Riverside police

Chapter 1128 You can’t take money and do nothing!

Sure enough, when we patrolled the river until eight o'clock in the evening, we encountered a total of nineteen boats.

However, one of the nineteen inland river cargo ships was seriously overloaded, one was a "three-no ship" with no formalities, and the crew's certificate of competency on one ship was inconsistent with the position held.

Lao Wu and Du Juan finally opened their doors. Two boats were punished on the spot, and one of them was ordered to go to Niupeng Port to unload. The Sanwu boat, which had no formalities, was directly seized.

It was already 10:30 in the night when Du Juan sorted out the interrogation records and punishment procedure stubs.

Xiaoyu did not return to Bailonggang at night, so Yuzhen drove over from the factory to reunite with him. Seeing that Du Juan was listless, Xiao Yu asked curiously: "Xiao Du, are you unhappy because the harvest is not good?"

Yuzhen had just heard that Du Juan had gone to Jiangshang to patrol and enforce the law in the afternoon, and she also knew that they had not gained much in the afternoon. She couldn't help laughing and said: "It's normal not to get a lot of fines. You can't compare it with Sister Xiang Ning. You know, Brother Han Yu went to Jiangshang to collect fines. The first time, I only fined someone five yuan. Besides, fines are just a means, and maintaining water traffic safety is the purpose."

"Yuzhi, sister-in-law, don't get me wrong. I'm not unhappy because I didn't get a large fine. I'm not unhappy either. It's just... I'm just not used to being transferred here all of a sudden."

"It's a bit deserted here. You are different from us. You are from the city. It's a bit unfair for you to come to work in such a remote place."

As soon as Yuzhen finished speaking, Xiaoyu said unconvincingly: "Our place is not very lively, but the more remote the place, the easier it is to have problems. Xiaodu, just be at ease as you come, calm down and work hard, and work hard." Show some results and let your leadership colleagues see it!"

"Thank you Yuzhi, you guys can chat, I'm going back to the dormitory first."

"Let's go back to the dormitory too, good night."

"Okay, good night, see you tomorrow."

The office of the Taoming Maritime North Branch Coast Guard Brigade is on the first floor, and the dormitories are also arranged on the first floor.

Xiaoyu likes to live in a building and arranges his dormitory on the second floor. After washing, the young couple closes the curtains, turns on the TV brought from home, climbs into bed and cuddles up to watch together.

Yuzhen was very curious about Du Juan who lived downstairs. She leaned on Xiao Yu's shoulder and asked in a low voice: "Xiao Du also graduated from Donghai Jiaotong University?"

"She is not. Her boyfriend is a graduate student at Donghai Jiaotong University like Xianyugan. She is a graduate of Donghai Shipping College. The schools she went to seem to have changed their names. They are now called Donghai Maritime University. Donghai Jiaotong University is a famous university like Peking University. College students who graduated from Donghai Jiaotong University will not come here to do maritime work!"

"It's great if you can get into college. We haven't even been to college."

"Can you tell me something else? I didn't go to college because my family was poor when I was a child, so I didn't have the conditions."

Xiaoyu didn't like to talk about school the most, because he hadn't really gone to school for a few days. He immediately changed the subject: "If you think about it carefully, this girl is quite unlucky. Donghai Maritime Safety Bureau is different from Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau. Donghai Maritime Safety Bureau They manage both the sea and the Yangtze River, as well as the Huangpu River. Baoshan Maritime, Wusong Maritime, and Huangpu Maritime are all better than the others. Taoming Maritime may be the least important unit of the East China Sea Maritime Administration.

You may laugh when you tell me that their North Branch Coast Guard Brigade is actually the same as the Water Patrol Detachment of our branch. It is a non-existent unit, and they didn’t pay much attention to the North Branch in the past. Therefore, the Beizhi Coast Guard Brigade is the least important brigade of Taoming Maritime Affairs. "

Yuzhen asked curiously: "I didn't take care of it before, so why do I think of taking care of it now and arrange for someone to come over?"

"Last month, a ship sank on the North Branch, and two people died. In the past two years, many small sea-going ships have entered the Yangtze River. Some small sea-going ships have incomplete procedures and poor ship conditions. They dare not take the main channel, so they start from the Yangtze River. The North Branch enters and exits the Yangtze River. Salted Fish Dried Fish specifically reported this issue to their superiors, who took it seriously. In short, the waters of the North Branch are under their jurisdiction, and they can no longer ignore it."

"When will Brother Xianyu come back for the New Year?"

"He'll be back the day after tomorrow, but he won't be at home to celebrate the New Year."

Yuzhen asked in confusion: "If he doesn't celebrate the New Year at home, where will he go to celebrate the New Year?"

Xiaoyu explained with a smile: "His working relationship was transferred from the Maritime Safety Bureau back to our branch. The Bureau not only paid him wages and bonuses according to the standards of on-the-job cadres, but also allowed him to join the branch party committee team as required by his superiors. Now he is our branch Party committee member of the branch.”

"Didn't he lose his administrative position?"

"Membership of the party committee is an internal party position, not an administrative position."

Xiaoyu smiled and continued: "He said you can't just take money and do nothing. Bureau Qi, political commissar and Bureau Li are going to Hanwu for a meeting in a few days. After the meeting, Bureau Qi and Bureau Li plan to stay in Hanwu to accompany them. The family is celebrating the Chinese New Year, and Xianyu rushes back to the bureau to join the shift."

Yuzhen muttered: "On duty during the Spring Festival?"

"He said that he has to visit relatives every Chinese New Year, either to eat at his house or at your house. Instead of going out to eat every day, it is better to not only help Bureau Qi, Political Commissar and Bureau Li on duty in the bureau, but also use the Spring Festival period to be in the bureau Read books and educate yourself.”

"Brother Xianyu works really hard."

"It won't work if he doesn't work hard. The organization will send him to graduate school and help him pay the tuition. He can't even get a diploma." Xiaoyu thought about it and said: "Besides, after the Spring Festival, he will go to the capital to hold a people's conference. , and I won’t be able to go to school by then, so I must make use of my winter vacation time.”

As Xiaoyu said, although Han Yu does not have to go to work, it is difficult for him to concentrate on school.

His superiors only removed him from his administrative duties, but he is still the head of the Jiangnan Provincial Military Region Reserve Coastal Defense Regiment and a deputy to the National People's Congress.

The Provincial Military Region will not remove him from the position of regiment leader. As for the National People's Congress deputies, they will only be disqualified if they make mistakes or are seriously ill and unable to perform their duties. Therefore, the work of the reserve force must be done and the National People's Congress meetings must be attended.

After being absent from school for more than ten days, I went back to school for six days, and then went on winter vacation with my classmates. I packed my luggage and books and took a bus from the Donghai Investment Promotion Office of Linghai Development Zone back to Binjiang.

Xiao Hanhan is on vacation in a few days, and his father-in-law and mother-in-law will be back in a few days.

As soon as Han Yu got home, he put on his police uniform and came to work at the branch. It was still the same office as before. His old colleagues still called him Bureau Han when they saw him.

After going around and around again, everything feels so unreal.

After putting down his things and sighing secretly, Bureau Qi and Political Commissar Dong knocked on the door and came in.

"Get it together, political commissar."

"Xianyu, you are finally back!"

If the man in front of him hadn't volunteered to "fight" on behalf of the Changhang Public Security Bureau at a critical moment, he, the director, might have been dismissed or transferred, and even the whole branch would have had a difficult year.

Qi Ju was grateful, held Han Yu's hand tightly, and said from the bottom of his heart: "Xianyu, you may think it's an exaggeration. During this time, Lao Dong, me, and Guangrong really felt like they were surviving after a disaster. You Not only did he save us, but he also saved the entire precinct.”

"It's not that exaggerated."

"I didn't know it at first, but later I found out that you not only discovered that the Huaqingchi fire was caused by man-made arson with Staff Officer Miao of the Binjiang Fire Brigade, but also simulated and analyzed how the suspect set the fire based on years of firefighting experience, so as to provide follow-up information. The investigation of the case pointed the way.”

Bureau Qi took a deep breath and continued: "Later, on behalf of the task force, I went to Wenfeng for a meeting and truthfully reported the work of our branch to our superiors. Anyway, it helped us a lot. Everyone wants to treat you to dinner."

"Qi Bureau, political commissar, what's our relationship? Are we so polite?"

"As for me being the host tonight, you and Xiang Ning must appreciate it. Don't worry, we won't let you drink."

Han Yu just wanted to study quietly in the office. He really didn't want to participate in the dinner, so he simply changed the topic: "Qiju, are Lao Xu and Xiao Sun discharged from the hospital?"

"They are all discharged from the hospital. They will go to Hanwu with me in a few days to attend the summary and commendation meeting. Their superiors are appraising their merits and awards."

"Do you know how to comment?"

"You came back just in time. We just heard about it." Bureau Qi looked back at Political Commissar Dong and grinned: "The Changhang Public Security Bureau wants to award the Binjiang Port Enterprise Fire Brigade with third-class collective merit, and the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transport wants to Give Lao Xu and Xiao Sun second-class personal merit."

"Do the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transport give them credit?" Han Yu asked in surprise.

"The impact of the Huaqingchi fire was so great that the leaders of the ministry and bureau not only knew about it, but also asked Director Fan and President Yu to report to the capital."

"Where is our branch?"

"What happened to us?"

"Did the superiors give credit to our branch?"

"The superiors wanted to give us merit and awards, but so many people died and even more were injured. The aftermath work has not been completed until today. Bureau Ding and Bureau Fan said that we should take into account the feelings of the local party committee, government and Binjiang Port Group. It is not appropriate to give merits and awards to us now. We can only give merits and awards to the Binjiang Port Enterprise Fire Brigade and the injured Lao Xu and Xiao Sun."

"The aftermath work has not been completed until today?"

"The aftermath work is difficult to do. Those people were not killed or injured on the job. The district and Binjiang Port have spent so much money on their treatment after the fire. I want the district finance and Binjiang Port to provide more money. Pensions are unrealistic. Let them file a civil lawsuit against the owner of Huaqing Pool, but the owner of Huaqing Pool not only has no money but also goes to jail. How do you think this can be done?"

"The boss of Huaqing Pool has sentenced him?"

"No, but it will be soon."

"Where are the two suspects?"

"The case has reached the procuratorate. It is said that the trial will be held after the Chinese New Year. Arson and poisoning are both vicious criminal cases. Xiao Xiao from the Legal Affairs Department said that based on judicial practice in recent years, the two suspects will most likely be sentenced to death."

The whole team did not sympathize with the two young suspects at all. They sat down and continued: "Binjiang Port is in bad luck this time. The labor service company building was burned to rubble. Two million yuan has to be spent on the treatment of the wounded." , the total economic losses exceeded 5 million, and Mr. Chen, who was in charge of logistics, was dismissed from his post because he rented his house to others and opened a bathhouse."

Political Commissar Dong lamented: "It was a blessing in disguise that it was a blessing in disguise. Fang Guoya was under the greatest pressure at the beginning, so much that he almost collapsed. Later, during the investigation, the superiors found that the work of the fire brigade could withstand scrutiny, and they reviewed the fire fighting process. We found that he commanded effectively and handled things appropriately. Director Fan and President Yu were deeply impressed by him and wanted to second him to work in the corps."

"Is he willing to go?" Han Yu asked subconsciously.

"He was reluctant at first. After all, he has been working in Binjiang since he joined the army. He has never been to Hanwu and is not familiar with Hanwu. The superior's decision to second him is also an affirmation of our branch's fire management and supervision work. Qi Bureau and I did his ideological work and asked him to work for a while and then come back if he really wasn't used to it. He finally agreed and would report to the corps after the New Year."

"If he leaves, who will be in charge of the fire brigade?"

"Lao Xu, Lao Xu also came from the Binjiang Fire Department, but he changed jobs later than him."

Fang Guoya was the captain of the Armed Police Binjiang Fire Detachment before he changed his job, and Lao Xu was also an active police officer of the Armed Police Binjiang Fire Detachment before he changed his job.

The last time they reported to their superiors in Building 6 of the Wenfeng Hotel, the leaders of the Jiangnan Provincial Fire Brigade all spoke for the Changhang Branch. The reason why they spoke for the branch is probably because the captain and deputy captain of the branch fire brigade were both former Their soldiers have something to do with it!

Thinking of this, Han Yu said eagerly: "Qi Bureau, political commissar, you don't need to treat me to dinner tonight. When you have time someday, you should invite the leaders of the Binjiang Fire Brigade to come out for a gathering."

Han Yu could imagine how Bureau Qi could not have thought of it, and couldn't help but smile: "We have already invited them. We have invited those from the Binjiang Fire Brigade. Bureau Fan and Mr. Yu have also invited the leaders of the Jiangnan Fire Brigade."

"That's good."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. I have to participate in the evening activities."

It's hard to refuse such hospitality. If you don't eat this meal, the director and political commissar will definitely not be happy.

Han Yu could only agree, and then asked about the branch's recent work so that he could help them work in the bureau. During the Spring Festival, he would even be in charge of the branch's work for a few days.

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