Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Chapter I 1 [Spend the night]

The next morning, Yoshijiro woke up in the Royal Palace room.

Jumping into the sight of Yoshijiro, who has just woken up, is the tent of a luxurious bed.

To an unrecognizable sight, he was Yoshijiro, who shook his body victoriously for a moment, but after a while he remembers where he went to bed last night and pulls out his shoulder strength.

"... oh well. This is a different world."

Yoshijiro put his foot down from the bed that seemed wider than the six tatamis where he lived.

Hanging onto the slipper-like footwear provided at his feet and walking in the large guest room, Yoshijiro realizes that he is unconsciously scratching his flank with his right hand.

"Wow, itching. Over there, bugs are eating you, damn it. I had half the momentum yesterday and I accepted my marriage, but it might have gotten a little quicker..."

Even now, Yoshijiro squeals like that.

One day yesterday, just living, Yoshijiro was made to realize how much more disabling this world is than modern Japan.

The meals served for lunch and dinner were themselves delicious inside, but the water and liquor served together were unusually warm.

Although Yoshijiro is the owner of a poor tongue to such an extent that he does not even know the difference between beer and sparkling liquor, he is a Japanese person who affirms that "sparkling liquor is justiced by a ginguin".

For such a good jiro, the fruit liquor served for dinner was irresistibly disgusting as a pre-flavour issue.

When it comes to warmth, the temperature itself is a problem. From what Aura told me yesterday, the Karpua Kingdom here seems to be a pretty hot region compared to the Kanto region of Japan.

Even in the coldest season, people seldom wear long sleeves, and in the hottest season, because temperatures are higher than body temperatures, people lean in as narrow a space as they can and 'take cool' at each other's body temperatures.

Speaking of which, as an anecdote of the Indian summer, I have heard similar stories, and Yoshijiro thought of them as half-faced.

In this world, there is no such thing as a thermometer, so I don't know for sure, but it looks like you should probably be prepared for less than twenty degrees at the lowest temperature in winter and forty to forty-five degrees in summer.

Moreover, naturally, there is no substitute for air conditioning in this world. This heat will be a pretty strong enemy for Yoshijiro, who only knows about Japanese summers with air conditioning.

In fact, I had a hard time sleeping hot last night. Now he says it's not quite summer yet, but still, until he went to bed, Yoshijiro repeated his gobble over a king-size bed for at least an hour.

Most of all, it wasn't just the heat that made it hard to sleep. Another personnel in the way of a good night's sleep is a bug.

Apparently, there is no substitute for windows in this world. For this reason, all the windows are wooden doors, liberating them all in order to incorporate light during the day. Naturally, bugs can go in all they want.

For once, the bed tent seems to act as a mosquito net, but there's no way I can shut all the bugs out with that stuff.

As a result, when he woke up in the morning, Yoshijiro had been eaten all over his body by insects.

But it was the infirmity of the night that shut Yoshijiro down better than all those glitches combined.

Honestly, I never thought an evening without electricity would be such an inconvenience.

Only the dining room where Aura and I had dinner was lit up quite brightly with a large chandelier with tons of candles, but when walking down the hallway, only the lantern the leading maid had relied on.

As for the room, the lights were only provided with one lamp on the desk.

If you try to read a book with that light, it will definitely make your eyes worse.

"Old people say you were up early in bed, but I know. 'Cause whatever you think, you can't do anything but sleep at night."

As I leak the butch complaint, I finish dressing.

Classic in royal palaces and mansions, "help to change clothes" by the maid said no during last night.

Sanjiro's current outfit is a loose trousers tied with a string of hips and a Negrije-like bukabuka jacket with a knee length or so.

This was the story of the most common nightwear used by the royal marquis nobility, but the sentiment of Yoshijiro, who actually tried to use it, was that this would make it much easier to sleep with just a t-shirt and a trunk. Yoshijiro, who is not originally a good sleeper, was shoulder stiffened by the negligee he was wearing as he hit him over and over again.

Even if this is a royal palace, Sanjiro is unofficially a special guest named King's Mate of the Queen. Food and clothing, all in all, I guess the best was prepared, but nevertheless, it was not a substitute that could satisfy Yoshijiro, who is only a common citizen in modern Japan.

Differences in times, differences in civilization levels, are a big deal.

From his borrowed night clothes to his accustomed clothes, Sanjiro sits down on the edge of the bed and waits for the maid to come and get him for breakfast.

"On second thought, Japan was a blessing. There is a refrigerator and air conditioning in the general house. Compared to that, is there no electricity here? But hey, you don't have to work this way. And, Mr. Aura, it was so beautiful."

It is the charm of Aura Karpua, who, while abbreviated yesterday, entered into an engagement, that does not attract Yoshijiro, who experienced lukewarm liquor, a sleepless room and a dark night.

At dinner, in a daringly slit red evening dress, Aura, who appeared before Yoshijiro, once again enchanted me with that attractive smile and her interworldly fiancée with sensual limbs.

Totally fascinated by the bold luster of Her Majesty the Queen, Sanjiro continued to direct his gaze towards the valley of Aura's abundantly fruitful breasts and his thick crotch, except from between slits, to an extent that was not unnatural (and Sanjiro himself thinks).

Even now that I remember it, that ass, milk, and fat crotch seem well worth just throwing in modern Japanese life.

"Right. Come to think of it, I'm bringing my bike into the world this time. That means you can bring some stuff when you come back in a month, right? All right, when I get home, it's a list of my son-in-law tools!

That being said, Yoshijiro rang his hands together with Pattin. Just then, Karan Karan and the entrance bell are rang.


"Excuse me. Breakfast is ready."

Sanjiro answers aloud to the voice of a familiar young woman heard from outside the door.

"Yes, I'm going now!

Rising out of bed, Sanjiro rushed to the entrance door early enough.

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