Riverside police

Chapter 1145 Isolation!

The atmosphere of this two sessions is completely different from previous two sessions.

It is a year of transition, and a new national leader is about to be elected. The delegates are very excited. However, the SARS epidemic in Dongguang, especially the attention paid to the epidemic by the people across the country and the international community, has brought new challenges to the conference. There was an indescribable tense atmosphere.

The epidemic occurred around the Spring Festival. No one knows whether the large-scale population movement during the Spring Festival has led to the spread of the epidemic. Rumors and panic are spreading faster than the epidemic. It is said that rush buying of white vinegar and isatis root has begun in Xiguang and other places.

Many representatives did not take it seriously at first, until they heard that a Dongguang representative attending the conference proposed a motion, suggesting that the central government consider seeking international assistance in early warning and treatment of infectious diseases without affecting national security.

Only then did everyone realize that the epidemic might be more serious than imagined, and they learned through various channels that as early as a month ago, a World Health Organization investigation team that visited the capital wanted to go to Dongguang to investigate but did not get permission from the relevant departments.

In short, the epidemic is constantly developing, changing every day, and gossip is flying everywhere.

Han Yu receives more than a dozen text messages every day, all about the SARS epidemic. Just after returning to the delegation after the meeting, Staff Wu walked into the room and talked about the epidemic.

It is worth mentioning that Staff Officer Wu also participated in the National People's Congress, but not as a representative, but as a staff member of the People's Liberation Army delegation. His main job in the Conference Affairs Office was to provide information for the navy attending the two sessions. Representatives provide services.

Precisely because Han Yu became an army reserve officer, Staff Officer Wu was busy until the end of the conference before he could come over to reminisce.

As a representative participating in the meeting, you must have the minimum political awareness and do not believe or spread rumors. But close the door and ask what is going on now.

The "Millennium Staff" works in a large agency, and these days mainly serves the chiefs attending meetings. He is far better informed than Han Yu. Sitting down at the coffee table, he said worriedly: "We encountered such an epidemic just after the change of office. The superiors are under great pressure."

"How big is it?" Han Yu asked in a low voice.

“On the 14th of last month, in an interview with the media, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention did not say that the epidemic was under control, but claimed that they organized experts to identify the specimens collected from the Dongguang site and said that Dongguang had not had any new cases for five consecutive days. Cases have emerged and the total number of reported cases remains at 305."

"Then what?"

"But a retired professor from the Affiliated Hospital of Sun Yat-sen University went to Hong Kong to attend a relative's wedding and stayed in a hotel in Hong Kong. He accidentally infected seven other travelers with SARS. He himself was also sent to the hospital for treatment and died in March. No. 4 died after resuscitation failed."

SARS can be transmitted to Hong Kong, and it can also spread throughout China during the Spring Festival!

Moreover, Hong Kong is an international metropolis with a large number of foreigners, so it is entirely possible for the virus to spread abroad. If it does, the international impact will be huge.

Han Yu realized the seriousness of the problem and asked in shock: "How many people are infected in Hong Kong?"

"We don't know exactly how many cases there are. We only know that ten days ago, Hong Kong's two largest TV stations, Hong Kong TVB and ATV, simultaneously broadcast a message saying that more than a dozen medical staff had appeared at Prince of Wales Hospital in the past few days. Fever and upper respiratory tract infection symptoms, and SARS was found to be contagious.”

Staff Officer Wu paused and continued: "In late February, an American stationed in the East China Sea was confirmed to be infected after arriving in Hanoi, Vietnam via Hong Kong. Several medical staff at the local hospital in Hanoi were also infected. Medical care in Vietnam The conditions were not as good as those in Hong Kong, so the American returned to Hong Kong for treatment and died in a Hong Kong hospital three days ago."

"In which countries have cases of infection been detected now?"

"It is now confirmed that the epidemic has spread from Southeast Asia to Australia, Europe and North America. Indonesia, the Philippines, Singapore, Thailand, Vietnam, the United States, Canada and other countries, including Taiwan, have successively seen multiple cases of SARS."

"Where is the capital?" Han Yu asked the question he wanted to ask the most.

"Some say yes, some say no." Staff Wu hesitated for a moment and whispered: "I have a comrade's lover who works as a nurse in the Peking University Affiliated Hospital. She has not been home for several days and will not let my comrade go. The work unit only asked him to bring a change of underwear to the hospital entrance, and she went out to get it herself."

"My sister-in-law is also a nurse, and my brother-in-law is a doctor, but they are not in the Department of Internal Medicine."

"I've met Dr. Liang and Nurse Han."

"When did you see them?"

"They all participated in the landing drill along the East China Sea. I even drank with your brother-in-law. Don't you remember?"

"I remembered, look at my memory."

He has to hold meetings every day, review so many reports, and submit suggestions. It is normal that he cannot think of these for a while.

Staff Officer Wu could understand how tired Han Yu was these days, and returned to the previous topic: "There are rumors flying all over the world, and many places are rushing to buy isatis root, white vinegar and even mugwort. The people are panicked, and the international community is so concerned about the epidemic. The Ministry of Foreign Affairs and the Ministry of Health The department’s phone calls are almost ringing off the hook during this period, so I guess there will be big moves from above soon.”

"What big move?" Han Yu asked subconsciously.

"For prevention and control, it's impossible to do nothing."

Staff Officer Wu picked up the mineral water on the table, opened it and took a sip, and then said: "Our headquarters agency is studying how to carry out prevention and control once confirmed cases appear in the capital. The conference will close the day after tomorrow, you'd better ask The leaders of the East China Sea delegation, what are their plans?"

"What do you mean?" Han Yu asked puzzledly.

"What if, I mean what if someone is diagnosed with the infection in the first place, and you won't be able to go back then, how will you go back, and what will you do after you go back?"

"We cannot bring the epidemic back to our hometown!"

"Although I didn't talk about it at the meeting, I'm studying it in private."

"But I am a representative of the People's Liberation Army."

"You are not the only one in our People's Liberation Army delegation who comes from the East China Sea. You can just obey the arrangements when the time comes, but you must be mentally prepared to be quarantined for a week."


"Experts say this is the best way to prevent and control the spread of the epidemic."

An American just passed by Hong Kong and became infected, and spread the disease to Vietnam, and even infected medical staff in a hospital in Vietnam...

You can imagine how contagious SARS is, and it may be possible to contract it through the air.

Han Yu knew very well that Staff Wu was not being alarmist, so he couldn't help but nodded: "If there is a confirmed case in the capital, I can neither go back to school nor go home. I will isolate myself. Anyway, I brought the book."

Facts have proved that Staff Wu's worries were unnecessary.

Until the successful conclusion of the conference, no confirmed cases were found in the capital.

With so many trains and passenger planes traveling between the capital and Dongguang every day, coupled with the gossip provided by Staff Officer Wu, Han Yu did not dare to take it lightly. Before returning, he called the college leaders and asked for another ten days of leave. He neither returned to school nor He returned to Binjiang and rushed to the East China Sea base with Commander Yu who was attending the meeting together.

There is a guest house at the base, so I found a quiet one and closed the door to study by myself. Ask the soldiers at the hostel to deliver three meals to the door, and then open the door to pick them up after the soldiers leave.

Commander Yu knew what he was worried about, and half-jokingly said that he was a bit of a loser.

Han Yu is not afraid of being laughed at by Commander Yu. After all, not everyone is qualified to be laughed at by the Rear Admiral. He also finds that self-isolation is a good excuse to politely refuse Wen Shanhai Hai, otherwise he would have to return to Binjiang Military Division, Changhang Binjiang Public Security Bureau, Binjiang Maritime Safety Bureau, etc. The unit conveys the spirit of the two sessions by going back to school to convey it.

In order to graduate as soon as possible, I studied hard behind closed doors.

Time flew by so fast, and before I knew it, I stayed in the guest house for ten days.

Just when he was about to pack his luggage and go back to school, five military vehicles suddenly came downstairs. More than 20 officers and soldiers jumped out and set up a cordon under the command of a lieutenant colonel.

Is there a senior leader coming to inspect the work?

But this is an ordinary guest house, and the chief will not stay here even if he comes.

Han Yu was puzzled. He picked up the internal phone on the desk and contacted Deputy Director Yang of the guest house.

"Yang Suo, I'm Han Yu, why is it so busy downstairs? Is there a leader coming? Is it inappropriate for me to stay here? Don't worry, I won't embarrass you. Everything has been packed. It's time Ready to check out and go back to the city.”

"Bureau Han, the leader is not here, but the leader's instructions are here. You don't need to pack your things. You can't leave for the time being. Not only can you not leave, but I can't go out either."

"Why can't I leave?"

"I just received notification from my superiors that SARS patients have been found in several hospitals in the capital, and many doctors and nurses are infected. Didn't you go to the capital for a meeting? Your superiors require that everyone returning from the capital must be quarantined."

"I've been in quarantine for ten days!"

"Your own quarantine does not count." Deputy Director Yang looked at the order he had just received and the personnel list just sent by his superiors, and said with a wry smile: "Although Commander Yu also participated in the two sessions, he has a lot of work and can only stay in the office Quarantine. Except for those who participated in the two sessions, as long as they are cadres and soldiers who have recently been to the capital, Dongguang and other places, they will all come to us for centralized quarantine for seven days."

"I don't have a cold, I don't have a fever or a cough."

"No symptoms?"


"As long as you don't have symptoms, it's fine. If you do have symptoms, you won't be quarantined here!"

Han Yu figured out the ins and outs and quickly called the college leaders and family members to explain everything one by one. After thinking about it, he cruelly dialed Staff Wu's number with his mobile phone.

"Brother, have you been notified?"

"I just received it. You caught me and I have to be quarantined."

There is a difference between taking the initiative to self-isolate and being ordered to quarantine. Besides, Han Yu has already been in self-isolation for ten days.

Staff Officer Wu could understand Han Yu's mood at this moment, and explained in a low voice: "Last time at the delegation station, didn't I tell you that the Peking University Affiliated Hospital might have admitted a suspected SARS patient? Because SARS was not known at that time. Due to the disease, the hospital did not take strict preventive measures, resulting in a large number of infections among medical staff in the hospital.

Later, the patient was transferred to Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated to University of Chinese Medicine for treatment, which caused widespread infection in Dongzhimen Hospital Affiliated to University of Chinese Medicine. Doctors and nurses from the two hospitals not only treated him, but also other patients. No one knows how many people were infected during this period. "

I am really afraid of what will happen.

Han Yu asked nervously: "How are you doing now?"

"We are okay. After all, we are not medical staff. The most difficult thing now is the doctors and nurses. My comrade's lover said that all the medical staff who participated in the treatment of the patient, including the director of the emergency department at Dongzhimen Hospital, were infected. When SARS broke out, a doctor and a nurse in the emergency department... both died in the line of duty. The patient also died because of his old age and severe condition."

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