Riverside police

Chapter 1132. What kind of person is Shan Fuliang?

Han Yu rushed to Binjiang Police Station from Zhangjiagang and discussed with the deputy director on duty how to deploy control and return to the branch. Fang Guoya also returned after inspecting the fire safety conditions of large and small businesses within the jurisdiction of the branch.

The fire brigade seems to be very relaxed.

It's okay if nothing happens, but once a major fire accident occurs in the jurisdiction, you have to risk your life to put it out. If a fire accident causes casualties, not only will you be held accountable, you may even go to jail!

Fang Guoya was frightened by the Huaqingchi fire. He could have rested for two days after returning from the summary and commendation meeting in Hanwu. But now that the Spring Festival is approaching and New Year's Eve is still a few days away, the sound of fireworks and firecrackers can be heard, even in the air. With the smell of burning gunpowder.

To the citizens, this is the flavor of the New Year, but to other countries, it is a dangerous signal.

Han Yu went to the cafeteria to prepare a meal and was about to go back to the office to eat. When he saw him walking over worriedly, he subconsciously asked: "Old Fang, have you eaten?"

"No, I just came back."

"You're not on duty at night, why don't you go home?"

"I don't need to be on duty at the branch, but at the fire brigade. Lao Chen has something to do at home, and Xiao Sun has just been discharged from the hospital and needs to take a good rest. I'll keep an eye on them for two days."

"Thanks for your hard work."

"Who asked us to do this?" Fang Guoya smiled helplessly and asked, "Director Han, do you plan to go back to the office to eat?"

"It's cold in the cafeteria, but there are heaters in the office."

“The cafeteria is air-conditioned!”

"There aren't many people eating, so turning on the air conditioner costs electricity."

The canteen is large and equipped with two cabinet air conditioners. Even if you only turn on one, it will consume more electricity than turning on the office air conditioner.

Fang Guoya suddenly remembered that in front of him was Han Yu, who was known for being stingy, and couldn't help but smile: "I'll go get some food first, and then I'll go to your office to eat with you."

"Okay, I'll wait for you."

The deputy director's office is air-conditioned, but Han Yu is still used to using a heater.

After turning on the heater, tidying up the desk, and thinking about it, he walked over to open the water dispenser and planned to drink some water after eating. Ding Shuguang, director of the Political Department, came in with Fang Guoya carrying a lunch box.

"Director Han, it's not fun to eat alone. I'm here to join in the fun. Do you like it?"

"Welcome, I'll pull up your chair for you."

"I'll do it myself, Guoya, don't move." Ding Shuguang put down his lunch box and chopsticks, moved his chair to his desk, and couldn't help but joked: "Han Bureau, Guoya will be promoted after the Chinese New Year, we You should cherish the opportunity to have dinner with Guoya!"

"That makes sense. I'm boiling water. I'll serve tea instead of wine later. I'll toast Guoya first and warmly congratulate Guoya on his promotion to Hanwu."

"Han Bureau, are you laughing at me too?"

"How could I laugh at you? Although you have not been transferred back to the branch for a long time, you have worked in Binjiang Port for a long time. You have led the corporate fire brigade so well over the years. It is no exaggeration to say that the professional capabilities of the Binjiang Port corporate fire brigade are It is on par with the Armed Police Fire Brigade, and your professional level in extinguishing ship fires and oil depot fires even exceeds that of the Armed Police Fire Brigade. Your achievements are obvious to all, and your promotion to Hanwu is well deserved!"

Ding Shuguang patted Fang Guoya on the shoulder and said with a laugh: "Did you hear that? This is not only a professional evaluation given by the chairman of the Binjiang Branch of the China Water Fire Fighting Association, but also an expert opinion given by a graduate student of Donghai Jiaotong University from an academic perspective."

"Director Ding, to be honest, I really don't want to go to Hanwu." Fang Guoya didn't want to be teased anymore, so he immediately changed the subject: "Han Bureau, is there any progress with Jiang Zhi and Guixiang?"

"Not yet."

Mentioning the fund-raising fraud case being investigated by the Criminal Investigation Detachment, Han Yu asked curiously while eating: "Lao Fang, you have worked in Binjiang Port for a long time. Do you know Shan Fuliang? Do you know Shan Fuliang?"

Fang Guoya quickly said: "I know him, but I don't know him well."

"Director Ding, what about you?"

"No matter how long Guoya has been working in the Port Authority, he is not as long as me. I know Shan Fuliang quite well."

"Tell me about this person."


Ding Shuguang took a bite of the food and said slowly: "He is a son of the Port Authority like me. In the past, the Port Authority had both docks and ships. His father used to be a crew member of the Port Authority. He graduated from junior high school and came to work in the Port Authority to replace his father. of.

He was just an ordinary worker at Pier 3 at first. Later, he found connections and paid his own money to learn to drive. As soon as he got his driver's license, he found connections and was transferred to the fleet. After driving a truck for several years, I was transferred from the fleet to the small truck class because of an emergency. "

At that time, drivers were very popular, even more popular than ordinary cadres.

Han Yu could imagine how shrewd Shan Fuliang was, and while eating, he motioned to Ding Shuguang to continue.

"Driving for a leader is someone who is close to the leader. Everyone below him gives him face, so he took advantage of his position and asked his retired parents to open a hardware store specializing in selling various hardware accessories, tools, The wire ropes were mainly sold to the port authority at first, but later they became bigger and bigger, and many companies along the river became his customers."

"No wonder so many people were fooled. It turns out he owns a store. It turns out they have known him for a long time and even dealt with him!"

"Everyone on the dock knows him, including your brother-in-law. Your brother-in-law often used the hardware accessories supplied by his family. But your brother-in-law only has the right to use it and has no right to purchase it from him. No matter what accessories or tools are needed, he can only Open an order and apply for purchase.”

Ding Shuguang took advantage of the opportunity and took two mouthfuls of food, then continued: "His family's hardware business is very big. He bought a van in 1994 and a Santana in 1995. Maybe because his family's business was good, he simply quit his job and concentrated on it. do business.

Later, the Port Authority became Binjiang Port Group. Not only the top leaders were changed, but also the lower-level cadres were adjusted. Procurement and financial management became increasingly strict. All suppliers have to participate in the bidding. If they finally win the bid and get into the supplier list, they have to deliver the goods first and then pay. The payment can even be held down for a year or two.

It is said that a person depends on his patronage. He has been in the Port Authority's business for so many years and has earned the Port Authority's money for so many years. If they suddenly stop buying from him, he will naturally not be happy. Since their whole family is in the Port Authority I have done it, and I have found excuses to cause trouble. "

A guaranteed local snake!

Han Yu reacted and asked curiously: "What happened next?"

"When the Port Authority was first handed over to the local government, the main leadership was concurrently held by the city leaders. Others were afraid of him. How could the city leaders be afraid of him? How could others give him some face? How could the city leaders give him face? Just let him. The security department drove him away and said that if he dared to come again, he would call the police and let our branch handle it."

Han Yu went to get a glass of boiling water and put it gently on the table.

Ding Shuguang said thank you and continued: "We have rarely seen him since then. His family's two houses in the family area have also been sold one after another. It is said that he has bought several large houses in the city. I bought several storefronts.

It wasn't until two years ago that he came back driving a Mercedes-Benz. As soon as he came back, he approached Minister Yang and said he wanted to contract a repair shop. Minister Yang said that the repair shop did not plan to be contracted to individuals, but he actually claimed that he would buy the repair shop. Minister Yang asked him why he bought a repair shop, and he said he wanted to open a factory. "

Han Yu asked: "What happens next?"

"The land at the wharf is very valuable, and the repair shop would rather be idle than sell it, and this is not something that Minister Yang can have the final say on. But through this incident, many retired cadres and employees knew that he was going to open a factory. He also showed Showing respect for the old leaders and elders, either inviting the old leaders and old employees to visit his office in the city, or inviting the old leaders and old employees to dinner. Once there were more than a dozen tables at the Wushan Hotel, which was more than when you got married. lively."

"Then you're going to trick old comrades into investing in shares?"

"What he said was ridiculous. My old man has no money. If he had money, he would be fooled like others."

"What are his parents doing now? Is his hardware store still open?"

"His parents are at home and the hardware store has long been closed."

"Where's his wife?"

"My wife is also at home. It is said that she wants to divorce him, but he ran away and we can't divorce him for a while."

Ding Shuguang not only knew the suspect for a long time, but also participated in the investigation of the case after the incident. He had a better understanding of the situation of the suspect's family. He put down his chopsticks and continued: "At first, everyone thought his family was rich, but later they found out that he had bought it before He sold the house long ago, as well as several front-end houses in the city, and now only a three-bedroom apartment remains because his parents and his wife live in it and cannot be sealed for the time being."

Han Yu asked in a low voice: "Does he have any children?"

"Yes, I have a son whose grades are not very good. He said he went to college, but in fact he went to some kind of continuing education college. After the incident, his son went to work in the south. I asked Lao Jiang the day before yesterday, and Lao Jiang said that his son I haven’t been back for two years.”

"I have met his son." Fang Guoya put his lunch box aside after eating and drinking, and raised his head and said: "At the time when he was illegally raising funds, his son had just obtained his driver's license and often helped him drive and pick up old comrades from the Port Authority. .”

Just as Han Yu was about to speak, the phone on the table rang.

"Lao Yan, I, Han Yu, are you here?"

"We're here." Yan, the deputy chief of Binjiang Police Station, was sitting in a van, looking up at the building not far away, holding his cell phone tightly and saying with a bit of schadenfreude: "Han Bureau, Shan Fuliang's house is very lively, I arranged The stranger went upstairs and took a look, and there were six or seven people sitting in his house collecting debts!"

"Are they the old comrades from the Port Authority?"

"No, the people who look like hardware and electrical manufacturers were all suppliers when his family was doing hardware business. There is also a factory owner who said that he borrowed 200,000 yuan three years ago and has not paid it back yet. "

"Is his wife at home?"

"Here, I'm sitting in the living room crying right now."

"His parents are old. Keep an eye on them. If the creditor behaves aggressively, call 110."

"Call 110 to call the police, Bureau Han, what do we do?" Lao Yan couldn't help but ask with laughter.

Han Yu looked up at Ding Shuguang, then at Fang Guoya, holding up the phone and said lightly: "His home is not under the jurisdiction of our branch, and your identities cannot be exposed. What's more important is that you are blocked at home by creditors. , How can their family go out?"

"Bureau Han, do you doubt that his wife will cross the river to find him?"

"This possibility cannot be ruled out. In short, we must create opportunities for him and his family to be reunited."

"Understood, I will find a way to send those creditors away."

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