Riverside police

Chapter 1148 The old senior and the old squad leader!

Arriving at the military airport on Minming Island and boarding a Y-8 maritime patrol aircraft, Han Yu suddenly discovered that he was not the only passenger. An old man in his sixties was leaning on the seat with his arms around his briefcase and closing his eyes. repose.

The old man's eyes were closed, but his forehead was wrinkled. It was almost certain that he was not asleep and should be thinking or worrying about something at this moment.

"Chief, I'll put your luggage here for you. Please fasten your seat belt. We'll take off right away."

"Okay, thank you."

This is not only the first time to fly on a patrol plane, but also the first time to fly on a Yunba.

Han Yu fastened his seat belt and was curious about the electronic equipment for reconnaissance on board. A naval lieutenant colonel squeezed over and handed over a thick book of materials: "Captain Han, this is what our superiors asked us to prepare for you. Time It was too hasty and this is all we could find.”

"Commander Liu, take off."

"Oh, I'll go back to my seat right now."

The navy lieutenant commander returned to his seat after being reminded by the crew members. Seeing that Han Yu was still a little confused, he hurriedly fastened his seat belt and added: "If there is anything you don't understand, you can ask Zhuang Gong for help."

The old man sitting opposite opened his eyes, took out his glasses case from his pocket, opened it, took out his glasses and put them on, looked at Han Yu and asked in a low voice: "Hello, what's your surname?"

"My surname is Han, may I ask who you are..."

"I am Zhuang Lisheng from Hanwu Shipyard. I have participated in the design, construction and sea trials of the Type 035 diesel-electric hybrid submarine."

Turns out to be a technical expert!

Han Yu reacted and said quickly: "Hello, Mr. Zhuang, I am Han Yu, the commander of the Jiangnan Provincial Military Region's reserve coastal defense regiment. Our regiment is engaged in submarine rescue and rescue research and training. Although I have visited the Type 035 submarine before, I also know some data about the Type 035. , but I definitely don’t know as much about 035 as you do, and I may really need to ask you for advice later.”

Submersible rescue and life-saving is easier said than done.

At least before carrying out submarine rescue and rescue operations, we must find and rush to the sea area where the submarine in distress is located as soon as possible. And if the submarine really encounters danger at sea, can the officers and soldiers on the boat persist until the moment the rescue ship arrives?

Zhuang Gong's heart was extremely heavy. He was silent for a moment and said, "Captain Han, please read the materials first. If you don't understand anything, just ask."

"Okay, thank you."

What the Navy Lieutenant Commander provided was not the technical materials of the Type 035 submarine, but a set of operation manuals used by the front-line submarine forces. The confidentiality level and number were clearly printed on the cover, which you would not be able to see if you wanted to see it.

Operations and ship technology are two different things.

In the eyes of most people, submarines are mysterious and even advanced, but to Han Yu, submarines are also ships. As long as they are ships, they are inseparable from systems such as hull, power and operation. In addition, the regiment is engaged in submarine rescue and rescue projects. Since you want to rescue submarines, you must have a certain understanding of submarines. I have visited the Type 035 submarine in active service before and communicated with the officers and soldiers.

Although the Yunba maritime patrol aircraft uses a turboprop engine and is not a jet aircraft, it can take up to an hour to fly from the East China Sea to Yungang.

Han Yu didn't have time to look carefully, so he could only browse ten lines at a glance. He found that from the perspective of ship technology, several Type 035 submarine operation manuals for front-line troops were similar to "entry-level" ones. There was really nothing he couldn't understand. But through these operation manuals, he, a "technical officer", can roughly understand how officers and soldiers operate submarines and even how to fight.

Zhuang Gong saw that Han Yu could read quickly and seemed to understand nothing, so he simply took off his glasses and continued to concentrate with his eyes closed.

The navy lieutenant commander was very worried and did not want to nor dare to disturb Zhuang Gong and Han Yu. He could only sit and look at the blue sky and white clouds outside through the porthole.

As expected, the patrol plane flew for less than an hour before slowly landing on the runway of a dual-purpose airport in Yungang.

Han Yu thought he was about to get off the plane, and was about to unbuckle his seat belt to get his luggage. The naval lieutenant commander who had already unbuckled his seat belt and stood up quickly said: "Captain Han, we don't need to get off the plane. The reason why we landed here is to pick him up." one person."

"Where on earth are we going?"

"Haiwei Port."

Haiwei Port is located in the eastern part of Haiwei City outside the Yellow Sea in the Pacific Ocean, between the two headlands of Zhaobeizui and Beishanzui. Because the west coast is where Haiwei City is located, it is also called Weihai Bay, where the Sino-Japanese War of Sino-Japanese War took place. The land is far away from the East China Sea Fleet defense area.

Commander Yu and Chief of Staff Mei may not have understood the situation. When they heard that the patrol plane coming to pick them up was going to Feiyungang, they immediately assumed that the submarine accident to be investigated occurred in the waters bordering the two fleet defense zones.

Did an accident on a submarine cause any casualties to officers or soldiers?

The more Han Yu thought about it, the more nervous he became, and the more he thought about it, the more scared he became.

At this time, the cabin door opened.

Han Yu looked out through the porthole window and saw a military vehicle driving to the tarmac. A naval colonel, a naval lieutenant and a naval petty officer who looked quite old got out of the vehicle.

I thought that the naval petty officer was the driver, but I didn't expect that Staff Liu waited for the gangway to be set up, then walked towards it and saluted the naval petty officer first. I didn't know what they were talking about, so I just said a few words and said goodbye to the two naval officers. Then I helped the naval officer carry his luggage and took the naval officer on board the plane.

"Mr. Zhuang, you are here too!" The old navy sergeant had a dark complexion, a thin face, and deep wrinkles at the corners of his eyes, but his eyes were bright and bright. When I walked into the cabin, I was surprised to see the factory worker.

Zhuang Gong opened his eyes, put on his glasses, and stared at the naval officer who had just boarded the plane with a blank expression.

The sergeant sat down at Staff Liu's greeting and said eagerly: "Gong Zhuang, I am Cui Shengyong, don't you remember me?"

"You are Xiao Cui!!"

"It's me, I'm Xiao Cui, but I'm not young anymore. My son is about to graduate from college."

"Oh, time flies so fast. It has been more than 20 years in the blink of an eye. You are still in the army and have not been demobilized?"

"I'm still a soldier, still in the same unit." The old sergeant hesitated and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Except for making electrical machinery on the boat, I don't know anything. I don't know what I can do when I return to my hometown after being demobilized. . Fortunately, my boss took good care of me and allowed me to continue working until today.”

Seeing Cui Shengyong again after more than 20 years, Mr. Zhuang was very excited. He held his hand tightly and asked, "Are you still on the boat now?"

"The leader may have considered my age and suggested that I go ashore as early as six years ago and planned to arrange a more leisurely position for me. However, I have been working on the boat for so many years and I can't sleep ashore."

"I want to go ashore every day on the boat, but I can't sleep after I get there, and I want to go back to the boat again?"


"Where is your lover?"

"I'm joining the army and working as a handyman in our army canteen."

"Your troops are not in Yungang. How did you come to Yungang?"

"I'm from Yungang. I was on duty in the army during the Spring Festival. I was waiting to go back to my hometown to visit relatives during the Spring Festival. I originally planned to stay at home for a few days and then go back, but I didn't expect to encounter SARS. The leader of the detachment said that the flow of personnel should be reduced and I was given a new one. I will take monthly leave and wait until SARS is under control before returning to the army."

Just as he was talking, the plane took off again.

Cui Shengyong looked down through the porthole window, thought about it and said: "I am living well in my hometown. The leaders of the Yungang Navy who sent me here just now and the leaders of the Armed Forces Ministry came to my home and said they had an urgent mission, so they took me here. We were picked up at the airport. Mr. Zhuang, what is the mission? Is it to build a new submarine and conduct a trial like it was twenty years ago? "

"You will know what the mission is when you get there."

"You don't know either?"

"It's not very clear." When he thought of so many officers and soldiers in the boat, Mr. Zhuang really didn't know what to say.

The Type 035 submarine was finalized in 1993 and began to be officially equipped with the Navy. But the design started as early as the 1960s. The first boat was launched in the 1970s, and countless surface and underwater sea trials were conducted before it was equipped with the troops...

Listening to the conversation between Zhuang Gong and the old petty officer, Han Yu suddenly realized that one of them was an engineer who had participated in the entire design and construction of the Type 035 submarine, and the other was a veteran who had participated in the sea trials of the Type 035 submarine.

Judging from his military rank, Cui Shengyong is the real old squad leader.

A first-class sergeant major who has served in the army for at least twenty-five years!

It is not an exaggeration to describe him as "King of Soldiers" because veterans like him are rarer in the army than generals.

When he thought of this, Han Yu felt in awe, quickly saluted and said hello, and took the initiative to introduce himself.

Cui Shengyong is probably the oldest submariner in the active force, but because he has been serving in the frontline troops, he still regards himself as a soldier. He was a little flattered to learn that Han Yu was the leader of the regiment: "Captain Han, you are the leader... "

"What kind of leader am I? You are the senior and the old squad leader. I want to learn from you!" Han Yu respected him from the bottom of his heart. When he shook hands with him, he felt that his hands were jagged but strong.

"Captain Han, do you know where we are going? Do you know what mission we are going to perform?"

His superiors really found the right person to ask him to participate in the accident investigation. Although he is a petty officer and not an officer, he has served on the Type 035 submarine longer than anyone else. No one knows the Type 035 submarine better than him.

Han Yu was silent for a moment and said solemnly: "Old squad leader, I was called here temporarily just like you. You have to ask Staff Liu for the specific tasks to be performed."

"Consultant Liu..."

"Old squad leader, the task given to me by my superiors is to take you, Gong Zhuang, and Captain Han to Haiwei."

"Okay, I won't ask, I understand the confidentiality discipline."

"Old monitor, are you hungry? I have bread and ham here."

"Not hungry."

"Mr. Zhuang, are you hungry?"

"I'm not hungry. Even if I'm hungry, I can't eat now." Mr. Zhuang sighed and turned to look out the window.

Han Yu could understand Zhuang Gong's mood at this moment. In fact, Han Yu himself was also very worried and couldn't help but ask: "Old squad leader, you have been working on the Type 035 submarine for a long time. I want to ask you a question."

The old sergeant was stunned and subconsciously looked at Staff Liu.

Staff Officer Liu reacted and said quickly: "Old squad leader, Commander Han is one of our own. Our navy has no secrets from Commander Han."

"Yes." The old sergeant finally relaxed and said with a bit of embarrassment: "Commander Han, you can ask, it's not about asking for advice."

"What is the minimum manning of a Type 035 submarine? That is to say, when a submarine goes to sea, how many officers and soldiers are at least on board?"

"No less than sixty-eight."

"so much!"

"That's all. As long as our boat goes out to sea to perform missions, no matter what mission it is performed, there will be no less than seventy people on board." At this point, the old petty officer suddenly realized what might have happened, and his face suddenly changed. They were all stunned, staring at Han Yu with trembling lips, wanting to ask but not daring to ask.

PS: We’re home, normal updates will resume from today!

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