Riverside police

Chapter 1086 Use war to promote training!

In the dead of night, Han Xiangning, who had just sent off Haixun 49, accompanied Sister Zhu on her way home under the dim street lights.

The more Han Xiangning thought about it, the more aggrieved she became. As she walked, she muttered: "I went to sea again just a few days after I came back, and I didn't even stay at home for a few days. From falling in love to getting married, and now for so many years, I always get together less and stay away more. It feels like a marriage." Had a fake marriage."

Women know women best.

Sister Zhu could understand Han Xiangning's feelings at this moment, and said with a self-deprecating smile: "Men all focus on their careers. Although my old Qin doesn't travel much on business, I still don't always see others. Even if I do, I can’t say more than a few words a day.”

"How can it be?"

"Why is it impossible? He is either having this meeting or that meeting, or he is going to various districts and counties for inspection and research. He has endless social activities at night and cannot get home before 11 o'clock every day. I have already fallen asleep when he comes back. , he has to go to work at work in the morning, and I also have to go to work at work, how many words can I say in a day?"

"Sister Zhu, you will be relegated to the second line in two years. Once you are relegated to the second line, you won't have to go to work so early every day. You can wait at home every day for Mayor Qin to get off work."

"Then I can't be his nanny? I don't want to be his mother. When I step back to the second line, I will take care of my grandson and let him live alone." When talking about taking the second place, Sister Zhu suddenly remembered something: "Ning Ning Ning, when I take a back seat, your suspension period will be over."

"I'm having a headache about this."

"What's the headache?"

"San'er was transferred to our Maritime Safety Bureau inexplicably. If I come back after my temporary duty period expires, it means that both of us will work in the Bureau."

Plans never change.

The bureau has always trained Han Xiangning as a leading cadre, but the superiors unexpectedly appointed Xianyu as the deputy director. Sister Zhu realized what Han Xiangning was worried about, and was silent for a moment and said: "Xianyu is the deputy director, and you are the deputy director. If the couple If you work together, the Maritime Safety Administration will become your mom-and-pop shop, and your superiors will definitely not let this happen."

"If he is in the bureau, I can't come back. When I come back, he will leave?"

"It's not that absolute, but someone must make some sacrifices."

"Sacrifice for what?"

"There can only be one in a leadership position."

When a woman has children, her career ambitions will gradually fade.

Han Xiangning did the same. After a moment of silence, he said, "I can go to the security inspection department or the crew examination department."

"Be a staff member who enjoys the treatment of deputy director level?" Sister Zhu asked back and smiled: "Even if you are willing, your superiors will not agree. After all, is it easy to train a leading cadre? In fact, you can consider going to Guzhou Maritime Safety Bureau. Just across the river and not far from home, Chen Zikun is doing a great job at the Changhang Guzhou Branch."

Although we are across the river, we still feel very far away.

Han Xiangning couldn't help laughing and said: "Sister Zhu, I want to go to the East China Sea Maritime Safety Administration. It doesn't matter if it's far away from home. It doesn't matter if I have a job or not!"

It's true that a family doesn't stay in the same house. Since she became Linghai's wife, she wants to run to the East China Sea just like the people in Linghai.

Sister Zhu really didn't know what to say about her, so she couldn't help laughing and said: "It was difficult to transfer here before. After Xianyu completes his current mission, it's really impossible for you to transfer here again."

"Sister Zhu, can I be transferred to the East China Sea? What does it have to do with San'er's patrol mission?"

"When he was leading the cruise mission, he would deal with the leaders of the East China Sea Maritime Safety Bureau, and he would have the opportunity to talk to the leaders of the East China Sea Bureau." Sister Zhu smiled, and then changed the subject: "But as far as I know, people like you In this situation, if you are transferred to the Donghai Bureau, you may have to start from the grassroots level."

"It's okay to start from the grassroots level. It's not like I've never worked at the grassroots level!" Han Xiangning said with a smile.

"The grassroots level I'm talking about is not the department, but the Marine Department such as Taoming, which is far away from the urban area. The personnel arrangement is similar to that of the local public security bureau. The new police officers first go to remote township police stations, and then move to the urban areas little by little. Positions Do it again after promotion, and so on. In short, it is not difficult for you to transfer to Donghai Bureau, but it is not so easy to work at Yangpu Marine Department and Huangpu Maritime Department. "

"If I go to Taoming Island, I might as well stay in Binjiang!"

"That's it. You are a treasure in Binjiang. You are just a piece of grass when you go to other people's places. Don't always think about running to the East China Sea."

"So I can only wait until I retire and go to Donghai to retire?"

"The mortgage will be paid off by then, and I can live a happy life, hahahaha."

Sister Zhu couldn't help but laugh.

Han Xiangning couldn't help but asked with a grimace: "Sister Zhu, I'm retiring early. Where to go after my temporary term is over is the urgent question. You can help me think of a solution!"

"There's nothing to worry about."

Sister Zhu held her arm and said with a smile: "You can stay in the Maritime College and continue to be the vice principal, or you can go to the Waterway Bureau, or even the Communications Bureau. Maybe Xianyu will be transferred again by then, and he can transfer you. Transfer it back. What you should be thinking about now should not be these, but focus on work and study, and strive to get a graduate diploma as soon as possible."

Han Xiangning asked with a smile: "If San'er can be transferred to our Maritime Safety Bureau, can I be transferred to the Changhang Shipping Branch?"

"Do you want to be a police officer?"

"That's what I asked."

"If you really want to go, it shouldn't be a big problem, but what's the point of you, a lesbian, going to the Changhang Branch?"

The next step is to fight a protracted war, and the endurance of law enforcement vessels at sea is limited, which means that the work of protecting the shipwreck site and safeguarding the rights and interests of the exclusive economic zone needs to be carried out by several law enforcement vessels participating in the operation in turns.

The Haixun 21 of the Donghai Maritime Safety Administration had just been commissioned not long ago. Although the captain, first mate, chief engineer and crew were fully equipped, they were not familiar with the condition of the ship. The paint in some cabins on the ship was not even dry.

If you want Haixun 21 to go to sea to perform tasks, it will take at least one and a half months. It will take at least half a year for Haixun 21 to truly form combat effectiveness.

The two fishery administration boats of the Donghai District Fishery Administration Bureau and the Jiangnan Provincial Fishery Administration Corps can only play a supporting role due to their "status". Because if we really encounter a Japanese ship, we need Maritime Affairs to negotiate with the other party.

Han Yu commanded Haixun 49 to perform its first cruise mission. The fishery administration ship of the Jiangnan Provincial Fishery Administration Corps has to make preparations before sailing and will sail to a dock in Taoming tomorrow to be on standby.

After a day and night of sailing, Haixun 49 safely arrived at the shipwreck area reported by Japan.

God is good, the wind and waves are not big.

Han Yu stood on the side of the ship outside the driving room and looked at the sea with a telescope. He saw neither floating objects nor Japanese ships. He only saw a container ship sailing northeast in the distance.

Seagulls followed Haixun 49 and flew in the blue sky. The waves kept hitting the bow of the ship, splashing white waves.

"The Korean Bureau should be in this area." Wu Haili held on to the railing, overlooking the bottomless sea, and said with emotion: "Haixun 49 is good everywhere, but there is no underwater surveying and mapping system on the small 001, otherwise we will We can find where the fishing boat sank."

"Yes, when conditions permit in the future, I will be equipped with it." Han Yu was convinced. He put down the telescope and turned around and shouted: "Overcoming difficulties!"


"The wind and waves are not big, so we will drift as planned. Pay attention to the course and make adjustments at any time."


"Gu Zhengjian, adjust the radar range to the furthest detection range, and pay close attention to the ships sailing in the nearby waters. Xu Yachuan, report to the East China Sea Bureau that our ship has safely arrived at the wreckage area. Zou Wenjie, inform the off-duty crew members to go to the conference room for a meeting..."

The crew members of Haixun 49 are either old friends or former military cadres and veterans who participated in the training when the Smuggling Crime Investigation Branch was preparing to build a maritime anti-smuggling team.

Han Yu was so familiar with them that he gave orders directly to everyone.

The tasks to be performed next are very professional. Although the Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau had jurisdiction over the sea area before, it had never really managed it. Not to mention the employees, even some cadres did not know the difference between the territorial sea, the high seas and the exclusive economic zone. I don’t know what rights the maritime department and even our Chinese government can exercise in the exclusive economic zone.

Wu Haili knew that Han Yu wanted to organize business training, so he immediately took over the bridge and organized employees without law enforcement rights to be on duty.

Han Yu watched on the side of the ship for a while, waiting until Director Yang of the East China Sea Maritime Safety Administration received a call back, then returned to the crew cabin to pick up a stack of international conventions, and walked into the restaurant and conference room along the narrow passage.

Wan Jianbin, a cadre from Shanghai Patrol 49 who was transferred from Dongqi Maritime Department, has put up a small blackboard. He Xianqiang from the Traffic Control Center still insisted on participating in the study although he suffered from seasickness.

Han Yu put down the "textbook" and walked to the blackboard, picked up a piece of chalk, and said straight to the point: "Comrades, since our Binjiang Maritime Safety Administration has jurisdiction over sea areas, we cannot always just manage the river and ignore the sea. In order to fill the gap in Binjiang sea area management , superiors have decided to build a radar station on the Dongqi seaside and incorporate it into the VTS management system.

For us, this trip to sea is not only to carry out the tasks assigned by our superiors, but also an opportunity to promote training through combat. I believe that after we complete the task at hand, our Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau will initially have the ability to govern Binjiang waters. In fact, this is one of the main reasons why our superiors asked us to assist the East China Sea Maritime Safety Bureau in executing this task. "

The Binjiang waters must not be left alone.

If you still don't understand, your superiors will transfer people from Yungang and other brother maritime bureaus. Everyone realized the leader's good intentions and listened more attentively than before.

"First, we need to understand the concept of exclusive economic zones."

Han Yu quickly wrote the words "Exclusive Economic Zone" on the blackboard and said fluently: "The Exclusive Economic Zone refers to a maritime concept proposed in international law to resolve maritime disputes between countries or regions. In 1982 The fifth part of the United Nations Convention on the Law of the Sea in 2008 provides formal and detailed regulations on the exclusive economic zone. Xiaojin, help me spread the chart."


"As you can see from the chart I marked, the exclusive economic zone is 200 nautical miles away from China's territorial sea baseline, or the exclusive economic zone shall not exceed 200 nautical miles beyond the territorial sea baseline. These are two completely different things from the territorial sea and the high seas. Probability, the territorial sea is only 12 nautical miles, and beyond 12 nautical miles is the high seas, which means that the high seas and the exclusive economic zone overlap, and 188 nautical miles of the high seas belong to the exclusive economic zone."

Han Yu knew that it was difficult for everyone to digest for a while, so he patiently explained: "The exclusive economic zone belongs to the sea area under national jurisdiction and has a special legal status, but it is not equivalent to the legal status of territorial sea and high seas, but a kind of legal status between territorial sea and high seas. Sea areas between the high seas have the legal nature and status of composite waters.

We all know that within a country's territorial waters, foreign ships only enjoy the right of innocent passage. In the exclusive economic zone outside the territorial sea, the principles of freedom of navigation and overflight apply.

The exclusive economic zone is also different from the nature of the high seas. Article 86 of the Convention stipulates that the relevant provisions applicable to the high seas do not equally apply to the exclusive economic zone because there are huge differences in legal use, legal scope, rights and obligations of each country, etc. difference. However, the Convention still retains six freedoms such as navigation, overflight, and laying of submarine cables and pipelines.

However, coastal states have full rights to formulate relevant laws and regulations to restrict the above freedoms, and the remaining freedoms are naturally different from the original freedoms in the probabilistic sense of the high seas. To understand it from another perspective, as the distance increases, the rights owned by coastal states continue to decrease. "

Xiao Jin couldn't help raising his hand and asked: "Han Bureau, what rights do we have in the exclusive economic zone?"

"This is a good question. Since it is an exclusive economic zone, as the name suggests, it must be related to the economy. In summary, the marine economy is mainly the development and utilization of marine mineral resources. For example, without the permission of our government, other countries are not allowed to mine minerals in our exclusive economic zone. Resource exploration, development and related activities. The second is fishery jurisdiction..."

Han Yu spoke for more than an hour. Everyone finally knew that other countries could not come to our exclusive economic zone to explore and exploit oil, natural gas and other resources without permission, nor could they come to our exclusive economic zone to engage in fishing, let alone do anything to ours. The exclusive economic zone causes environmental pollution and so on.

Law enforcement vessels and warships from the Japan Coast Guard and even the Maritime Self-Defense Force can come, and military aircraft can fly over the exclusive economic zone, but the fish, shrimps and oil and natural gas below the water surface are all ours.

If Japan wants to salvage the sunken ship, it may pollute the environment of our exclusive economic zone, cause damage to the ecology of the seabed, and also affect the normal fishing operations of our fishing boats. Therefore, they are not allowed to salvage without the permission of our government.

Just when everyone had just figured out their rights, Han Yu changed the topic: "Comrades, it is not easy for us to go to sea. Considering that ships passing through my country's exclusive economic zone and even territorial waters may violate our country's laws and regulations, Before setting sail, I asked Wu to bring a blank penalty notice.

In the next cruise, we must not only prevent Japan from salvaging the sunken ship, but also pay close attention to the waters under the jurisdiction of our Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau. As long as violations of regulations and laws are discovered and investigated and punished, I would like to know whether this cruise can issue the first maritime fine from our Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau! "

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