Riverside police

Chapter 1119: Bullshit!

Chapter 1117: Bullshit!

The Sunshine Company compound on the east side of the north gate of Binjiang Port Pier 3 has now become the office point for Taogang District to receive people injured in the fire and relatives of the deceased.

The security here is as tight as that at the fire scene.

There were six traffic policemen on the road, 12 security policemen from Chonggang Branch and Changhang Branch Branch at the door, and 42 security guards from Binjiang Port Group to assist the police officers in maintaining order. In order to appease the injured and even the relatives of the deceased, Chonggang District and Binjiang Port Group deployed more than 30 cadres, and they have been busy since last night.

Facing the hoarse questioning and even roaring of the relatives of the deceased, looking at the grief-stricken faces, the whole family was exhausted mentally and physically after not sleeping for more than 40 hours. Just now, the vision went dark and almost fainted.

Ding Shuguang, director of the political office of the branch, rushed here from the hotel and asked a police officer to help Bureau Qi into the police car. He said in a low voice: " Bureau Qi, you go back and rest first. I'm here."

"Go back and rest, are you kidding me?"

Bureau Qi took a sip of water from the thermos cup and said feebly: "Vice Mayor Yi is sitting upstairs. Bureau Hu from the Municipal Bureau, the two main leaders from the Ganggang District and Mr. Xu from the Binjiang Port Group are also there. Do you think I can leave at this juncture?"

"But can you bear it if this goes on?"

"You have to carry it even if you can't bear it."

It is true that when people sit at home, disasters fall from the sky.

Not to mention how depressed Qi Ju was, he put down the thermos cup and asked worriedly: "Did Director Fan and Mr. Yu say anything?"

"They listened to Bureau Li and Fang Guoya's report and didn't say anything else."

"How are the conditions of Xu Shaodong and Xiao Sun?"

"Old Xu is fine, but Xiao Sun's injury is quite serious. He had an operation in the morning and just woke up in the evening. The doctor said that he had to be sent to the hospital in time, otherwise his life would be in danger."

"Is there any news from Xianyu?"

"No, I didn't dare to call him."

At the same time, Li Guangrong, who had just returned to the branch from Wushan Hotel, couldn't bear it anymore and lay on the sofa in the reception room and fell asleep.

Fang Guoya also came back. Although he was still sleepy and tired, he couldn't sleep. He leaned on the sofa opposite and smoked while saying mournfully: "Bureau Li, when we went upstairs, Xiao Yang said that the leaders of the Fire Department of the Ministry of Public Security are here."

"It caused so many casualties that it probably alerted the National Academy of Sciences. It is normal for the fire station leaders to come to Binjiang."

"What should we do now?"

"You ask me, who am I going to ask?" Li Guangrong couldn't open his eyes due to sleepiness, and turned over to make himself lie down as comfortable as possible.

Fang Guoya was sitting on pins and needles and asked with a grimace: "Director Li, the superiors will definitely hold me accountable next. Do you think the superiors will take off my police uniform, and will I go to jail?"

"It's not possible to go to jail, and it's not possible to steal a police uniform."


"You are not afraid of a slanting shadow. You have deprived that bastard of his benefits. What do you have to be afraid of? Besides, you have done all the work you were supposed to do. You have neither neglected your duties nor derelict in your duties."

"But so many people were killed and injured!"

"I, the deputy director in charge of fire protection, are not afraid of a tall man holding up the sky if it falls. What do you have to worry about?" Li Guangrong wanted to sleep now, yawning and saying, "The worst that can happen is that he will be dismissed. There is nothing we can do about it." Thing, who made us so unlucky to meet him."

Fang Guoya couldn't sleep now and didn't want Li Guangrong to sleep. He couldn't help but ask: "Will the Qi Bureau and the political commissar be implicated?"

"We are grasshoppers on a rope. If our superiors really want to take advantage of us, every one of us will count. As long as we are related to the fire department, no one can escape, and any punishment will be light." Li Guangrong was overwhelmed. Annoyed, he yawned again: "Let's not talk about this anymore. It's useless to think about it now. It's a blessing, not a curse. It's a curse that can't be avoided."

"If I had known it would end up like this, I shouldn't have been transferred back to the branch at that time."


"Bureau Li, Bureau Li..."

Li Guangrong was so sleepy and tired that he could no longer hold on and fell asleep, snoring loudly.

Fang Guoya realized that he could not disturb others' rest, so he got up and walked out of the reception room, closed the door, returned to his office, and sat in the corner smoking a cigarette alone.

Han Yu didn't know what kind of suffering his old friend was going through at the moment, but he was shocked by what Jiang Youwei and Liu Guixiang asked about.

It is said that there are many demons in the temple and many bastards in the pool.

Who would have thought that so much had happened in the small Huaqing Pool in just three and a half months from renovation to opening to the accident.

Zhang Er and a gangster named Wang Bensong wanted to show off to Huaqing Pool. Wu Quanlong, the owner of Huaqing Pool, didn't want to talk to them. They just stayed in Huaqing Pool and even found various excuses to cause trouble. There were also many problems inside Huaqing Pool.

First, the three managers responsible for the first, second and third floors formed cliques and fought openly and secretly.

Manager Wang on the first floor was originally engaged in the bathing industry and was mainly responsible for the lobby and bathhouse. When it first opened, he hired the scrubbing team for the men's bathhouse and the women's bathhouse.

Those bathers are not employees of Huaqing Pool, but have a cooperative relationship with Huaqing Pool.

How much does it cost to take a bath, how much does it cost to add salt to the massage, how much does it cost to help the customer pat the back after the massage? The bill is given to the bar counter, who finally settles the bill with the customer, and then settles the bill with Huaqing Pool once a week, with a 50-50 split.

The "team leader" of the bathers is an old friend of Manager Wang. Manager Bao, who is in charge of the lobby on the second floor, has reported to the boss and his wife more than once, saying that Manager Wang received many benefits from the bathers and even hired a team to help them. The price advantage of 40-60% drove away the group of bathers that Manager Wang was looking for before.

Because of this matter, Manager Wang and Manager Bao had a quarrel and even got physical.

Manager Yang, who was in charge of the private rooms on the third floor, and Miss Gui, in the words of the Huaqingchi waiter, were at odds with Fatty Liu, the "technician".

The man surnamed Yang was not a good guy and wanted Fatty Liu's "technicians" to provide free services to his friends. Fatty Liu refused to give him face. The two of them regarded each other as incompatible and had disputes on the pretext of trivial matters more than once.

Ren Huayu, who works with several pedicure technicians in Huaqing Pool, always goes out of his way. After pedicure or pinching the customer's feet, he asks the customer if he wants a massage. He claims that his technicians can do it as well, just like Fatty Liu. Fire and water are also incompatible...

There is also a lot of bullshit between waiters and waiters, and between waiters and technicians.

Especially the waiters and waiters in the lobby on the second floor. In order to increase their income, those technicians engaged in Thai massage either treat them to meals or give them some benefits and let them help promote business in the rest hall on the second floor. There is competition among each other, and when there is competition, conflicts will arise.

Before Han Yu finished reading the transcript, the security guard who had just come in for questioning actually provided a new situation.

"Isn't there a small restaurant on the east side of the first floor? The restaurant is not opened by our boss, but by boss Qian who contracted it to the Port Authority. Boss Qian invested a lot of money and hired a chef, but after opening, the business of bathing, scrubbing and massage Well, not many people go to the restaurant to eat.”

"Then what?" Jiang Youwei asked calmly.

"Boss Qian may have thought that he spent so much money on contracting the restaurant, so he once took his friend to get a private room on the second floor. He thought he didn't have to pay for it, but Manager Bao still wrote an order for him and sent it to the bar. Boss Qian was so humiliated that he pretended to be drunk and went to the second floor to cause trouble several times, and once even slapped Manager Bao."

"What happens next?"

"Manager Bao went to the boss to ask him to help him make the decision. The boss also took money and the boss couldn't do anything. Anyway, he didn't speak for him. Manager Bao resigned in anger."

"How many people have resigned from the company since it opened?"

"Quite a bit."

"How much is no less?"

"If you include the bathers and technicians, there are probably twenty of them."

"Tell me, who did the job and ran away, and for what reasons."

"Let me think about it." The security guard recalled for a moment and said, "Ji Zenglin was the first to resign. He didn't actually resign. It was the boss who asked Manager Wang to fire him."

"Why fire him?" Jiang Youwei asked.

"Ji Zenglin is a waiter who was sent here by an agency. Manager Wang asked him to work in the dressing room, which is cleaning, helping guests find cabinets, and waiting for the guests to come out after taking a shower and use hot towels to wipe the water off the guests. Later. A customer said that the money in the locker was stolen, and another customer’s mobile phone in the locker was missing. The boss and Manager Wang suspected that it was him, so they asked Manager Wang to fire him.”

"Didn't you report the theft?"

"The guests are all people with status. We don't want people to know that they come to our Huaqing Pool to spend money. Some of the guests are invited by others to take baths and massages. Anyway, we don't want the police to know, so we don't report the case. The boss said that if the guests don't report the case, we won't report the case either. It’s unpleasant to hear.”

"Does the guest consider himself unlucky?"

"It depends on the situation. Some customers say something is missing, and we ask them to report it. We don't care if they don't. Some customers have a big backing, and the boss doesn't dare to offend, so he pays some money privately."

"Do guests who have not received compensation agree?"

"Some thought they were unlucky, some made trouble in the lobby, and a guest came and made trouble several times?"

"What is that guest's last name? Do you have any impression?"

"Yes, his surname is Tian, ​​he seems to be Tian Qifeng, and he is a salesman from a nearby company."

"Can you recognize him when you see him?"


Jiang Youwei waited for Liu Guixiang to finish recording, then raised his head and said, "Think about it again, did anything else happen?"

"Is it a big deal or a small matter?" the security guard asked cautiously.

“No matter the big or small things.”

"That's a lot." The security guard took a deep breath and continued: "There are all kinds of customers who come to spend money. There is a customer who likes No. 18 and comes to see No. 18 every day. Later, his wife found out, and his wife found the three There was a lot of fighting and commotion in the private room on the floor..."

Han Yu subconsciously asked: "No. 18?"

The security guard said quickly: "That's Technician No. 18, the young lady who works for Fatty Liu."

Having never been to those places, Han Yu really didn't understand. He coughed dryly and said calmly: "Continue."

The security guard calmed down and continued: "One time, a guest came to take a shower after drinking. After taking a shower, he lay down in the lobby on the second floor for a while and went downstairs to pay. When the alcohol got stronger, he vomited in the lobby and stood there vomiting. He couldn't even stand up. We couldn't ask the boss what to do. The boss asked us to go out and hail a taxi and put him into the taxi. We don't know where the driver sent him..."

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