Riverside police

Chapter 1159 “Social Practice”

Binjiang is too far away from Hanwu, so it is not easy to get there. As a result, Han Yu, a member of the party committee of Changhang Binjiang Public Security Bureau, is unfamiliar with the Changhang Public Security Bureau.

After the meeting, Bureau Ding had several important phone calls to answer. Bureau Fan would like to visit with Han Yu first.

The leader accompanied his subordinates on the tour, which was a bit unbelievable when told. But Han Yu was not only a subordinate but also a representative of the National People's Congress. Director Fan felt that it was not shameful to accompany Han Yu on the visit.

I walked around upstairs and downstairs, and visited three other bureau leaders under the leadership of Director Fan. I also visited several "piers" such as the Public Security Corps and the Criminal Investigation Corps. When I returned to the director's office, I was shocked to find that Bureau Ding was locked up. He frowned at the document.

"Bureau Ding, I've finished taking Xiao Han around."

"Okay, okay, sit down!"

Director Ding put down the documents, walked around the desk and asked Han Yu to sit down, and asked with a smile: "Xianyu, is this your second time in the bureau?"

"It's not the second time, this is the third time?"

"The third time, it's impossible. I remember you only came once."

Before Han Yu could speak, Deputy Director Fan smiled and explained: "The first time I came here was when I was studying at the Beihu Party School. Director Ding, I was the one who received him that time. If you remember correctly, you seemed to have gone to the Ministry Bureau at that time. It’s a meeting.”

"Look at my memory, I remembered that the first time I came here was when I was promoted to deputy director." Bureau Ding laughed and invited Han Yu to drink tea while chatting.

From the two sessions, we talked about the epidemic, and then we talked about the North Sea Fleet submarine incident.

Han Yu answered all questions, but he could only choose what he could say.

"So the meeting at the shipyard is over?"

"The drive is over and the mission is accomplished. I plan to take the train to Donghai early tomorrow morning and then take the bus back to Binjiang from Donghai."

"What are you doing back in Binjiang?"

"There's still more than a month left before school starts. I'll go back to the branch and continue working part-time." Facing the top leader of his superior unit, Han Yu thought about it and said with an embarrassed look: "I'm a full-time graduate student, but what I got is The wages of serving police officers cannot be just money without work.”

"The security in the area under your branch's jurisdiction is the best. It will be fine if you go back. Just stay in Hanwu for a few more days."

"Yes, looking at the whole country, the public security in Jiangsu, Zhejiang and Shanghai is the best. Your branch does not have a lot of work. It is rare to come here and stay for a few more days."

"Thank you, leaders. I have nothing to do here. Why not go back early and save a few nights' accommodation fees."

"Aren't you going to see Huang Yuanchang?"

"I won't go. I called him at noon."

As a cadre of the Changhang Public Security System, we cannot have a sense of belonging to the Changhang Public Security Bureau. In this regard, Xiaoyu is much better than him.

Director Ding felt that it was necessary to strengthen Han Yu's sense of belonging to the Changhang Public Security Bureau. Thinking of what the bureau leader had just said on the phone, his eyes suddenly lit up: "Xianyu, since you have nothing to do when you go back, can you help the bureau?" busy."

Han Yu was stunned and asked subconsciously: "Bureau Ding, how can I help the bureau?"

"You take a look at these first." Director Ding stood up and walked over to get a stack of materials.

Han Yu took it and took a look, and was surprised to find that it was a stack of petition materials.

Dozens of people signed and pressed their thumbprints to jointly report that a triad gang in the Dongba section of the Yangtze River smashed the Hanchuan 129 freighter, which was normally engaged in coal transportation in the Dongba section, injuring more than a dozen sailors and forcing three sailors to jump. Jiang, ship No. 129 was also badly damaged.

The gangsters also openly resisted Changhang police officers, refused to cooperate in getting into the police car, and even raised hammers to hit the police. The police had no choice but to fire warning shots, and they fled in all directions. In the end, only eight of them were caught. Moreover, there are various signs that those gangsters have a protective umbrella!

The freighter that was smashed was from Beihu, but the captain and crew members who were beaten were mostly from Nanhe.

Judging from the petition materials, this is not just a water case, but also inextricably linked to the local area.

The bosses of 22 coal mines, led by Shi Yuanqi, the owner of Lvcunpo Coal Mine in Dongba County, couldn't bear it anymore. They kept calling to express condolences to the injured captain and crew. They also gathered in Dongba County to visit the captain Shi Xiaotong in the hospital to express their condolences. They were even willing to provide money and people to support the captain, and spontaneously established an "anti-criminal group"!

One family contributed 20,000 yuan, totaling 440,000 yuan, to select an accountant and cashier, and each family contributed one person to protect the boss of the ship.

The main task of this organization is to fight against the evil forces. They once stopped Dongba County Secretary W's car and asked the county committee and government to come forward to destroy the evil gangs. County Secretary W called the Public Security Bureau, demanding a strict investigation, and asked everyone from the "anti-criminal group" who blocked the road to complain about the grievances to go to the Public Security Bureau to explain the situation.

A deputy director of the Dongba Public Security Bureau received them. After understanding the situation, he gave the answer that the case occurred on the river, not on the shore. The jurisdiction over the case belonged to the Changhang Public Security Bureau. The Changhang Airlines Public Security Bureau is a unit directly under the Ministry of Communications. The Dongba County Public Security Bureau has no right to intervene in this case...

They kept petitioning and alarmed the Ministry of Public Security.

Now the materials have been transferred to the Changhang Public Security Bureau. From the petition materials, we can see that the leaders of the Ministry of Public Security, the leaders of the Public Security Bureau of the Ministry of Transport, and even the leaders of Beihu Province have given instructions, demanding strict investigation and punishment!

"Xianyu, what do you think?"

"Bureau Ding, what do you want me to say?"

"be honest."

Han Yu put down the materials and said bluntly: "The captain and crew of the 129th ship were the victims, but they were also used as guns by the coal mine bosses. Although the case happened on the river, the root cause is on the shore."

Director Ding had already noticed it, lit a cigarette and analyzed: "Judging from the materials, those coal mines have also been exploited by this evil gang for a long time. The coal they mine is transported from the mountains to the dock, dozens of kilometers away, every day. They have to pay a protection fee of 10 yuan to the criminal gangs for a ton, but the sales price is only a ton, which shows that they are also protecting their own interests."

"When huge interests are involved, it is possible to have a protective umbrella. Bureau Ding, judging from the materials, it is not only the local people who act as protective umbrellas, but also our Changhang Public Security System."

"So we must attach great importance to this case!"

Deputy Director Fan did not expect such a thing to happen in Changyi, and asked in shock: "What kind of evil gang is that?"

Bureau Ding raised his head and said: "The backer behind the gang of river bandits and boat tyrants is the Dongba County Shipowners Association. This association has been registered and filed with the Civil Affairs Bureau. It can be said to be an evil gang with local protectionism! "

"This is more difficult to deal with. They were able to set up an association. It shows that the connections at the local level are intricate. If we go to investigate, they probably won't cooperate. It will be difficult to arrest them."

"The leaders of the ministry, province and bureaus have all given instructions. No matter how difficult it is, we must fight against it!"

Director Ding put out his cigarette butt and said with a sullen face: "And if we don't take action, God knows what will happen next. That gang must know that the bosses of 22 small coal mines are supporting the captain of the No. 129 ship and are plotting against them. They I must be looking for the captain of ship No. 129 all over the world.

I just made a call to find out. Comrades at the grassroots level said that the Nanhe ship owners and mechanics and sailors engaged in freight transportation in Dongba waters are forming a group. In addition, they have the support of 22 coal mines. If they have no way to redress their grievances, they will be forced into a desperate situation. It's hard to say whether he will fight with those local snakes. "

Deputy Director Fan did not think that the director was being alarmist, and said thoughtfully: "If a large-scale armed fight really breaks out, I don't know how many people will be killed or injured, and I don't know how bad the impact will be."

"If we fight on the shore, that's it. If we fight on the river like last time, with head injuries and bloody injuries, we will be in more trouble than we are now."

"Bureau Ding, do the police from Changyi Branch have any questions?"

"Looking at the material, someone has a problem."

"What should we do now?"

Director Ding didn't want to miss this opportunity, and looked at Han Yu expectantly: "Xiao Han, why don't you come?"

"What should I do?" Han Yu thought he heard wrongly.

"Go and supervise this case on behalf of the bureau's party committee!"

"Bureau Ding, stop joking. I am a police officer from the Binjiang Branch, not the head of the bureau. How am I qualified to supervise this case?"

"You are not only a police officer from Binjiang Branch, but also a police officer from Changhang Public Security Bureau. Your working relationship and your files are all in the bureau! You are originally a deputy director-level cadre in our bureau. Who dares not to treat you as an officer when you are ordered to supervise the case? What's going on?"

"But I have never been to Dongba County, so I am not familiar with the place."

"We are asking you to supervise the investigation, not to organize the investigation." Director Ding paused, and then said: "Besides, I won't let you go alone. You can definitely assign two people from the Criminal Investigation Corps and the Discipline Inspection Commission to cooperate with you. "

You don't need to ask to know that the investigators selected from the Criminal Investigation Corps are to participate in handling the case, or to cooperate with the supervision. The disciplinary inspection policemen were dispatched from the Discipline Inspection Commission to catch the moles who served as a protective umbrella for the evil forces.

Han Yu was silent for a moment and said with a wry smile: "Bureau Ding, this case is not complicated. The 'anti-criminal group' that we spontaneously set up is very professional. We have almost done everything that should be investigated. What we need to do now is to organize forces to arrest. Go collect fixed evidence. I can make a trip, but the key point is that even if I go, it won’t be of much use.”

"Who said you can't play a big role?" Director Ding patted his arm and said meaningfully: "In my opinion, there is no one in the Public Security Bureau of the whole flight who is more suitable to perform this task than you."

"Ding Bureau, you really know how to joke."

"I'm really not joking. How can I joke about such a serious matter?"

"Why am I suitable?"

Bureau Ding stopped beating around the bush and said very seriously: "I bet there must be many cadres in Dongba acting as a protective umbrella for that shipowners association, including even the police officers in Dongba. Let's just run over and arrest people. , can those people agree? Aren’t they afraid that if they pull out the carrot and bring out the mud, they will be held accountable in the future?”

Han Yu had already thought of this and said with a sad face: "If others lead a team to arrest, those people will interfere. If I lead a team to arrest, those people will also interfere."

"That's only half true. You go supervise and lead the arrest team. Those people really don't dare to interfere."

"Why don't they dare?"

"You are a deputy to the National People's Congress! Take the arrest list and go directly to County Secretary W to see if the county committee and county government support you and whether you are worthy of our arrest."

It turns out the ambush is here...

Deputy Director Fan suddenly realized that the Director was really good at making use of people. He couldn't help but smile and said: "Xianyu, you should use your advantages and go for a trip. Anyway, you are on summer vacation and have nothing to do. Just use the summer vacation to do social activities." Practice, today’s college students must practice.”

Han Yu was amused and said with a chuckle: "The summer practice is to get out of school, enter the society, understand the society, and serve the society. It combines theory and practice to establish a correct world view, outlook on life and values. It's good for me, what I practice is To catch people, even the black sheep.”

"Who made you a representative of the National People's Congress?" Bureau Ding smiled and patted Han Yu's arm again: "That's it. Changyi has beautiful mountains and clear waters. It's a good opportunity to go and have some fun."

"Bureau Ding, Bureau Fan, aren't you afraid that my suspect will be detained instead of being caught?"

"It's probably not that easy to detain you."

"If you encounter a ruthless character, it's really hard to tell."

"Others don't know, don't I know? You have never been to Changyi, but you have many friends there, and they are all life and death friends. You can completely set up the headquarters in the Changyi Armed Police Detachment, or even Set up the headquarters in the garrison barracks."

Han Yu didn't expect that the two bureau leaders knew his own details so well. He couldn't help laughing and said: "I really have a few friends in the Changyi Detachment of the Armed Police. They fought with us during the flood. As for the garrison, if I remember correctly, the Guangzhou Military Region The Air Force has a radar station in Dongba, and the officers and soldiers from the radar station also went to Jingjiang to fight the floods."

"That's it, you can go sideways!"

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