Riverside police

Chapter 1113 Saving people and putting out fires (2)

The police car from the Linghai Development Bureau rushed to Binjiang Port. The Yangtze River Road leading to the fire scene had been blocked by the traffic police, and all vehicles had to be detoured.

Lao Yang rolled down the window, showed his ID, and explained, and the traffic police was very helpful and let him go.

The moment Lao Yang rolled down the window, a burning smell hit his nostrils, and he could even clearly see the ashes caused by the burning floating in the air with the help of street lights.

This is about one kilometer away from the fire scene, and the ash can actually drift here!

Han Yu hurriedly rolled down the window and looked around, only to see flames rising into the sky from the direction of the Old Port Authority Labor Service Company, with sparks flying in the thick smoke.

On the way here, I called Bureau Qi, Political Commissar Dong and Li Guangrong, but without exception they couldn't get through. I could only adjust the intercom to the command frequency of the Changhang Branch and listen to how my old colleagues and fire fighters rescued people and put out the fire. of.

"Fangzhi Fangzhi, the water is here! There is water in position 4!"

"Got it, keep on picking it up! You have to move quickly. I'll give you ten more minutes and you must pick up the water at No. 5 and No. 7 for me!"


"Ganda, our country, Guoya, I'm sorry to trouble you at No. 4. Please organize watering immediately to ensure that the fire doesn't spread again!"

"Yes, yes, we're spray watering."

"Political Commissar, how are our situation with Guoya, Lao Xu and Xiao Sun?"

"Lao Xu's face and hands were burned, and Xiao Sun was hit by the falling ceiling. Fortunately, the injuries were not serious. You devoted yourself to directing the fire fighting. I am here at the hospital!"

"Where are the people who jumped out of the window before and the people who were rescued later?"

"What time has it been? You are a front-line commander, these are not your concerns!"


The fire occurred in the area under the jurisdiction of the Changhang Branch, and there is a fire brigade in the area. When encountering a fire, the police of the Changhang Branch Fire Detachment and the Binjiang Port Enterprise firefighters must be the first to go to the scene. They cannot stand aside and let the fire officers and soldiers who come to support come to the scene. .

It is not yet known how many guests were injured or killed by the fire in the bathing center. We only know that Xu, the deputy captain of the Changhang branch fire brigade, and Xiao Sunfen, the deputy captain of the Binjiang Port fire brigade, rushed into the fire scene to rescue the two women, but one of them was burned and the other was injured. He was injured and was just sent to the affiliated hospital.

An old colleague is injured!

The fire was so big that there must be casualties in the bathing center. Han Yu was anxious, but he could neither intervene to affect the command of his old comrades, nor could he go any further.

There are fire trucks in front of us, and it is almost certain that fire trucks from all over Binjiang are here!

Through the painting on the fire trucks, it can even be clearly seen that two fire trucks came from the Zhangjiagang Fire Squadron on the other side of the river.

The bathing center was filled with flames and smoke.

The raging fire almost swept through the entire building and was spreading to the east side to the old Port Authority Labor Services Company and a building to the right, which were separated by a wall. The firelight reflected on the glass curtain wall of the building across the road was shocking.

The sound of crackling flames, shattering glass, the sound of fire truck engines and the shouts of firefighters were mixed together, making people feel frightened.

On the ground, Mars is intermittent.

Sparks and burning objects were flying in the sky.

The heat wave caused by the fire was so hot that people couldn't get close, and the thick smoke made it impossible to breathe normally. Han Yu opened the door and covered his mouth and nose to let Lao Yang go back first. He quickly looked around and thought about where he would locate the headquarters if he were in charge of the firefighting. Then he ran towards the entrance of the building across the street.

Although the road is closed, it can only block vehicles and pedestrians outside.

People nearby came to watch the excitement. The security police from the Hong Kong Branch and the Water Branch and the traffic police from the traffic police brigade were busy maintaining order, urging the crowd to leave quickly and not to interfere with the firefighting personnel. Han Yu was also stopped by a policeman. .

"Comrade, there is smoke everywhere here. The smoke is poisonous. Go back quickly. There is nothing to see!"

"which unit are you in?"

"Hong Kong Branch, what's wrong?"

"My surname is Han, and my name is Han Yu."

The young policeman was stunned and asked subconsciously: "What do you want to do?"

It seemed that the young man in front of him really didn't know him. Han Yu could only say eagerly: "I served as the deputy director of the Changhang Branch. When I was the deputy director of the Changhang Branch, I was in charge of fire protection! Deputy Secretary Hu of the Municipal Party Committee and Deputy Mayor Qin Let me take a look at the situation. Is the command headquarters located up there?"

He sounded quite senior, but he looked very young, not like someone who had been a deputy director.

Hong Kong District Police Officer Xiao Liquan did not dare to let strangers go upstairs easily and said: "I'm sorry, please show me your ID!"

I have no official position now, so I don’t have any documents.

Han Yu's head got bigger and he simply said: "Use your walkie-talkie to report to your Bureau Bureau that Han Yu is here!"

"Okay, please wait."

You wouldn’t know if you didn’t ask, but you’ll be shocked when you ask. It turns out that this person was actually the former deputy director of the Changhang Branch.

Xiao Xu quickly put down the walkie-talkie, and while signaling Han Yu to enter the building, he said cautiously: "Han Bureau, I'm sorry, I...I..."

"It's okay, continue on duty."


Han Yu walked into the lobby. A policeman who had just received the notice was pressing the elevator button and shouted: "Bureau Han, Secretary Chen, District Chief Lu, Bureau Qi and Mr. Xu of Binjiang Port Group are all on the 12th floor. Secretary Chen, please You go up."

"Okay, please."

"No trouble."

I took the elevator to the 12th floor and followed the city bureau police to an open office facing south. Sure enough, members of the Standing Committee of the Municipal Party Committee, Secretary of Politics and Law and Binjiang City Public Security Director, Chonggang District Deputy Chief and Director of the Public Security Bureau and other leaders were all there. , the detachment leader of the Armed Police Fire Department who just took office last year also came.

The whole bureau was on the phone in the corner. With such a fire happening in his jurisdiction, you can imagine how much pressure he was under.

Han Yu was about to salute Bureau Chen when Bureau Chen asked solemnly: "Xianyu, when did you come back?"

"Come back in the morning."

"Secretary Hu also knows that there is a fire here?"

"The Navy's evaluation team came to Binjiang today to inspect the work of the reserve battalion of our Reserve Coastal Defense Regiment Development Zone. Secretary Hu, Mayor Qin and Commander Wang had dinner with the Navy comrades in the evening. We heard about the fire here when we were eating in the Linghai Development Zone. .”

Director Chen rushed to the scene in person. Yuan Zhi from the Armed Police Fire Detachment was standing here to watch. Without asking, everyone knew that they did not want to affect Fang Guoya's command. After all, Fang Guoya knew the situation best.

At the same time, they may also have other considerations.

Such a large fire has almost certainly caused casualties, and whenever a major fire occurs, the cause must be traced and the relevant personnel held accountable!

The owner of the bathing center must be the first person responsible.

In addition, we will find out how the bathing center passed the fire inspection and acceptance before it opened, and whether Binjiang Port Group, as the "landlord", has fulfilled its property management responsibilities...

In short, the bathing center where the fire broke out is under the jurisdiction of the Changhang Branch. The fire acceptance and usual fire safety management are all the responsibility of the Changhang Branch. If there is a fire now, of course the Changhang Branch will organize the firefighting. When the responsibility is investigated in the future, the Changhang Branch will also be held accountable. The aviation branch has nothing to do with the city.

Li Mingsheng was dismissed from his post because he issued a flawed fire accident investigation certificate, and now it is Fang Guoya's turn!

It's not easy to be the fire brigade captain. It's really a high-risk position.

Han Yu felt very uncomfortable and asked anxiously: "Director Chen, how many people were in the bathing center when the fire broke out?"

Bureau Chen did not answer. He was silent for a moment and looked at Bureau Lu of Chonggang Branch.

Director Lu hesitated for a moment, frowned and said: "This bathhouse has just opened, the decoration is relatively high-end, and the business is very good. By asking the guests and waiters who escaped, it can be determined that there were no less than 100 people inside at the time of the fire. people."

"How many escaped?" Han Yu asked eagerly.

"All the guests and waiters on the first floor came out. Many of the people taking baths and saunas on the first floor ran out of the lobby naked. People in the lobby on the second floor basically ran out, but they were running downstairs. There was a stampede, injuring six people, including two children."

"Where's the third floor?"

"The third floor was full of private rooms. The casualties were the most serious. Only four ran out. The Binjiang Port Enterprise Fire Brigade rescued two. The other four jumped out of the window and are currently being rescued in the hospital."

Director Lu looked at the Huaqing Pool opposite, which was almost burned into a huge black frame, and added solemnly: "Including the waiters, it is certain that at least nine people have not come out."

The other side was burned like that, and the possibility of survival was almost zero!

Not counting the injured, at least nine people are now confirmed dead. Han Yu realized why Bureau Qi was so nervous. He hesitated and asked, "Bureau Lu, where is the headquarters?"

"The eleventh floor."

"Bureau Chen, Mr. Xu, I'll go down and take a look."

"Go ahead."

The atmosphere here is too tense.

Qi Ju was under tremendous pressure and could hardly breathe, so he immediately said: "Xianyu, you don't know where the stairs are, I will take you there."


Han Yu followed Bureau Qi out of the open office, opened the fire door and walked into the corridor. Bureau Qi said like a mourning concubine: "Causing so many casualties, we are in big trouble this time!"

"Things have happened and we have to face them."

"If I had known...if I had known there would be a fire, I shouldn't have let that bastard open a bathing center in our jurisdiction."

"There is no point saying this now, the top priority is to control the fire."

"Okay, you go and cheer up Fang Guoya, and I'll call Li Guangrong and ask if he's got that bastard under control!"

"Which bastard?"

"The owner of the bathing center!"

The office requisitioned by the Changhang Branch on the 11th floor is not as big as the one upstairs. Fang Guoya is directing fire fighters from various districts, counties and even across the river to put out the fire with the assistance of deputy captain Wei of the Armed Police Fire Detachment.

It's not so much about putting out the fire as it is about controlling the fire.

More than twenty fire trucks used high-pressure water cannons and water cannons to spray at the bathing center and the buildings on both sides from fourteen points. Across the road, you could hear the sound of the window glass of the buildings on both sides being shattered by high-pressure water. .

Seeing Han Yu, Fang Guoya suddenly had a backbone and said eagerly: "Han Bureau, the power has been cut off, and all the people who can be evacuated have also been evacuated. Although the fire cannot be extinguished for a while, the fire is basically under control." It will no longer spread to the east and west sides."

Han Yu nodded and said hello to the several armed police officers assisting in the command, and then reminded: "Don't just focus on the fire scene, but also consider the surroundings. The wind is not light today, and I noticed some fire debris on the way here. Fly, quickly request the assistance of the Port District Bureau and the Water Bureau and ask them to organize a patrol."

"Okay, I'll contact you right away."

"Weizhi, I'm sorry for causing you trouble."

"It's nothing. What's the relationship between our two families? We usually ask for your help."

Han Yu exchanged pleasantries with Deputy Captain Wei, and was about to ask how the fire water was handled. Suddenly his cell phone rang, and it turned out that the caller ID was from his senior brother.

Fang Guoya is also professional in organizing and directing firefighting.

Moreover, the fire was already burning like this. Fang Guoya had already done what he needed to do with the assistance of fire officers and soldiers. Han Yu couldn't really help, so he simply walked out of the temporary headquarters to answer the call.

"Elder brother, what's the matter?"

"Xianyu, where are you?"

"I'm with the Port Authority."

"You are there just in time. There is a fire in Huaqing Pool. Zhang Lan said in the morning that he would ask Xiang Ning to take a bath. I called their mobile phone and couldn't get through. The road was closed and I couldn't get through. Please hurry and see if Zhang Lan and Xiang Ning are in there. They are there. Didn’t come out?”

Was there any mistake?

Senior sister and Sister Zhang Lan actually ran across the street to take a shower!

The elder brother's words were like a bolt from the blue, scaring Han Yu so much that he almost couldn't hold his cell phone.

"Xianyu, Xianyu, you are talking!" Xu Mingyuan was more anxious than him, standing in front of the cordon set by the traffic police like an ant on a hot pot.

Han Yu calmed down and said in a trembling voice: "Don't come over here, go to the hospital quickly!"

"Which hospital should I go to?"

Nothing can happen to senior sister. If something happens to senior sister, how will anyone live?

The more Han Yu thought about it, the more frightened he became. As he ran to the elevator, he cried and said: "Go to the Affiliated Hospital first. Political Commissar Dong is there. You quickly go to the Political Commissar Dong. I will go to the People's Hospital right away. Everyone who comes out will be sent here." Two hospitals!”

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