Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Chapter vii 1 [onset]

Time has passed, when the harshest season in the Kingdom of Karpua, known as the Severe Summer Period, has finally passed.

The rear palace of the kingdom of Karpua was surrounded by unprecedented tensions.



Both Queen Aura, who is stopping on this occasion by extending her morning appointments, and Yoshijiro, who is ready to cancel today's appointments and not move from here all day, are waiting for it to happen.

Around, the temperamental Back Palace samurai have refrained for the past year or so, but now they are also rigid on the walls, not even able to serve tea, which is their original duty, instead of speaking to the Lord in peace.

That needle-like silence lasted until the time when the entrance door was knocked.


"Get in!

Receiving a grumpy, unavailable Aura voice, the person enters the living room where the queen and her companion wait.

"Excuse me."

and answered Aura's voice with a calm and sinister voice without even flinching, what came in was an old 'man' in white long clothes, characterised by long hair mixed with white objects and a moustache of the same color.

I'm a royal doctor, Michelle.

Dr. Michelle, who came into the large living room, stood on the spot to close the door behind her back but carry its closed door, not trying to approach the queen and his wife sitting on the couch in the centre of the room.

Apparently, that was decided from the beginning, and neither Aura nor Sanjiro reprimanded Dr. Michelle for that attitude.

Dr. Michelle looked evenly at the queen and the king's mate pointing their edifying gaze at this one.

"In conclusion, Your Highness, Carlos, leave 'Erythematous Fever' alone."

So ruthlessly, he stuck to reality.

It was naturally the nanny Cassandra, who always refrained from being on that side, who first noticed the anomaly of Carlos-Shingi Karpua, the first prince of the Kingdom of Karpua.

It is usual for Prince Carlos, the baby, to cry out at dawn, but the way he cried this morning was different than usual.

Cassandra is a woman whose demands, just Carlos' crying, are like a sample of a nanny who can hear her tits, or yeah, or pee, or just mumble again.

Higher than usual and weaker than ever, Cassandra stirred up a samurai who was just taking a nap, running one at a time to Aura and Dr. Michelle.

"Erythematous fever". Even if asked the name of the illness, the incomprehensible Yoshijiro does not break the look of tension and asks Dr. Michelle.

"Dr. Michelle, what's that 'erythematous fever'?

"Yes. It's a fever that causes red spots on your face and body, as its name suggests. The red spots do not cause pain or itching just because of their appearance, but the high fever persists and the throat becomes swollen.

The fever period is approximately three days. Generally speaking, adult men and women with physical strength are less life-threatening if rested and well nourished, but it is not uncommon for infants and old people without physical strength to lose their lives due to this disease "

Understanding Dr. Michelle's words, Yoshijiro rubs his cold fingertips together on the sofa in the living room.

"I mean, in the case of good luck, it's life-threatening," he said?

"His Highness Carlos, fortunately, has been in good nutrition so far, and has grown well. As an infant, you are blessed with strength, so you will likely not be so pessimistic.

Right, 90% will be fine. "

Ninety percent is fine. To the words, he was a good jiro who accidentally leaked a sigh of relief, but Aura, sitting next to him, advises without breaking his stern expression.

"Zenzilow. Dr. Michelle's words mean exactly as they are. In other words, if there were ten sick people on the same terms as Carlos, one of them would lose his life."


To his wife's point, Yoshijiro lost his word.

Survival rate is 90%. Return the back and you'll have 10% mortality. A situation in which one in ten people loses their lives. If you say so, it is clear that you are not at all optimistic.

There will be very few parents in this state where my child can sit flat.

Naturally, Sanjiro, who is not such a minority, tours his head to the fullest, which tends to be emptied, searching for ways to break the status quo.

"Ah, then, if you use The Secret Stone of Healing!

Any injuries or illnesses are healing magic props in an instant. Good Jiro, who remembered its existence, said so in momentum, but the reaction of the 'Queen' was not fragrant.

Queen Aura put her lips on with a hard expression,

"That's hard. There are three 'healing jewels' currently held by our country. I don't know when I'll get the fourth one.

In that state, the use of precious' secret stones of healing 'for 90% of helpful babies is too much rebellion from the nobles "

To the ruthless words of his wife, Yoshijiro is extremely unusual and exaggerated.

"But heh! Seiyoshi is the first prince of this country!" The Secret Stone of Healing "is more important than the life of a legitimate successor who has only one person at the moment!?"

For the first time since we met, Queen Aura, bitten by her husband, tells her to immediately regain the face of the 'Queen' and teach her, even with a painful look on her face for a moment.

"Indeed, Carlos is the most important figure in our country. But without you, you're not in a position to influence national politics."


To the words of his cold wife, Dr. Michelle pinches his mouth with a calm voice, sooner than the breathtaking Good Jiro says something.

"Dear Zenzilow, To put it harshly, even the royal nobility in this country, on average four to five times by the age of ten, is common to suffer from this kind of disease."

"Four or five times..."

That clear and ruthless number was convincing enough to cool the boiling Okijiro's head.

There are currently three 'secret stones of healing' held by the Kingdom of Karpua. In contrast, on average, Prince Carlos suffers as many illnesses in the future, four or five times.

Simply that doesn't make it.

Well, there are plans to have more kids between Yoshijiro and Aura in the future. The ruthless reality that even if he is cutting trump cards due to this degree of illness, there is no shortage of numbers at all, is gradually understood by Yoshijiro's head as well.

"Sorry...... it was a little bloody on my head"

To her husband, who breaks his neck on the couch with Gakuri, Aura returns only a small "good".

As a matter of fact, Aura could have used the 'secret stone of healing' on Carlos, even in this situation, had it not been for the presence of Sanjiro.

Aura is the darkest Karpua royal blood drawer, but she is a woman. The number of births a woman can have in a lifetime is limited in how.

Not to mention this world where it's hard to say that the safety controls associated with childbirth are complete. I can't tell you enough that it's the first time you give birth and it's not possible that you have a body that you can't conceive of anymore without knowing who you are.

But with the addition of one 'grown man', who draws the blood of a royal family called Yoshijiro, the rarity of the child falls at once.

Besides, Yoshijiro already has a track record of conceiving a child named Carlos.

Extreme stories, from ordinary nobles who are inconsiderate with Prince Carlos, even if the prince dies here: "It was a shame this time. Good luck and make your next child, Master Zenzilow".

Conversely, if Yoshijiro himself had the same level of illness, the nobles would rather use the 'secret stone of healing'. Even if your life was saved, the story of losing your reproductive capacity if you have a high fever for a long period of time is a fact that you know if you are also some educator in this world.

The heartless story is that Prince Carlos' life is lighter at the moment than that of Yoshijiro's testicles, given only the national interests of the Karpua kingdom.

There's no way you can tell such a fact to yourself, and Aura stays silent.

Yoshijiro, on the other hand, got a little cold in the head, but that's why the proposal couldn't have come to mind.

"Then we invite the healers of the Pope Zilbert family..."

"At the moment, I'm the only one who can use 'Moment Move'. In that case, I need to magically jump to a single double kingdom"

"Isn't there a specialist in that 'erythematous fever' or something?

"You're being rude to Dr. Michelle. Dr. Michelle is the highest ranking physician in this country. In any field, more doctors than he is, etc. Not so."

"Of course, there are medicines that can be especially useful for this disease."

"I use it, if any, by the way"



All the naive proposals I could think of were cut and thrown away by Aura on the spot.

The room is dark and quiet.

I have no hitter. No, if you don't have a hitter, you can give it up, but you don't allow your political position to do it, even though there is an absolute sign of 'secret stone of healing' to be exact.

Is this what royalty is called? For the first time, Yoshijiro realized the weight of his standing.

Pushing through selfishness would also make it impossible to use the secret stone of healing in this setting. But that would cause a great deal of opposition from the nobility in the country, and they would be scorned by royalty outside the country.

If one Yoshijiro is to be scorned, it is rather where he wants to be, but in this case he is likely to fly to Aura, who, while in the position of king, could not stop it.

But I can't stop thinking about the guilt of not being affectionate enough as a parent, such as hesitating to strike the best hand given his political standing, when my child's life is at stake.

"At the very least, I would be a little more relieved if it was on 'Blessing the Forest' first. Sire Aura, do you have any idea who is annoying 'Blessing the Forest'?

Aura also takes a ride to Dr. Michelle, who offers a slightly off topic so as to distract her from the current situation without improvement.

"You can't. So far, there are no 'Blessings of the Forest' patients in a human being who can be put in the back palace"

"Forest Blessing" is a wind and earth disease around here that also bothered Yoshijiro before.

Its alias' Blessings of the Forest 'is not Dada, but has a characteristic that we can only call' universal prophylaxis': it takes only once in a lifetime, it does not become a morbidity unless there is so much, and once it takes place, it leaves in the body an antibody that has some effect on the pandemic.

Regardless, in the case of frail infants, there are also a few cases where they lose their lives in "Forest Blessings," but given their subsequent lives, keeping them on "Forest Blessings" at an early point is the most viable consequence.

For this reason, if Aura is also a trustworthy aristocratic child and bothered with the 'Blessing of the Forest', she is planning to invite him to the rear palace to lie down on Carlos, who, unfortunately, has not been blessed with the opportunity, became annoyed with the 'erythematous fever' first.



Once again, a painful silence dominates the place.

There's nothing more I can do for my child. It is unacceptable to see anyone who is more annoyed by migratory disease than it is the king's duty.

Understanding that, Aura gets momentum off the couch when she exhales one loud breath.

"All right, Dr. Michelle. I'll leave it to Cassandra to say that's what happened to Carlos. I'm late, but I'm going to the royal court meeting.

I trust that arm. Make the best of it. "

"Yes, we do everything in our power."

Without breaking his calm expression at all times, Aura shifts her gaze from a praiseworthy old doctor to her husband, who looks up at her with her hips down on the couch.

"Zenzilow, what would you do with that?

The questioned Sanjiro kept his hips perfectly down on the couch, after much thought.

"... No, I can't do this today. I know I can't do anything to stay here, but I'm not in a mental state where I can work even if I go out to the royal palace. You can make a terrible mistake."

"Right. Sure, 'cause I didn't even put it in there enough to push it. But you shouldn't have seen Carlos in person, right?

"Yeah, I know."

To Aura stabbing the nail, Yoshijiro honestly endorses it.

Sanjiro, a healthy adult male and also receiving "Forest Blessings," even if annoyed by "erythematous fever," says that there is no danger at all. But still, two or three days will fall asleep, and more importantly, Yoshijiro is with Aura on the floor.

If you follow the route from Carlos to Yoshijiro and from Yoshijiro to Aura, "Erythematous fever" will shift.

Even for a couple of days, if the king goes to sleep, the royal palace will become paralyzed. The king is obliged to keep us away from the sick.

"Well, maybe it's useless to say, but don't be too surprised."

Aura, who said so, switched her head in a crisp foothold to show the "unexpected" example, leaving the rear palace behind.


"Ugh... Ugh...!

Sanjiro, who remained alone in the living room of the rear palace, was indulging in magical voluntary practice so that he could get annoyed with himself who could do nothing.

Training in 'Magic Power Output Manipulation', which I've been able to do little by little lately. It is an essential technology to use a wide variety of magic.

If I could have used the magic of "Moment Travel" now, I might have gone to the two kingdoms to get a healer.

Such thoughts force Sanjiro to practice magic.

It was also possible that the summons of a high golden healer could not be granted in order to heal an illness in which 90% would not die, even if Shinjiro could have used the magic of "instant travel".

"Ugh... ku..."

"Magic Power Output Manipulation" is not inherently such a tiring thing because it does not use the power of the body separately, but in the case of Yoshijiro, who has not yet grasped the trick, his whole body is put into it for nothing.

As a result, twitching and sweating seep through your whole body.

Moreover, concentration tends to be interrupted and is not as fruitful as it should be at all, because I really imagine the appearance of affection suffering from the disease.

"Oh, shit!

Sunjiro, who spoke uncommonly dirty words, shook his head like he was sweating, rose off the couch and headed to the fridge where he stood at the wall.

"Hmm... I guess this is just useless to do today"

Sunjiro, who poured hot and cold in a glass of silver water and breathed it in, accidentally makes such a weak noise.

In fact, however, magic training is a lot of things that require concentration all in all, and it was also true that in today's mental state, where that concentration cannot be exerted at all, voluntary training makes no sense.

"Aura told me not to think about it, but if I could do that, I wouldn't have a hard time..."

While the inner heart will be as worried as it is about itself, Seijiro heartily respects his wife, who is on the surface switching firmly to work.

"Hey me, even if I got married and had kids in Japan, was this what it was like?

Kojiro returns to the couch and leaks such an irregular soliloquy.

If that's the case, it's the one that suffered a lot of fatal weaknesses as a salarier.

In the case of most modern Japan, the trust placed on the healthcare provider is much higher than this one, so it may be safe to leave it to the doctor.

"Uh, no. Do you want to play games?"

No matter how, all my thoughts lead to the safety of my son. It was then that Yoshijiro, in an effort to distract him at all, took the set-up console out of the TV set for the first time in a long time and connected the wiring.

"Excuse me, Master Zenzilow."

The entrance door is knocked abruptly, and the voice of the samurai I'm used to hearing echoes.

"Yes, go ahead. You can come in."

Yoshijiro is heartily surprised while giving permission to enter the room reflexively.

What's going on? It's still early for lunch. The Back Palace samurai, who know the preferences of Yoshijiro, who doesn't like having people in the same room, don't speak unless they have clear business.

(Hiya, there was something strange about Seiyoshi's condition?

It would be helpless in this case to inadvertently make the imagination work in a bad direction.

Coming in was a middle-aged samurai dressed in an eponymous samurai garment - the head of Amanda samurai.

Yoshijiro heightens tension. When the chief samurai comes directly, it's no big deal at last.

Knowing or not such a Lord's tension, the middle-aged samurai chief begins to speak in a pale tone when he pays a ruggedly perfect thank you.

"Dear Zenzilow, Just now, Master Fabio's use came from the Royal Palace.

Anything, His Royal Highness Francesco of the Two Kingdoms has offered to visit His Royal Highness Carlos. "

"... what?

To the unexpected flow of the story, Yoshijiro, who failed to understand what he was saying, raises the loose voice between them.

After a while, Sanjiro, who understood the content of the words, waves in front of his face, not to say out of the question.

"No, no, it can't be, no matter how much. It's not good for either of us to have Seiyoshi meet someone from another country during the struggle. Mostly, Princess Bona would still know, but Prince Francesco wouldn't be able to come in here for 'no boys', would he?

What, or are you telling me to get Sick Yoshiyoshi out of the backyard?

I leave it to my high emotions. That's it, where I screw up, Yoshijiro realizes.

To the fact that that Fabio secretary couldn't possibly get through to himself.

Admittedly, the head of the Amanda samurai continues to read the words of Yoshijiro until then.

"Anything, His Highness Francesco insists, 'When I come to this land, I have received numerous' secret stones of healing 'from the Pope Gilbert's house for caution. If you will allow me to visit you, I am prepared to use one of them for His Highness Carlos' sake."


Yoshijiro's reaction was dramatic.

"I'll see you soon! I'm leaving for the royal palace, so get dressed!

"Yes, please proceed to the next room. I've got everything ready there."

To the shouting master, the chief samurai answered with a calm voice everywhere.

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