Riverside police

Chapter 1143 Perform your duties with due diligence!

After seeing off Huang Jiangsheng's family, Han Yu neither visited relatives nor studied at home. Instead, he used the precious few days before arriving in Beijing to take a coast patrol boat and a public security patrol boat to visit boat people at several anchorages on the river to prepare for the upcoming submission to the National People's Congress. It is recommended to make final preparations.

The suggestions to be made this year are still related to long-haul transportation, but the matters to be mentioned this year are far more sensitive than those in the previous two years.

The phenomenon of arbitrary fees and fines on the Yangtze River and the waterways of the Yangtze River Basin is serious, and shipping companies and individual transport operators are overwhelmed. Whether as a cadre of the transportation system or as the son of a boatman, Han Yu feels the need to report to his superiors.

When making such suggestions, we should not just listen to what our brother, sister-in-law, and old neighbors at Linghai Shipping Company say. We should do more research, visit more crew members from all over the world, and collect more information.

While I was busy visiting, Commander Wang of the military division actually called me personally.

"Commander Wang, I, Han Yu, what are your instructions?"

"I just received a notification from the Provincial Military Region, asking you to find out more about the situation."

"What do you know?"

Commander Wang looked at the phone record in his hand and said: "The superiors want to know if you have been to Dongguang recently, if you have been in contact with anyone who came back from Dongguang, and if you have any symptoms such as cold, fever, cough, etc. during this period."

Han Yu returned to the patrol boat and asked: "Commander Wang, are your superiors worried that I will be infected with the strange disease that broke out in Dongguang?"

"should be."

"I have not been to Dongguang during this time. Although the Political Commissar Dong of our branch and my senior brother went to arrest criminal suspects, I have not had contact with them since they came back. My physical condition is very good, and I have no cold or fever. No coughing either."

"That's good, I'll just reply to the military area."

"Commander Wang, Dongguang is far away from us. Are your superiors going to be so exaggerated?"

"This is not an exaggeration. I have several comrades in Dongguang. I inquired yesterday and found that the problem there may be more serious than we thought."

"How serious is it?" Han Yu asked curiously.

Commander Wang looked back behind him and said in a low voice: "The major media in Dongguang have reported that as of 3 pm the day before yesterday, a total of 305 cases and 5 deaths had been found. Medical staff were among the 305 cases due to contact with patients. There are more than a hundred medical staff, but fortunately no one died."

"Five people died!"

"Well, it is said that the youngest is a 10-year-old boy from Guangzhou City."

So many people were infected and several died.

Han Yu did not dare to ignore the strange disease in Dongguang anymore, and asked eagerly: "Has Dongguang taken any measures to deal with this strange disease?"

"The Guangzhou Municipal Government held a press conference to announce the situation of infectious diseases in Guangzhou, saying that the conditions of all patients are under control. It emphasized that for a city with a population of tens of millions like Guangzhou, it is a big problem for more than 300 people to be infected. In a small proportion, the disease is only localized."

"It stands to reason that when an epidemic breaks out, the situation should be announced. Someone was infected years ago, so why are you only holding a press conference now?"

"They explained that most of the previously discovered patients have recovered or improved after treatment. This disease is not a legally reportable infectious disease, and the number of cases is not large. But they also said that it will be announced in accordance with the Infectious Diseases Law. epidemic."

"What kind of disease is it? Has it been detected? Only by finding out what the disease is can we prescribe the right medicine."

"Let me think about it, oh, I think about it, it is a type of atypical pneumonia. Pneumonia is very troublesome, and tuberculosis is very troublesome. But there is nothing to worry about. The hepatitis outbreak in the East China Sea back then was so scary that people can't control it. That’s it.”

Commander Wang smiled and continued: "The reason why you need to pay attention is mainly because you are going to attend the two sessions in a few days. Many representatives and committee members are older, and their immunity and resistance are not as good as those of young people. You cannot get infected accidentally. Get it and pass it on to other people, let alone infect the leaders of Central Y."

Han Yu quickly said: "Don't worry, Commander Wang, I will pay attention."

"I feel very relieved. By the way, in a few days I will go to the municipal committee to gather like the year before. I will go to Jiangcheng with Secretary Chen and the others first. Mayor Qin and I will also go to see you off like the year before."

"Thank you, Commander Wang."

Xianyu is going on a business trip again!

Commander Wang suddenly remembered something and couldn't help but joked: "Xianyu, I'm not talking about you. Meetings are very important, but family, especially children, is equally important! When you arrive in the capital, no matter how busy you are, you have to take time to buy something for your children. Don't If I don’t bring any gifts to my children like before, I will just bring back the disposable toothbrush, toothpaste and slippers from the hotel room like picking up rags.”

Who doesn’t want to bring gifts to their children, but they don’t have the money to do so…

Han Yu was embarrassed by the teasing. He held up his mobile phone and said with an embarrassed look: "Understood, I want to bring some gifts to Han Han this time."

"Furthermore, you must take time to come back after the meeting. The military division must organize and study the spirit of the Two Sessions. You are the National People's Congress representative of our military division. You must participate when the time comes."

"Yes, I will definitely participate."

Commander Wang's phone call gave Han Yu a wake-up call.

After returning to the shore, I quickly borrowed the landline phone of the Linghai Maritime Affairs Department to contact Lao Ge and Political Commissar Dong to confirm that they were both in good health, and then I breathed a sigh of relief.

Immediately afterwards, I called my mother-in-law.

He originally planned to ask his mother-in-law to go to the drugstore to buy some isatis roots, but it turned out that her mother-in-law had better information than he did.

Director Xiang smiled on the phone and said, "Waiting for your reminder, the day lilies are already cold!"

"Mom, you mean you bought isatis root?"

"I didn't buy much isatis root, but I bought all the commonly used medicines for colds, fevers, and coughs. The SARS epidemic in Dongguang is not taken seriously by Binjiang. Donghai is different from Binjiang. Donghai's disease control department has been paying attention to it since before the Spring Festival. , If you don’t believe me, call your sister and ask her what the physicians at their Changhang Hospital are busy with these days.”

"Someone in Donghai is also infected?"

"No, I mean people are paying attention and are contacting colleagues in Dongguang through various methods to understand the symptoms and study how to treat it."

It's different to have doctors and nurses at home. But thinking of Commander Wang's words just now, Han Yu said worriedly: "Mom, more than a hundred medical staff in Dongguang are infected with this pneumonia. You need to call Xiao Jun, Mengmeng, please remind me."

"No need for me to remind you, they know better than me."

"My sister doesn't understand. Although she works in Changhang Hospital, she is not a hospital or a nurse. Please help me call my sister to remind her."

Xiang Fan was stunned for a moment, and said with a wry smile: "How do I mention this? I called my comrades in Dongguang and they said that this kind of disease has never been encountered before, and there is no specific medicine for this disease at the moment. "

Han Yu pondered: "Since it is an infectious disease, it must not only be treated but also prevented!"

"Protection is very important, but whether it can be prevented is a question. When it comes to infection, there are many infectious diseases in hospitals, including colds. It is impossible for everyone to wear head-to-toe protection like an astronaut. Take it."

"Think about it."

"Let's not talk about this anymore. Your dad went to play chess with the old men in the community again. I'm going to pick Hanhan up from school."

"Okay, there are a lot of cars in Donghai, so ride slower on the road."

Now that we have arrived at the Linghai Maritime Department, of course we have to go to the Linghai Reserve Camp.

Unfortunately today, Uncle Liu went to the Water Conservancy Bureau for a meeting in the morning and wouldn't be able to come back until dark.

"Full-time reserve soldier" Yan Huadong is cleaning the honor room, Wang Tiejun is busy building flowers and trees in the martyrs cemetery like a flower farmer, and Lao Ding is sitting in the office of the Linghai Management Office and busy making phone calls to "contact business."

"Xianyu, sit down quickly."

"It's okay, you go do your business first."

It took a lot of effort to get through the call, so we couldn't just hang up.

Lao Ding asked Han Yu to sit down, held up the phone receiver and said, "Secretary Lin, I'm sorry, let's continue. Qingming Festival is coming soon, will your team organize cadres to visit graves this year?"

"Of course we have to organize it."

"Then who is specifically responsible for this matter? I'm worried that there will be too many units coming to sweep the tomb and I won't be able to arrange it. I want to confirm the time with your town in advance..."

You don’t know if you don’t listen. After listening to it for a while, Han Yu was very happy.

Comrade Lao Ding turned the Martyrs Cemetery into a service unit. He actually contacted people and invited them to visit their graves. His service attitude was very good and he even launched several service projects! For example, we cooperated with the Linghai Reserve Battalion to organically integrate revolutionary education and national defense education.

After Lao Ding finished the call, Han Yu asked curiously: "Uncle Ding, your service attitude is too good, it's like doing business, and you treat those units as gods!"

"There's nothing we can do about it, and I don't want to act like I'm begging them, but it's impossible not to beg them."

"I do not quite understand."

Lao Ding stood up and poured water for Han Yu, and said helplessly: "Linghai is not only the Martyrs Cemetery in Sanhe, but also the Martyrs Cemetery in the city. The city spent more than three million to renovate it. There are more martyrs buried there than here. , the conditions in all aspects are better than here.”

Han Yu reacted and asked subconsciously: "They are all in the Martyrs Cemetery in the city, why don't they come to our place?"

"The municipal party committee, city government and various bureau committees will definitely go to the martyrs' cemetery in the city, and will not go far away to come to us. There are also several towns and villages with martyrs' tombs, and the enterprises, institutions and schools in those towns will not come to us."

Lao Ding sighed softly and continued: "There are also some units that are going too far and turning revolutionary education like tourism. They plan to organize cadres and workers to visit the National Congress site in the East China Sea during the Qingming Festival, and to visit the tombs of the martyrs' cemetery in the East China Sea. There are even units I plan to go to Sigang and send wreaths to the Memorial to the Seven Wars and Seven Victories."

If no one comes to visit the graves, then there is no need for the Sanhe Martyrs Cemetery to continue to exist. The city will definitely consider moving the martyrs buried here to the larger Martyrs Cemetery in the city.

If Sanhe Martyrs Cemetery is closed, Lao Ding will have nothing to do!

Moreover, the Sanhe Martyrs Cemetery is really a "burden" for the development zone management committee. Not only does it have to pay wages to Lao Ding and Wang Tiejun, but it also has to invest in maintenance and repairs. Unlike the Martyrs Cemetery in urban areas, which is under the management of the Municipal Civil Affairs Bureau, all expenses are covered by the municipal finance.

Thinking of this, Han Yu sighed: "It seems that nothing is easy."

"Now is a market economy, no matter what you do, there will be competition."

Lao Ding sighed softly, thought about it and then said bitterly: "Xianyu, you can't believe it, martyrs' cemeteries in some places actually sell their graves to generate income! When the Qingming Festival comes, people are playing mournful music in front of them in tribute to the revolutionary martyrs. Wreaths, burning paper and kowtowing behind, what does this mean? You are a deputy to the National People's Congress, you have to help me properly report this matter to my superiors!"

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