Riverside police

Chapter 1141 Public arrest meeting!

After finally holding a public arrest meeting, we can't just arrest Shan Fuliang publicly.

Whether the public security in the port area can be improved is directly related to the development of Binjiang Port. At the strong suggestion of the "old boss", the Changhang Branch also brought in six other suspects who were captured by several police stations before and during the Spring Festival.

Han Yu and other officials finished speaking in a mellow tone, imitating the master's way and said sonorously and forcefully: "Dear leaders and comrades, at about 4:27 in the morning on January 22, 2003, Binjiang Port Pier 2 Limin Store A theft occurred. After careful investigation by Binjiang Police Station of Changhang Binjiang Public Security Bureau, the burglary was committed by Tong Ruqian and Deng Wanxiang. Now, the two suspects are arrested in accordance with the law. Bring Tong Ruqian and Deng Wanxiang!"


The four Binjiang Police Station policemen who had been waiting for a long time responded. Under the leadership of two policemen handling the case, they escorted the two suspects onto the rostrum from the left.

What’s the point of listening to the leader’s speech? It’s fun to watch criminals! The entire open-air venue became silent, and everyone looked at the two suspects.

Yesterday I did some ideological work on the two suspects. Even if they were brave enough, I would not dare to be dishonest. They hung their heads and their legs were weak with fear.

Criminals are like mourning, and cadres, employees and children are very enthusiastic. Mr. Xu and Secretary Miao of Binjiang Port Group are very satisfied. They think they dare to come to our port area to steal things, and even break open the door to steal. This is the end!

As long as the former "old boss" and the current business leaders in the jurisdiction are satisfied, the Bureau will be happy. After all, the Changhang Shipping Branch is different from the local public security bureau. The Changhang Shipping Branch mainly serves port and shipping companies.

Comrade Lao Tong, Chonggang District Political and Legal Secretary and Director of the Public Security Bureau, is very embarrassed. In terms of administrative level, he is only a deputy director, and Mr. Xu and Bureau Qi are both higher than him in administrative level.

If the two suspects who were just escorted to the stage were kidnapped, then he, the District Political and Legal Secretary and Public Security Bureau Chief, was here to "sit with them" and was not even qualified to say a few words.

Han Yu gradually found the feeling and entered the state. He didn't know what the leaders were thinking. He glanced at the two suspects coldly and then said: "Now please ask Comrades Xiang Peng and Liang Guangfei, the policemen handling the case, to execute the criminal code on the two suspects." detention."


There is a desk in front of the rostrum, and there is also a microphone on the desk.

Binjiang Police Station police officer Ying Xiangpeng walked quickly to his desk, waited for two colleagues to take the suspect to the designated location where they had been "rehearsed", stared at the suspect and yelled: "Tong Ruqian, raise your head!"

The suspect did not dare not listen and raised his head reluctantly.

"The arrest warrant of the Binjiang Branch of the Changhang Public Security Bureau is now read out. In accordance with the provisions of Article 80 of the Criminal Procedure Law of the People's Republic of China, and with the approval of the Chonggang District Procuratorate of Binjiang City, staff from our bureau are hereby sent to Peng and Liang Guangfei to investigate the suspects. Tong Ruqian, who was charged with theft, was arrested and sent to the Binjiang City Public Security Bureau No. 1 Detention Center..."

The audience was dark and crowded with people. The suspect had never seen this formation before. He was so confused that he didn't know what the police were thinking.

Regardless of whether he heard clearly or not, Ying Xiangpeng put the folder on his desk, took out a pen, and urged: "Look carefully. Are there any mistakes in your name, age, and home address?"


"Then sign and fingerprint here!"

After Tong Ruqian signed the calligraphy and painting at the order of Xiang Peng, the policeman handling the case, he was escorted off the stage by two policemen from the right side. Deng Wanxiang, who had jointly committed the burglary, was brought to the desk. Liang Guangfei, the policeman handling the case, was holding the documents. folder, announcing his arrest.

It's like going to court, one after another.

The suspected crimes included theft and intentional injury. One of the suspects was "well-known" in the port area and was feared by everyone. The cadres and workers in the port area applauded extremely when they saw him being arrested by the police.

However, compared to the six "abducted" suspects, Shan Fuliang's public anger was greater, because he was both a son of the Port Authority and a former employee of the Port Authority. He actually deceived the Port Authority before the rabbit could eat grass from the nest. people!

Following the procedure just now, Han Yu ordered Liu Guixiang and Xiao Chen to escort him to the stage and asked Jiang Youwei, the head of the criminal investigation detachment, to read out the arrest warrant.

After this set of procedures was completed, there was no rush to send the newly arrested suspect back to the detention center for continued detention. Instead, the biggest leader today, Mr. Xu, was invited to speak.

"Comrades, convening a public arrest meeting and publicly arresting a group of criminals fully reflects the determination and confidence of the Group Party Committee, Chonggang District Government, Changhang Airlines Public Security Bureau and other political and legal agencies to severely crack down on crime, and has cracked down on criminals. The arrogance promotes integrity and enhances the sense of security of the group's cadres and employees."

"Comrades have just seen that the CSC Branch has made great contributions to maintaining public security in the port area, but the achievements can only represent the past. As the National Two Sessions are about to be held, on behalf of the Group Party Committee, I put forward one more request to the CSC Branch. We must earnestly perform our duties, give full play to the role of the main force, intensify our crackdown, and form a high-pressure situation in which we work together to encircle and annihilate criminals!”

"We must crack down on all types of criminal activities steadily, accurately and ruthlessly. We must always combine prevention with prevention, implement various preventive measures, and achieve long-term peace and stability in the port area through strict crackdown and management. All departments at all levels of the group must also strengthen their sense of responsibility. , fully support the public security organs in combating various criminal activities!"

"Here, on behalf of the group party committee, I would also like to call on the cadres and the masses to take action and actively participate in the comprehensive management of social security. We must continuously enhance our legal awareness and self-prevention awareness, vigorously promote the spirit of courage and courage, and dare to fight against all kinds of illegal and criminal activities. Actively report and expose illegal crimes, take the initiative to provide clues to solve cases, and truly ensure that everyone cares about public security and order, works together to solve public security problems, and strives to maintain social stability so that people can live and work in peace and contentment..."

The applause came one after another and lasted for a long time.

It’s not that Mr. Xu’s words are very good. In fact, they are all official talk. The reason why he won such warm applause was not because he was the boss of Binjiang Port, and the audience were all his subordinates. Who dared not to applaud him?

Han Yu actually sympathized with Qi Ju. Qi Ju's previous speech was better than Mr. Xu's. He was not very satisfied with the speech drafted by the office. He wrote and revised it himself last night and did not rest until 12:30. But what he just said But there was no applause.

Although Secretary Miao also sat with him for nearly two hours, he did not feel neglected. After all, he had retired and it was not appropriate to speak on such an occasion.

More importantly, there will be a small meeting after the general meeting, and he will speak at the small meeting later.

After all the procedures were completed, the police escorted the suspect into the car. Suddenly, the police lights flashed and the sirens blared. The motorcade escorting the suspect made a large circle in the port area before driving to the detention center as planned.

Han Yu saw off Chonggang District Political and Legal Affairs Secretary and Public Security Branch Secretary with the Qi Bureau. Together with Jiang Youwei and Liu Guixiang, he accompanied Secretary Miao to the large conference room on the third floor of Binjiang Port Group.

Small meetings are held for big things, and big meetings are held for small things.

The upcoming small meeting will discuss big things, at least for the more than 60 deceived old comrades and their families who will attend the small meeting after the public arrest meeting.

To do ideological work for old comrades, we can only ask the old leaders to come forward. Qi Bureau did not come, and Mr. Xu would not come. They did not want to steal Secretary Miao's limelight.

Secretary Miao sat in the center of the rostrum. Han Yu and Jiang Youwei sat on either side of the old man like General Heng Ha. Liu Guixiang became the waiter, responsible for serving tea and water.

"Xianyu, Xiao Jiang, it's getting late, let's get started." Secretary Miao found the feeling of being the "top leader" of the Port Authority, took off his reading glasses and asked sideways.

"Okay, Secretary Miao, you tell me."

"Okay, let me say a few words first."

Hearing "just a few words", Jiang Youwei wanted to laugh.

These "five words" were Secretary Miao's mantra when he was the "top leader" in meetings. Every time he spoke, he always said "a few simple words", but in fact it was never "simple". As soon as he opened his mouth, he could not stop talking. Come on, you don’t even need a lecture note. You can speak for up to two hours!

Han Yu had heard more than once that Secretary Miao liked to procrastinate meetings, and was secretly glad that he had eaten a lot for lunch, otherwise he might be hungry later. You must know that Secretary Miao has retired for so many years and has been holding back for so many years. He finally returned to the rostrum. Of course he wanted to talk to his heart's content.

Facts have proved that the previous worries were not unnecessary.

Secretary Miao put aside the materials provided by Han Yu, waved his arms and criticized and educated the old subordinates in the audience.

"Comrades, I have told you many times before. I have told you in conferences and small meetings. I have said it often and repeatedly. If you don't have the idea of ​​​​getting something for nothing, pie will not fall from the sky! The four modernizations must be worked out in a down-to-earth manner. A good life is created through hard work!”

"You guys are just thinking about getting something for nothing. If you invest 10,000 yuan, you can get a dividend of 1,000 yuan a month. How can there be such a good thing in the world? If there is, how can it be your turn? You are thinking about other people's dividends. , they want the principal you invested!”

Secretary Miao was heartbroken and pointed, criticizing the old men and women in the audience so much that they dared not raise their heads.

"Your money was deceived by that little bastard Shan Fuliang. You all came to me and asked me to go to the Changhang Branch to make the decision for you. But do you know that Xianyu and Xiao Jiang, for your sake, ate Despite all the hardships and sins they suffered, they haven't accomplished anything this year! At this moment, Political Commissar Dong and Li Guangrong of the branch are still working on the case in Guangzhou..."

Secretary Miao not only objectively and impartially commented on the difficulty of the Changhang Branch Bureau in detecting this fund-raising fraud case, but also named them one by one, pointed at his nose and asked how his old subordinates who were very smart back then had become so confused now.

The old man became more and more angry as he talked, slapping the table, and asking so and so to stand up and answer questions. The old comrades in the audience did not dare not listen, and every one of them was disgraced.

Being able to hold a meeting like this is really more interesting than watching the Spring Festival Gala.

Just when Han Yu was secretly sighing, Secretary Miao changed the subject: "I know what you are concerned about, and now I can tell you clearly that only part of the money that was defrauded has been recovered. I will personally go to the Changhang Branch to check the account for you. , the police in other places still charge case fees for investigating economic cases, the Changhang Branch did not ask for a penny from you, and the funds spent to solve this fraud case will not be deducted from your money."

After being scolded for a long time, I finally got to the point.

An old man couldn't help but ask: "Secretary Miao, how much can we get back? How much can we get back?"

Secretary Miao put on his reading glasses, picked up the materials provided by Han Yu and looked at them. He took off his reading glasses again, looked at the people in the audience and said: "In general, the work of the Changhang Branch is better than I expected." , a total of 2.68 million was recovered. The rest was squandered by Shan Fuliang and his associates, and the money they spent will definitely not be recovered.

The cars, houses and other assets they purchased with stolen money can be auctioned according to the procedures after the case is settled, but it is estimated that they will not fetch much money at the auction. Please don't put too much hope in this area. Last night, I calculated with Xianyu and Xiao Jiang that you can only get back 35% of the money you invested. "

"You can only get back 3,500 yuan for 10,000 yuan?"

"That's too little. What I just said was all in vain?"

"Secretary Miao, that's not what I meant." The old comrade who stood up to ask hesitated for a moment and said uneasily: "They have received dividends once or twice. I invested more than 30,000 yuan and never received a penny in dividends. If the same It’s not fair that we can only get back 35%!”

"Don't worry, we have already considered this. The 35% just mentioned includes the so-called 'dividends' we received before. In fact, this 35% is the so-called 'dividends' 'Basically calculated."

"Everyone, we have mastered the suspect's account book. We remember each item clearly. We can make the accounts public." Han Yu added without losing any opportunity.

Secretary Miao felt that there was no need to discuss with these old fools, so he knocked on the table and said with a bit of displeasure and impatience: "This is probably the situation. The Changhang Branch is to fight crime, not to open a bank and print money. It’s not easy to help you recover 35%. If you want more, you can’t get it, but if you want less, it’s okay.”

"Secretary Miao, how can we ask for less? Those are all our hard-earned money!"

"Now that you know it's hard-earned money, what have you done?"

Secretary Miao's face straightened, and he raised his arm and pointed at Liu Guixiang, the office policewoman Wu Dan, and others who were sitting in the corner of the conference room: "If you don't have any objections, after the meeting, you line up to go to Xiaoliu to register. Xiaoliu has Shan Fuliang in his hand. The account book contains exactly how much money you invested at that time. After registration, the Changhang Branch will verify it and then organize the return as soon as possible."


After investing 10,000, I could only get back 3,500. No one was willing, and everyone was silent again.

Secretary Miao became anxious and knocked on the table again: "It's Chinese New Year, you think I'm very free? Do you think it's okay or not? Express your stance quickly! If you don't express your stance, it means you have objections, then this matter will be shelved indefinitely. Then don’t look for me again!”

Putting it on hold indefinitely means that the money will not be returned for a long time...

Some reasonable old comrades knew that this was the best result that Secretary Miao had helped to achieve, and they hurriedly raised their hands.

If it were other parties involved in the case, Changhang Branch would not have to go to such trouble and would have to hold meetings to do their ideological work. But they are not parties to other cases. They are the "precious assets" of the Port Authority. As long as they can get through their ideological work, they should still do a good job.

Facts have proved that it was the right thing to ask Secretary Miao to come forward, and everything went smoother than imagined.

Seeing the old comrades lining up in three lines to register with Liu Guixiang and others, Han Yu finally relaxed and walked with Secretary Miao to the gate and said with emotion: "Secretary Miao, I have caused trouble for you."

"It's not troublesome. In the final analysis, it's because the group's party committee is incompetent. Although the superiors require the separation of government and enterprise, we are a state-owned enterprise. We need to be hard at both economic construction and spiritual civilization construction. They are good, they only know how to do business, but they don't know how to do spiritual civilization." construction, we don’t care enough about our old comrades!”


The old leaders don't like the current leaders, and the current leaders don't like the old leaders who always like to point fingers.

This topic is very embarrassing. To be precise, neither party can be offended. Han Yu doesn't want to get involved, and for a while he doesn't know how to proceed.

Secretary Miao never thought about asking Han Yu to "take sides", and he knew very well that Han Yu could be said to have spent this year in the branch. He couldn't help patting Han Yu on the arm: "This matter has finally come to an end. Have you been on duty these days?" Bai Zhi, now you can go home to be with your father-in-law and mother-in-law, and go back to Bailong Port to be with your parents."

"Thank you, Secretary Miao."


"Secretary Miao, what's the pity?"

"It's a pity that you were born at the wrong time. If you were born twenty years earlier, for a comrade like you, I would definitely promote you to be the police chief of Binjiang Port. If you were born ten years earlier, I could still help you in the city. Just a few words."

It's not a pity that I was born late, but a pity that you have retired and have no power!

Han Yu couldn't help but want to laugh, and said as he walked: "Secretary Miao, I am actually quite good now."

"It could have been better. Let's go. You go back to spend time with your parents. I'll call you in two days and try to get together before you go to the capital for the two meetings."

Only then did Han Yu notice a car parked in front of the foyer. When the driver saw Secretary Miao coming out, he quickly opened the door and walked around the front of the car to help Secretary Miao open the door.

No need to ask, you all know that he is picking up his old man for a drink again.

Although he is retired, he has many old friends and subordinates. His retired life is rich and colorful, and he has meals almost every day.

PS: The cold is so uncomfortable, and there is still only one chapter today.

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