Riverside police

Chapter 1102

On September 1st, colorful flags were fluttering along the Yingchuangang River, and gongs and drums were loud.

Provincial Secretary Li and leaders of the Ministry of Communications came to the Yingchuangang River again to attend the foundation laying ceremony of Gubin Bridge.

Luo Wenjiang and Xiaoyu were responsible for water security at the groundbreaking ceremony. Deputy Director Yang of the Changzhou Public Security Bureau was responsible for shore security. Lao Ge, as the deputy general manager of the Hong Kong Industrial Park, was invited to attend the ceremony.

This year is "Autumn Tiger" again.

The weather was so hot that Lao Ge stood on the shore for a while and then ran to the public security barge. Holding a tea cup and looking at the crowded shore, he said with emotion: "The deputy director of the Department of Transportation serves as the on-site commander. The specifications of the Yangtze River Bridge Project Headquarters are very good." So high!"

Being on the water is different from being on the shore. There are not so many people on the water. Just make sure that ships passing by are not allowed to dock without permission.

Xiaoyu held the walkie-talkie and said with a smile: "Uncle Ge, Sister Ningning is also very powerful. It was announced at the meeting the day before yesterday that she is the commander-in-chief of our water law enforcement and the party secretary of the water law enforcement base!"

"Have you joined the Engineering Command?"

"Joined, she is a member of the headquarters." She can work under the leadership of her sister-in-law as before. The more Xiaoyu thought about it, the more excited she became. She said with excitement: "From today on, Changzhou Maritime Affairs Department and Changzhou Public Security Yangtze River Bridge Branch , Shuangshui Public Security Bureau and our Changhang Branch Bureau here must accept the leadership of Sister Ningning."

"She is the deputy director, with the highest administrative level. Of course you have to listen to her." Lao Ge was very happy. After thinking about it, he smiled and said: "Not everyone has this opportunity to accept the leadership of the Department of Transportation and cooperate with the deputy director of the Department of Transportation. When the bridge is completed and opened to traffic, she will be the hero of the construction of the bridge, and a national model worker will probably not be able to escape."

"National model worker?"

"The commander-in-chief of water law enforcement either doesn't work, or he will work for five or six years. He is on the riverside every day. With such a huge responsibility, it is normal to be rated as a national model worker."

"How do the model workers across the country compare with the heroes and models in our public security system?"

"It's almost the same. As long as you can get a good rating, you can get a salary increase. In the future, even your retirement salary will be higher than others."

"Uncle Ge, have you been selected? Are you a national model worker?"


"I remember, you are a model of flood fighting." Xiaoyu realized that he had said the wrong thing and quickly changed the subject: "Uncle Ge, why did Xianyu suddenly think of going to college? It's not like he doesn't have a diploma."

"He went to Donghai Jiaotong University. Donghai Jiaotong University is a famous university. Unlike you, he must have a diploma. Besides, he went to study for a graduate degree. After graduation, he will get a master's degree!"

"What's the use of a master's degree?"

“With a diploma and a degree, you will be able to move into higher leadership positions in the future.”

The deputy director of the Maritime Safety Administration is already a very big leader. Does Xianyugan want to be a bigger leader? Xiaoyu is really hard to understand.

Lao Ge didn't know how to explain it for a while. Luo Wenjiang took over the conversation and gave an analogy: "Xiaoyu, you should have heard of 'Han Strike'. He made rapid progress in the past, and he has already achieved the level of thinking before he was thirty years old. He was appointed deputy director of the Public Security Bureau, but he insisted on going to the capital for further study.

I went to the capital to study for several years, learned my skills, and got a diploma. After returning to Binjiang, I was promoted several levels, from deputy captain of the criminal police detachment to captain of the technical investigation detachment, and then to captain of the anti-narcotics detachment. In just over a year, he jumped from deputy section to deputy division and became the young marshal of the municipal bureau’s criminal investigation system! "

"Captain of the anti-drug detachment, do we have drugs in Binjiang?"

"Yes, we have solved several drug cases and arrested more than a dozen drug dealers and nearly a hundred drug addicts. It's just that we don't know about it every day by the river."

"It's true!" Xiaoyu exclaimed.

"Every other line is like a mountain. We don't usually come into contact with these things by the river. I don't know how normal it is." Luo Wenjiang patted Xiaoyu's arm and continued: "The same goes for Director Han who went to Donghai to study. When he comes back after completing his studies, his superiors will definitely Will be reused.”

Lao Ge thought so too, and couldn't help but asked with a smile: "Ronaldo, is your probation period almost over?"

"It's already full. I've been officially transferred to the Water Branch."

"What's your current position?"

"Still the deputy director."

As soon as Luo Wenjiang finished speaking, Xiaoyu couldn't help but laugh and said: "Uncle Ge, the water security detachment is now a deputy division level unit. Bureau Wang and Political Commissar Ma are promoted to deputy divisions, and Bureau Luo is promoted to full department. It is now our water law enforcement base. Members of the temporary party committee will work with us on the riverside for five or six years."

Although escorting the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge is an important task, as long as it can be successfully completed, the superiors will definitely reuse it, but the situation of Luo Wenjiang is different from that of a small fish, a bit like a salted fish.

Lao Ge was surprised and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Luo, did your superiors ask you to be transferred back, or did you want to stay?"

"The construction of the Yangtze River Bridge is a national key project. My superiors want me to stay in Binjiang to escort the construction of the bridge. I also want to stay. After all, my home is in Binjiang, and my relatives and friends are all in Binjiang."

"Well done, work hard and you will definitely have a bright future."

The Yangtze River Bridge, which is about to break ground, spans both sides of the Yangtze River. A groundbreaking ceremony will be held not only on the riverside side, but also in Shuzhou on the other side of the river.

The three of them were chatting, and the ceremony on the shore was over.

Due to the large number of leaders attending the ceremony, it was impossible for the senior leaders who attended the ceremony to take law enforcement boats to cross the river. Instead, they took cars to Lingdaqi to cross the river as planned to attend the groundbreaking ceremony on the other side.

As a member of the Yangtze River Bridge Project Construction Headquarters, Han Xiangning left by car with the commander-in-chief. There are only rows of mobile houses of construction units on the riverside. Lao Ge has to go home even if he doesn't have lunch.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he landed, he saw Vice Mayor Qin who had not gone to the other side with the leaders.

"Mr. Ge, did you drive here by yourself?"

"The driver has something to do at home, so I gave him a few days off."

"This car is good." Vice Mayor Qin was about to go to Changzhou Bridge Industrial Park. He held the car door and asked with a smile: "Mr. Ge, I happen to be going to Changzhou. Can you give me a ride?"

"What are you talking about? This way, please, take the passenger seat." Lao Ge greeted Vice Mayor Qin to get in the car and asked with a smile: "Mayor Qin, does Secretary Hou know that you went to Changzhou to inspect the work?"

"I didn't notify them, I just went to take a look."

"Private visit incognito?"

"The Yangtze River Bridge is about to break ground. Changzhou will benefit the most. As a traffic veteran, you know best. They occupy a precious land and must achieve something."

As Vice Mayor Qin said, the construction of the Yangtze River Bridge is really a development opportunity for Changzhou.

Apart from anything else, the price of land in Hong Kong industrial parks has increased by more than 20,000 yuan per acre in the past two months. The big boss in Hong Kong was very happy. Yesterday, he even called to say that he was lucky to have invested early.

Lao Ge, an executive of a Hong Kong-funded enterprise, became more and more energetic as he worked. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Mayor Qin, I will accompany you to our park. As of this month, our park has 23 companies settled in it. Before Secretary Hou went to investigate in a few days, and I issued a military order to Secretary Hou. This year’s output value will not be less than one billion, and the foreign exchange earned from exports will not be less than 50 million US dollars!"

"It's only US$50 million. You are all Hong Kong-funded enterprises and your products are mainly exported. This goal is a bit low. I think US$100 million is about the same."

"You have to eat one bite at a time. Besides, although there are many Hong Kong-funded enterprises in our park, they are mainly small enterprises. They are incomparable with the shipyards in Linghai and large enterprises such as Conch Cement."

Lao Ge is just a retired cadre working for a Hong Kong boss, and he is not the current leader of Changzhou City. It is not appropriate to set goals for Lao Ge.

Vice Mayor Qin simply changed the topic, looked at the scenery outside the car and said with a smile: "Mr. Ge, considering the time, it's time for Xianyu to report to school. Has he called you in the past few days?"

"Hit him. He beat me yesterday."

"How did he say?"

"He reported to school three days ago. Before going, he thought he was an 'older student.' But when he went there, he realized that there were others older than him. His tutor is very high-level and is an expert in transportation. He has several scientific research projects on hand, and even the Ministry of Transportation and the Donghai Municipal Government often ask his mentor to conduct research and demonstrations and issue expert opinions."

When Deputy Mayor Qin thought that Lao Ge was actually a professor-level senior engineer, he secretly thought that the professors at Donghai Jiaotong University must be of high standard. You thought they were "experts" like you.

Lao Ge didn't know what Deputy Mayor Qin was thinking, and said happily: "He just planned to go to school as a day student. After all, there is no house in Donghai. But after he registered, he realized that there were too many things to learn. He didn't look like others who had gone to university." , I don’t have a good foundation, I have to make up a lot of classes, and I have to live on campus.”

"So he can't keep up?"

"The tutor was a bit irresponsible. He didn't give any of the graduate students classes. He just gave them a list of books and asked them to study on their own. He has been studying in the library every day these days."

"Studying is also hard."

"Learning something like this requires both talent and age. From our perspective, he is still a child, but in fact he is already in his early thirties. He will definitely not be as good at learning as a young man in his early twenties. He will definitely have to work hard in the next two years. Read. But then again, only by enduring hardship can one become a master."

"What does it mean to be a master, Lao Ge? I'm not telling you, but your thinking is wrong."

"Okay, okay, I have a problem with my thinking, hahaha."

"I happen to be going to Donghai for a meeting in a few days. If I have time, I will stop by to see him."

"When I have time, I'll go take a look too."

As Lao Ge said, Han Yu is really miserable.

The other three of the four graduate students led by the tutor all graduated from full-time colleges and universities, and all majored in transportation management as undergraduates. He was the only technical secondary school student. Although he had studied water transport management, that was more than ten years ago, and what he had learned had already been returned to the teacher. Even if he had not returned it to the teacher, it was still far behind what he needed to learn now.

There is no other way but to make up classes first.

This is recommended by superiors for admission without examination. If you take the examination based on your ability, you will definitely fail!

I originally thought that the best major in Donghai Jiaotong University was the shipbuilding and ocean engineering major. When I got to Jiaotong University, I could take classes on shipbuilding and ocean engineering. But now I can only think about it and I don’t have time to take it.

There are too many lessons to make up for, and many of the courses that the tutor asked me to study on my own require literature review. Those literatures are all in English. The English I learned before is not enough for daily communication, so I have to read English dictionaries first to make up for it. English……

Han Yu read the book all afternoon and felt dizzy and miserable. He actually regretted coming to school. He thought to himself that if he had known it was so difficult, he should have applied for an easier on-the-job graduate school like his senior sister. He should not have been too ambitious. You have to get a graduate degree from a prestigious school.

Professor Fang Zhongli had just attended a seminar. He walked out of the venue with his favorite student Kong Hanping, got into the car arranged by the organizer, and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Kong, why is Han Yu not here today?"

"I told him this morning and he said he couldn't come."

"can not come?"

"He has been in the library for the past few days. He didn't go back to the dormitory until the lights were turned off and the door was closed every day. He didn't even go to the cafeteria for dinner yesterday. He went back to the dormitory to make instant noodles."

After being a graduate student for more than ten years, Han Yu has the weakest foundation among all.

After graduating from a technical secondary school, I had never really studied traffic management before. It was normal for me to be unable to keep up. Professor Fang Zhongli sighed secretly and couldn't help but think of those workers, peasants and soldiers students back then. They had the same poor foundation and knew nothing and knew nothing...

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