"
Dripping droplets transmit potatoes and neck muscles from Chavier's short dark hair and pour them under his clothes.
"Master Chavier, this way."
"Oh, thank you. Andres."
Chavier leaves his hips down on the folding chair and receives the hand plush offered by his young squire, with which he wipes the droplets on his face.
In this flame, even if left alone, this amount of water dries quickly, but it doesn't mean anything disgusting.
Where Chavier wiped the water on his face and neck, the young squire - Andres - receives that used hand plush subtly and instead offers a wooden cup filled with lukewarm water.
Chavier sipped away the contents of the cup he received half-reflexively, just then.
"Dear Chavier, it's Josep. The advance reconnaissance team has returned. I have some information I would like to put in your ear as soon as possible. May I come in?
From beyond the tent, I hear voices passing low and well.
"Oh, is that Josep? Allow, let in."
Chabiel spoke so to Andres, who refrained from lying down, to the knight who stood across the entrance, skipping instructions to clear the tent with his gaze.
In the makeshift main management, divided by dirt walls and cloth ceilings, Chabiel Ghazir was listening to reports of a knight Josep and a soldier who thought he was around thirty, head of the advance reconnaissance team, while sitting on a simple, foldable chair.
"What!? The bodies of the salt merchants have been found, are you saying?
Having heard the report of the person in charge, Chavier rides himself out of his small chair and raises his voice of surprise.
"Yes, we have discovered the bodies of multiple cargo carriages and blunt dragons lying on the sidelines and human bodies in the streets ahead! It is clear that any body is grossly missing and that the cause of death was caused by the raid of the carnivorous dragon!
The soldier responded so loudly, letting him wield the beard he had grown on his mouth.
The advance reconnaissance unit consists of several light infantry. Contact with carnivorous dragons powerful enough to dimension the streets of salt is unlikely to repel them. So when we discovered the bodies of the salt merchants, we returned them very quickly, the man said.
I'd say it's the right decision.
In that situation, it is a far higher priority to ensure that the vague information that 'the salt merchants are dead ahead' is delivered to the Force as soon as possible rather than to obtain more information.
Chavier sitting in a folding chair clumsily firm on her knees, gripping both fists.
Finally, the battle begins. There's no point in Chavier exposing the tension in the first line.
"Right...... Then there won't be a moment of respite. Should the entire army be alerted?"
That's what the young commander says, pinning that small, luxurious body on a chair.
It was a skilled knight who called out to the knights of the first line, who had such strength all over their shoulders, to speak.
"Dear Chavier. The soldiers are still preparing for lunch. If we pass that information on to the entire army now, the younger first-line soldiers could be held back from rest by tension, okay?
In the words of Josep, a skilled knight, Chabiel recapitulates his butt, which was floating from the chair, back on the chair and conceives with his hands on his chin.
Indeed, "it is possible that the carnivorous dragon is just that close. Take good care and rest," but a young soldier unfamiliar with it seems difficult to carry it out.
Moreover, the 'young soldier', which is a bad thing, is so large that it cannot be ignored as a percentage of the total.
Ancient soldiers who are experiencing earlier wars are a minority within the whole.
"... Josep. As things stand, how likely do you think those carnivorous dragons are to hit this resting place?
To the young commander's inquiry, the warring knight, when he bounced up Pickle and one eyebrow,
"Right. I can't say it out loud, but the danger will be quite low. This is an army of 100 men, bent and fully armed. Because if you're a dragon around here, you know how scared people are."
Yes, I answered in a tone that does not precipitate.
In response, Chavier decided something for a moment, but to block that determination, the knight Joseph continues his words.
"However, the odds are just low, and it's not like you can say" no "all the time. A hungry carnivorous dragon doesn't know what to do."
To Joseph's words, Chabiel closes his mouth again, which he opens once, and contemplates again.
If we raise an alarm here to all the armies, there will continue to be human beings who cannot rest physically or mentally on the great pause because of it. However, if we do not issue an alarm, we risk being attacked by a carnivorous dragon indefensibly, in case.
Should I or should I not?
Chavier asked the skilled knight standing in front of him, "What do you think we should do?" I indulge in the urge to ask, and silence.
Josep has already made an objective point. It is my job, the commander, to make the judgment from here.
"One, two, three, four..." the numbers dance out in the corner of Chavier's head thinking.
This is a habit that Chavier has planted in his commander-educated teachers.
Behind the responsibilities of lords, which often require reflection, battlefield commanders often judge awkwardly faster than cleverly.
"Be sure to always make decisions in the field by counting ten. It should be noted that judgment in places where enemy shadows are visible needs to be made by counting three"
That is what Chavier's instructor in the military knocked his mouth sour, teaching.
Less quickly, one loud exhale, Chabiel, stretching his pins and spine on the chair, gives orders to his men standing in front of him.
"Okay. There is no need for an alert order. We can't get that information together, just stop it with the knight and the captain of the army. Let the soldiers, as usual, finish their lunch and feed their English.
In the afternoon, we will be heading to the site of the raid. There is also a good chance of entering the fight.
At the end of the daylight pause, all troops will be notified of earlier information and will remain on alert in the afternoon to begin the march. That's it. "
Copy that, sir.
To the decision made by the Commander, Knight Josep and the Captain of the advance reconnaissance unit salute each other.
Chabiel, who gave the order, was trying to keep his upset off the table by putting so much effort into his face that his cheekmeat caused spasms.
In the next moment when I give the order, my doubts about my decision are already boiling down.
Are you sure this is okay?
If you make a decision like this and in case you get a 'carnivorous dragon' raid during your lunch break, that's definitely your fault.
But even if you release the information first, and the recruits can hardly rest, and as a result come in the way of an afternoon march and battle, it's still your fault, too.
Knowing or not the agony of such a inexperienced commander, Knight Josep and the captain of the reconnaissance force, after a gratuity, promptly walk away from the tent.
"... ugh. I haven't even reached the battlefield yet, but I'm the guy..."
A well-made young squire pretended not to hear the Lord's stupidity, which he leaked by accident.
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