Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Chapter V.1 [Whiskey bottles and exotic princes]

Who was the busiest person made possible by the visit of Prince Francesco and Princess Bona, and that would undoubtedly be Yoshijiro.

Regardless, "getting busiest" in this case is a relative assessment compared to before and after the visit, and not that Makoto is the busiest person in the royal palace.

Until then, Yoshijiro had faced several public events as Aura's substitute, but it was not uncommon for him to spend an entire day in freedom, depending on the day.

But that life also changed when Prince Francesco and Princess Bona arrived.

What is it, the prince and princess of the two kingdoms of the great Shalova Jilbaer? A corresponding 'character' is also required to deal with that person. Meanwhile, the adult royalty of the Karpua kingdom, with the exception of Queen Aura, is only one Kingslayer.

It was the ultimate natural consequence that Sanjiro would be dealt with in response to the prince/princess, beyond Aura's inability to relinquish her responsibilities as king.

"Dear Zenzilow, As I told you this morning, after this, we are meeting with Prince Francesco. The other side is already waiting for you in the modem. Are you sure you want to come through?

Recently, the flat voice of Secretary Fabio echoes in one of the Royal Palaces, which has been transformed into the de facto "clerk's office" and "during a look".

"Oh, no problem"

Looking down at this one, Yoshijiro, gazing at the middle-aged man with no expression, shook his head small and vertical as he sat back on the couch.

If it's true, I just want to stretch out and sigh heavily, but I can't take such a defenseless position in front of this constantly one-word wife's side.

Aura is right, it is true that this middle-aged secretary is a competent man of the court's finesse, but every time he does something bad, there is no reason to like this man, who flies advice about hatred and sarcasm.

But it is also disheartening, but true, to have the peace of mind that if you follow this man's advice at the same time, you will not make a fatal mistake. He's a Fabio secretary who often dares to bring the meaning behind his words and take action like trying this one, but there's a degree of common sense that he doesn't do such a stupid thing when there's no reason to be disgraced externally like this.

"I'll let you through, then. Please wait a moment."

That's all that's left to say, Secretary Fabio left the room temporarily.

Then about enough later. Yoshijiro was having a colloquial conversation with Prince Francesco, who would sit on the couch opposite him.

"Really? His Royal Highness Francesco seems to have been here a long time, above all."

"Yeah, because temperatures and food are not that big a difference between our country and this country. hahahahahaha"

The blonde prince answers Yoshijiro with a smile that doesn't seem like the back at all.

But objective facts and Prince Francesco's current words are eaten differently.

We cannot mistakenly refer to the climate of the two kingdoms of Karpua, where dense forests occupy a large part of the territory at high temperatures and Shalova Jilbel, where the air is always dry to hold deserts in the territory even at the same high temperatures, as' the same '.

Naturally that climate difference also appears as a difference in vegetation and in the animals that live there, making a difference in the diet of the people who live there in chains.

It is certainly similar in the major muscles that the staple foods are thin baked bread or soups and grilled meats with plenty of spices are preferred, but it may be said that everything varies from the powder used for bread in detail to the type of spices.

In other words, it's so abusive that it brings French and British food together as "the same Western cuisine".

(Though, in this prince's case, there seems to be plenty of likelihood that he's serious)

In the last few days of association, Yoshijiro, who is grasping Prince Francesco's nasty personality, leaks a bitter laugh in his heart.

Anyway, I can't read what this prince says and does. Whether all words are uttered as emotions and impulses is often contradicted by what they say at times.

Whether this behavior is vegan or a well-done act, it is true that this person will not have it, whichever way he truly receives it.

Either way, fortunately, the conversation has progressed to food and beverage, and Yoshijiro speaks a pre-prepared word.

"Speaking of which, His Highness Francesco looked a lot like 'distilled liquor' at the night club. What do you say, I give you one if you don't mind?

To the words, the blonde prince shines her eyes and takes her body forward a great deal.

"Is that true! Thank you, Your Majesty!

With his face slightly behind him for more than expected eating, Yoshijiro speaks to Fabio's secretary, who refrains from following him.

"Yeah, yeah, even if it's true. Fabio, bring it."

"Yes, I understand."

While keeping the middle-aged secretary at the edge of his sight as he gratefully descended into the next room, Yoshijiro stays silent until the secretary brings the 'distilled liquor'...... the prospect broke down in all likelihood.

"Wow, you're looking forward to it. Thank you so much, I've never spoken of such strong liquor, it's totally gotten into me since then! I'm originally a liquor lover, but that's something else now. Besides, you mix and drink all sorts of things, right? I have a way of drinking that I want to try."

The blonde prince sitting face to face keeps happily talking about how she can't even stand a temporary silence.

It is hardly contrary to manners to keep talking unilaterally to a reciprocal opponent, but if you are accusing Prince Francesco of violating that degree of manners, you have no kiri.

"Really, if you liked it so much, you could give it to me."

Secretary Fabio returns while Yoshijiro responds with a smile.

"Dear Zenzilow, We've got you."

"Oh, thank you"

Secretary Fabio places the twisted bottle on the red fabric without making any noise before Yoshijiro, who nods back small with his hips down on the couch.

Sunjiro, who reached for it, placed on the table, untied the knot of the cloth he was wrapping, revealing its contents.


And, Prince Francesco raises his voice of admiration, but this time only the reaction is not great either. In fact, the knight of the escort, who refrains behind Prince Francesco, also has a faceless look like a statue until then, without concealing the colour of surprise.

It emerged from the red cloth, which was a 'colorless transparent square vessel'.

Originally a 'whiskey bottle' brought into the world by Yoshijiro.

The bottle, with a square bottom and a long vertical length, is made of thick clear glass. Moreover, because of the turtle's armor-like irregularities throughout, it glitters like a gem in the sun that plunges through the window.

In that bottle, which originally contained amber whiskey, what is currently packed is a "distilled liquor" handmade by Yoshijiro, close to unlimited colourless transparency. Thanks to this, you can see at a glance that the whisky bottle is completely colorless and transparent.

From the point of view of the humans of the southern continent, where glass manufacturing technology does not exist, it is closer to a kind of craft than just a vessel.

"Excellent! Can you wear it as it is!? When you finish drinking, you never return the vessel, do you?

"No, please keep it with you"

Prince Francesco's concerns, which I don't think are royal, are a little impoverished, Sanjiro shakes his neck beside him with a bitter smile to deny them.

When Yoshijiro re-wraps the whiskey bottle with a red cloth, he leans back slightly from the couch and pushes it to the front of Prince Francesco.

"But be careful. Because its vessels are so vulnerable to impact that they are not comparable to wooden or metal objects. If you drop it from the heights, it will crack easily, and if it's hard down there, it could break even if it's just momentum and overthrow."

With that advice, Good Jiro pays close attention and watches over Prince Francesco's words and actions.

Passing this glass whiskey bottle to Prince Francesco is not the discretion of Yoshijiro. I discussed it with Aura during last night, and it was my decision.

Humans in both kingdoms, on the other hand, showed a strong interest in beads, not as much interest as beads.

So what about a clear glass bottle? Now it was an action from the thought that if I could see some sort of reaction, the result was more than I expected and at the same time less than I expected.

"No, it's really amazing, this is... What the hell is it made of? I've never seen anything so cloudless in crystals. I can't believe you're creating such a stunning shape without all this distortion!

The face of that prince, joyful as a great deal, is too innocent to discern whether its joy is merely for "beautiful works of art" or for "objects of high value for use as demonic props".

(Shit. My eyesight doesn't tell me anything. I figured I should have asked Aura to be present, or else I should have been in a position where I could steal it in "Digital Camera Video Mode")

and although I sincerely regret it, I am aware that it was difficult as a real problem.

If we anticipate when Aura will be able to be present when she will be pursued for her duties as king, it is not something that we know how long we will have to wait for, and we have so far failed to come up with a way to do hidden photography on digital cameras without any suspicion around us.

In Japan, it's just unburning rubbish, but in this world, we let go of one bottle of whiskey with a limited number. Zero results just don't fit for a little bit.

Such a concern of Good Jiro, Prince Francesco, as if he had understood,

"It's heartbreaking that you just got so much stuff and you're not returning anything. How about that? I give His Majesty Zenzilow one of these magic props."

And he offers me something that I wouldn't even hope to hear from Yoshijiro.

It is fortunate that you will cut the story out of the other side with regard to the production of magic props.

Once again, Yoshijiro returns the words, paying attention to Prince Francesco's expression and use of words.

"That's a fascinating story. But I heard that it takes a lot of time to produce magic props, and it's okay.

or? I remember I had already promised His Highness Francesco during my stay that I would make one, a magic prop?

Prince Francesco and Princess Bona have each made a commitment to present their magic props to the Kingdom of Karpua at the cost of staying in the line of Princes Francesco and of acknowledging the limited arming of the escort knights in the royal palace.

The time required for the production of magic props is on a monthly basis with simple objects. It would be a big job on an annual basis if we could include 'bloodline magic'. Inevitably, the 'private thank you' for that whiskey bottle comes years later.

"Oh, that's true. Um, what do I do? If only we had that transparent treasure ball, it would solve the problem..."


Yoshijiro would like to praise his self-control for the content of that word, which was uttered in a voice as small as a second half soliloquy.

(Are you insane, you prince!? That's supposed to be the secret over there, right?

Using 'objects close to a transparent true sphere' like beads can drastically reduce the production time of magic props. That is only an unreliable rumor circulating in very small parts.

Aura seems half convinced that the rumors are true, such as the rumours and the letters she interacted with her own country, but naturally remains unsupported enough to be called certified.

It is unexpectedly a good place to confess that so quickly, and from the other side.

Isn't this prince really just a fool? It was then that Kojiro considered it chilling for such convenience.

"Excuse me. Dear Zenzilow,"

From beyond the entrance door, a guarded soldier standing on guard raises his voice.

Sanjiro said "rude," saying no to Prince Francesco sitting in the front,

"What's up?

and speak out loud across the door.

"Ha, you see His Highness Bona. May I let you through?

Yoshijiro noticed the words even now.

Speaking of which, why is there no Princess Bona on this occasion?

As the application for talks had been told in the name of one Prince Francesco, he was a Sanjiro who was not uncomfortable with what Prince Francesco had done alone, but it would be odd if he thought calmly.

It is obvious from the interactions at night clubs, etc., but Princess Bona should be Prince Francesco's 'eyewitness'.

A prince who is treated as a troubled child meets with nobles from another country alone. Would that serious-looking Princess Bona forgive you for not being so dangerous?

"Your Highness Francesco?

I call the name of the blonde prince who sits so face-to-face so that Sanjiro, who could read half the fall, can cast his doubts.

Prince Francesco laughed with a flamboyant grin that saw neither a single shard of evil.

"Yeah, because it must always be annoying to have you escorted. That kid needs free time, too.

That's what I thought, and I didn't tell Bona, but hey, that kid is really responsible. "

That's what I say, put that blonde covered head on it.

"Was I? But you can let me through more than I've come, right?

Did you hear that! Let us through. "

(... Princess Bona is in trouble too, damn it)

While sympathizing greatly with the chestnut-haired princess in her heart, Yoshijiro loudly ordered the soldier across the door to do so.

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