Riverside police

Chapter 1096 The well-informed Lao Ge

It is faster to build a steel structure factory than to build a residential community. In just one year, the Hong Kong Industrial Park has been built in a field of farmland, and it is beginning to take shape.

The products of Hong Kong-funded enterprises that have settled or are about to settle are mainly exported and need to deal with customs.

Xu Mingyuan is a cadre in the customs system. He finally came to the Hong Kong Industrial Park. Lao Ge naturally would not miss this opportunity to show off. He asked the office director to accompany Xu Mingyuan to visit two garment factories, a toy factory and a shoe factory that had been put into operation.

Huimei Clothing is also a clothing factory and also does foreign trade orders.

Xiaoyu and Yuzhen, who had just arrived, didn't want to miss this learning opportunity, so they also followed Xu Mingyuan to visit.

Lao Ge and Sister Wei prepared dinner together, and were about to call to ask Xu Mingyuan where he had visited. Han Yu, Han Xiangning, Xu Haoran, and Lin Xiaoqin arrived.

Children like to play with older children. As soon as Xiao Siqi sees Junjun, she will drag Junjun to play. Han Xiangning saw Lin Xiaoqin chasing the two children downstairs, and followed them downstairs to help take care of them.

Han Yu said hello to his wife, and walked into Lao Ge's luxurious office with Xu Haoran.

The Hong Kong Industrial Park is a Hong Kong-funded enterprise and enjoys many benefits that mainland enterprises cannot enjoy. For example, it can import two cars duty-free and have black license plates. Another example is the installation of a satellite antenna similar to a radar on the roof, which can watch satellite TV from Hong Kong and even abroad.

Even the installed network is different from the one at Xiaoyujia Internet Cafe, and you can directly access foreign websites.

Because of this, Lao Ge knew everything about the world while sitting in his work unit, and he even knew some information better than the leaders of Changzhou City.

He closed the door and asked with a half-smile: "Xianyu, has Japan gone to the East China Sea to salvage that sunken ship?"

"Uncle Ge, what sunken ship is Japan going to salvage?"

"Haoran is not an outsider, what can't you say here?" Lao Ge asked back, and said with a proud smile: "I may know about the Japanese warship sinking the spy ship earlier than you. I don't believe you. Wait a minute. You can ask your wife, I watched the news for two whole days."

"Really?" Han Yu didn't expect that he even knew about this, and couldn't help feeling a little embarrassed.

Lao Ge invited him and Xu Haoran to eat fruit and said with a smile: "Just after the Japanese warship sank the spy ship in China's exclusive economic zone, your superiors transferred you from the Long Navigation Branch to the Maritime Safety Administration. As soon as the appointment was announced, you You lead a team out to sea to perform a mission, and you can use your toes to figure out what you are going to do at sea!"

Han Yu's transfer from the Changhang Shipping Branch to the Maritime Safety Bureau was too sudden.

Xu Haoran had always felt strange, but when he heard what Lao Ge said, he suddenly reacted and looked at Han Yu subconsciously.

Han Yu was completely convinced and could only smile and said: "Old Wu and I went to cruise in the sunken waters, but we went to sea not just to protect the sunken ships. The Binjiang waters are under the jurisdiction of the Binjiang Maritime Safety Administration, but it has never been under the jurisdiction of the Binjiang Maritime Safety Administration for various reasons. So our superiors asked us to take advantage of this opportunity to really manage the Binjiang waters."

Xu Haoran asked curiously: "Which country did the spy ship sunk by Japan belong to?"

"Nine times out of ten, it's from North Korea." Before Han Yu could say anything, Lao Ge said with a smile: "But the news said that the spy ship was not sunk by a Japanese Maritime Self-Defense Force warship, but the people on the spy ship blew it up themselves. Heavy."

Xu Haoran was shocked and asked: "Xianyu, you are back. Isn't there no one on the sea?"

"The Haixun 21 of the East China Sea Maritime Safety Administration is here. The Haixun 21 is a new ship that has just been delivered. This time it is going to the shipwreck area for cruise and sea trial. So they will go to sea for a relatively short time this time and will return the day after tomorrow. We need to Go and replace them.”

"You two take turns cruising?"

"Not only our two families, but also two fishery administration boats from the East China Sea Fishery Administration Corps and our Provincial Fishery Administration Corps, and four official ships took turns cruising in that area."

Sure enough, he was guessed, and Lao Ge felt very accomplished. He couldn't help laughing and asked: "Is there any movement in little Japan?"

"Yes, the Maritime Self-Defense Force's military planes always fly there." Han Yu finished the orange and added with a smile: "The leader of the East China Sea Maritime Safety Administration said that the Japan Coast Guard sent a ship yesterday to follow the Coast Patrol 21 We met each other and then returned."

"Just like this?"

"Of course not. The higher-ups are negotiating. This matter is very complicated. No one knows when it will be discussed and what the outcome will be."

"So you want to go to sea often?"

"Who asked me to do this?"

"Will that affect your ability to attend the National People's Congress in the capital after the New Year?"

"No." Han Yu explained with a smile: "The leaders of the Donghai Maritime Safety Administration know that I am a representative of the National People's Congress, and they helped me make time for the National People's Congress during the shift schedule. The National People's Congress will be held for ten days in total. , plus the round trip time, it takes up to twelve days, which is equivalent to one voyage."

Lao Ge asked: "When the time comes, will we go from the East China Sea or to Jiangcheng first?"

"Go directly from the East China Sea. The military region knows what mission I am performing. The day before yesterday, I was notified through the East China Sea Garrison Area and asked me to set off with the East China Sea delegation. When I arrive in the capital, I will report to the PLA delegation station."

"That's good. The National People's Congress is too important to ask for leave."

"Yes, I have prepared several suggestions."

While chatting, Xu Mingyuan and Xiaoyu came back.

How happy the four brothers are to meet again.

Lao Ge naturally asked about Xu Mingyuan's work. Xu Mingyuan briefly introduced the situation in his unit. After thinking about it, he half-jokingly said: "I went back to Linghai yesterday for a round. Lao Shi and Fang Zhiqiang said that I have no use at the customs. , After all, Binjiang is not Dongguang, the smuggling problem is not serious, and there are not a few major cases a year, so it is better to go back to the Public Security Bureau."

Han Yu smiled and asked, "Do you want to go back to the Public Security Bureau?"

Xu Mingyuan smiled with a bit of self-deprecation: "I would like to, but I can only think about it. Now I am in a good place anyway, and I can't go back even if I want to."

It seems that too high a level is not entirely a good thing.

As the senior brother said, he is now a division-level cadre. Even if he wants to return to the Public Security Bureau, even if the local party and government leaders are willing to accept him, there is no way to arrange it.

The administrative level of the vertical management unit is high. When he was in the special zone, he could only be regarded as a "middle-level cadre", but at the local level he was a very high official!

District and county public security chiefs are only full-time officers, and those who serve as deputy mayors, assistant mayors, or members of the municipal party committee and are public security chiefs are only deputy chiefs. Even the several deputy directors of the Binjiang Municipal Bureau are only deputy directors. Only the executive deputy director is the chief executive, and he is appointed through the title of director of various offices.

Thinking of this, Han Yu couldn't help laughing and said: "If you really go back to the Public Security Bureau, your superiors will not be able to arrange for you."

Xiaoyu laughed and said: "Senior Brother, our Changhang Branch Bureau can't arrange for you. It's impossible for the Bureau to resign and let you be the director, and it's impossible for Political Commissar Dong to give up his position to you!"

"Why don't you go back to the public security bureau? It's good to be in our smuggling crime investigation branch."

Xu Mingyuan was transferred back. The happiest person was Xu Haoran. He looked at everyone with a smile and said: "Although the senior brother is not the director or the political commissar, the senior brother is the branch party committee member W, and the party committee member W is the bureau leader."

Among the juniors, Xianyu has the brightest future.

But at this stage, Xu Mingyuan has the highest administrative level.

Lao Ge felt that Xu Haoran's words made sense and said meaningfully: "Zhou Huixin is over fifty and his health is not very good. How many years can he serve as a political commissar?"

"Uncle Ge, I never thought about getting promoted."

"What kind of thinking is this? A soldier who doesn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Only by taking up a higher leadership position can he accomplish greater things!" Lao Ge straightened his face and said very seriously: "In terms of qualifications, smuggling Who in the Criminal Investigation Branch can compare with you? In terms of experience in investigating smuggling cases, who in the whole branch has more experience than you? Those smuggling cases you solved in Dongguang, if you take them together in Binjiang, they are all huge cases!"

Xiaoyu was convinced, and suddenly said: "In terms of relationships, no one can compare with you! Political Commissar Zhou is your old leader, and he will definitely recommend you to his superiors to succeed him. Our relationship with Zeng Guan is even better. Needless to say, you helped Zengguan fight against smuggling more than ten years ago."

This kid tells the truth.

Although it is related, can I say it with confidence?

Lao Ge really didn't know what to say to Xiaoyu, so he quickly changed the subject: "Xianyu, the soldier who just said he didn't want to be a general is not a good soldier. Although Commander Jiang is still a senior colonel, he is now at the deputy military level and will be promoted to major general sooner or later! "

"Uncle Ge, how did you know?"

"He called me to tell me that he had been transferred to the Nanjing Military Region and is now the deputy chief of staff of the Military Region's Air Force."

"When were you transferred here?" Han Yu asked happily.

"He was just transferred here a few days ago." Lao Ge smiled and added: "I guess his superiors transferred him here as deputy chief of staff of the military region's air force, probably taking into account the needs of fighting Taiwan."

Xu Haoran is the only one among the few who has actually served as a soldier and attended a military academy.

He believed that Lao Ge's words made sense, and couldn't help but analyze: "If there is a war, the airborne troops will definitely participate in the war, and they will probably be the first batch to go to the battlefield. The Nanjing Military Region is responsible for fighting against Taiwan, which involves a command and coordination Problem. With him as the deputy chief of staff of the military region’s air force, who has successively served as the airborne division commander and the deputy chief of staff of the airborne force, it will be easier than before to formulate operational plans and direct operations."

After 9.11, the United States went to war with Afghanistan.

The news always reports that the US military has carried out air strikes again, and that the US military supports the northern forces in Afghanistan to attack the Taliban, but in fact it is not that the US military has not dispatched ground troops.

The war can be won in such a short period of time not only by providing some weapons and equipment to the forces in northern Afghanistan. After all, the warlords in northern Afghanistan are all militiamen, and more professional soldiers are needed to teach those militiamen how to fight. When conducting air strikes against Taliban forces, special forces are even required to go deep into Afghanistan to guide fighter planes to strike targets.

The airborne troops are originally special forces.

After Commander Jiang was transferred to the deputy chief of staff of the 105th Army, he was in charge of the special operations group of the 105th Army, which is equivalent to leading a special force among the special forces!

From this perspective, the superiors may have considered fighting against Taiwan when they transferred Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang to the Nanjing Military Region as the Deputy Chief of Staff of the Military Region Air Force.

Another general friend.

Han Yuzheng was filled with emotion, and Xiaoyu asked curiously: "Uncle Ge, when will Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang be promoted to major general?"

"How could I know that?"

"Is it possible that I won't be promoted to major general?"

This kid not only has a big mouth, but also has a crow's mouth!

Lao Ge wanted to kick him out, but he still smiled and said: "Under normal circumstances, as long as you can be promoted to deputy army, you can usually be promoted to major general."

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