Riverside police

Chapter 1135 A bold idea!

The construction of the Yangtze River Bridge is a national key project, and it is normal for Qiao Bureau of the Ministry of Transportation to come and take a look at it upon entrustment by the ministry leaders.

Han Xiangning is now not only the person in charge of the water law enforcement base that escorts the construction of the bridge, but also the actual person in charge of the engineering headquarters during the Spring Festival.

She received a notice from her superiors the day before yesterday and was waiting with Deputy Mayor Yang of Binjiang City in charge of bridge construction and the heads of the three major construction units.

Xiaoyu drove the police car and guided the convoy into the construction site with familiarity. Han Xiangning hurriedly accompanied Vice Mayor Yang to greet them.

With the leader around, she didn't bother to chat with Youjiahuai and Dujuan.

Under the introduction of the accompanying Director Xu of the Maritime Safety Administration, he saluted Director Qiao and said hello, introduced the people attending the reception, and then accompanied the leaders to visit.

"Dear leaders, more than 80% of the engineering steps of the entire bridge construction are prefabricated and assembled. The main tower, bridge deck, bridge towers and approach bridge piles and bridge decks must be prefabricated on the shore. Because of this, the groundbreaking ceremony was held After that, the three major construction units worked overtime on the shore."

"It is said that sharpening the sword will make trouble cutting wood. Before starting the full construction in June, we must first build the B2 standard box girder prefabrication plant, the North Bank approach bridge prefabricated girder yard, the sand and gravel storage yard, the steel storage yard and the freight terminal on the shore. Factories and ancillary facilities such as shipping terminals.”

"During the construction of the approach bridge of Gubin Bridge, 75-meter span prefabricated assembly will be used combined with external prestressing technology. This technology is the first time it has been applied in a large-scale bridge project in China..."

Han Xiangning, wearing a blue safety helmet, accompanied the leaders on the tour and talked eloquently like a docent.

Du Juan followed at the end, looking through the gap between the leaders and looking dumbfounded. Gao Shan stood up in admiration and couldn't believe that the famous "Binjiang Fine Master" not only understood traffic management, but also understood engineering construction.

You Jiahuai was also shocked and couldn't believe that Mrs. Sister-in-law was so powerful.

Xiaoyu had long been accustomed to it and said calmly: "Sister Xiang Ning watched the Linghai Port being built under her watch. She also went to Binjiang Shipping College to serve as the vice-principal for a year. The new campus of the Shipping College was built when Sister Xiang Ning was the vice-principal. Responsible for building it.”

"I said, how can my sister-in-law know about engineering?"

"She knows a lot of things. She is better than Xianyugan. She has also been a member of the Standing Committee and deputy mayor!"

The three of them were hiding in the back and whispering. Han Xiangning was in the front giving a detailed introduction: "Dear leaders, please look in the direction of my finger. This is the concrete mixing station at the North Bank approach bridge prefabricated beam field. To the left of the mixing station is the steel frame processing area. , over there is the segment prefabrication area, and beyond that is the riverside."

"Director Xiao Han, there seems to be construction on the riverside?"

"Yes, we are going to build a segment storage area, a segment shipping trestle and a shipping pier on the riverside. The shipping pier is mainly composed of a shipping trestle and a gantry crane. The trestle is 325 meters long and 7 meters wide. . We are studying how to make full use of the favorable conditions of the C1 and B1 bid sections based on existing resources, and improve the efficiency of the shipping terminal after several prefabricated yards are completed and put into operation."

It's like a mountain apart.

Many people are saying that the construction of the bridge was loud but not rainy, and the groundbreaking ceremony was held with great vigor, but once the ceremony was over, there was no movement. At least there was no trace of the bridge being built on the river.

In fact, the project construction is progressing very quickly. There is a lot of construction work on the shore. Several prefabricated yards will be built, and even temporary docks will be built.

The temporary wharf here is called a shipping wharf. Not only does a trestle need to be built, but also a track must be built on the trestle.

What makes Xiaoyu and other laymen even more unbelievable is that at this moment, several large domestic equipment companies are designing and building bridge erecting machines for bridge construction units, and there are even shipyards building special beam-section shipping ships for this project. .

It is no exaggeration to say that the construction of the bridge is really a systematic project.

If you want to build the bridge and turn the natural chasm into a road, it depends not only on the people at the construction site, but also on many engineers who have never even been to Yingchuan Port.

The leaders walked around the cold, windy and dusty large construction site, went to the headquarters to have a brief discussion with the heads of the three major construction units, expressed their condolences verbally, and waited for the bus to take them to the Qiao Bureau. Airport. Today is the twenty-seventh day of the twelfth lunar month, and the day after tomorrow is New Year’s Eve, and the leaders will also go home to celebrate the New Year.

After seeing off the leader, Han Xiangning finally breathed a sigh of relief, and together with Xiaoyu, invited Youjiahuai and Dujuan to come to the police barge.

"Sister-in-law, do you usually work on the ship?"

"At this stage, there are many things on the shore, and I spend a long time on the shore. After the Chinese New Year, there will be more things on the river than now, and I will be mainly responsible for the river by then."

"How many years do you want to work here?" Du Juan couldn't help but ask.

"We have to work until the bridge is completed and open to traffic. Not only me, but also the members of the Water Law Enforcement Base. We have all signed military orders." Han Xiangning knew that she was not used to being assigned to Xiaoyu by her unit, so she thought about it and smiled: " I was about the same age as you when I first started working, and I have worked in Bailong Port for a long time. In fact, the ferry is quite lively, so you just need to get used to it."

At the same time, Han Yu received a thick stack of faxes.

Branch policewoman Wu Dan said that in order to receive these documents, she even used up the A4 paper bar in the office, so she had to ride a bicycle to buy a few packs.

While Han Yu was flipping through the fax sent by Comrade Liu, he turned on the hands-free key of the landline phone to inform Jiang Youwei.

"You wouldn't know if you didn't ask someone to investigate. But when I did, I was shocked to find that he actually had nine civil lawsuits filed in four courts in Dongguang. Three were against others and six were against him. They were all financial disputes!"

"Han Bureau, what kind of economic dispute is this?"

"He has a big business in Dongguang, and he actually wants to build an automatic lifting parking lot for a company in the Shenzhen Special Economic Zone. Judging from the complaint and the judgment, he must have been deceived. The company was on the verge of bankruptcy when it invited bids. , the necessary procedures for building a parking lot were not completed, and his set of equipment was not even transported to the site for installation, so the parking lot project was aborted."

"How did the court decide?" Jiang Youwei asked eagerly.

"He won the case, but the company has gone bankrupt and the company's legal person can't be found." Han Yu sighed secretly, and then said: "It seems that he used the equipment that could not be installed as a prop for fund-raising fraud. "

"I've seen that set of equipment, and it doesn't look very valuable."

"He should have been deceived by both the company that provided the equipment and the company that provided the equipment. The person who provided the equipment was probably in the same group as the company that invited bids to build the parking lot. This is not only my judgment, but also Dongguang's Analysis by colleagues from the Provincial Economic Investigation Corps.”

"It's his business to be cheated. He can't just come back and lie to others just because he was cheated!"

“But through these circumstances, I came up with a bold idea.”

Jiang Youwei asked: "What are your ideas?"

Han Yu looked at the contact and phone number under the document and smiled: "When he sued the company in a court in Dongguang, he left two mobile phone numbers, one of which we didn't know before. Friends in Dongguang I checked it for me and found out that the mobile phone number we didn’t know before is still in use, and it’s probably his son.”

"In whose name is it registered?"

"It's not registered, it's not a real name."

Han Yu smiled and continued: "That number is used in Dongguang. We want to lock the location through technical means. We don't meet the conditions for technical means. Even if we can use technical means, we still have to ask Dongguang for assistance. In short, it's very difficult. trouble.

Considering that he is a plaintiff in Dongguang, can we ask friends in Dongguang to help us? We can use the phone number of the court that accepted his case to pretend to be a judge and contact him, telling him that there is progress in the execution and asking where he is. , can you rush there as soon as possible? "

"You just said that you have received money for the execution. Do you want to give him money?"

"Well, he can give up his home and not care about his parents and wife, but it is unlikely that he will give up his money, and the money is his to begin with."

"Does he dare to go? He must know that he is wanted by us."

"The court and the police are two different things. He has been mixed up in society. He should be very clear that the court is a court and the police is the police. There is little communication between the two families. Besides, it is a court in Dongguang, not a court in Binjiang."

Jiang Youwei thought it made sense and couldn't help but smile: "Han Bureau, so we are going to Shenzheng?"

"If you think it's feasible, we will arrange for two people to go. But he is probably hiding in Zhangjiagang now. We first ask friends in Dongguang to pretend to be judges and contact him to see if we can get in touch. If so, let's see what he says. , and then cast a net in Zhangjiagang, waiting for him to fall into the trap."

The tickets were issued under real names and there was security check at the airport, so the suspect would definitely not dare to fly.

Taking a long-distance bus is also very dangerous. Even if you stop the bus halfway, there are countless security checkpoints and police interrogations along the way from Zhangjiagang to Shenzheng, so you can easily get caught.

It is also impossible to take a train to Donghai or Guzhou. Railway police will check ID cards at the entrance of the waiting room of the train station. Besides, it’s the peak period of Spring Festival travel, so even if you want to take the train, you can’t buy a ticket.

Jiang Youwei reacted: "If he wants to go, he can only drive or charter a car. We just need to wait at the security checkpoints on the main roads entering and leaving Zhangjiagang!"

"That's what I think, do you think it's okay?"

"Okay, let's treat a dead horse as a living horse."

"Okay, I'll contact my friends in Dongguang right now."

It’s good to have many friends. If you didn’t have friends, you would really lose your legs.

Han Yu quickly contacted Comrade Lao Liu. Lao Liu wanted to help people to the end, so he could only bite the bullet and call his friends in the Economic Investigation Corps...

After political commissar Dong attended the last meeting before the year, he returned to the branch and saw Han Yu sitting in a daze at his desk. He asked about the ins and outs and simply sat down together to wait for the news.

"Salted fish, Shan Fuliang defrauded millions from veteran cadres and employees of the Port Authority. He has money and is not desperate. Do you think he will be fooled?"

"Political Commissar, he is not as rich as you think."

"How do you say this?"

Han Yu explained with a smile: "He wanted to invest in the scam. During the scam, he invited people to dinner every three days and even rented a Mercedes-Benz, which cost a lot of money. In order to defraud more money, he When I first started to defraud, I claimed to have received a certain number of orders, and the customers gave a certain amount of advance payment, and I gave several bonuses to the old comrades who first invested money.

Last night, based on the previous investigation by the Criminal Investigation Detachment, I helped him calculate the account. After excluding the initial investment and subsequent dividends, the stolen money in his hand would not exceed two million. Moreover, he is used to being lavish, and he must have spent more money than usual when he was on the run in fear of crime. If this continues, he will only be left with nothing. "

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