Riverside police

Chapter 1110 The evaluation team is coming!

The greater the hope, the greater the disappointment.

Big Brother has a meal on Friday night, but it's not like going to a big hotel or the army's hostel several times before. Instead, it's arranged in the school cafeteria.

Big Brother's comrade is named Wu and is a staff officer at the Navy Headquarters.

Counselor Wu came to Jiaotong University alone to see Big Brother. He was wearing casual clothes. As soon as he arrived, he was given a tour of the campus. When he came to the cafeteria after the tour, there were not many people in the cafeteria.

I made some leftovers and gathered around the window to eat and chat.

You Jiahuai didn't want to interfere with Big Brother's reminiscing with Staff Wu, so he made an excuse and left first.

Staff Officer Wu looked at You Jiahuai's back and couldn't help but smile: "Xianyu, this guy is very smart. He has not been nearsighted since he was a graduate student, and he is very good at troubles."

"I was the top scorer in science in my city during the college entrance examination. I have only been studying for graduate school for half a year. I have completed many basic and professional courses. I have already determined my research direction and started to engage in scientific research!"

"Straight A student?"

"Except for me, everyone here is a top student."

"You are also a top student. You ranked sixth in the county in the high school entrance examination!"

"What does it mean to be ranked sixth in the county? He is the top scorer in the college entrance examination. Is this comparable?"

Han Yu didn't want to be ridiculed by the "Millennium Staff", so he took a sip of the free soup and asked with a smile: "The Korean warship is gone?"

"I'm leaving in the morning." Staff Officer Wu smiled and explained: "The chief has also gone back. The reason why I didn't go back with the chief is because I want to visit your group."

Han Yu subconsciously asked: "What are you looking at?"

"Let's take a look at the progress of the submarine rescue and rescue project. You won't have class tomorrow, Saturday. If it's convenient, you'd better go back with us and take a look."


"Several people want to see it, including comrades from the grassroots troops and comrades from the equipment department."

The East China Sea Fleet has also invested in the submersible rescue and life-saving project. I don’t know if there is any progress until I see it.

Han Yu reacted and said without hesitation: "No problem."

"Call Lao Feng later and ask him to prepare well. Tomorrow is not only a phased acceptance of the submarine rescue and rescue project, but also an evaluation of the work of your maritime rescue camp. In short, it is very important!"

"We are now an Army Reserve unit. Why do you evaluate us?"

"Brother, you must never forget your roots! Besides, your superiors will not set up a working group to evaluate you for no reason."

Han Yu took a bite of the food and asked with a smile: "What do you mean?"

Staff Officer Wu looked back at his surroundings and whispered: "The headquarters would like to commend advanced groups and individuals who have made outstanding contributions to the construction of new naval equipment."

Han Yu reacted and asked in shock: "Are we selected?"

"Now we can only be considered as finalists. Whether we can be selected depends on the results of tomorrow's evaluation."

"I understand, thank you."

"Don't thank me. This was recommended by Team Leader Shen and Commander Yu, and you have indeed contributed to the construction of new equipment for our navy."

As the leader of the Reserve Coastal Defense Regiment, among the three battalions under his command, only the Linghai Reserve Battalion is doing well. I never expected that the Marine Rescue Battalion would also show its face one day!

Han Yu was so happy and excited that he didn't care about saving phone bills. He took out his mobile phone and quickly called Feng Qingshan. After explaining the inspection work, he put down his mobile phone and asked with a smile: "Brother, why did you remember to visit with the fleet formation again? "

"This is not something I just want to go. This is arranged by my superiors."

"What ship is on this visit?"

"The North Sea Fleet's missile frigate 'Qingdao' and the 'Okura' integrated supply ship are new ships designed and manufactured by ourselves. This visit is not only a visit but also a test of the ocean navigation capabilities of the new ships."

Han Yu is no stranger to these two ships and has seen relevant introductions in ship magazines.

Han Yu asked curiously: "Did you set sail from Qingdao?"

"Yes." The just-concluded visit was different from the previous ones. Staff Wu said with emotion: "It set sail from the Qingdao base on May 20 and arrived in Singapore on the 23rd for a goodwill visit to Singapore. This is also the first visit by our Chinese naval ships. Singapore."

"How many days have you been visiting Singapore?"

"3 days." Staff Wu put down his chopsticks and introduced with a smile: "We passed the Suez Canal from south to north on June 12th and entered the Mediterranean. We will pay a goodwill visit to Egypt on June 14th. This is also the first visit of our Chinese fleet. Egypt……"

During the last trip with a naval fleet, we only visited four countries including Malaysia and South Africa.

This trip was very impressive. I visited more than a dozen countries and regions including Singapore, Egypt, Turkey, Ukraine, Greece, Portugal, Brazil, Ecuador, Peru and French Polynesia. In addition to Peru being my second visit, I also visited other countries. More than a dozen countries and regions are visited by Chinese naval ships for the first time!

Han Yu was very envious and couldn't help asking: "You also took the Panama Canal?"

"Let's go. We entered the Gatun Lake lock on August 3 and passed through the Miraflores lock in the early morning of August 4 and entered the Pacific Ocean."

Staff Officer Wu could understand Han Yu's feelings. He thought about it and added with a smile: "This is also the first time that our Chinese naval ships have passed through the Panama Canal, an international strategic waterway."

It is not easy for the Chinese navy to go deep blue.

Han Yu made some calculations and sighed: "Across the Indian Ocean, Pacific Ocean, and Atlantic Ocean, traveling to Africa, Europe, South America, and Oceania, passing through more than a dozen major straits and the Suez and Panama Canals, and spanning more than sixty latitudes. Crossing the equator six times, you have set several records for naval formation visits this time!"

Staff Officer Wu was honored to participate in this visit. He was still very excited up to this moment. He confirmed with a smile: "This time we have created the four longest visits, the longest voyage, the widest sea area, and the most countries visited. record.”

"You went out to see the world and you didn't even call me!"

"Team Leader Shen really thought about you and wanted you to continue to be the garrison liaison officer, but you were in the East China Sea on a mission to supervise Japanese ships to salvage sunken ships."

"Next time, next time you have this opportunity, you must think of me."

"No problem, but unfortunately even if there is such an opportunity, you are unlikely to participate."


"I am still the same person as before, but you are no longer the salted fish you were before."

"What's the meaning?"

"You are a salty fish who has turned around. Now you are a young cadre trained by the Ministry of Communications. When you graduate from graduate school, your superiors will definitely entrust you with important tasks. It is impossible for you to be an escort captain again. It is impossible for you to stay with us like before. Go to sea.”

"It's not as exaggerated as you said." Han Yu smiled.

Staff Officer Wu's face straightened: "This is not an exaggeration, Team Leader Shen said the same thing. They say that people can't help themselves in the world, but in fact, the same is true when you become a big official."

At the same time, Shen Fan, director of the Binjiang Development Zone Management Committee, received a call from Feng Qingshan.

He figured out the ins and outs and didn't bother to go to the hotel to have dinner with several businessmen invited by the Development Zone Investment Promotion Bureau. He asked the driver to drive to Langshan and called his immediate boss to report.

"Secretary Hu, our investment in militia reserve work has finally paid off. Comrade Feng Qingshan just received a call from Xianyu. Xianyu said that the Navy Headquarters will send an evaluation team to evaluate the work of the reserve battalion in our development zone. If everything goes well , our Development Zone Reserve Battalion should be rated as an advanced collective that has made outstanding contributions to the construction of new naval equipment this time, and then we can go to the capital to participate in the commendation meeting of the Navy Headquarters!"

Secretary Hu is a member of the Standing Committee of the Binjiang Municipal Party Committee, Deputy Secretary of the Municipal Party Committee, and Secretary of the Binjiang Development Zone Work Committee. Not only is he familiar with Feng Qingshan, a member of the Development Zone Working Committee and Minister of Armed Forces, but he has also attended the founding ceremony of the Development Zone Reserve Battalion.

In other districts and counties, the work of attracting investment would definitely be the most important.

However, the Development Zone is different from other districts and counties. It already has advantages in attracting investment. What is needed now is comprehensive development and achievements in all aspects.

Admiral Binjiang Navy has made new achievements again, and this time he is fighting on behalf of the development zone!

Secretary Hu was very happy and couldn't help but smile and asked: "Did Xianyu say when the evaluation team will come?"

"The evaluation team is coming tomorrow, which is almost like a surprise attack. I am on the way to Langshan Camp, and Feng Qingshan is reporting to the military branch. He will rush over after the report is over. We must seize the time to prepare."

"Can the salted fish come back?"

"Go back, he's back with the evaluation team."

"Did he say when the evaluation team will arrive?"

"The assessment team set off from the East China Sea and will arrive in Binjiang at noon."

"Tomorrow morning I will accompany Deputy Secretary Yang of the Province to go to Si Gang for investigation. Otherwise, you should report to Mayor Qin quickly. He is also the deputy political commissar of the Jiangnan Reserve Division and is in charge of the construction of the reserve force. At noon, ask him and Commander Wang to accompany him for the evaluation Team, I have time in the evening, I will accompany you in the evening."

"Okay, I'll call Mayor Qin and report."

"We must receive them well. We must win this advanced group."

"I know."

Is it easy for the development zone to achieve anything other than attracting investment?

Secretary Hu still felt uneasy after thinking about it, and warned: "Isn't Xianyu with the leader of the evaluation team? You can call Xianyu later and explain to him clearly that the reserve camp of the Development Zone is in his group. The grades of the reserve camp under the leadership of the commander and the reserve camp of the development zone are also his grades. He cannot go to graduate school and stay away from it, he must do the work that needs to be done."

"Secretary Hu, don't worry, he will definitely not take it seriously, otherwise he wouldn't come back with the evaluation team tomorrow."

When Commander Wang received Feng Qingshan's report, the first thing he thought of was that the Development Zone Reserve Battalion was affiliated to the Jiangnan Provincial Military Region Reserve Coastal Defense Regiment.

If the navy comes to evaluate the work of the reserve battalion in the development zone, it must report to the provincial military region as soon as possible.

When the call got through, the head of the Provincial Military Region was really surprised. He muttered: "He came over to evaluate the work of the reserve force of our Provincial Military Region without even saying hello. How could they do this?"

Commander Wang quickly said: "Chief, this may have something to do with the funds they provided for Xianyu's submarine rescue and life-saving project. People will definitely hear where the money was spent. Moreover, the reserve camp in the development zone, Including the headquarters of the Coastal Defense Regiment, they were all handed over to us."

"Are they really going to evaluate what advanced group the reserve camp in the development zone is?"

"Well, we should not only evaluate the advanced collective, but also the advanced individuals."

No one has too many achievements and honors, so don’t let such good things come to your door in vain!

The head of the provincial military region weighed it up and asked, "Do you know who led the team for the evaluation?"

"I know. His surname is Wu. He seems to be a regimental-level staff officer at the Navy Headquarters."

"The official group, right? Then you can receive them on behalf of our provincial military region, and I won't arrange for anyone to come over."

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