Risou no Himo Seikatsu

Chapter XII 4 [Changes in Relationship]

"Master Zenzilow, watch your step."

"Oh, thank you"

Sanjiro was walking back and forth in the dark royal hallway where the sun had completely fallen, solidified by the knight of the escort.

The only lights are the flames of the oil plates held by the leading royal palace samurai. There is no way you can illuminate a large, long royal hallway with one small light, and the surroundings have a creepy atmosphere.

A long figure, illuminated by the thin lights of the shaky flames, is reflected in the corridors of the dark royal palace.

If you were Yoshijiro on a daily basis, you might have felt a little creepy, but you can't afford to pay attention to Yoshijiro right now.

Earlier, the information heard from Secretary Fabio's mouth had so strongly shocked Sanjiro.

While dropping his gaze underfoot and taking the utmost care not to fall, Yoshijiro sums up the information he has just been asked in his head.

Regarding the series of events surrounding that battlefield, in which Sancho I died in battle and Princess Aura became the winner.

Sancho I, who had led his own soldiers and was doing everything in his power to destroy the enemy kings, the enemies' enemies' enemies, was beginning to get caught up in an unchanging war situation inside.

Sancho I then decides to strike the enemy at night with a handful of troops led by himself. An unauthorized operation against Princess Aura, a deputy general who was originally passive in this battle.

After Sancho I went out, the soldier asked for information, Princess Aura had a 'somewhat unpleasant feeling' that she borrowed the Marquis of Lara and followed him.

Aura's bad feeling is medium. During the late-night march, Sancho I, who was ambushed by enemy forces, died in battle without being able to engage in much.

"Critical, I couldn't make it to the rescue," Princess Aura reprimanded the entire army as they were upset by reports of the King's battle and death: "Restore your mind faster than anyone else". Brave battle to take the king's revenge.

Aura 'assaults the enemy's main formation in a straight line' with a brilliant command that does not seem like a midnight encounter.

As a result, Aura succeeded in taking over the enemy king, the general of the enemy.

The next morning, the two armies, which lost the king, immediately began a temporary truce mediation.

The truce negotiations proceeded swiftly because 'coincidentally' the thorough antiwar factions of both countries had all been killed in the war earlier in the night, and a temporary truce treaty was signed within that day, as if 'there had been a prior meeting'.

Aura reported information on "The death of Sancho I, a temporary truce with enemy forces" to Wang Du on the Xiaofei Dragon Flight.

Aura's uncle, Carlos II, who had kept Sancho I's absence in Wang Du, took office three days later, following a report of a Xiaofei Dragon flight.

A moderate king's brother inherits the throne in almost the same time as the enemy.

The two new kings of the two countries, aware of the stupidity of continuing the battle any further, made the truce treaty concluded on the battlefield the same, the truce treaty.

Sunjiro, who recalled the information in his head, makes a tannic surface in the dark, as if he had scuffed a bitter bug.

(Rescue didn't make it to critical. Truce negotiations on the battlefield were smoothly concluded. The uncle of the king's capital took office as soon as he heard of the king's death in battle. A formal ceasefire treaty was then also signed in just a few days.

More importantly, what kind of coincidence is it that all the thoroughbred belligerents in both countries accidentally killed each other in one night's war?

By the way, at Fabio's, Carlos II's immediate reign is not all that strange.

Originally proclaimed, "I will not return to the King's Capital until I have taken my brother's enemy," Sancho I said, "In case anything happens to me, I entrust my later to Uncle Carlos. Inherit the throne promptly and sink in the turmoil of the country," for he had left behind something that looked like a will.

Yoshijiro and others want to say, "If you get your head around that much, don't let the king declare the battlefield all the time from the beginning," but there are emotions, I guess, only those who have been unreasonably murdered inside you can tell. At the time of Sancho I's reign, there were several other royalty members, so it is also possible that he did not have that much of a sense of crisis.

It's not about amateur third parties who don't know military or political.

However, when Aura becomes a party, Aura's husband, Sanjiro, cannot necessarily be said to be a third party. You need to be an amateur who doesn't know military or politics, and think seriously.

If you think calmly, this one case shouldn't stay just about Yoshijiro's side chamber problem.

The "roster" that was not kept by the royal family and lost. It is hard to believe that the only name mentioned there was' Nilda Ghazir '.

Considering that Sancho I's reign was less than a year old and that he had always put himself on the battlefield, there would not be so many, but there should be other nobles in a position similar to Nilda Ghazir.

(When that happens, there's no way they won't publish the loss of the 'roster'. So, if we table the matter of the "roster," naturally the domestic nobility recalls the case of the loss of the "roster" - the Battle of the Second Kings death. If you do poorly, there may now be people interested in the 'truth')

Soon, better than his side room story, Yoshijiro, who turned his thoughts to events emanating from his wife's past battles, kept thinking in one's head until he left the royal palace that way.


"I'm home, Aura"

"Welcome home, Zenzilow"

Husband returning home after work and wife welcoming husband. The sights that are commonplace in the public are also sights that are rarely seen here in the rear palace.

Usually because Aura, his wife, is often slower to return home than her husband, Yoshijiro.

Aura, who rises from the couch and welcomes Sanjiro, has already changed into a room attire and has not smelled any fragrance oil from her hair or body. Apparently, I took a bath first.

"Well, when you come back to the rear palace after nightfall, you'll feel the thanks of the electricity."

In the white light of the LED stand light that illuminates the living room, Yoshijiro blinks again and again to familiarize his eyes with the light.

Unlike modern Japan, where street lights stood up to a back alley with few people's streets, here a space without people is, in principle, dark. Relying solely on the lights on the oil plates held by the leading royal palace samurai, the rear palace samurai, when I reach the rear palace living room from the royal palace, I feel a sense of relief that makes me exaggerate a little, but "I have returned safely to the realm of people".

"It will be. Having just the same light source at night as day can change your life."

With that said, Aura helps Sanjiro undress. What Yoshijiro wears in the royal palace is the ethnic costume of the Kingdom of Karpua, which closes its front and ties it with a belt, like Japanese clothes. When I asked my wife to help me undress like this, she somehow seemed to be a couple of salariers back at work, a little ticklish.

Sanjiro realizes that because of the story told to him by Secretary Fabio, his expression, which was strong, will loosen up.

"I already have the bath ready. I let you in first."

"Mm, roger. Well, I'll be in as soon as I can. We'll have dinner when we get up... and then we'll have a little talk."

"Um, okay"

The queen squeezed her mouth firmly and nodded mysteriously at Sanjiro, who said so looking straight at his wife's face with a serious expression.

Bathing and dinner. Good Jiro, who finished those two early by himself, returned to the living room early enough.

The corridors of the rear palace are as dark as the royal palace, but unlike the royal palace, LED lanterns can be used in the rear palace, making night travel less difficult.

"I'm home."

Yoshijiro returns to the living room in a t-shirt cotton bread, turning off the LED lantern and putting it back on the shelf, greets his waiting wife briefly and lowers his hips on the couch.

For bathing, it's not uncommon to change into a pyjama, but I'm using it as a room outfit tonight, in a t-shirt and gray cotton bread. Unconsciously, I may be convinced that tonight's discussion will be a long one.

"Welcome home, Zenzilow. What, you want a drink?

The queen, who welcomed her returning husband with a smile, said so and headed to the five-door fridge, where she entertained her husband from hand to hand.

"Mm, thanks. Let's get some fruit water."

"Okay, what about ice?

"Let me in."

Copy that.

Its figure of caring for her husband in merit belongs not to a powerful man named Queen, but to a devoted wife. Instead, a typical aristocratic wife can even say that she is not queen-like because she performs the chores herself that she leaves to the samurai.

As a result of living in conjunction with Sanjiro, who hates the entry of others into his private space, Aura is acquiring a slightly detached devotion as an aristocratic wife.

Together, Queen Aura returns to the couch with two sliced glasses of red and blue with cold water and ice flavored with fruit juice and sugar in her hands.

Sanjiro took one big deep breath when he placed the red glass in front of himself and the blue glass in front of Sanjiro, where Aura lowered her back on the couch.

"Secretary Fabio told me. Sounds like something pretty unexpected happened. In the meantime, Mr. Lucinda stayed free and took the form I showed interest in."

As you can see at a glance, the queen lays her eyes down a little to such a good jiro by swallowing complicated emotions.

"Sorry, it's my fault"


I can't even say "that's not true" to Yoshijiro all the time on the boulder. Whoever sees it from anywhere, it's 10% Aura's fault. It is a predicament that Aura would undoubtedly not have fallen into had she not plotted.

Apologies when the person is not bad should be denied and comforted, but apologies when the person is bad should be accepted and done as is, reducing the psychological burden on the person who commits the apathy.

Sanjiro, who nodded small and accepted Aura's apology, says with a hard look.

"Well, you owe Aura one. So, I also checked with Secretary Fabio that it's already a certainty that I'm calling Mr. Lucinda to face the King's Capital, right?

Rather than asking, the queen gives a small endorsement to the words of Yoshijiro, who is close to confirmation, with a special look.

"That's right. There's no better reason not to call Miss Lucinda than this happened. For once, on top of the shape, I have shown an active interest, and I have publicly supported it. In this state, there is no option to not call Miss Lucinda"

It's a shocking word, but it's something I was aware of, and it's something Secretary Fabio pointed out to me.

Yoshijiro looks relatively calm and accepts his wife's words as' Queen's words'.

"Copy that. Secretary Fabio told me a little bit about that."

"What did they say?

Secretary Fabio's earache story. I guess I remember myself. Sanjiro answers honestly, smiling bitterly at Aura, who frowns reflexively and asks.

"In my position, the 'my best' of rejecting siderooms throughout my life doesn't work. So don't reject Lucinda unconditionally and think positively."

It's a tough word, but it's an uncontested honest argument.

"... he won't do anything to decorate the words."

"At times like this. It's a great auxiliary for following a third party."

In stupidity towards Secretary Fabio, he and his wife are empathetic queens. I have no doubt that Secretary Fabio is a hard-earned loyal minister, but there is no reason to like loud people.

Either way, it makes no sense to line up stupidity about the secretary here, so Yoshijiro proceeds.

"Well, I think what you're saying is best. So I'm pretty much trying to face Mr. Lucinda somehow, just a little bit, at least, positively. Hey, Aura?

"Hmm? What?

"Let me be frank with you. Is Aura good enough to take my side on this one?

"Mmm... right"

Aura says a little to the pursuit of Yoshijiro.

What Sanjiro is trying to say is obvious. Originally, from the viewpoint of Aura, the queen, there is no reason anywhere for Yoshijiro to reject having a side chamber, for whatever reason he promotes it. It is stranger that Aura in that position is on the side of Yoshijiro, who has a desire to "reject the side chamber".

The queen exhales small when she understands that deception will not work any more than she was asked to answer in clear words so far.

"On the face of it, it's a thorough, overwhelming enemy. I'm making a statement in front of General Pujol and Lord Chavier, hoping that Miss Lucinda will be the sideroom. Whatever happens, I can't take action against Miss Lucinda entering the sideroom."

Good Jiro, who was so far in the realm of anticipation, prompts ahead without upset.

"On the face of it, yeah. So, what's the back side?

"Backwards, rather than actual behavior, it depends on Miss Lucinda. I, too, need to figure out who Miss Lucinda is. And if Miss Lucinda decides that she is an anxious person to entrust the rear palace, she takes action to inhibit Miss Lucinda from entering the side chamber, regardless of appearance. In the case of humans who are neither acceptable nor impossible as side chambers, they are neutral in principle. Well, as a queen, I'd like you to have a side room, because it's a fact accident, to some extent turning to Miss Lucinda's support, but you don't have to detain Miss Lucinda separately, and regardless of the future perpetual robbery, there's room to accept the extent to which you want to continue living a life that hasn't had a side room for some time now.

And if I decide Miss Lucinda is the person she deserves as a side chamber... well, what is it? I'm sure you'll take Miss Lucinda's side aggressively. "

That means being the enemy of Good Jiro.


Yoshijiro put his arms together, wrinkled around his nose, and roared.

As I knew, there is still absolutely no match between the interests of Yoshijiro and Queen Aura on this issue. Aura as a private person sees emotional unanimity, but Aura has no practical significance because her emotions as a private person are not in principle allowed to take precedence over her judgment as a public person. Most of all, in the spiritual sense, knowing that "Aura really wants to live alone with herself and her husband" consoles her for a long time.

"Hey, hey, Aura. Don't you think this is a 'good opportunity'?

To her husband, who said so in a rare and slightly suspicious tone, the queen let her eyes slip aside for a moment, but she quickly decided to be ready and to take the lead.

"Well, to be honest, a little. I'm glad to reject the side chamber, but it's not something I can look at as a public figure. It's not Fabio, but I'm pretty sure he thinks it would be nice if he was positive about the side chamber."

As Queen Aura, I believe that you must have a side chamber while it is not that far away from Good Jiro. The mere notion of leaving many heirs of 'pedigree magic' is imperative, and any continued rejection of the side chambers would presumably increase the dissatisfaction of domestic aristocracy to an irrepressible extent.

In that case, what scares me is that it is extremely likely that the facts will not be communicated accurately.

Unfortunately, the misconception is more overwhelmingly credible when comparing the fact that "Yoshijiro rejects the side chamber" with the misconception that "Aura keeps a woman other than herself away from Yoshijiro" in the common sense of the Karpua kingdom.

Having felt with her skin that Jirijiri and the siege net were becoming narrower, Yoshijiro shifted the story to distract her from reality after shaking her body with a burrito.

"Oh, speaking of which, what's the direct cause of Aura's failure in this one case, because she had Aura's unknown second daughter at the Uncle Border House in Ghazir? So, the reason for this is that the" roster "was lost on the battlefield by the previous generations of kings. So this is Nilda, the second daughter of the Ghazir Borderline House? Doesn't that just fit the kid's story?

Yoshijiro's concern is naturally a story that Queen Aura had also noticed.

The queen nodded one deep,

"Hmm. Sire Sancho's reign is less than a year old, and since he spent the majority of his time on the battlefield, he won't be as numerous as he is, but it would be more natural for some to assume that there are people in the same position as Miss Nilda.

This is a royal lapse. I have an obligation to explain it here and try to improve it. Most importantly, we see this as an opportunity, and since it is not necessarily someone with an evil plan, we will confirm the sign of refrain, and let it be limited to a year or so. "

Yes, I frowned a little between my eyebrows, and I assured him.

The Royal Family is not the only one who has hit fewer clans in the war ahead. It is also possible that a nobleman who has lost his successor will bring from among the inhabitants the conspicuous or the highly magical to say, "In fact, this man was a man of my clan, named on the roster of His Majesty Sancho".

Of course, since we do not intend to annoyingly crush small and medium-sized aristocracy even as Aura, we intend to grant permission in principle in the event that a house without a successor complains about the survival of the house by taking an adopted son, etc. But in general, it should be a great 'debt' to the royal family that gave us permission. But when we can talk about the loss of Sancho I's roster there, on the contrary, it becomes a royal draw.

A story that is supposed to make a loan is going to make a loan. Aura is not as popular as you get caught up in such a stupid scam.

A pile of chisels makes it a mountain. Even the borrowing of small and medium-sized aristocratic counterparts, which is not enough to take one by one, affects national politics, if the number is equal. You can't take it away from me.

"Anyway, His Majesty Sancho left me a nasty souvenir."

Aura said so in a tone that she couldn't hide her frustration and throw it away.

Sancho I.

Sanjiro, who heard the name from his wife's mouth, trembles with a pickle.

A person who is the previous generations king of Aura and who hits his belly brother. And on the battlefield where Aura was, a person who was "accidentally" and "unluckily" killed in battle.

There's no way Aura, sitting face to face, can overlook the nervousness running on the look on Yoshijiro's face.

"... Fabio told you? About His Majesty Sancho's Term"

It's unusual for Aura to have a flat voice that easily shows that she's suppressing emotions.

"Yeah, one street is. However, Secretary Fabio said that since this is only an" objective fact without a private heart, "you should hear directly from Aura about the subjective fact with a private heart."

From Yoshijiro's answers and hard expression, Aura, somehow imagined what Secretary Fabio called "a fact without a personal heart" and what they were like, takes a deep and huge sigh of sigh.

"I'm sorry, but can you tell me as accurately as you can about the 'facts' Fabio told me?

"Yeah, fine."

Overwhelmed by his wife's eyesight as she embarked on the table, Yoshijiro snorted as she pressed her back against the back of the couch.

"I feel like... That's pretty much it, I guess."

Sanjiro finishes his speech about the death of Sancho I, told by Secretary Fabio.

After listening, Aura looked up at the ceiling silently and looked away.

"Well... Ayatsumi, you just told me some really objective facts. Do you want to say that I am free to speak to my son-in-law from here or to keep it confidential... Ayamatsu, the one who often turns a blind eye. Too much of a whirlwind to run without bugs..."

"Oh, Aura?

Looking up at the ceiling, Yoshijiro speaks horribly to his wife, whining about bumps and disturbing words.


But Aura does not answer and remains silent for a while.

This is not an easy story to answer, Aura. Without a doubt, Yoshijiro misunderstands the cause of Sancho I's death. If Aura explains here, cracking her belly, that misunderstanding will be solved. But in order to completely solve the misunderstanding, we need to uncover the whole plot Aura made to turn on that battlefield.

That means treating equals, good jiro, as' royalty in service '. From the standpoint of' being in Queen's asylum and supporting the Queen from the shadows' as it is now, it is a further step forward.

To Aura, what Secretary Fabio wanted to say was easy to read.

(In other words, if you're going to treat Zenzilow as a 'one-man royal', you just need to uncover all the facts that were that battle and solve the misunderstanding. But if you're going to put yourself in the sweet position of 'Under the Queen's Asylum' like right now, I guess that means don't let me touch any more of the confidentiality you've penetrated)

At least, prioritizing personal feelings and being the only adult man royal, yet rejecting the sideroom through is not to say 'royal in service'.

(As always, I'll use a shady hand. Is he really my belly?

I'm angry because the rational part of Aura admits that Fabio's claim is right on one side.

If you are royal, you will need a dose that combines cloudiness. And if Aura's ploy in that battle was an undeniable part of "turbidity," and if he were to reveal the details to Yoshijiro, then Yoshijiro would have admitted that there was only a vessel to combine cloudiness.

Then I'd be in trouble if you didn't also swallow the 'turbidity' of taking a side room for the national good, not emotions, and increasing the number of children. And I suppose Secretary Fabio wants to say.

Pretty much, an extra favor, but understandable what I'm trying to say.


Aura exhales loudly, putting her gaze back into her husband's face sitting face to face.

Should I tell you everything by believing in Sanjiro? Should we continue our current comfortable relationship for even a year without revealing it that far?



After a painful silence, unlikely to be the daily rear house, the queen, who consolidated her determination, eventually opened her mouth.

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