Riverside police

Chapter 1098 Supervise Salvage (1)

On May 28, Haixun 49 set sail from Lianying Port again.

Due to the two uninvited guests sent by their superiors before setting sail, plus eight officers and soldiers from the Jiangnan Provincial Military Region Reserve Coastal Defense Regiment such as Feng Qingshan and Qian Shimin, the number of 21 people on Coast Guard 49 has changed from the previous 21 to the current number. Thirty-one people.

The space on the boat is small, and fresh water and food supplies are limited. With ten more mouths suddenly added, the battery life may be shortened by two days. However, the Haixun 21 of the East China Sea Maritime Safety Administration has formed combat effectiveness after half a year of cruising, and the Haixun 21 has a larger tonnage than the Haixun 49, has a longer endurance, and can carry more supplies.

In short, although there are more than ten people, it will not have much impact on the tasks to be performed next.

The pre-appointed officers and soldiers such as Feng Qingshan, Qian Shimin, and Teacher Xia are either crew members or divers, or even experienced captains. However, they have not had many opportunities to go to sea in the past two years.

Their arrival is very welcomed by the crew of Haixun 49, because they will be on duty next, and where can you find such a good thing as having someone to help with the work?

In contrast, two "peers" who had never met before were not very popular.

A man named Chu, named Chu Dingping, is in his early forties.

One surnamed Qiu is Qiu Guangqiang. He is relatively young and looks about the same age as Han Yu.

Although the two of them were wearing maritime uniforms and even had crew certificates, it was obvious at first glance that they had never been to the sea. From setting sail to the shipwreck area, they vomited so much that Wu Haili had to arrange for two crew members to take care of them. , clean up their vomit.

The crew certificate was new, as was the work permit. Coupled with the seasickness, Han Yu could almost conclude that they were not crew members, or even maritime workers.

As for what they were here for, everyone including Han Yu had a rough guess. Just considering the confidentiality discipline, you can't ask questions that you shouldn't ask, and you just pretend not to know.

The first phase of the supervised salvage task was carried out simultaneously by Haixun 21 and Haixun 49.

Mainly considering that Japan has brought a salvage ship and a Coast Guard law enforcement ship, and the tonnage is larger than that of the Chinese maritime ship. If only one ship comes as before, our maritime power will be too much. thin.

As planned, Han Yu commanded Haixun 49 to circle around the Japanese salvage ship and sail to a nautical mile to the port side of the salvage ship to guard it. He used radar to observe whether there were any fishing boats in the nearby waters. If there were any, he would remind the fishing boats to give way.

In fact, the Donghai Maritime Safety Administration and the Donghai District Fishery Administration issued an announcement three days ago that salvage operations would be carried out in nearby waters, requiring ships passing by to strengthen their lookouts and pay attention to avoidance. However, in order to ensure the safety of navigation, especially the safety of all types of ships during night navigation, vigilance and guarding are still required.

The wind and waves were not as strong as in the morning, and the Japanese salvage workers were busy on the deck of the salvage ship. The 1,000-ton law enforcement ship of the Japan Coast Guard sounded its whistle and was sailing southeast.

Considering that Little Japan is indeed very rigorous in everything they do, at least their serious attitude towards maritime salvage work is worth learning from. Han Yu weighed it and said: "Mr. Ozawa, there are buoys on Haixun 21, you must first confirm the salvage I will report the scope of the operating waters to my superior, and we will set up sea warning buoys for you based on the needs of your salvage operations."

"Thank you, Mr. Deputy Director, but can it be faster? We must make the most of the salvage window period."

"Don't worry, I won't keep you waiting."

Han Yu did not dare to waste a moment, and immediately adjusted the call frequency and reported to Haixun 21 on the other side of the Japanese salvage ship.

The leader of the East China Sea Maritime Safety Administration, who led the team to supervise the Japanese salvage, understood the situation and believed that Han Yu's persistence was very reasonable. He immediately contacted the person in charge of the Japanese side to determine the scope of the sea area to be marked, and then organized crew members to set up warning buoys for the Japanese side.

Everyone knows that the "non-examination ship" sank at the bottom of the sea, but they don't know where exactly it sank.

Haixun 21 was busy for three hours, setting up buoys in the operating waters. A Bell helicopter took off from the Japan Coast Guard's law enforcement ship and circled over the sunken sea area. The Japanese salvage ship also put down a submersible similar to a small submarine and went into the sea to search for the sunken ship.

It was a helicopter and a submersible, and everyone was dumbfounded.

Xiao Qian held up the camera and murmured: "Han Bureau, not only do they have bigger ships, but their equipment is also more advanced than ours."

"Don't be envious, take good pictures, we will have these equipment sooner or later."


Feng Qingshan stood by the bridge, looking at the Shikishima in the distance and said with emotion: "This is not a law enforcement ship. This is a warship. Its tonnage is about the same as the main ship of our navy. Many of the equipment on the ship are even larger than ours." Navy ships are advanced.”

Han Yu had carefully studied the law enforcement vessel information of the Japan Coast Guard when he was ordered to perform a patrol mission half a year ago. He said without hesitation: "Shikishima is a helicopter patrol ship commissioned in 1992, with a displacement of 7,175 tons. It should be the largest in the world." The largest coast guard ship. With a maximum speed of about 25 knots and an endurance of more than 20,000 nautical miles, it can perform ocean cruising missions."

Feng Qingshan asked curiously: "Where is the armament on the ship?"

"Equipped with two twin-mounted 35mm cannons and two 20mm six-barreled rotary cannons, it can carry two Super Puma helicopters."

"We should really let Pei Zhi come and take a look. He is also a Coast Guard. What kind of boats are they equipped with? What kind of boats are they equipped with!"

"Let Pei Zhi take a look, why not invite the head of the East China Sea Fleet to take a look."

The two were jealous and jealous, and Chu Dingping stumbled into the bridge.

Han Yu quickly supported him: "Chu Chu, are you okay?"

Chu Dingping gently pushed Han Yu's hand away, supported the driver's seat and said, "It's okay. It will be fine after you finish vomiting."

"Is everything okay?"

"It's okay!"

Before coming here, Chu Dingping thought he was good at water and in good physical condition, so he wouldn't get seasick, but he still got seasick. He didn't want to be laughed at by Han Yu and others, so he cheered up, stared at the Japanese salvage ship on the sea in the distance, and asked: "Han Bureau, what are they doing?"

"They are using deep diving equipment for underwater positioning to determine the exact location of the sunken ship."

"Then what?"

"I briefly communicated with them on the radio in the morning. According to their salvage operation procedures, after the positioning is completed, advanced underwater remote-controlled robots and even divers must be dispatched to conduct surveys and understand the underwater environment. For example, water flow, water flow density, seabed Terrain and all that.”

Han Yu paused and then said: "Then formulate a salvage plan and determine whether it is to salvage the entire ship or separate it. Make a good salvage plan and then organize its implementation."

Chu Dingping did not expect that salvaging a sunken ship would be so complicated, and asked: "How long will the entire salvage process take?"

"It depends on the conditions on the seabed, but also on the climate and sea conditions."

Han Yu knew that he was an amateur, so he thought about it and explained patiently: "The climate at sea is changing rapidly, and it is about to enter the typhoon season. There are not many climates that can meet the conditions for salvage like today. They have to take advantage of every window period. I It is estimated that it will take two months at the earliest.”

"It takes so long?"


As soon as Han Yu finished speaking, Feng Qingshan added in a low voice: "Chu Chu, salvaging the sunken ship is not just about arranging divers to go down and tie wire ropes to lift the sunken ship. Director Han said that the sea climate is changing rapidly, but in fact the situation on the seabed is more complicated. Salvage The team must have professional knowledge, superb technology and strong psychological quality, and must be able to cope with various emergencies and environmental changes.

After they found the sunken ship, they had to go down and clean out any sediment that might have accumulated in the sunken ship. They also had to deal with any remaining oil in the sunken ship's oil tank to prevent environmental pollution. It is even necessary to install protective nets, repair some damaged cabins of the sunken ship underwater, and then use equipment to inflate and drain the hull to reduce the weight of the hull, enhance buoyancy, and further reduce the difficulty of salvage..."

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