Riverside police

Chapter 1108 Big Brother is the leader!

At 4:45 p.m., Yangtze River Police 001 rushed to the water area where the incident occurred.

Xiaoyu asked his apprentice Xiao Chen to drive Xiao 001 around the sandbank in the river to find out the situation of the river boat running aground. He put on his gloves and took the cable thrown by the crew of the law enforcement boat of the Mingming Maritime Department, while pulling it towards Xiao 001's He tied up the cable pile and shouted: "Shenzhen University, right? I am Liang Xiaoyu from the Changhang Branch. I'm sorry to keep you waiting for so long."

It takes time to prepare a car, and it also takes time to drive through the waters of Yingchuan Port.

Besides, he is a senior cadre, and Deputy Captain Shen is not stupid enough to think that Xiaoyu is late, so he quickly said: "Liang Suo, we are sorry to trouble you again."

"No trouble." Xiaoyu chuckled and said, "But we can't tow it now. The driver is really talented to be able to strand the ship like this. Let's wait together. We can tow it again when the tide comes in."

"Okay, don't be in a hurry."

The space of the law enforcement boat was too small, so Deputy Captain Shen climbed onto the small 001 and was busy making smoke for Xiaoyu and Lao Zhu.

Du Juan looked at Xiaoyu curiously, and couldn't help but think of the big brother her boyfriend had mentioned. She was secretly thinking that the big brother named Han Yu seemed to be a Yangtze River water policeman in the past.

Xiaoyu also saw her and asked curiously: "Shen Da, is there a girl named Duzalea in your unit?"

"Yes, this is it." Deputy Commander Shen was overjoyed. He turned around and said with a smile, "Xiao Du, please say hello to Suo Liang quickly."

"Hello Liang!" Du Juan reacted and quickly raised his hand in salute.

The little fish was happy and laughed: "Are you the azalea?"

Dujuan was embarrassed and said hurriedly: "Report to Liang Suo, my surname is Du, my single name is Juan. My name is Dujuan, not Duzaihua."

"Same, Azalea is easy to remember." Xiaoyu didn't expect such a coincidence. While greeting her to come to Xiao 001, he asked with a smile: "Is your boyfriend's surname You?"

"Yes, Liang Suo, do you know him?"

"I don't know you, but I will get to know you soon. Our company will organize us to travel to the East China Sea in a few days. Then I will go to Donghai Jiaotong University to see the dried salted fish. When I see the dried salted fish, I will meet your boyfriend. Your boyfriend My friend and Xianyugan are classmates."

"Dried salted fish?"

"It's just salted fish."

Master's Mandarin is really unflattering. He actually referred to "Brother Han Yu" as "dried salted fish".

Xiao Chen didn't want to see his master embarrassed, so he stood outside the cab on the second floor and said with a smile: "We are the Han Bureau, and we are friends with your Guo Chu."

Du Juan reacted suddenly, and just as she didn't know how to proceed, Deputy Captain Shen smiled and explained: "Bureau Han is the admiral of the Binjiang Navy. No matter what happens on the river, Bureau Han is the right person to contact."

Du Juan was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Is Han Yu the director?"

"Yes, he used to be the deputy director of our Changhang Shipping Branch, and later he was transferred to Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau as the deputy director."

As soon as Xiaoyu finished speaking, Deputy Captain Shen added with a smile: "Director Han and Director Yang of our Maritime Safety Bureau are also good friends. In the first half of this year, he and Director Yang led a team to go on a maritime cruise for half a year!"

"Director Yang from our Maritime Safety Administration?"

"Yeah, but you probably haven't seen him before. After all, Director Yang is the big leader."

Xianyugan’s classmate’s girlfriend is one of my own.

Xiaoyu was very happy. He raised his head and glanced at the boat owner and his wife who were on the stranded boat like ants on a hot pot. He asked with a smile: "Xiao Du, you have been waiting on the river for a long time. Are you hungry?"

"Not hungry."

"How can you not be hungry after waiting for a long time?" Xiaoyu smiled, took out his mobile phone and dialed his home phone number in front of everyone: "Grandpa, you are at home, right? I am on the riverside of Yingxin Village, waiting for the high tide to tug. There are five or six people here who haven't eaten. You can cook some food for me and ask Boss Wu to arrange for someone to deliver it. Okay, okay, I'll be waiting..."

Deputy Captain Shen was embarrassed and said hurriedly: "Liang Suo, we have instant noodles on the ship."

"Instant noodles are not nutritious. Meals can be delivered within an hour at most."

"How can this be so embarrassing?"

"I'm not a stranger, so there's nothing to be embarrassed about."

Xiaoyu laughed and looked at Dujuan again: "Xiaodu, are you a graduate of the Maritime College?"

This police officer is so enthusiastic!

Dujuan was really not used to it. As soon as she nodded and confirmed, Xiaoyu said happily: "I am familiar with Donghai. I have a Donghai registered residence like you and have a house in Donghai. My brother-in-law is a teacher in Donghai, but not at your Maritime College. He is at the Maritime Vocational College of China Shipping.”


"Come on, let me show you around 001. There are photos of dried salted fish in the command module. By the way, have you ever seen dried salted fish?"

"I've seen it."

"As long as I've seen him before, I'll say he's not an outsider."

You don’t know if you don’t visit, but you will be shocked after visiting.

Who would have thought that this public security law enforcement ship converted from a tugboat would actually be a meritorious ship.

It has performed thousands of missions, combating bandits and ship tyrants crossing the Yangtze River, rescuing ships and crews in distress, extinguishing ship fires, and even went to Jingjiang to participate in the 98 flood fight, and sent many senior leaders to inspect the Yangtze River.

What’s even more unbelievable is that this boat was actually repaired and refitted by her boyfriend’s classmate Han Yugang when he started working. From the photos, it looks like Brother Han was really a short and skinny kid when he first started working...

Du Juan looked at the photo and asked curiously: "Liang Suo, why do you and Director Han wear military uniforms? You are the People's Liberation Army?"

"We're reserve officers, you know."

"heard about it."

"Shen Da, sit down."

Xiaoyu asked Xiao Chen to bring some fruit, and while asking the two of them to eat, he took out his mobile phone to contact Han Yu in front of them.

However, Han Yu was in class and his cell phone was not connected.

Xiaoyu simply contacted Han Xiangning and said happily: "Sister Ningning, I met Duzaohua, the girlfriend of Xianyugan's classmate, on the river. She came to enforce the law with Shen Da from the Taoming Maritime Department. Dinner I've made arrangements, okay, okay, I'll help you say hello to her."

Shen Da asked in a low voice: "Liang Suo, who is it?"

"My sister-in-law is Xianyugan's lover. She is now the deputy director of Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau. She takes over Xianyugan's shift."

Before Han Yu went to Donghai Jiaotong University to study as a graduate student, he was the deputy director of the Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau. Han Yu’s lover was also the deputy director of the Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau!

Du Juan was so shocked that she found an excuse to return to her unit's law enforcement boat and quickly took out her cell phone to call her boyfriend.

Han Yu and his freshmen students had just finished class and were packing their things to leave. You Jiahuai came over in a hurry. After all the junior students had left, he said excitedly: "Brother Han, you are the leader." !”

"What leader?"

"You were the deputy director of Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau before you came to study. You also served as the deputy director of Changhang Binjiang Public Security Bureau?"

"I did, what happened?"

"Why didn't you tell me earlier?"

"I used to be a deputy director, but now I'm not. What's there to say?"

"Do you know the leader of the Donghai Maritime Safety Administration?"

"We know each other and have dealt with him before."

"Let's go, let me help you get your bag."

"where to?"

Until this moment, You Jiahuai couldn't believe that he had a classmate who was a leader. He snatched Han Yu's backpack and said with a smile: "Let's eat, I'll treat you!"

"What kind of meal do you want me to have?" Han Yu asked with a smile.

"You are the leader, so of course I want to treat you to dinner. Du Juan and I both rely on you to take care of us."

"Stop joking, let's talk about our relationship. As for doing that?"

"You should, you must."

"Next time, I don't have time at night, I have something to do at night."

"What's the matter?"

Having too many friends is not a good thing either.

There is a dinner party every weekend, and it would be bad not to go.

Han Yu hesitated for a moment, then simply smiled and said: "You don't need to invite me. There is someone tonight, so come with me."

"Who's treating us and where are we going to eat?" You Jiahuai asked curiously.

A classmate left in a hurry just now and left something behind in the classroom.

Han Yu saw a junior student coming in and it was not convenient to speak. He smiled and said: "The car to pick me up should be here. We can't let people wait. Let's talk as we walk."

"Okay." Although You Jiahuai is in his late twenties, he is still a student and relatively simple. He couldn't help but smile: "Brother Han, from now on I will be your little brother, and I will follow you to enjoy the hot and spicy food!"

"can you drink alcohol?"


"How's your drinking?"

"Wine or beer?"


"One pound should be fine. Anyway, I've never been drunk."

Let me go, talent!

Han Yu was so happy that he couldn't help laughing and asked: "Where's the beer?"

You Jiahuai said without hesitation: "It depends on whether you are allowed to go to the toilet. Anyway, I used to drink beer with some brothers from our Maritime Academy. I always blew on the bottle and counted the bottles after drinking."

"have a future!"

"What's the future?"

"Avenge me tonight. They knew I couldn't drink, but they still made me drink to get me drunk. Whether they can get revenge depends on you!"

"Brother Han, how's your friend's drinking capacity?"

"have no idea."

"What do they do?"



"Well, don't worry. Although they can drink quite a bit, their ability to drink is definitely not as big as yours."

The two of them walked and chatted, and when they arrived at the school gate, there was indeed a military vehicle waiting.

You Jiahuai followed Han Yu into the back seat of the military vehicle and was shocked. The person driving the car was a colonel, and the person sitting in the passenger seat was actually a senior colonel.

"Political Commissar Liu, this is my classmate Xiaoyou."

"Hello, hello." Political Commissar Liu, who had gone to the capital to participate in the Army's Flood Fighting Commendation Conference, shook hands with You Jiahuai and couldn't help but joked: "Xianyu, Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang said that he and you are destined to be together." On the way to Donghai, he told me that he wanted to treat you to dinner. He has no other hobbies, he just likes to drink wine, so you should keep him company."

"Yes, after so many years, you should have developed your drinking tolerance." Captain Li, who was driving, joked.

The classmate can drink, but Han Yu is not afraid and can't help but smile: "You two, drinking depends on your talent. I'm really not good at it. I can't practice it no matter how hard I practice. But my classmate can drink some. I'll invite Xiaoyou to accompany me in the evening." You drink.”

"Can I have someone represent me when I'm drinking?"

"Why not?"

"Okay, who made you a representative of the National People's Congress? You can represent us, and Xiaoyou can represent you."

My senior brother is a deputy division leader, so it is normal for him to be elected as a deputy to the National People's Congress. Not to mention leading cadres like him, there is even a professor from Chuanhai College who is a representative of the District People's Congress.

You Jiahuai didn't take it to heart, he was just curious about how his senior brother knew the army officer.

When he arrived at a military camp and walked into the box of the guest house, he saw an air force major general standing up to greet him. You Jiahuai was dumbfounded. He thought he was a general or a chief, how could he drink this wine...

"Hello, Chief!" Han Yu raised his hand in salute, and then couldn't help but reach out and touch it.

Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang was so dumbfounded that he pushed his hand away and cursed with a smile: "What are you doing? What are you touching? What does it look like to move your hands and feet?"

"This is a general star. I'm curious. Let me touch it."

"It's not like you haven't seen it before. Is there anything you can touch?"

"I have seen it, but I have never touched it. No other leader would dare to touch it if he had to lend me ten courages. Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang, is this star of gold?"

"Who did you tell me that there is so much gold!"

"So it's gold-plated."

"may be."

"Political Commissar Liu, do you have a camera? I want to take a photo with the chief."

"I'll ask someone to find it right now."

"Don't believe him!" Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang knew very well that Xianyu had seen so many generals that he couldn't even rank among the major generals. He pulled Han Yu to sit down, and while inviting everyone to sit down, he said with a smile, "Xianyu , if you are really envious, you can be specially recruited into the army after you graduate. With your qualifications and conditions, if you work hard in the army for ten or twenty years, you can still be promoted to deputy army."

"What if I can't bring it up? There is too much uncertainty in this kind of thing, so I'd better just stick around somewhere."

Han Yu smiled and introduced his classmates.

Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang directly believed that Han Yu would never bring outsiders if the relationship didn't go that far. He exchanged a few pleasantries with You Jiahuai, and then changed the subject: "Xianyu, you are an unjust kid. Come to Jiaotong University." He didn’t even tell me that he was a graduate student, but Ge Gong called me to tell me.”

"Why does he say everything!"

"You are his pride. It is such a big event that you are going to college, so of course he has to call me to tell me the good news. Come on, come on, I won't make you drink tonight, I will just pour you a glass and celebrate."

"I'm pouring you one glass, but you're only pouring me one glass. Isn't this drinking?"

"I'm happy today. Think about it, what day is it today?"

Han Yu asked puzzledly: "What day?"

Before Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang could speak, Commander Li smiled and said, "Xianyu, where are we today in 1998?"

Han Yu thought for a while and suddenly reacted: "Participate in the army's flood-fighting summary and commendation meeting in the capital."

Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang laughed and said: "Isn't this right? Four years ago today, your Linghai Reserve Battalion was awarded an honorary title by the Military Commission. This day is so meaningful and must be celebrated!"

No matter how meaningful it is, I can't drink. It's too uncomfortable when I'm drunk.

Han Yu stuck to his principle and refused to drink.

Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang had no choice but to let him drink.

Soldiers drink, no matter how drunk they are, only after drinking.

They "unanimously spoke to the outside world" and originally planned to drink Han Yu's "little brother" down first and then let him play freely. However, after a few rounds, You Jiahuai seemed to be fine, but instead drank a deputy division master and two regular men who were accompanying him. The group level was drunk.

Deputy Chief of Staff Jiang was surprised. He patted Han Yu on the shoulder and said with a smile: "Xianyu, how did you find a talent like Xiao You! Xiao You, you should be a soldier. If you work in the army, you will definitely have a future." !”

This is eating with the chief and drinking with the general.

You Jiahuai felt like he was dreaming until now, and said hurriedly: "Chief, I... I want to be a soldier. When I was a child, I admired the People's Liberation Army the most, but I have long passed the age of being a soldier."

"You are a top student, and the army needs highly educated talents like you. Xiaoyou, if you are really determined to defend the motherland, you will have many opportunities to join the army!"


"If you don't believe me, just ask Xianyu and he can arrange it for you."

"Brother Han..."

"You have a girlfriend, come here, I'll fill it up for you, and give the chief a drink."

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