Riverside police

Chapter 1115 Accident Investigation (2)

Han Xiangning received a call from her sister and figured out the whole story. She realized that because she and Sister Zhang Lan went out to eat, they didn't hear the phone ringing during the meal, which scared the whole family out of their wits!

She quickly called her junior to report that he was safe, but his mobile phone was turned off again. Thinking that he might be at the fire scene, she became worried about him.

I couldn't sleep without seeing anyone, so I wanted to see the place where the fire broke out and the road was blocked again.

She discussed it with Zhang Lan and rushed directly to the Shuishang Public Security Bureau.

Bureau Wang and Deputy Director Zhao Hongxing followed the instructions from their superiors and led the team to maintain order at the fire scene, protect the scene, and assist the Binjiang Fire Detachment of the Armed Police to control the suspects in the fire. Luo Wenjiang was urgently called back to take charge of the branch.

As soon as Han Xiangning saw Luo Wenjiang, she asked eagerly: "Wen Jiang, have you seen any salted fish?"

"No, I just came back too."

"Can I contact him?"

"It should be possible, but we can't contact you right now."


"Bureau Wang said he was participating in the fire accident investigation."

Zhang Lan has worked in the public security system for more than ten years and encountered several fire accidents. She asked puzzledly: "Xianyu is not a firefighting policeman. What kind of accident investigation does he participate in?"

Luo Wenjiang had just heard some news, which made people shudder. He hesitated and said solemnly: "As of five minutes ago, the fire had caused 16 people to be seriously injured. Three people died after rescue efforts failed. How many people have not escaped yet?" I don’t know. According to the relevant regulations of the higher authorities, if more than one person is killed in a fire, and more than ten people are seriously injured in a fire, the fire protection agency of the public security organ of the people’s government at the district or city level or equivalent shall be responsible for the investigation.

If more than ten people die in a fire and more than 20 people are seriously injured, or if more than 20 people die or are seriously injured in a fire, the fire protection department of the public security organ of the people's government of the province or autonomous region shall be responsible for the investigation. In other words, Secretary Chen asked the Binjiang Fire Department to conduct an investigation into the accident that is temporary. Once there is further information from the two receiving hospitals, and after the fire in Huaqing Pool is completely extinguished, those who entered the fire scene and counted those who failed to escape will be The province will arrange for the fire brigade to investigate. "

Zhang Lan asked: "What does this have to do with San'er?"

"He has worked in the Changhang Branch and has feelings for the Changhang Branch. He is also the chairman of the Binjiang branch of the China Water Fire Fighting Association and one of the only six experts with fire investigation qualifications in Binjiang. If he hadn't If you volunteer to participate in the investigation, do you think Bureau Qi, Political Commissar Dong and Fang Guoya can sleep well?"

"Are they afraid of taking responsibility?"

"If such a big thing happens, if someone is really responsible, they can't hide away even if they want to. What they are worried about in the whole situation is not being held accountable, but being held accountable for being ignorant."

Han Xiangning reacted and asked in surprise: "Are they worried that the city will pass the responsibility to them?"

Luo Wenjiang worked in the provincial department, and his father was the county W secretary. He knew very well how bad the impact of this fire accident that caused heavy casualties was. He was silent for a moment and said: "Good things don't go out, and bad things spread thousands of miles." Just ten minutes ago , our superiors gave us a hush-hush order. We were not allowed to be interviewed by reporters without permission, and reporters were not allowed to enter the fire scene. The police on duty at the hospital probably also received the order.

In short, no matter what caused the fire, life is not easy for city leaders. The bathing center where the fire broke out was under the jurisdiction of the Changhang Branch Bureau, and the fire inspection and schedule supervision and management were the responsibility of the Changhang Branch Fire Department. The city leaders were having a hard time, so how could they make the Changhang Branch Bureau's life easier? "

Just as he was talking, Xu Mingyuan arrived in a hurry.

His eyes were red, and looking at his nervous look, Zhang Lan realized how worried he had been about herself before, and felt a sense of guilt.

Before he could speak, he said with a grimace: "We celebrated my wife's birthday, and thought we had nothing to do in the afternoon, so we went back to the city and spent the afternoon shopping. When it got dark, I felt hungry, and Ning Ning told me about Sichuan cuisine. It’s delicious, let’s go eat.”

"Just eat, why don't you answer my call?" Xu Mingyuan asked through gritted teeth.

"There was music playing in the store, it was so loud, and there were a lot of people drinking and eating. It was so noisy in the store, I really didn't hear it!"

"Then why did you say you were taking Xiang Ning to take a bath in Huaqing Pool this morning?"

"I just said casually, isn't there a coupon?" Zhang Lan felt as if she had made a big mistake and did not dare to look directly at her husband. She lowered her head and muttered: "Besides, we didn't go."

"Fortunately I didn't go. If I did, the consequences would be disastrous!"

"Okay, okay, is it interesting to talk about this again?"

"Xu Ju, you can't blame your sister-in-law. Who would have thought that Huaqing Pool would catch fire."

"Yes, Senior Brother, Sister Zhang Lan cannot be blamed for this."

"Stop talking, let's go home." Seeing that his lover and siblings were safe, Xu Mingyuan really felt like he was surviving the disaster.

At the same time, Director Chen, who had just gone to the hospital to comfort the injured, hurried to the municipal party committee and reported to Secretary Chen and Mayor Wang who had rushed back overnight. Vice Mayor Yi, who was in charge of security, also came.

"Sixteen people were seriously injured and three died. By questioning the slightly injured people, it was determined that at least nine people failed to come out. Those nine people were all in the box on the third floor at the time."

"A place like this should have a fire escape. Isn't there one on the third floor?"


Director Chen took a deep breath and reported: "I ordered the fire brigade to launch an investigation immediately according to the relevant regulations on fire accident investigation. The comrades of the fire brigade reported three minutes ago that the owner of the bathing center was worried that the guests would evade the bill and violate the fire regulations. The student locked the fire doors of the fire escapes on the third and second floors from the inside. As a result, the guests who were consuming food inside were unable to escape through the fire escapes after the fire broke out."

It's the end of the year. If such a big fire accident occurs, how can we keep up with the communication? Binjiang will even become famous for it.

Secretary Chen, not to mention being angry, asked with a sullen face: "Is there no supervision and management at ordinary times?"

"The situation in the port area is different from other places. The fire supervision and management in the port area has always been the responsibility of Changhang Binjiang Public Security Bureau."

"Where is the person in charge of the Changhang Branch?"

"We are assisting in the aftermath and cooperating with the fire brigade investigation."

"How did you deal with the aftermath?"

"The top priority is to treat the injured. According to the emergency plan, I asked the Affiliated Hospital and the People's Hospital to do their best to rescue the injured first. I asked Changhang Binjiang Public Security Bureau and Binjiang Port Group to comfort the injured and even the relatives of the deceased. The legal person of the bathing center and the responsibility for fire safety Everyone took control immediately."

Director Chen could understand the mood of Secretary Chen and Mayor Wang, and after thinking about it, he said: "It is not too late to make amends. Considering that the weather is getting colder and more and more people are going to bathing places to spend money, in order to ensure that something like this will not happen again." Due to the fire, our Public Security Bureau has asked all bathing places in the city to close for rectification. The municipal bureau and the fire brigade will form an inspection team to conduct strict inspections one by one. Only if they pass the inspection can they open for business. If they fail to pass the inspection, they must make immediate rectifications until they pass the rectification."

It's like the whole family taking medicine when one person is sick, but it is indeed very necessary.

Secretary Chen nodded and signaled Director Chen to continue.

Director Chen weighed it up and continued: "After the fire broke out, I rushed to the scene as soon as possible. Generally speaking, the firefighting work was very timely and the handling was very appropriate. In the words of comrades from the fire brigade, such a big fire The fire can be extinguished in three and a half hours, which is not an easy task.”

It has already caused so many casualties. What’s the use of putting out the fire?

Regarding this issue, Mayor Wang, like most citizens, feels that it is difficult for the fire brigade to save the fire every time. After the fire is extinguished, it is a mess and not much economic loss is really saved.

Despite this, Mayor Wang still asked with concern: "Are the fire officers and soldiers participating in the battle injured?"

"There were no casualties among the fire fighters. The deputy captain of the Changhang Branch Fire Brigade and the deputy captain of the Binjiang Port Enterprise Fire Brigade were injured while rescuing people."

"Is the injury serious?"

"The burns are quite serious."

If a fire accident of this magnitude occurs, it must be reported.

The provincial leader in charge of security will not arrive tomorrow morning and will arrive at noon.

Secretary Chen was silent for a moment and said expressionlessly: "The top priority is to investigate the cause of the accident before the provincial leaders arrive, and then do our best to deal with the aftermath. The fire occurred both in Binjiang Port and in Chonggang District. Let Binjiang Port Group The finances of He Chonggang District will initially allocate two million each for the treatment of the injured. As for...as for the compensation for the deceased, we will study it after the accident investigation is clear."


Fire accident investigations are different from criminal investigations and are generally carried out by the fire protection agencies of public security agencies at or above the county level. Only when there is no public security fire department, the fire protection department shall be implemented by the public security department of the people's government at or above the county level.

Although superior authorities stipulate that the fire protection agencies of railway, transportation, civil aviation, and forestry public security organs are responsible for investigating fires that occur within the scope of their fire protection supervision.

However, the casualties caused by the Huaqingchi fire were too great for the Changhang Binjiang Branch to investigate on its own. Moreover, there is a dispute over whether the location of Huaqing Pool belongs to the jurisdiction of the Municipal Bureau or the Changhang Branch, so Director Chen immediately ordered the Armed Police Binjiang Fire Detachment to investigate.

This is the same as criminal scene investigation, which must be done carefully and carefully.

Han Yu discussed with the person in charge of the Binjiang Fire Brigade and decided to organize investigating police officers overnight to interrogate the escapees and the person responsible, and then cautiously entered the fire scene at dawn.

The reason for being cautious is not only to worry about inadvertently damaging the scene, but also to consider safety. No one knows whether the wall will collapse after being burned by the fire. It is also unknown whether something will suddenly fall overhead.

The previous deputy captain of the fire brigade was not in vain, and the previous firefighting business was not in vain. Han Yu was very professional in this job. Together with the investigating police officer of the fire brigade, he carefully investigated from the lobby on the first floor to find the cause of the fire. All clues about it.

However, the first floor was burned to ashes. When the fire broke out, people fled here in panic. The fire brigade used high-pressure water cannons and water cannons to spray an unknown amount of water here when fighting the fire. There were not many clues that could be found.

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